Modern Law Review

(The TQCC of Modern Law Review is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Intellectual Property Absurdism or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love IP21
Redefining Compensation under International Law: the Methodology of the International Court of Justice in DRC v Uganda20
MarijaJovanovic, State Responsibility for ‘Modern Slavery’ in Human Rights Law: A Right Not to Be Trafficked, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023, 240 pp, hb, £90.009
Two Ways of Looking at a Printed Book7
What the Fair Minded Observer Really Thinks About Judicial Impartiality7
Beyond Doubt: The Case Against ‘Not Proven’5
‘Lex Cryptographi(c)a,’ ‘Cloud Crypto Land’ or What? – Blockchain Technology on the Legal Hype Cycle4
JohnMurphy, The Province and Politics of the Economic Torts, Hart Studies in Private Law, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2022, 320 pp, hb £76.504
Clarifying the Duties of the UK Judiciary Post‐Brexit: Lipton and Anr v BA City Flyer Ltd4
R. Catterwell, A Unified Approach to Contract Interpretation, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2020, 320 pp, hb £72.004
Plainly Wrong4
e‐Evidence Cooperation in Criminal Matters from an EU Perspective4
The Governance of Economic Unionism after the United Kingdom Internal Market Act4
Proof of Foreign Nationality and Citizenship Deprivation: Pham and Competing Approaches to Proof in the British Courts4
Knowing receipt: continuing trusts and conscionability Byers v Saudi National Bank4
Simon Stern, Maksymilian Del Mar and Bernadette Meyler (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Law and Humanities, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020, xix + 892 pp, hb £125.004
Michael Legg and Felicity Bell, Artificial Intelligence and the Legal Profession, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2020, 408 pp, hb £75.004
IyiolaSolanke(ed), On Crime, Society, and Responsibility in the work of Nicola Lacey, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020, xi+ 268 pp, hb £80.004
LukeRostill, Possession, Relative Title and Ownership in English Law, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 208 pp, hb £90.003
The OMC, Intelligent Accountability and the Monitoring of National Tax Authorities3
Adam Chilton and Mila Versteeg, How Constitutional Rights Matter, New York: Oxford University Press, 2020, viii + 388, hb £64.003
Nicholas McBride, The Humanity of Private Law Part II: Evaluation, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2020, 224 pp, hb £70.003
GabrielleWatson, Respect and Criminal Justice, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020, 256 pp, hb, £80.003
Undue Influence and Will Substitutes: Vitiating Transactions that Blur the Boundaries between Life and Death3
Examining the Structure of Remedial Law3
Intersex Interventions as Human Rights Violations: The European Court of Human Rights Sets Out Guiding Principles in M v France2
Economic Imaginaries and Environmental Regulation2
The Beneficiary's Ownership Rights in the Trust Res in a Liberal Property Regime2
Consent in Contracts of Employment2
Brexit, Covid‐19, and Possible Frameworks for Future UK/EU Financial Governance Cooperation2
Chilling and Warming Effects on the Production of Legal Scholarship2
Promises in Equity and at Law: Proprietary Estoppel after Guest v Guest2
Cormac S.Mac Amhlaigh, New Constitutional Horizons: Towards a Pluralist Constitutional Theory, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2022, xi + 256pp, hb £70.002
Criminal Law at the Limit: Countering False Claims in Elections and Referendums2
A New Definition of ‘Treasure’ under the Treasure Act 1996: Watershed Reform or Missed Opportunity?2
AleydisNissen, European Union, Emerging Global Business and Human Rights, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 323 pp, hb £85.002
Employment Status and Human Rights: An Emerging Approach2
Reconciling Contract Law's Objective and Subjective Standards2
Skeleton Keys to Hospital Doors: Adolescent Adults who Refuse Life‐Sustaining Medical Treatment2
Discrimination at the Interface: The Equality Act 2010 and Platform Interface Design2
Anomalies in Tort Law: A Cause for Concern?2
The Evolution Of Elucidation: The Snowden Cases Before The Investigatory Powers Tribunal1
AV Dicey as Legal Theorist1
A Performative Theory of Judicial Dissent1
Managing Allegations Concerning Black and Asian Police Officers, Cultural Competence and Reflective Practice under the Police (Conduct) Regulations 20201
UK Withdrawal from the EU: Supremacy, Indirect Effect and Retained EU Law1
Douglas Morris, Legal Sabotage: Ernst Fraenkel in Hitler's Germany, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, xv + 235 pp, hb, £85.001
Consent to Treatment for Transgender Youth: The Next Chapter – Bell & Anor v The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust & Ors1
Matthew C.Canfield, Translating Food Sovereignty: Cultivating Justice in an Age of Transnational Governance, Stanford University Press, 2022, 280 pp, hb US/CAN $105.00, pb US/CAN $26.001
Performative Environmental Law1
Does Digital Status Unlawfully Penalise EU Citizens Accessing the UK's Private Rented Sector?1
New Reproductive Technologies and Genetic Relatedness1
Can GPS Monitoring Be Viewed as a Bodyguard, Rather than a Prison Guard?: The Use of Electronic Monitoring to Reduce the Risk of Cross‐Border Parental Child Abduction1
Efobi v Royal Mail Group: Much Ado About Nothing?1
KaiAmboset al, Core Concepts in Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, Volume 1: Anglo‐German Dialogues, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020, 504 pp, hb £1101
Police Use of Retrospective Facial Recognition Technology: A Step Change in Surveillance Capability Necessitating an Evolution of the Human Rights Law Framework1
The Electrical Contractors Case: Irish Supreme Court Illuminates Collective Bargaining and Delegated Legislation1
Contesting Housing Inequality: Housing Rights and Social Movements1
Shazam v Only Fools and Horses: A Critique of the Classification of Literary or Dramatic Characters as Independent Copyright Works1
AmakaVanni, Patent Games in the Global South: Pharmaceutical Patent Law‐Making in Brazil, India and Nigeria, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2019, 240 pp, £29.691
The Sins of the Fathers: Targeted Sanctions against Family Members of Primary Targets1
SuzanneLenonandDanielMonk(eds), Inheritance Matters: Kinship, Property, Law, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2023, 326 pp, hb, £90.001
Distinguishing Between Direct and Indirect Discrimination1
‘AI is not an Inventor’: Thaler v Comptroller of Patents, Designs and Trademarks and the Patentability of AI Inventions1
Zalewski and the Future of Irish Public Law1
‘Palm Tree Justice’: The Inherent Jurisdiction in Adult Welfare Cases1
Fiat v Commission: A Misconception at the Heart of the Tax Ruling Cases1
The International Extension of Denial of Justice1
Amanda Cooke, Pensions and Legal Policy: Lessons on the Shift from Public to Private, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 229 pp, hb £70.001
Being Conscious of Unconscionability in Modern Times: Heller v Uber Technologies1
Regulatory Agencies and the Inclusion Trilemma1
Jacqueline Kinghan, Lawyers, Networks and Progressive Social Change: Lawyers Changing Lives, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2021, 209 pp, (hb), £65.00.1
CristyClarke and JohnPage, The Lawful Forest: A Critical History of Property, Protest and Spatial Justice, Edinburgh: Edinburgh Critical Studies in Law, Literature and the Humanities, 2022, 225 pp, hb1
LaurensLavrysen and NatasaMavronicola (eds), Coercive Human Rights: Positive Duties to Mobilise the Criminal Law under the ECHR, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2020, 328 pp, hb, £63.001
Ernest J.Weinrib, Reciprocal Freedom: Private Law and Public Right, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2022, 240 pp, hb, £90.001
Judging Under Authoritarianism1
Thirty Years of Legal Research: An Empirical Analysis of Outputs Submitted to RAE and REF (1990‐2021)1
Making Law Possible1
Gray Areas in Tort: Illegality and Authority after Patel v Mirza1
When our Paths Cross Again: The Supreme Court's Management of Related Asylum and Child Abduction Claims in G v G1
The Costs of Contractual Certainty: RTI v MUR Shipping0
The Future of Employment: Purposive Interpretation and the Role of Contract after Uber0
MatthewFlindersandChrisMonaghan(eds), Questions of Accountability: Prerogatives, Power and Politics, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2023, 344 pp, hb, £81.000
EnricoBonadio and Chen WeiZhu (eds), Music Borrowing and Copyright Law: A Genre‐by‐Genre AnalysisOxford: Hart, 2023, 704pp, hb £126.000
David Lefkowitz, Philosophy and International Law: A Critical Introduction, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 277 pp, pb £22.990
Same‐Sex Unions in Hong Kong and the Misuse of Comparative Law: Sham Tsz Kit v Secretary for Justice0
LionelSmith, The Law of Loyalty, Oxford: OUP, 2023, 496 pp, hb £97.000
RobertStevens, The Laws of Restitution, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023, 496pp, hb £90.000
Reconsidering Sentencing Principles in Cases of Civil Disobedience: Cuadrilla Bowland Ltd and Others v Persons Unknown and Others0
Rights, Common Good, and the Separation of Powers0
Ester Herlin‐Karnell and Nicholas Ryder, Market Manipulation and Insider Trading: Regulatory Challenges in the United States of America, the European Union, and the United Kingdom, Oxford: Hart Publis0
Hidden Delegations: The Assignment of Contractual Rights and Consumer Debt0
AbdiAidid and BenjaminAlarie, The Legal Singularity: How Artificial Intelligence Can Make Law Radically Better, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2023, 218 pp, hb £31.000
Adieu to Attribution0
Rafael N.Fasel and Sean C.Butler, Animal Rights Law, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2023, 240 pp, pb £24.990
CarstenStahn, A Critical Introduction to International Criminal Law, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019, xviii + 448 pp, pb £24.990
A Pyrrhic Victory for Unjust Enrichment in Singapore? Esben Finance Ltd v Wong Hou‐Lianq Neil0
RobertSpano, IuliaMotoc, BrankoLubarda, Paulo PintodeAlbuquerque, MarialenaTsirli(eds), assisted byAikateriniLazana, Fair Trial: Regional and International Perspectives/Procès équitable: perspe0
Using AI to Mitigate the Employee Misclassification Problem0
D Kahneman, O Sibony and CR Sunstein, Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgment, London: William Collins, 2021, 470 pp, hb £25.00.0
Constitutive Powers of Executive Bodies: a Functional Analysis of the Single Resolution Board0
The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990 and Non‐Traditional Families0
X‐GmbH v Finanzamt Stuttgart – Körperschaften: Abuse of Tax Law and Exchange of Tax Information in EU law0
Recognising What is Lost in Reproductive Harms: Whittington Hospital NHS Trust v XX0
Presumptions of Legislative Intent in R (Coughlan) v Minister for the Cabinet Office0
A New Self‐Defence Framework for Domestic Abuse Survivors Who Use Violent Resistance in Response0
Bruce A. Kimball and Daniel R. Coquillete, The Intellectual Sword – Harvard Law School, the Second Century, Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press, 2020, 880 pp, hb £39.950
KathrynMcNeilly and BenWarwick (eds), The Times and Temporalities of International Human Rights Law, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2022, 240 pp, hb, £85.000
Public Functions of Political Parties in the United Kingdom0
Directly Discriminatory Algorithms0
Executive Accountability and National Security0
FedericoPicinali, Justice In‐Between: A Study of Intermediate Criminal Verdicts, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2022, 278 pp, hb £80.000
Punitive Damages and the Place of Punishment in Private Law0
Governing Intersystemic Systemic Risks: Lessons from Covid and Climate Change0
Natural Rights, Constituent Power, and the Stain of Constitutionalism0
Falling into Line? The Hostile Environment and the Legend of the ‘Judges’ Revolt’0
Priority Setting as the Blind Spot of Administrative Law Enforcement: A Theoretical, Conceptual, and Empirical Study of Competition Authorities in Europe0
Coercive Human Rights and the Forgotten History of the Council of Europe's Report on Decriminalisation0
S.Degeling, M.Crawford and N.Tiverios(eds), Justifying Private Rights, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2020, vii + 283pp, hb £80.000
The Evolution of Birth Registration in England and Wales and its Place in Contemporary Law and Society0
When is an Insured Vehicle an Uninsured Vehicle?0
Characterising and Changing Charitable Purposes: Theories of Organisational Purpose0
The Change in Judicial Practice in Cases Concerning Civil Disobedience Protests and its Constitutional Significance0
Medicinal Cannabis Prescribing: A Study of Boundary Work and Medico‐Legal Risk0
AlysiaBlackham, Reforming Age Discrimination Law: Beyond Individual Enforcement, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022, hb, 400 pp (also available as e‐book), £80.000
Thinking Legally about Remedy in Judicial Review: R (on the application of Imam) v London Borough of Croydon0
Institutionalising Interpersonal Ideas in Law0
Selective Corporate Restructuring Strategy0
Deceptive Sex: Rethinking Consent from the Gender Margins0
OrBrook, Non‐Competition Interests in EU Antitrust Law: An Empirical Study of Article 101 TFEU, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2022, 400 pp, hb £120.000
Melvin A.Eisenberg, Legal Reasoning, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2022, 117 pp, pb, £22.990
Institutional Choice in the Internal Market0
Beverley Clough, The Spaces of Mental Capacity Law: Moving Beyond Binaries, Routledge, 2021, hb, 208 pp, £130.000
Gambling Control in a Cost‐of‐Living Crisis: An Analysis of the White Paper High Stakes: Gambling Reform for the Digital Age (2023)0
StinePiilgaardPorner Nielsen and OleHammerslev (eds), Transformations of European Welfare States and Social Rights: Regulation, Professionals, and Citizens, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024, x + 226, pb0
Squaring the Circle? Regional Airport Expansion, Climate Change and the Planning Regime0
Mobilising the Market: An Empirical Analysis of Crowdfunding for Judicial Review Litigation0
Folúkẹ́Adébísí, Decolonisation and Legal Knowledge: Reflections on Power and Possibility, Bristol: Bristol University Press, 2023, 204 pp, hb £85.99, pb £26.990
Human Trafficking: Iconic Victims, Folk Devils and the Nationality and Borders Act 20220
CatherineMitchell, Vanishing Contract Law: Common Law in the Age of Contracts, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2022, 259 pp, hb, £85.000
Discrimination in Abortion Law and the Message the Law is Sending: R (Crowter) v Secretary of State for Health and Social Care0
Ordoliberalism: What We Know and What We Think We Know0
Machine Learning and the Re‐Enchantment of the Administrative State0
Expanding the Right to Remain as a Trafficked Person under Article 4 ECHR and the ECAT0
A Tale of Too Many Doctrines: Supervening Impossibility and the Sale of Goods0
Parliament, the Pandemic, and Constitutional Principle in the United Kingdom: A Study of the Coronavirus Act 20200
Niamh Moloney, The Age of ESMA – Governing EU Financial Markets, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2018, 392 pp, hb £81.000
The Unfree Commons: Freedom of Marine Scientific Research and the Status of Genetic Resources Beyond National Jurisdiction0
The View from the Top: Visual Intrusion as Nuisance in Fearn v Tate Gallery0
The Charities Act 2022 and its Dissuasive Effects on Donors0
Is Interference with a Corpse for Procreative Purposes a Criminal Offence?0
E Christodoulidis, The Redress of Law: Globalisation, Constitutionalism and Market Capture, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021, 350 pp, pb £34.990
Fat Cats, Production Networks, and the Right to Fair Pay0
KeithEwing, Joan Mahoney and Andrew Moretta, MI5, the Cold War and the Rule of Law, Oxford, OUP, 2021, 511pp, hb £84.000
Abuse of Rights in English Contract Law: Hidden in Plain Sight?0
The Second‐class Citizen in Legal Theory0
Sevilleja v Marex Financial Ltd: Reflective Loss and the Autonomy of Company Law0
Ideological Constitutionalism0
The Travels of Treason0
S.Fredman, Comparative Human Rights Law, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, 512 pp, pb £47.490
William Rodolph Cornish (1937‐2022)0
Reframing the English Foreign Act of State Doctrine0
Marie Tidball, Disabling Criminal Justice: The Governance of Autistic Adult Defendants in the English Criminal Justice System, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2024, 296 pp, hb, £85.000
Has the UK Supreme Court Become More Restrained in Public Law Cases?0
Authenticity and Identity in Adolescent Decision‐Making0
Corrigendum to ‘Constitutional Directives: Morally‐Committed Political Constitutionalism’0
Issue Information0
Undermining loyalty to legality? An empirical analysis of perceptions of ‘lockdown’ law and guidance during COVID‐190
The Presumption Against Extraterritoriality, Mutual Legal Assistance, and the Future of Law Enforcement Cross‐Border Evidence Collection0
VirginiaMantouvalou, Structural Injustice and Workers' Rights, Oxford, OUP, 2023, 208pp, hb £90.000
Citizen Led Policing in the Digital Realm: Paedophile Hunters and Article 8 in the case of Sutherland v Her Majesty's Advocate0
Luke DimitriosSpieker, EU Values before the Court of Justice: Foundations, Potential, Risks, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2023, 356 pp, hb £110.000
SamiaBano (ed), The Sharia Inquiry, Religious Practice and Muslim Family Law in Britain, London and New York, Routledge, 2023, 142 pp, hb, £45.990
Virginia Torrie, Reinventing Bankruptcy Law: A History of the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2020, 245 pp, hb, £56.990
Human Trafficking, SM v Croatia and the Conceptual Evolution of Article 4 ECHR0
Byers v Saudi National Bank: What's the Wrong in Knowing Receipt?0
Authorising Crime: The Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Act 20210
Prisoner Voting in the United Kingdom: An Empirical Study of a Contested Prisoner Right0
Necessity, Non‐Violent Direct Activism, and the Stansted 15: Reasserting ‘Hoffmann's Bargain’0
Cart Challenges, Empirical Methods, and Effectiveness of Judicial Review0
Safeguarding Access to Justice in the Age of the Online Court0
Contested Subjects of Human Rights: Trans‐ and Gender‐variant Subjects of International Human Rights Law0
JessieBlackbourn, FionadeLondras and LydiaMorgan, Accountability and Review in the Counter‐Terrorist State, Bristol: Bristol University Press, 2020, 192 pp, pb £27.990
A Bird's‐Eye View of Animals in the Law0
Combatting Corruption and Collusion in UK Public Procurement: Proposals for Post‐Brexit Reform0
Shireen Morris, A First Nations Voice in the Australian Constitution, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2020, 344 pp, hb $108.00 (AUD)0
The Citizen as Other: The Case from Within for Cosmopolitan State Duties and Freedom to Migrate0
Reasonableness in Capacity Law0
HeatherDouglas, KateFitz‐Gibbon, LeighGoodmark and SandraWalklate (eds), The Criminalization of Violence Against Women: Comparative Perspectives, Oxford: OUP, 2023, 344 pp, hb £59.000
Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose: Mackie Motors v RCI and Baird Textiles v Marks and Spencer0
A Privileged and Conventional Relationship: Legal Professional Privilege and the Law Officers’ Convention0
The Authority of Constituent Power0
Administrative Law as a Source of Rights0
The Heathrow Case in the Supreme Court: Climate Change Legislation and Administrative Adjudication0
Making Constitutionalism Progressive Again: A Primer on City Constitutionalism and State (Re)Formation in a New Constitutional Geography0
Lucia Rubinelli, Constituent Power: A History, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020, x + 255 pp, hb £75.00 Joel Colón‐Ríos, Constituent Power and the Law, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020,0
Phil Glover, Protecting National Security: A history of British Communications Investigation Regulation, Abingdon, Routledge, 2021, 318 pages, hb £120.000
C v D: A Missed Opportunity to Clarify the Distinction Between Jurisdiction and Admissibility0
The CJEU in Commission v Hungary Higher Education Defends Academic Freedom Through WTO Provisions0
Re‐thinking the Mental Capacity Act 2005: Towards the Next Generation of Law0
Armstead v Royal Sun Alliance Insurance Company Ltd: The Interface between The Winkfield and Conarken0
John Adenitire, A General Right to Conscientious Exemption: Beyond Religious Privilege, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020, 244 pp, hb, £85.000
The Challenges of Implementing Anti‐Money Laundering Regulation: An Empirical Analysis0
Prioritising Proof over Speculation: Resolving the Prospective Inability Problem in Contract Damages0
Historiography and Constitutional Adjudication0
VeraPavlou, Migrant Domestic Workers in Europe: Law and the Construction of Vulnerability, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2021, 166pp, hb £76.500
Will the New UK Subsidy Control Regime Help ‘Level Up’ the Economy?0
Increasing the Powers of the Secretary of State for the Home Department to Strip Individuals of their British Citizenship: R (on the application of Begum) v SSHD0
Ways of Explaining Law0
Animals and Nature as Rights Holders in the European Union0
The Right to ‘Inclusive’ Education0
The Aarhus Convention 1998 and the Environment Act 2021: Eroding Public Participation0
Rationalising Mid‐Century Choice of Law: Legal Technique and its Limits in the ‘Dark Science’ of Conflicts0
The Emperor's New Code? Time to Re‐Evaluate the Nature of Stewardship Engagement Under the UK's Stewardship Code0
Vicarious Liability and Conferred Authority: Trustees of the Barry Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses v BXB0
‘If I Would Stay Alive, I Would Be Their Voice’: On the Legitimacy of International People's Tribunals0
Zainab BatulNaqvi, Polygamy, Policy and Postcolonialism in English Marriage Law; A Critical Feminist Analysis, Bristol: Bristol University Press, 2023, 239 pp, hb £85.000
Hauptpersonalrat der Lehrerinnen: Article 88 GDPR and the Interplay between EU and Member State Employee Data Protection Rules0
Why Should Competition Lawyers Care about the Formal Rule of Law?0
R (on the application of W80) v Director General of the Independent Office of Police Conduct: Landmark Ruling or Business as Usual?0
JoBraithwaite, The Financial Courts: Adjudicating Disputes in Derivatives Markets, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020, 400pp, hb £95.000
The Independence of Justice in the Cauldron of International Relations0
Cass R. Sunstein and Adrian Vermeule, Law & Leviathan: Redeeming the Administrative State, Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, 2020, 208 pp, hb £20.950
Jonas‐SébastienBeaudry, The Disabled Contract: Severe Intellectual Disability, Justice and Morality, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021, xix + 314 pp, hb £85.000
Varying Contracts – Consideration, Form and Reality0
Back to School: Matthew Kramer's Freedom of Expression as Self‐Restraint0
D. Brakman Reiser and S.A. Dean, Social Enterprise Law: Trust, Public Benefit, and Capital Markets, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017, 202 pp, hb £42.490
Haley v Haley: Family Law Arbitration and the New Frontier of Private Ordering0
Countering Terrorism in the Family Courts: A Dangerous Development0
Are Litigants, Trials and Precedents Vanishing After All?0