Modern Language Quarterly

(The median citation count of Modern Language Quarterly is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Marshall Brown, Editor Extraordinaire4
The Science of Character: Human Objecthood and the Ends of Victorian Realism2
The Difference an Editor Makes1
To Make Negro Literature: Writing, Literary Practice, and African American Authorship1
Infinite Variety: Literary Invention, Theology, and the Disorder of Kinds, 1688–17301
Resistance to Song: A Modernist View of Early Modern Lyric1
The Ends of Meter in Modern Japanese Poetry: Translation and Form1
Talking about Religion in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Studies1
Close, but No Cigar1
The Experience of Poetry: From Homer’s Listeners to Shakespeare’s Readers1
An Appreciation of Marshall Brown1
Communities of Care: The Social Ethics of Victorian Fiction1
Stranger Fictions: A History of the Novel in Arabic Translation1
Biblical and Theological Literacy and Victorian Studies Today1
Reading Christian Experience0
Unmaking Sex: The Gender Outlaws of Nineteenth-Century France0
Vagrancy in the Victorian Age: Representing the Wandering Poor in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture0
Lu Xun’s Heteromodal Realism0
The Afterlife of Reproductive Slavery: Biocapitalism and Black Feminism’s Philosophy of History0
Baroque Modernity: An Aesthetics of Theater0
Making the Miscellany: Poetry, Print, and the History of the Book in Early Modern England0
World Literature as a Speculative Literary Totality: Veselovsky, Auerbach, Said, and the Critical-Humanist Tradition0
Dynamic Form: How Intermediality Made Modernism0
Obsessed with Translation: Bovaristic Reading of Translated Love Stories in Early Twentieth-Century China0
On the Origins of the Witness-Protagonist0
Fathers, Mothers, Saints, Martyrs: Religion as a Lineage of Belief0
Continental England: Form, Translation, and Chaucer in the Hundred Years’ War0
Histories of Fiction0
Modern Humanities and the Ancient Book: Karl Kerényi’s Media Theory0
When Novels Were Books0
Knowing Fictions: Picaresque Reading in the Early Modern Hispanic World0
Figures of the World: The Naturalist Novel and Transnational Form0
Structures All the Way Down: Literary Methods and the Detail0
Fictions of Consent: Slavery, Servitude, and Free Service in Early Modern England0
Networking Print in Shakespeare’s England: Influence, Agency, and Revolutionary Change0
Unsettling Ethnic Detail in Asian American Metafiction0
Botanical Poetics: Early Modern Plant Books and the Husbandry of Print0
Queer Allusion: Wilde, Housman, Cullen0
Ovid and the Liberty of Speech in Shakespeare’s England0
At Penpoint: African Literatures, Postcolonial Studies, and the Cold War0
Keywords for Today: A Twenty-First-Century Vocabulary; The Keywords Project0
Old “New Media” and Literary Studies before 19600
The Diva’s Gift to the Shakespearean Stage: Agency, Theatricality, and the Innamorata0
Serial Forms: The Unfinished Project of Modernity, 1815–18480
Everybody’s Autotheory0
Inventions of Nemesis: Utopia, Indignation, and Justice0
Resounding the Sublime: Music in English and German Literature and Aesthetic Theory, 1670–18500
Reinventing Modernism: Randall Jarrell’s Unwritten Essay on T. S. Eliot0
Climate and the Making of Worlds: Toward a Geohistorical Poetics0
Uncertainty and Understanding in the Early Modern English Theater0
The Detail of Place and the Place of Detail0
Subjects of Affection: Rights of Resistance on the Early Modern French Stage0
Pascal without Apology0
Unfelt: The Language of Affect in the British Enlightenment0
The Age of the Author: Print and Precocity in the English Renaissance0
How to See Global Religion: Comparativism, Connectivity, and the Undisciplining of Victorian Literary Studies0
George Gissing Goes Out in Style: The Syntax of Class after 18900
MLQ Special Issues since 19900
Medical Storyworlds: Health, Illness, and Bodies in Russian and European Literature at the Turn of the Twentieth Century0
Whose Resistance Theory?0
Spenser’s Youth0
Notework: Victorian Literature and Nonlinear Style0
Reading and Not Reading “The Faerie Queene”: Spenser and the Making of Literary Criticism0
The Surface of the World: W. H. Auden and the Umwelt0
Keeping Faith with Literature0
Containing the Unnamable0
Weak Planet: Literature and Assisted Survival0
Evil in Exile: Fiction, Franzen, Faust0
Scripts of Blackness: Early Modern Performance Culture and the Making of Race0
Today We Fly, Tomorrow We Fall: William Faulkner’sPylonin Fascist Italy0
It’s the End of the World and We Know It0
The Aesthetic Commonplace: Wordsworth, Eliot, Wittgenstein, and the Language of Every Day0
The Permeable Self: Five Medieval Relationships0
Late Romanticism and the End of Politics: Byron, Mary Shelley, and the Last Men0
The Mark of the Detail: Universalism, Type, Difference0
Literary History Writ Large; or, The Multilingual MLQ0
Is a Grapefruit Better than a Grape? A Manifesto for Journal Publication0
A History of Ambiguity0
Justifying Sex in Arcadia0
Queer Angels in Post-1945 American Literature and Culture: Bad Beatitudes0
MLQand Marshall Brown among Their Peers0
Worlds Woven Together: Essays on Poetry and Poetics0
Wallace Stevens, Music Technology, and the Resonance of Poetry0
The Calamity Form: On Poetry and Social Life0
Working Critics0
The Detail, Revisited: Editorial Introduction0
Coming To: Consciousness and Natality in Early Modern England0
Joseph Brodsky’s Borrowed Chinese Voice0
Cotton Mather’s Spanish Lessons: A Story of Language, Race, and Belonging in the Early Americas0
Medieval Scottish Historians and the Contest for Britain0
The Multiple Simultaneous Temporalities of Global Modernity: Pamuk, Tanpınar, Proust0
Beckett and Buddhism0
Population Thinking and Narrative Networks: Dickens, Joyce, andThe Wire0
There’s Something about Murray: Victorian Literary Societies and Alfred Forman’s Translation of Richard Wagner’sDer Ring des Nibelungen0
“To Consort with Eccentricities”: Edith Sitwell’s Eighteenth Century0
Deep Time: A Literary History0
Joy of the Worm: Suicide and Pleasure in Early Modern English Literature0
Middle English Medical Recipes and Literary Play, 1375–15000
Decolonizing Memory: Algeria and the Politics of Testimony0
Shameful Specters: Remembering Spanish Slavery in Àngels Aymar’s La Indiana0
The Lost Books of Jane Austen0
Phantom Belief and Belief in Phantoms: The Strange Objects of Literary Study0
King Learand the Irony of Capacity0
Human Forms: The Novel in the Age of Evolution0
Aerial Environments on the Early Modern Stage: Theatres of the Air, 1576–16090
Extinction Panic: C. S. Lewis and Planetary Nihilism0
The Shortest Way with Defoe: “Robinson Crusoe,” Deism, and the Novel0
Culture and Language at Crossed Purposes: The Unsettled Records of American Settlement0
The Words on the Screen: I. A. Richards as Media Theorist0
The Novel and the Problem of New Life0
Domestic Georgic: Labors of Preservation from Rabelais to Milton0
Read Until You Understand: The Profound Wisdom of Black Life and Literature0
In Praise of Idling: Johnson, Austen, and Literary Leisure0
The Decay of Singing: Remembering the Castrato0
The Autonomy of Art and the Legitimization of Biofiction: An Aesthetic Turning Point in Twentieth-Century Literature0
Philology Goes to the Movies: The Task of the Critic in Kracauer and Auerbach0
Aesthetic Historicism Now0
Holy Digital Grail: A Medieval Book on the Internet0
Vale atque Ave0
The Life after Texts, the Life within Them0
The Cambridge Introduction to British Fiction, 1900–19500
Scaling the Detail: Woolfian Proportions0
Proust, Typical Novelist: Literary Context as Type0
Schools of Fiction: Literature and the Making of the American Educational System0
Close Reading/Mass Media: I. A. Richards’s Screen Tests0
Rewriting the Literary Past: D. H. Lawrence and Geoff Dyer’s Antibiography0
The Role of Religious Thought in Interdisciplinary “Law and Literature” Studies0
The Self-Help Compulsion: Searching for Advice in Modern Literature0
The Natural Laws of Plot: How Things Happen in Realist Novels0
Art and Engagement in Early Postwar Japan0
Comparing the Literatures: Literary Studies in a Global Age0
The Geological Unconscious: German Literature and the Mineral Imaginary0
Collective Understanding, Radicalism, and Literary History, 1645–17420
George Herbert’s “The Flower” and the Problem of Praise0
From “Gestural Language” to “Language Gesture”: André Jolles, Aby Warburg, and the Morphology of Mass Media0
The Anglophone and the Anthropocene: Postcolonial in the Present Tense0
Cacaphonies: The Excremental Canon of French Literature0
Fair Copy: Relational Poetics and Antebellum American Women’s Poetry0
The Dynastic Imagination: Family and Modernity in Nineteenth-Century Germany0
Who’s Afraid of Italo Svevo? Routes of European Modernism between Trieste and Virginia Woolf’s London0
Cowley’s Dream of a Shadow: Imitation against Experience0
Virginia Woolf, David Jones, and the Parenthetical Space of War0
Did God WriteMoby-Dick?0
“Thy Words Do Finde Me Out”: Aaron Kunin’s Love Three0
Bad Blood: Staging Race between Early Modern England and Spain0
Toward a Realism of the World-System: John Lanchester’sCapitaland the Global City0
To Detail a Dollhouse0
New Ecological Realisms: Post-apocalyptic Fiction and Contemporary Theory0
In the Church of Saint Jane: Literature, Lived Religion, and the Descriptive Turn0
The Fate of Progress in British Romanticism0
Unmoored: The Search for Sincerity in Colonial America0
The Erotics of Materialism: Lucretius and Early Modern Poetics0
The Economy of Critical Attention: A Computational Analysis of Roland Barthes’s S/Z0
Heroines and Local Girls: The Transnational Emergence of Women’s Writing in the Long Eighteenth Century0
How to Talk about Religion and Literature: A Modest Proposal0
Hildegard von Bingen’s Scivias in Weimar Germany: Media Theory by Hand0
Cut/Copy/Paste: Fragments from the History of Bookwork0
Domesticating Decadence: Joris-Karl Huysmans, Pierre Louÿs, and Their Invisible English Translators0
Translation Effects: Language, Time, and Community in Medieval England0
The Victorian Cult of Shakespeare: Bardology in the Nineteenth Century0
Present Tense: Literary History in Our Time0
The Queerness of Character-Details0
Lectures on DostoevskyFar Country: Scenes from American Culture0
Austen, Gaskell, and the Politics of Domestic Fiction0
Empire of Neglect: The West Indies in the Wake of British Liberalism0
Editor’s Note0
What Was Tragedy during the Haitian Revolution?0