Military Medicine

(The median citation count of Military Medicine is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Chemical Warfare in Ancient Greek Ionia: Mass Intoxication With Hecate’s Deleterium48
Effectiveness of Telementoring in Improving Provider Knowledge, Attitudes, and Perceived Competence in Managing Chronic Pain: A Mixed Methods Study45
Strain Counterstrain Pain Treatment: A Solution for Military Members to Succeed25
Non-Operative Shoulder Dysfunction in the United States Military24
The Impact of Having a Child With Special Healthcare Needs on Length of Military Service23
Emergency Department Presentation of Life-threatening Symptomatic Hyperkalemia From an Angiotensin Receptor Blocker in a Low-risk Individual21
Characteristics of Opioid Prescriptions to Veterans With Chronic Gastrointestinal Symptoms and Disorders Dually Enrolled in the Department of Veterans Affairs and Medicare Part D19
A Healthy Active Duty Soldier with an Elevated Serum Creatinine18
The Impact of Graduate Medical Education on Scholarly Activity at a Military Medical Treatment Facility18
Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for the Treatment of Depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Suicidal Ideation in Military Populations: A Scholarly Review17
A Pilot Study Testing the Novel Use of a Snake Bite Compression Device for Field Hemostasis and Wound Repair in an Animal Model17
Additive Manufacturing for Fabrication of Point-of-Care Therapies in Austere Environments16
The Mitigation of Racial Disparities in Cervical Cancer Screening Among U.S. Active Duty Service Women16
Applying a Military Teleophthalmology Mobile App in a Noncombat Emergent Care Setting15
Prior Enlisted Medical Students at the Uniformed Services University: Outcomes During Four Years of Medical School15
Clinical Pathways When Considering Antimicrobials for the Treatment of Mild-to-Moderate COVID-1915
Lessons Learned From the U.S. Military Experience With Hantavirus During the Korean War15
Comments to Article “Measurements of Infrasound Signatures From Grenade Blast During Training”14
Letter From Executive Director Dr. John Cho14
Response to Dr. van den Berg Comments to Article “Measurements of Infrasound Signatures from Grenade Blast during Training”14
Letter to the Editor Regarding “Born on the Battlefield: Celebrating the Centennial of the Discovery of Epidural Anesthesia”14
Military Medicine in American Samoa—Connecting With Indo-Pacific Partners14
Corrigendum to: Occupational Injuries in Musicians: A Literature Review13
The Battle of Two Oaths: Finding Peace Between Two Conflicting Careers13
Femoral Nerve Blockade Does Not Lead to Subjective Functional Deficits After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction13
More Than a Bruise: Two Cases of Morel-Lavallée Lesions in Active Duty Soldiers12
Analysis of the U.S. Military Trauma System in Accordance With Doctrinal Levels of Warfare12
Gender and Race Differences in Rates of PTSD Service Connection: Results From a Nationally Representative Panel of OEF/OIF/OND Veterans12
Response to the Editor Reply: Disguised Among the Sea: The Implications of Artificial Islands on Casualty Care in the Indo-Pacific12
Lateral Canthotomy/Cantholysis Performance Gap Analysis and Training Recommendations for Expeditionary Physicians11
Combined Multidisciplinary Gender-Affirming Surgery During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Model to Optimize Access to Care, Resource Utilization and Medical Readiness for Military Patients11
Insights Into the Health of Postpartum Airmen From the U.S. Air Force Fitness Database11
Observed Warming Trends at U.S. Army Basic Combat Training Installations and Implications for Future Recruit Training11
Complementary and Integrative Medicine Prevalence and Utilization in International Military and Veteran Settings and Communities: A Systematic Review10
Incidence of Shoulder Labral Pathology in United States Military Members10
Raising the U.S. Army Height–Weight (Body Mass Index) Standards: Quantifying Metabolic Risk10
Impact of Rank, Provider Specialty, and Unit Sustainment Training Frequency on Military Critical Care Air Transport Team Readiness10
Correction To: Pilot Study: Developing Curriculum to Prepare Fourth-Year Medical Students Applying for OBGYN Residency Within the Defense Health Agency10
Nasal Decolonization in Congregant Settings: Reducing Infection Spread, Cutting Costs, and Improving Operational Readiness10
A Comparison of Uniformed Services University and Health Professions Scholarship Program Graduates’ First Deployment Readiness10
Online Screening and Personalized Education to Identify Post-Deployment Mental Health Need and Facilitate Access to Care10
Combat Injury Profile in Urban Warfare10
Summary and Roadmap of Breast Cancer Research in the Veterans Affairs10
A Review of JAK Inhibitors for Treatment of Alopecia Areata in the Military Health Care System10
A Descriptive Study of Casualties Evacuated Out of Afghanistan by Critical Care Air Transport Teams During the Withdrawal of U.S. Troops10
Rearfoot Strike Run Retraining for Achilles Tendon Pain: A Two-patient Case Series10
Impact on Faculty’s Own Development When Assessing Student Performance10
Medical Training Falls Short at Army Combat Training Centers10
Efficacy of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids as a Treatment for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder: A Systematic Review10
Arterial Oxygen Desaturation Hinders Gamified Working Memory Performance9
Posting Holistic Health and Fitness Reels on Social Media Platforms to Improve Soldier Health in the Brigade9
Latent Class Patterns of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Their Relationship to Veteran Status and Sex in the National Epidemiologic Survey of Alcohol and Related Conditions Wave III9
Association of Serum Thyroxine and Atrial Fibrillation in Patients on Levothyroxine9
Correction To: Dynamics of the Oral Microbiome During Initial Military Training at Fort Benning, Georgia9
Duration, Cost, and Escalation of Care Events for Physical Therapy Management of Low Back Pain in Service Members With Limb Loss9
Mapping the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Continuum of Care Across the Military Health System9
Application of the Modified Grunow-Finke Risk Assessment Tool to the Sverdlovsk Anthrax Outbreak of 19799
How Much Does Intravenous Fluid Cause Hematocrit to Drop? Improving Interpretation of Hematocrit Toward Better Post-Hemorrhage Care9
Direct Care Is an Important Component of Military Global Health Engagement9
Preliminary Evidence for the Role of Fungi, Specifically Chaetomium, in Gulf War Illness9
Translating Public Health Recommendations Using the Army Design Methodology8
Leveraging the Existing Anesthesia Information Management System to Improve Anesthesia Quality Assurance Outcome Reporting8
Letter From the Executive Director Dr. John Cho8
Understanding PaxlovidTM Effectiveness in Military Populations8
Integrity Demands It8
COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Among Deployed Personnel in a Joint Environment8
Factors Associated With Postoperative Opioid Prescribing After Primary Elective Cesarean Section8
Advancing Prehospital Combat Casualty Evacuation: Patients Amenable to Aeromedical Evacuation via Unmanned Aerial Vehicles8
Sleep Deprived, Injured, Not Seeking Medical Care. A Commentary on Elliman Et Al (2022)8
Correction to: Sleep Deprived, Injured, Not Seeking Medical Care. A Commentary on Elliman Et Al (2022)8
Response to Dr. Prichep’s Letter to the Editor8
The Successful Use of Left-sided Stellate Ganglion Block in Patients That Fail to Respond to Right-sided Stellate Ganglion Block for the Treatment of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms: A Retrosp8
Promoting Military Women’s Health Through Research Design8
A Diagnosis You Cannot Afford to MIS-C: Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children Within the Active Duty Population8
Letter From Executive Director Dr. John Cho7
Lumbar Fusion for Active Duty Service Members Performed at an Overseas Military Treatment Facility: A 2-Year Retrospective Analysis7
US Soldiers’ Individual and Unit-level Factors Associated with Perceptions of Disinformation in the Military Context7
Use of Electronic Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Among Active Component Services Members7
Developing a Comparative Effective Methodology for Technology Usability During a Simulated Casualty Event7
Psychiatric Care in a Novel Federal COVID-19 Treatment Center: Development of a Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Service at the Javits New York Medical Station7
Helicobacter pylori Treatment Regimen Selection and Eradication Rates Across Department of Defense Patients for Fiscal Years 2016-20187
Legal Performance-enhancing Drugs Alter Course and Treatment of Rhabdomyolysis-induced Acute Kidney Injury7
Veterans Affairs’ Whole Health System of Care for Transitioning Service Members and Veterans7
Corrigendum to: Management of COVID-19 in a Deployed Setting7
Perceptions and Concerns Regarding COVID-19 Vaccination in a Military Base Population7
A Retrospective Study of Demographic, Medical, and Psychological Predictors of Readiness in Service Members With Mild Traumatic Brain Injury7
Incorporation of Whipstitch Suture in Tibial Interference Fixation Improves Pullout in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Soft Tissue Grafts7
A Common Data Element–Based Adjudication Process for mTBI Clinical Profiles: A Targeted Multidomain Clinical Trial Preliminary Study7
Increased Metabolic Demand During Outside Walking in Darkness With No Vision or With Visual Aid7
Isolated Mononeuropathy From Rucksack Palsy: A Case Series7
Total Force Fitness Standardization: Leveraging Policy and Metrics to Inform and Accelerate Implementation7
Characteristics of Active Duty Service Members Referred to the Navy’s Weight-Management Program7
Evidence-Based Strategies to Enhance Weight Management Programs for Adult Military Beneficiaries: A Narrative Review7
Comparison of Royal Canadian Navy Watchstanding Schedules7
Optimizing Readiness…the Power of Military Medical Research7
Corrigendum to: Rapid Sequence Induction Strategies Among Critically Injured U.S. Military During the Afghanistan and Iraq Conflicts7
Emergency Department Utilization in the U.S. Military Health System7
Correlative Factors for Traumatic Brain Injury in Combat Ocular Trauma7
A Case Report of External Cardiac Pads Used for Internal Cardiac Defibrillation During Resuscitative Thoracotomy7
Unusual Case of Acute Decompensated Maple Syrup Urine Disease in the Emergency Department6
A Clerkship Story Told in 55 Words—Medical Student Perspectives6
Health Facility Planning: A Key Global Health Engagement Capability6
Acute Renal Failure with Severe Loin Pain and Patchy Renal Ischemia after Anaerobic Exercise in Active Duty Marines6
IDCRP Trauma-Related Infection Research6
Behavioral Health Integrated Support Network (BHISN)6
Appendectomy Pain Medication Prescribing Variation in the U.S. Military Health System6
Perforating Calcinosis Cutis as a Complication of Intraosseous Fluid Infusion in the Setting of a Near-Drowning Event6
Etiology of Leukemoid Reaction in Patients Undergoing Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation6
Leveraging Natural Ecosystems to Reoptimize Education and Training for Great Power Competition in the Air Force Medical Service6
Mitigating SARS-CoV-2 in the Deployed Environment6
The Gulf War Illness and the Iraqi Population’s Forgotten Pain and Suffering6
The Primary Care Management of Headache: Synopsis of the 2020 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and U.S. Department of Defense Clinical Practice Guideline6
Cognitive Load Impairs Time to Initiate and Complete Shooting Tasks in ROTC Members6
The Influence of Advanced Hyperbaric Medical Training on Arterial Gas Embolism Treatment6
Association of Traumatic Brain Injury and Glioblastoma Multiforme: A Case Series6
Evaluation of an Injectable, Solid-State, Oxygen-Delivering Compound (Ox66) in a Rodent Model of Pulmonary Dysfunction-Induced Hypoxia6
Discharge Opioid Dose Indirectly Associated With Functional Outcomes 2 Weeks After Shoulder and Knee Arthroscopy in a US Military Sample6
A Review of 75th Ranger Regiment Battle-Injured Fatalities Incurred During Combat Operations From 2001 to 20216
Associations Among Environmental Exposures and Physical and Psychiatric Symptoms in a Care-Seeking Sample of U.S. Military Veterans6
Perioperative Pressure Injury Prevention Program in a Military Medical Treatment Facility: A Quality Improvement Project6
The COVID-19 Response Has Uncovered and Increased Our Vulnerability to Biological Warfare6
The Relationship Between Functional Motor Competence and Performance on the Army Combat Fitness Test in Army Reserve Officer Training Corps Cadets6
Therapeutic Relationship in mTBI Rehabilitation: The Disparity Between the Illness Experience and Clinical Definitions6
Early Repolarization Syndrome Leading to Recurrent Cardiac Arrest in a Young Active Duty Patient6
First Case of Surgically Treated Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome of the Arm6
Prevalence of Neck Pain in Soldiers as a Result of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury–Associated Trauma6
Minority Adolescent Mental Health Diagnosis Differences in a National Sample6
Seasonal Trends for Environmental Illness Incidence in the U.S. Army6
The Ability of Military Critical Care Air Transport Members to Visually Estimate Percent Systolic Pressure Variation6
Training Program for Ultrasound-Guided Intravenous Catheter Insertion6
Novel Metrics for Assessing Mobility During Ground-Standing Transitions6
Point of Use Treatment for Medical Devices: From Bedside to Battlefield6
Bamlanivimab Use in a Military Treatment Facility6
COVID-19 on Board a Submarine; a Retrospective Review6
Teleophthalmology in the United States Army: A Review From 2004 Through 20186
Aerosolized Particulate Matter and Blunting of Ciliary Dynamic Responses: Implications for Veterans and Active Duty Military in Southwest Asia5
Examining the Intersection of Strategic Thinking and Continuous Process Improvement Through the Lens of Military Medical Education to Build a Novel Model5
The Subcapital Femoral Neck Stress Fracture: A Novel Subtype of Compression-sided Stress Fracture—A Report of Three Cases5
Notional Spread of Cholera in Haiti Following a Natural Disaster: Considerations for Military and Disaster Relief Personnel5
Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness and Test-Negative Study Design Within the Department of Defense5
Correction To: Veteran Experiences With Suicide Ideation, Suicide Attempt, and Social Support in Safety Planning Within the Department of Veterans Affairs5
Assessing Common Content and Responsiveness of the QoR-15 and the SF-8 in the Context of Recovery from Regional Anesthesia for Joint Replacement5
Thoracic Epidural and Analgesic Options After Failed Transversus Abdominus Plane Block With Liposomal Bupivacaine5
Presentation of Severe Diabetic Ketoacidosis in New-Onset Type One Diabetes Mellitus: The Importance of a Broad Differential in an Otherwise Healthy Population in the Operational Environment5
Malignant Hyperthermia—A Case From Camp Humphreys, South Korea, and Lessons for the Military Health System5
Expanding Virtual Health Capabilities Into Trainee Health5
Shared Decision-Making During Labor and Birth Among Low-Risk, Active Duty Women in the U.S. Military5
Women in Combat Need a Collaborative Culture Shift5
Multivitamin Use in Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Protocols: A Cost Analysis5
A Matter of the Heart: Why It Is Time to Change How We Talk About Maternal Mortality5
Policy Recommendations for Increasing the Use of Evidence-Based Psychotherapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in the Military Health System5
Pre-task Intrinsic Cortical Activity in Novice and Experienced Military Specialists: A Cross-sectional Study5
Vasovagal Electrophysiology on 12-Lead ECG After Venipuncture5
Inflammatory Arthritis Among Military Servicemen From a Rheumatology Center in Singapore5
A Response to “A Meta-Review to Guide Military Screening and Treatment of Gambling Problems”5
Operation Bushmaster: The Impact of Simulation-Based Education on Preparing the Next Generation of Military Medical Officers5
On Protection of U.S. Forces From Global Health Threats: The Role of Health Security Advisors5
The Association Between Interpersonal Violence and Unstable Housing Among Veterans5
Comparison of Musculoskeletal Injury and Behavioral Health Diagnoses Among U.S. Army Active Duty Servicewomen in Ground Combat and Non-Ground Combat Military Occupational Specialties5
Preface to Military Medicine and WarDocs Present: “A Ready Medical Force Special Collection”5
A Rare Case of Metastatic Poorly Differentiated Neuroendocrine Tumor Arising From the Sigmoid Colon in an Active Duty Service Member5
Disparate Risk Factors Among Pregnant Veterans Using Veterans Administration Health Benefits for Community-Based Obstetrical Care5
Usability Enhancements to a Prototype Clinical Decision Support System for Combat Medics5
Medical Student Involvement in Disasters: How Can We Effectively Serve?5
Impacts of Austerity on Urogenital Infection Rates in Active Duty Servicewomen5
Management of SARS-CoV-2 in the Military and Lessons for Future Pandemics5
Prevalence of Eye and Vision Disorders in the Military Health System, Fiscal Year 20185
COVID-19 Personal Experiences and Posttraumatic Stress in National Guard Service Members5
Correction To: Improved Casualty Depiction System for Simulated Mass Casualty Exercises5
A Pilot Study Comparing Two Measures of Perceived Health Services Access Among Military Veterans With Musculoskeletal Injuries and Mental Health Conditions5
Infectious Disease Teleconsultation to the Deployed U.S. Military From 2017–20225
Association of Medication-Assisted Treatment and Age With Treatment Completion Among Veterans Seeking Non-VA Treatment for Opioid use Disorder at Non-Veterans Health Administration Facilities5
Standardization of Pulmonary Embolism Evaluation and Management Through Implementation of a Pulmonary Embolism Response Team: A Single-Center Experience at Brooke Army Medical Center5
Introduction to Women in Combat5
A Call to Validate the Stress Continuum Model4
Improving Care by Decreasing Wait Times: A Military Health System Quality Improvement Project4
Investigating Research Hotspots of Combat-related Spinal Injuries: A 30-year Bibliometric Analysis Study4
Establishment of the Clinician-Scientist Investigator Opportunity Network to Develop Military Medical Research Leaders4
Evaluation of the NIO and T.A.L.O.N Intraosseous Devices as Placed by U.S. Army Conventional Force Combat Medics—A Randomized Crossover Study4
Juke Stick: A Case of Pediatric Atraumatic Compartment Syndrome4
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia Among Active Duty Military Personnel Diagnosed With Obstructive Sleep Apnea4
Daily Naltrexone Use Does Not Adversely Affect Physical, Cognitive or Marksmanship Performance in U.S. Army Soldiers4
Development of a Fast-Running Algorithm to Approximate Incident Blast Parameters Using Body-Mounted Sensor Measurements4
Uniformed Services and the Field Hospital Experience During Coronovirus Disease 2019 (SARS-CoV-2) Pandemic: Open to Closure in 30 Days With 1,100 Patients: The Javits New York Medical Station4
Sibling and Parental Military Service and Suicidality Among Adolescents in the United States4
Distributed Maritime Operations and the Medical Challenge: How a Medical Common Operating Picture Can Help Bridge the Gap4
The Association Between Loneliness and Maladaptive Moods and Beliefs: A Pilot Study in U.S. Veterans4
Application Times, Placement Accuracy, and User Ratings of Commercially Available Manual and Battery-Powered Intraosseous Catheters in a High Bone Density Cadaveric Swine Model4
Repetitive Low-level Blast Exposure and Neurocognitive Effects in Army Ranger Mortarmen4
Total Force Fitness: Making Holistic, Integrated Whole-Person Research a DoD Priority4
HPV Vaccine Usage Among the U.S. Military Academy Corps of Cadets (2018-2025)4
Do Interviews Influence Admission Decisions? An Empirical Analysis From an Institution4
A Pilot Study of a Stress Management Program for Incarcerated Veterans4
Responses of a Pre-hospital Emergency Medical Service During Military Conflict Versus COVID-19: A Retrospective Comparative Cohort Study4
Systematic Review of the Military Career Impact of Mental Health Evaluation and Treatment4
A Pilot Feasibility Study of Interpersonal Psychotherapy for the Prevention of Excess Weight Gain Among Adolescent Military-dependent Girls4
Exploratory Case Study of Barriers and Facilitators Associated With the Pilot Implementation of a New Electronic Healthcare Record in the Military4
Patterns in Urogenital Health in Active Duty Servicewomen: A Prospective Cross-Sectional Survey Evaluating Impacts of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Resources Across Three Military Environments4
Letter to the Editor Regarding “Ascertaining the Readiness of Military Orthopedic Surgeons: A Revision to the Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities Methodology”4
Quality of Integration of Air Force Trauma Surgeons Within the Center for Sustainment of Trauma and Readiness Skills, Cincinnati: A Pilot Study4
The Influence of Physical and Mental Health Mediators on the Relationship Between Combat-Related Traumatic Injury and Ultra-Short-Term Heart Rate Variability in a U.K. Military Cohort: A Structural Eq4
Body Armor and Lumbar Disc Herniation in Young Military Veterans: A Case Series4
The Microsoft HoloLens 2 Provides Accurate Biomechanical Measures of Performance During Military-Relevant Activities in Healthy Adults4
Long-Term Hearing Loss after Acute Acoustic Trauma in the French Military: A Retrospective Study4
The Association of High-Quality Hospital Use on Health Care Outcomes for Pediatric Congenital Heart Defects in a Universal Health Care System4
Mentoring Military Students at Civilian Medical Schools4
Trends in Surgical Volume in the Military Health System—A Potential Threat to Mission Readiness4
HPV-Related Cancers: A Growing Threat to U.S. Military Health and Readiness4
Prolonged Field Care Research Approach and Its Relevance to Civilian Medicine4
Training, Deployment Preparation, and Behavioral Health of New York National Guard Personnel Deployed to Assist with COVID-19 Decedent Work4
Trauma, Teams, and Telemedicine: Evaluating Telemedicine and Teamwork in a Mass Casualty Simulation4
Comparison of Accelerated Resolution Therapy for PTSD Between Veterans With and Without Prior PTSD Treatment4
Exploring Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities Needed for Army Pharmacist Readiness Using the Nominal Group Technique4
Traumatic Optic Neuropathy: The Forgotten Concussion4
The Readiness Imperative: Leveraging Large Animal Resident Research to Enhance Expeditionary Surgical Skills4
Character Strengths of Czech Army Excellent Officers as Perceived by Cadets and Soldiers Serving in Reconnaissance Units4
Atraumatic Vertebral Artery Dissection in a Patient With a Migraine Headache4
Development of the Blast Ordnance and Occupational Exposure Measure for Self-Reported Lifetime Blast Exposures4
Heplisav-B in Prior Hepatitis B Vaccine Nonresponders: A Case Series4
Mandatory HPV Vaccination; Opportunity to Save Lives, Improve Readiness and Cut Costs4
Women of the Gulf War: Understanding Their Military and Health Experiences Over 30 Years4
Quasi-experimental Controlled Study on the Effect of Autism Resource Clinic Guardian Attendance at a Military Treatment Facility4
A 15-Year Longitudinal Study of Body Composition in Finnish Military Divers4
Military Medical Students’ Perspectives on Medical Education in the COVID-19 Era4
Psychometric Properties of the Weight Loss Readiness Test in Active Duty Military Personnel Enrolled in a Weight Management Trial4
Normative Values for the Head Shake Sensory Organization Test in an Active Duty Military Cohort4
Real-Time Measurements of Oral Mucosal Carbon Dioxide (POMCO2) Reveals an Inverse Correlation With Blood Pressure in a Porcine Model of Coagulopathic Junctional Hemorrhage4
Suspected Mal de Debarquement Syndrome: A Case Report Highlighting the Difficulty in Diagnosis and Management4
Scoping Review on Menstrual Suppression Among U.S. Military Service Members4
Surgical Treatment of Focal Chondral Lesions of the Knee in the Military Population: Current and Future Therapies4
Public versus Private Care in the Military Health System: Evidence From Low Back Pain Patients4
Combined Pulmonary Fibrosis and Emphysema in a Patient With Chronic Occupational Exposure to Trichloroethylene4
The Perfect Med Bag is One that Doesn’t Fall Off a Cliff: A Combat Mass Casualty Case4
Scleral Discoloration Because of Minocycline Use: A Case Report and Review of the Literature4
Blast Injury Patterns Among Israel Defense Forces Fatalities4
Royal Netherlands Marechaussee Personnel’s Self-Perceived Occupational Demand Profiles: A Latent Profile Analysis Shows the “Good” Versus the “Bad”4
Psychophysiological Predictors of Soldier Performance in Tunnel Warfare: A Field Study on the Correlates of Optimal Performance in a Simulation of Subterranean Combat4
Inter- and Intra-Rater Reliabilities of the Army Combat Fitness Test Three-Repetition Maximum Deadlift Event Among Raters of Varying Professional Experience4
Changes in Elective and Urgent Surgery Among TRICARE Beneficiaries During the COVID-19 Pandemic4
Arming Hospital Ships of the Future: Hybrid Wars Require a Major Change4
Telemedicine Improves Performance of a Two-Incision Lower Leg Fasciotomy by Combat Medics: A Randomized Controlled Trial4
Optimizing the Impact of Pragmatic Clinical Trials for Veteran and Military Populations: Lessons From the Pain Management Collaboratory4
Evaluation of Detection and Efficacy of Decontamination of Respiratory Pathogens Including SARS-CoV-2 on Basic Military Trainee Gas Masks4
Evaluation of a Stress Management Course for Shipboard Sailors4
Development of a Simulation Surgical Cricothyroidotomy Curriculum for Novice Providers: A Learning Curve Study4
Using Contact-Based Education to Reduce Diabetes-Related Stigma Among Medical Residents in a Military Health System4
Prospective Associations of Military Discharge Characterization with Post-active Duty Suicide Attempts and Homelessness: Results from the Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers—Longitud4
Symptoms and Central Sensory Integration in People With Chronic mTBI: Clinical Implications4
The Effect of Wet Conditions and Surface Combat Swimming on Shooting4
An Assessment of Clinical Accuracy of Vital Sign–based Triage Tools Among U.S. and Coalition Forces4