Mineralogical Magazine

(The median citation count of Mineralogical Magazine is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Bounahasite, Cu+Cu2+2(OH)3Cl2, a new mineral from the Bou Nahas Mine, Morocco549
Structural and spectroscopic study of well-developed crystals of parahibbingite, β-Fe2(OH)3Cl, formed from terrestrial weathering of the Muonionalusta iron meteorite89
MGM volume 86 issue 6 Cover and Front matter49
Occurrence and crystal chemistry of austinite, conichalcite and zincolivenite from the Peloritani Mountains, northeastern Sicily, Italy25
MGM volume 86 issue 2 Cover and Back matter16
Crystal structure and composition of hiärneite, Ca2Zr4Mn3+SbTiO16, and constitution of the calzirtite group15
Ferrofettelite, [Ag6As2S7][Ag10FeAs2S8], a new sulfosalt from the Glasberg quarry, Odenwald, Germany13
MGM volume 86 issue 2 Cover and Front matter13
Paradimorphite, β-As4S3, a vintage new mineral from Solfatara di Pozzuoli and Vesuvius, Napoli, Italy12
Ontology, archetypes and the definition of ‘mineral species’ - ERRATUM12
The morphology and spectroscopy of diamonds recovered from the Prairie Creek lamproite in Arkansas, USA10
MGM volume 85 issue 3 Cover and Back matter10
MGM volume 85 issue 1 Cover and Back matter9
Scroll-like and platy molybdenite-3R from the Ufaley metamorphic block, South Urals: EBSD, XRD, SEM, EPMA and ICP-MS study9
MGM volume 85 issue 5 Cover and Front matter9
MGM volume 86 issue 6 Cover and Back matter9
Aluminotaipingite-(CeCa), (Ce6Ca3)Al(SiO4)3[SiO3(OH)]4F3, a new member of the cerite-supergroup minerals9
An Introduction to Metamorphic Petrology, Second Edition B.W.D. Yardley and C. Warren Cambridge University Press. Pp. 344, ISBN 97811084564878
MGM volume 85 issue 2 Cover and Front matter8
Ferro-ferri-katophorite, a new clinoamphibole from the silicocarbonatite dykes in Sierra de Maz, La Rioja, Argentina8
New arsenate minerals from the Arsenatnaya fumarole, Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka, Russia. XVI. Yurgensonite, K2SnTiO2(AsO4)2, the first natural tin arsenat8
MGM volume 85 issue 4 Cover and Front matter8
MGM volume 85 issue 6 Cover and Front matter7
Mount Mather Creek, British Columbia – a new sodalite-bearing carbohydrothermal breccia deposit including a new Canadian occurrence for the rare minerals edingtonite and quintinite7
Newsletter 657
MGM volume 86 issue 1 Cover and Back matter7
Crystal chemistry and miscibility of chernovite-(Y), xenotime-(Y), gasparite-(Ce) and monazite-(Ce) from Mt. Cervandone, Western Alps, Italy7
Bimbowrieite, NaMgFe3+5(PO4)4 (OH)6⋅2H2O, a new dufrénite-group mineral from the White Rock No.2 quarry, South Australia, Australia7
MGM volume 85 issue 6 Cover and Back matter7
Kalyuzhnyite-(Ce), NaKCaSrCeTi(Si8O21)OF(H2O)3, a new mineral from the Darai-Pioz alkaline massif, Tien-Shan mountains, Tajikistan: mineral description, cry7
Mineral chemistry and genesis of monazite-(Sm) and monazite-(Nd) from the Blue Beryl Dyke of the Julianna pegmatite system at Piława Górna, Lower Silesia, Poland6
High-temperature behaviour of fedorite, Na2.5(Ca4.5Na2.5)[Si16O38]F2⋅2.8H2O, from the Murun Alkaline Complex, Russia6
Metallic-Pb nanospheres in zircon from the Challenger Au deposit, South Australia: probing metamorphic and ore formation histories6
Zincorietveldite, Zn(UO2)(SO4)2(H2O)5, the zinc analogue of rietveldite from the Blue Lizard mine, San Juan County, Utah, USA6
Atomic-scale deformation mechanisms at high-pressure in inderborite, CaMg[B3O3(OH)5]2(H2O)4⋅2H2O5
Crystallographic orientation relationships between quartz and feldspar in myrmekite: a case study in monzodiorite from Meichuan pluton, China5
Gorerite, CaAlFe11O19, a new mineral of the magnetoplumbite group from the Negev Desert, Israel5
Calciolangbeinite-O, a natural orthorhombic modification of K2Ca2(SO4)3, and the langbeinite–calciolangbeinite solid-solution system5
Zvěstovite-(Zn), Ag6(Ag4Zn2)As4S13, a new tetrahedrite-group mineral from Zvěstov, Czech Republic5
Alumolukrahnite, CaCu2+Al(AsO4)2(OH)(H2O), the aluminium analogue of lukrahnite from the Jote mine, Copiapó Province, Chile5
New arsenate minerals from the Arsenatnaya fumarole, Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka, Russia. XIX. Axelite, Na14Cu7(AsO4)8F2Cl25
The oxidation state and distribution of Fe in pumpellyite from the Northern Chichibu Belt in the Hijikawa district, western Shikoku, Japan5
Anhydrous alkali copper sulfates – a promising playground for new Cu2+ oxide complexes: new Rb-analogues of fumarolic minerals.5
Mineralogical zoning of the PGE–Cu–Ni orebodies in the central part of the Oktyabr'sky Deposit, Norilsk District, Russia5
MGM volume 87 issue 3 Cover and Front matter5
Fluoralforsite, Ba5(PO4)3F – a new apatite-group mineral from the Hatrurim Basin, Negev Desert, Israel5
Synthesis and structure of calumetite-like SrCu4(OH)8Cl2⋅3.5H2O5
Tennantite-(Hg), Cu6(Cu4Hg2)As4S13, a new tetrahedrite-group mineral from the Lengenbach quarry, Binn, Switzerland5
The state of platinum in pyrrhotite: X-ray absorption spectroscopy study and implications for the role of Fe sulfides as platinum carriers4
Newsletter 674
IMA Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification (CNMNC)4
Compositional variation and genesis of pyrochlore, belkovite and baotite from the Sevattur carbonatite complex, India4
IMA Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification (CNMNC)4
Heflikite, ideally Ca2(Al2Sc)(Si2O7)(SiO4)O(OH), the first scandium epidote-supergroup mineral from Jordanów Śląski, Lower Silesia, Poland and fr4
Uvite, CaMg3(Al5Mg)(Si6O18)(BO3)3(OH)3(OH), a new, but long-anticipated mineral species of the tourmaline supergroup from S4
Plumboperloffite, PbMn2+2Fe3+2(PO4)3(OH)3, a new member of the bjarebyite group from Wiperaminga Hill, South Australia, Aus4
Contrasting assemblages of secondary minerals after beryl from granitic pegmatites Drahonín IV and Věžná I; evidence for high variability of mineralized fluids in the Rožná-Olší ore field area4
Marsaalamite–(Y), Y(MoO4)OH, a new molybdate mineral from the Um Safi area, Marsa Alam District, Central Eastern Desert of Egypt4
Guite, the spinel-structured Co2+Co3+2O4, a new mineral from the Sicomines copper–cobalt mine, Democratic Republic of Congo4
Plumbogaidonnayite, PbZrSi3O9⋅2H2O, a new Pb-member of the gaidonnayite group from the Saima alkaline complex, Liaoning Province, China4
The Mesoarchean Amikoq Layered Complex of SW Greenland: Part 2. Geochemical evidence for high-Mg noritic plutonism through crustal assimilation4
Loomisite, Ba[Be2P2O8]⋅H2O, the first natural example with the zeolite ABW-type framework, from Keystone, Pennington County, South Dakota, USA4
In situtrace elements and S isotope systematics for growth zoning in sphalerite from MVT deposits: A case study of Nayongzhi, South China3
Beryllium incorporation in corundum3
Comparative thermal and compressional behaviour of natural xenotime-(Y), chernovite-(Y) and monazite-(Ce)3
Crystal structure and high-temperature transformation of RbAlGe3O8, a germanium analogue of rubicline, RbAlSi3O83
Silesiaite, ideally Ca2Fe3+Sn(Si2O7)(Si2O6OH), a new species in the kristiansenite group: crystal chemistry and structure of holotype 3
MGM volume 85 issue 2 Cover and Back matter3
Reznitskyite, CaMg(VO4)F, a new mineral from the Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka, Russia and the first vanadate with a titanite-type structure3
Hydroxyl-bearing bortolanite from the Lovozero alkaline massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia3
The crystal structure of pezzottaite and the crystal chemistry of the beryl-pezzottaite series3
The influence of metal cations on the dissolution and transformation of biotite3
Linking derived debitage to the Stonehenge Altar Stone using portable X-ray fluorescence analysis3
Ermakovite (NH4)(As2O3)2Br, a new exhalative arsenite bromide mineral from the Fan-Yagnob coal deposit, Tajikistan3
Electron density changes accompanying high-pressure phase transition in AlOOH3
Strontioborite: revalidation as a mineral species and new data3
Constraints on Iron Silicide Formation from a Fulgurite from Southwick Massachusetts3
Natromelansonite, Na3Zr[Si7AlO19]⋅4–5H2O, a new member of the rhodesite mero-plesiotype series from Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada3
Libbyite, (NH4)2(Na2□)[(UO2)2(SO4)3(H2O)]2⋅7H2O, a new mineral with uranyl–sulfate sheets 3
Newsletter 693
Mineralogy of the scheelite-bearing ores of Monte Tamara, SW Sardinia: insights for the evolution of a Late Variscan W–Sn skarn system3
Microlite-group minerals: tracers of complex post-magmatic evolution in beryl–columbite granitic pegmatites, Maršíkov District, Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic3
Ferriphoxite and carboferriphoxite: two new oxalato-phosphate minerals from the Rowley mine, Arizona, USA3
Crystal-chemical characterisation and spectroscopy of fluorcarletonite and carletonite3
Mineralogical classification and crystal water characterisation of beryl from the W–Sn–Be occurrence of Xuebaoding, Sichuan province, western China3
Reply to the Comment on the paper on natromelansonite by Gore and McDonald (2024)3
Three-dimensional textural investigation of sulfide mineralisation from the Loolekop carbonatite–phoscorite polyphase intrusion in the Phalaborwa Igneous Complex (South Africa), with implications for 3
Enricofrancoite, KNaCaSi4O10, a new Ca–K–Na silicate from Somma–Vesuvius volcano, southern Italy3
New data on nordite-(Ce) and the establishment of the nordite supergroup3
Shinarumpite, a new cobalt uranyl sulfate mineral from the Scenic mine, San Juan County, Utah, USA, structurally related to leydetite3
Pohlite, a new lead iodate hydroxide chloride from Sierra Gorda, Chile3
Zipserite, a new bismuth chalcogenide Bi5(S,Se)4 from Nagybörzsöny in Hungary with a R$\bar{3}$m(00γ)00 modulated structure3
Thorium speciation in titania slag: Implications for environmental remediation and valorisation3
Structural and chemical complexity of minerals: an update3
Paragenesis, composition and origin of Ba- and Ca-rich stronalsite, a rare strontium tectosilicate, in the rocks of the teschenite association, Silesian Unit, Western Carpathians, Czech Republic2
Nomenclature of wöhlerite-group minerals2
CNMNC guidelines for the nomenclature of polymorphs and polysomes2
Ferrodimolybdenite, FeMo3+2S4 from Daba-Siwaqa, Jordan – the first natural compound of trivalent molybdenum2
The migration and occupation of Li+ and Na+ in illite and montmorillonite during the heating process2
Importance of Ca-rich fluids for the formation of secondary Sc-minerals. An example from metaluminous pegmatite Kožichovice II, Czech Republic.2
Newsletter 682
Magnetite as a provenance and exploration tool for metamorphosed base-metal sulfide deposits in the Stollberg ore field, Bergslagen, Sweden2
Rewitzerite, K(H2O)Mn2(Al2Ti)(PO4)4[O(OH)](H2O)10⋅4H2O, a new monoclinic paulkerrite-group mineral, from the Hag2
The crystal structure of Pd8As3, a synthetic analogue of stillwaterite2
MGM volume 86 issue 3 Cover and Front matter2
The trace-element compositions of amphibole, magnetite and ilmenite as potential exploration guides to metamorphosed Proterozoic Cu–Zn±Pb±Au±Ag volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits in Colorado, USA2
MGM volume 88 issue 2 Cover2
Groundwater–rock interactions in crystalline rocks: evidence from SIMS oxygen isotope data2
Bolotinaite, ideally (Na7□)(Al6Si6O24)F⋅4H2O, a new sodalite-group mineral from the Eifel palaeovolcanic region, Germany2
Mikenewite, the natural analogue of synthetic α-Mn2+(S4+O3)⋅3H2O, a new sulfite mineral from the Ojuela mine, Mapimí, Mexico2
Chukhrovite–(Ce), (Ca3Ce)[AlF6]2(SO4)F·12H2O, from the Tripi mine, Alì, Messina Province, Sicily, Italy: definition of neotype material2
Bridgesite-(Ce), a new rare earth element sulfate, with a unique crystal structure, from Tynebottom Mine, Cumbria, United Kingdom2
Tennantite-(Ni), Cu6(Cu4Ni2)As4S13, from Luobusa ophiolite, Tibet, China: a new Ni member of the tetrahedrite group2
Mineralogy of the Marepalli lamproite dyke from the Nalgonda district, Telangana, Southern India2
Kobellite homologues from the Boliden Au–Cu–(As) deposit, Sweden: jigsaw patterning via nanoscale intergrowths in chessboard structures2
Stable isotope and geochemical evidence for genesis of secondary copper deposits at Girilambone, New South Wales, Australia2
Kufahrite, PtPb, a new mineral from Ledyanoy Creek placer, Galmoenan ultramafic complex, Koryak Highlands, Russia2
Bakakinite, Ca2V2O7, a new mineral from fumarolic exhalations of the Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka, Russia2
Okruginite, Cu2SnSe3, a new mineral from the Ozernovskoe deposit, Kamchatka peninsula, Russia2
Saccoite, Ca2Mn+32F(OH)8⋅0.5(SO4), a new, microporous mineral from the Kalahari Manganese Field, South Africa2
Newsletter 742
MGM volume 86 issue 4 Cover and Front matter2
Ebnerite and epiebnerite: NH4ZnPO4 dimorphs with zeolite-type frameworks from the Rowley mine, Arizona, USA2
Reply to the discussion of Galuskin and Galuskina (2023) “Evidence of the anthropogenic origin of the ‘Carmel sapphire’ with enigmatic super-reduced minerals” by Griffin et al. (2023)2
Crystal chemistry of ivanyukite-group minerals, A3–xH1+x[Ti4O4(SiO4)3](H2O)n (A2
Kaznakhtite, Ni6Co3+2(CO3)(OH)16⋅4H2O, a new natural layered double hydroxide, the member of the hydrotalcite supergroup2
Marchettiite, (NH4)C5H3N4O3, a new organic mineral from Mount Cervandone, Devero Valley, Western–Central Alps, Italy2
Deciphering the pressure‒temperature path in low-grade metamorphic rocks by combining crystal chemistry, thermobarometry and thermodynamic modelling: an example in the Marguareis Massif (Western Ligur2
MGM volume 88 issue 5 Cover2
Parisite-(Nd), ideally CaNd2(CO3)3F2, a new mineral from Bayan Obo Fe-Nb-REE deposit, Inner Mongolia, China2
Isotopic exchange of oxygen, sulfur, hydrogen and copper between aqueous phase and the copper minerals brochantite, libethenite and olivenite2
Fluid inclusions in amethyst quartz of different geological environments from Brazil2
Phenakite and bertrandite: products of post-magmatic alteration of beryl in granitic pegmatites (Tatric Superunit, Western Carpathians, Slovakia)2
‘Hartite’ renamed branchite2
MGM volume 86 issue 5 Cover and Front matter2
Newsletter 722
Asking different questions: highly radiogenic lead, mixing and recycling of metal and social status in the Chinese Bronze Age2
Bystrite, Na7Ca(Al6Si6O24)S52–Cl: formula redefinition and relationships with other four-layer cancrinite-group minerals2
Dongchuanite, a new phosphate mineral with a new structure, from Dongchuan copper mine, Yunnan Province, China2
Gysinite-(La), PbLa(CO3)2(OH)⋅H2O, a new rare earth mineral of the ancylite group from the Saima alkaline complex, Liaoning Province, China1
Newsletter 711
Gold and aurostibite from the metaturbidite-hosted Au–Zn–Pb–Ag Hera deposit, southern Cobar Basin, central NSW, Australia: geochemical and textural evidence for gold remobilisation1
Newsletter 731
Cazadores de meteoritos: En busca de la geología fortuita del universo (Meteorite Hunters: In Search of the Universe's Fortuitous Geology) J. García 2024. Guadalmazán, Spain; 1st Edition, 31
Amphiboles and phyllosilicates in the A-type Mandira Granite Massif, Graciosa Province, SE Brazil: Textures, composition and crystallisation conditions1
Newsletter 791
The crystal structure of charmarite – the first case of a 11 × 11 Å superstructure mesh in layered double hydroxides1
Crystal structure and vibration spectra of norsethite-type BaMg(CO3)2 - BaMn(CO3)2 solid-solutions1
2023 list of referees for Mineralogical Magazine1
Magnesiobermanite, MgMn3+2(PO4)2(OH)2⋅4H2O, the Mg analogue of bermanite: Description and crystal structure1
Tombstoneite, a new mineral from Tombstone, Arizona, USA, with a pinwheel-like Te6+O3(Te4+O3)3 cluster1
Tennantite-(Cu), Cu12As4S13, from Layo, Arequipa Department, Peru: a new addition to the tetrahedrite-group minerals1
Thermodynamics and crystal structures of krautite, Mn[AsO3(OH)]⋅H2O, koritnigite, Zn[AsO3(OH)]⋅H2O and cobaltkoritnigite, Co[AsO3(OH)]⋅H21
A re-evaluation of stannopalladinite using modern analytical techniques1
Complex hydrogen bonding and thermal behaviour over a wide temperature range of kainite KMg(SO4)Cl⋅2.75H2O1
Dark-coloured Mn-rich overgrowths in an elbaitic tourmaline crystal from the Rosina pegmatite, San Piero in Campo, Elba Island, Italy: witness of late-stage opening of the geochemical system1
An update on the mineral-like Sr-containing transition metal arsenates1
Newsletter 761
Blue growth zones caused by Fe2+ in tourmaline crystals from the San Piero in Campo gem-bearing pegmatites, Elba Island, Italy1
Can lithium contents in mica be correctly calculated? Tischendorf́s proposal (Mineralogical Magazine 61/1997) 25 years after1
Substitution of ‘small’ divalent cations (e.g. Mg) for Si and Al in the nepheline tetrahedral framework: 1. Calculation of atomic formulae and stoichiometry parameters1
Evolution of pyrochlore in carbonatites of the Amba Dongar complex, India.1
Auroselenide, AuSe, a new mineral from Maletoyvayam deposit, Kamchatka peninsula, Russia1
Tennantite-(Cd), Cu6(Cu4Cd2)As4S13, from the Berenguela mining district, Bolivia: the first Cd-member of the tetrahedrite group1
New arsenate minerals from the Arsenatnaya fumarole, Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka, Russia. XVII. Paraberzeliite, NaCaCaMg2(AsO4)3, an alluaudite-group member dimorphou1
Tourmaline as a petrogenetic indicator highlighted in a multicoloured crystal from the gem deposit of Mavuco, Alto Ligoña pegmatite district, NE Mozambique1
Kristjánite, KNa2H(SO4)2, a new fumarolic mineral from Iceland containing the [SO4–H–SO4]3– anion in the crystal structure1
Scenicite, a new uranyl-sulfate mineral from the White Canyon district, San Juan County, Utah, USA1
Ermeloite, AlPO4⋅H2O a new phosphate mineral with kieserite-type structure from Galicia, Spain1
Mn–Fe-rich genthelvite from pegmatites associated with the Madeira Sn–Nb–Ta deposit, Pitinga, Brazil: new constraints on the magmatic-hydrothermal transition in the albite-enriched granite system1
Garpenbergite, Mn6□As5+Sb5+O10(OH)2, a new mineral related to manganostibite, from the Garpenberg Zn–Pb–Ag deposit, Sweden1
Mineralogy of Ga- and Ge-bearing metallurgical slags from Tsumeb, Namibia1
Burbankite and pseudomorphs from the Main Intrusion calcite carbonatite, Lofdal, Namibia: association, mineral composition, Raman spectroscopy1
Tracking mineral evolution and element mobility during albitisation and subsequent kaolinisation of phyllite rocks: A case study from the Verrucano of Monti Pisani, Tuscany, Italy1
Calcioancylite-(La), (La,Ca)2(CO3)2(OH,H2O)2, a new member of the ancylite group from Gejiu nepheline syenite, Yunnan Province, China1
Immobilisation of chromium in magnesium carbonate minerals1
Tellurium-rich stibiogoldfieldite and Se-bearing dantopaite from Goldfield, Nevada, USA: new crystal chemical data1
New data on minerals with the GIS framework-type structure: gismondine-Sr from the Bellerberg volcano, Germany, and amicite and Ba-rich gismondine from the Hatrurim Complex, Israel1
Mn-bearing purplish-red tourmaline from the Anjanabonoina pegmatite, Madagascar1
Letnikovite-(Ce), (Na□)Ca2Ce2[Si7O17(OH)]F4(H2O)4, a new mineral from the Darai-Pioz alkaline massif, Tajikistan: mineral d1
Thebaite-(NH4), (NH4,K)3Al(C2O4)(PO3OH)2(H2O), a new phosphate–oxalate mineral from the Rowley mine, Arizona, US1
The position of vanadium in the crystal structure of zoisite, variety tanzanite: Structural refinement, optical absorption spectroscopy and bond-valence calculations1
New arsenate minerals from the Arsenatnaya fumarole, Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka, Russia. XVIII. Khrenovite, Na3Fe3+2(AsO4)3, the member with th1
Making it Mine: Sir Arthur Russell and his Mineral Collection by Roy E. Starkey. Published (2022) by British Mineralogy Publications, 15 Warwick Avenue, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, B60 2AH, England. H1
Sperlingite, (H2O)K(Mn2+Fe3+)(Al2Ti)(PO4)4[O(OH)][(H2O)9(OH)]⋅4H2O, a new paulkerrite-group mineral, 1
The dry-gel conversion synthesis of the lithium sodium borosilicate jadarite, LiNaSiB3O7(OH)1
IMA Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification (CNMNC) - Newsletter 831
Secondary uranyl arsenates–phosphates and Sb–Bi-rich minerals of the segnitite–philipsbornite series in the oxidation zone at the Prakovce-Zimná Voda REE–U–Au quartz-vein mineralisation, Western Carpa1
Comment on Lykova et al. (2024): “Natromelansonite, Na3Zr[Si7AlO19]⋅4–5H2O, a new member of the rhodesite mero-plesiotype series from Mont Saint-Hila1
Celebrating the International Year of Mineralogy – Progress and Landmark Discoveries of the Last Decades. Editors: Luca Bindi and Giuseppe Cruciani. 2023. Springer Mineralogy, Springer Nature, Switzer1
Bianchiniite, Ba2(Ti4+V3+)(As2O5)2OF, a new diarsenite mineral from the Monte Arsiccio mine, Apuan Alps, Tuscany, Italy1
Magnesio-lucchesiite from the Kowary vicinity, Karkonosze Mountains, SW Poland: the third occurrence worldwide1
Alexander William Robert Bevan1
Tolstykhite, Au3S4Te6, a new mineral from Maletoyvayam deposit, Kamchatka peninsula, Russia1
Bernardevansite, Al2(Se4+O3)3⋅6H2O, dimorphous with alfredopetrovite and the Al-analogue of mandarinoite, from the El Dragón mine, Potosí, Bolivi1
Gold particles from Kamchatka: A brief look at gold biogeochemical cycling in a distinct environment1
Gold particle geomicrobiology: Using viable bacteria as a model for understanding microbe–mineral interactions1
MGM volume 88 issue 1 Cover1
Reply to Bosi et al. (2023)1
High-temperature behaviour of fluorcarletonite, KNa4Ca4Si8O18(CO3)4(F,OH)⋅H2O, from the Murun Alkaline Complex, Russia, app0
Whiterockite, CaMgMn3+3O2(PO4)2CO3F⋅5H2O, a new phosphate-carbonate mineral from the White Rock No.2 quarry, South Australi0
Napoliite, Pb2OFCl, a new mineral from Vesuvius volcano, and its relationship with dimorphous rumseyite0
First occurrence of the M2a2b2c polytype of argentopolybasite, [Ag6Sb2S7][Ag10S4]: Structural adjustments in the Cu-f0
MGM volume 88 issue 3 Cover0
MGM volume 85 issue 4 Cover and Back matter0
Using Geochemical Data to Understand Geological Processes H. Rollinson and V. Pease Cambridge University Press. pp346. Paperback price £49.99. ISBN 978-1-108-74584-0 https://doi.org/10.1017/97811087770
Dervillite from Jáchymov, Czech Republic: a non-harmonic approach to the refinement of atomic displacement parameters of silver0
Manuelarossiite, CaPbAlF7, a new fluoride from the Vesuvius volcano, Italy0
Fluorsigaiite, Ca2Sr3(PO4)3F, a new mineral of the apatite supergroup from the Saima alkaline complex, Liaoning Province, China0
The synthetic analogue of kotulskite and its solid solution series with selected elements0
Oberwolfachite, SrFe3+3(AsO4)(SO4)(OH)6, a new alunite-supergroup mineral from the Clara mine, Schwarzwald, Germany and Monterniers mine, Rhône, 0
Mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry of pegmatites: Alessandro Guastoni memorial issue0
Crystallisation of Ca-bearing nepheline in basanites from Kajishiyama, Tsuyama Basin, Southwest Japan0
Theuerdankite, Ag3AsO4, a new mineral from the Alter Theuerdank Mine, St. Andreasberg, Germany0
Characterisation of the progression of salts in walls of earthen architecture heritage0
Pabellóndepicaite, Cu2+2(N3C2H2)2(NH3)2(NO3)Cl⋅2H2O, a new 1,2,4-triazolate mineral from t0
Abundances, distributions and patterns of discovery of new minerals0
Newsletter 780
Minasgeraisite-(Y) discredited as an ordered intermediate between datolite and hingganite-(Y)0
Fluorbritholite-(Nd), Ca2Nd3(SiO4)3F, a new and key mineral for neodymium sequestration in REE skarns0
Geochemistry of detrital zinc-rich chromite in conglomerates from eastern India0
Complexity in the Au–Ag–Hg system: New information from a PGE (‘osmiridium’) concentrate at Waratah Bay, Victoria, Australia0
Newsletter 750
Selenolaurite, RuSe2, a new mineral from the Ingul gold placer, South Urals, Russia0
Crystal structure of Pb-bearing watanabeite from Pefka, Greece0
Svetlanaite, SnSe, a new mineral from the Ozernovskoe deposit, Kamchatka peninsula, Russia0
Popugaevaite, Ca3[B5O6(OH)6]FCl2⋅8H2O, a new phylloborate mineral0
Grandviewite redefinition, new formula Cu3Al2(SO4)(OH)10⋅H2O, and crystal-structure determination0
Kvačekite, NiSbSe, a new selenide mineral from Bukov, Czech Republic0
Crystal chemistry of turkestanite, Dara-i-Pioz massif, Tajikistan0
Rundqvistite-(Ce), Na3(Sr3Ce)(Zn2Si8O24), a new mineral from the Darai-Pioz alkaline massif, Tien-Shan Mountains, Tajikistan: mineral description0
Nomenclature of the ancylite supergroup0
Hydroxylbenyacarite, (H2O)2Mn2(Ti2Fe)(PO4)4[O(OH)](H2O)10⋅4H2O, a new paulkerrite-group mineral, from0
Wodegongjieite, ideally KCa3(Al7Si9)O32, a new sheet silicate isostructural with the feldspar polymorph kokchetavite, KAlSi3O80
Argentotetrahedrite-(Zn), Ag6(Cu4Zn2)Sb4S13, a new member of the tetrahedrite group0
Newsletter 700
Kernowite, Cu2Fe(AsO4)(OH)4⋅4H2O, the Fe3+-analogue of liroconite from Cornwall, UK0
2021 list of referees for Mineralogical Magazine0
Carbonate and cation substitutions in hydroxylapatite in breast cancer micro-calcifications0
Annivite-(Zn), Cu6(Cu4Zn2)Σ6Bi4S13, from the Jáchymov ore district, Czech Republic: the first Bi-dominant member of the tetrahedrite g0
Structure and thermal expansion of end-member olivines I: Crystal and magnetic structure, thermal expansion, and spontaneous magnetostriction of synthetic fayalite, Fe2SiO4, dete0
Qeltite – the first terrestrial high-temperature mineral with a langasite-type structure from the pyrometamorphic rocks of the Hatrurim Complex0
Newsletter 610
Zincostottite, ZnGe(OH)6, the zinc analogue of stottite from Tsumeb, Namibia0
A comparison of the fenites at the Chilwa Island and Kangankunde carbonatite complexes, Malawi0
Three new members of the hakite series, Cu6(Cu4Me2+2)Sb4Se13: hakite-(Cd), hakite-(Fe) and hakite-(Zn) from the Bytíz deposit, 0
The complex mechanism of Ti4+ incorporation into litidionite from the Somma–Vesuvius volcano, Italy0
Puttapaite, Pb2Mn2+2ZnCr3+4O2(AsO4)4(OH)6⋅12H2O, a new mineral from the Beltana deposit, P0