
(The TQCC of Metrologia is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Optical frequency ratio of a 171Yb+ single-ion clock and a 87Sr lattice clock31
Demonstration of the nearly continuous operation of an171Yb optical lattice clock for half a year29
Absolute frequency measurement of the 171Yb optical lattice clock at KRISS using TAI for over a year24
The new mise en pratique for the metre—a review of approaches for the practical realization of traceable length metrology from 10−11 m to 1013 m23
Beginning of a new phase of the dissemination of the kilogram20
A 87Sr optical lattice clock with 2.9 × 10  −17 uncertainty and its absolute frequency measurement20
Roadmap towards the redefinition of the second19
Review of field characterization techniques for high intensity therapeutic ultrasound19
Absolute frequency of 87Sr at 1.8 × 10−16 uncertainty by reference to remote primary frequency standards19
Reduction of calibration uncertainty due to mounting of three-axis accelerometers using the intrinsic properties model17
High-performance coherent population trapping atomic clock with direct-modulation distributed Bragg reflector laser16
Refractive index gas thermometry between 13.8 K and 161.4 K15
Thermodynamic effects in a gas modulated Invar-based dual Fabry–Pérot cavity refractometer14
Measurement configurations for differential sampling of AC waveforms based on a programmable Josephson voltage standard: effects of sampler bandwidth on the measurements14
Empirical decomposition and error propagation of medium-term instabilities in half-life determinations13
The international reference system for pure beta-particle emitting radionuclides: an evaluation of the measurement uncertainties13
First uncertainty evaluation of the cesium fountain primary frequency standard NMIJ-F213
Guidance on Bayesian uncertainty evaluation for a class of GUM measurement models12
Absolute energies and emission line shapes of the L x-ray transitions of lanthanide metals12
Primary calibration system for digital accelerometers11
Continuous IPPP links for UTC11
Ytterbium optical lattice clock with instability of order 10−1811
Establishing waveguide lines as primary standards for scattering parameter measurements at submillimetre wavelengths11
Preliminary study of generating a local time scale with NIM 87Sr optical lattice clock10
Refining the cold atom pressure standard10
An AC quantum voltmeter for frequencies up to 100 kHz using sub-sampling10
Improved frequency ratio measurement with 87Sr and 171Yb optical lattice clocks at NMIJ10
Final report on the CCM key comparison of kilogram realizations CCM.M-K8.202110
A critical review of the common thermocouple reference functions10
Towards a consensus on a continuous coordinated universal time9
The irony of the magnet system for Kibble balances—a review9
Prenormative verification and validation of a protocol for measuring magnetite–maghemite ratios in magnetic nanoparticles9
CCQM-K68.2019, nitrous oxide (N2O) in air, ambient level, final report9
Transient heating in fixed length optical cavities for use as temperature and pressure standards9
On the influence of inlet perturbations on slug dynamics in horizontal multiphase flow—a computational study9
Precise density measurement and its uncertainty evaluation for refractory liquid metals over 3000 K using electrostatic levitation9
Precision measurement of an electron pump at 2 GHz; the frontier of small DC current metrology8
A three-cornered hat analysis of instabilities in two-way and GPS carrier phase time transfer systems8
Measurement of the 27Al+ and 87Sr absolute optical frequencies8
Highly-accurate second-virial-coefficient values for helium from 3.7 K to 273 K determined by dielectric-constant gas thermometry8
Thickness and refractive index measurements of a thin-film using an artificial neural network algorithm8
A fully digital bridge towards the realization of the farad from the quantum Hall effect8
Robustness tests for an optical time scale8
Determination of the responsivity of a predictable quantum efficient detector over a wide spectral range based on a 3D model of charge carrier recombination losses8
Towards traceable dynamic pressure calibration using a shock tube with an optical probe for accurate phase determination8
Achieving traceability to UTC through GNSS measurements8
A new calibration setup for lock-in amplifiers in the low frequency range and its validation in a bilateral comparison8
Precise sinusoidal signal extraction from noisy waveform in vibration calibration8
Quantification of titanium dioxide (TiO2) anatase and rutile polymorphs in binary mixtures by Raman spectroscopy: an interlaboratory comparison8
Acoustic measurement of the triple point of neon T Ne and thermodynamic calibration of a transfer standard for accurate cryogenic thermometry8
Thickness measurements and uncertainty evaluation of a multilayer thin-film sample using auxiliary single-layer samples7
The comparability of the determination of the molar mass of silicon highly enriched in 28Si: results of the CCQM-P160 interlaboratory comparison and additional external measurements7
Two-point diameter calibration of a sphere using a micro-coordinate measuring machine at NMIJ7
Gonioreflectometer for measuring 3D spectral BRDF of horizontally aligned samples with traceability to SI7
Survey of subrange inconsistency of long-stem standard platinum resistance thermometers7
Evaluation of the transportable atom gravimeter HUST-QG7
A laser pistonphone designed for absolute calibration of infrasound sensors from 10 mHz up to 20 Hz7
Role of measurement uncertainty in the comparison of average areal rainfall methods7
Calibration of GNSS stations for UTC7
Absolute frequency measurement of the 87Sr optical lattice clock at NTSC using international atomic time7
First realisation of the kilogram with the METAS Kibble balance7
A metrological approach to quantities that are counted and the unit one7
Realization and evaluation of the triple point of sulfur hexafluoride7
Uncertainty evaluations from small datasets7
PTB–INRIM comparison of novel digital impedance bridges with graphene impedance quantum standards6
Evaluation of blackbody radiation shift with 2 × 10−18 uncertainty at room temperature for a transportable 40Ca+ optical clock6
Measurements of absolute, SI-traceable lunar irradiance with the airborne lunar spectral irradiance (air-LUSI) instrument6
Rejection sampling for Bayesian uncertainty evaluation using the Monte Carlo techniques of GUM-S16
Metrological approach of γ-emitting radionuclides identification at low statistics: application of sparse spectral unmixing to scintillation detectors6
Method to traceably determine the refractive index by measuring the angle of minimum deviation6
SI-traceable solar irradiance measurements for aerosol optical depth retrieval6
On the uncertainties in the realization of the kelvin based on thermodynamic temperatures of high-temperature fixed-point cells6
Primary standard for the number concentration of liquid-borne particles: extension of the diameter range from the micrometer to the sub-micrometer level and reduction of the measurement uncertainty6
Final report on the CIPM key comparison CCAUV.V-K56
Revisiting the limits of photon momentum based optical power measurement method, employing the case of multi-reflected laser beam6
Coherent fiber links operated for years: effect of missing data6
Proposal for the dimensionally consistent treatment of angle and solid angle by the International System of Units (SI)6
Finite element analysis of blackbody radiation environment for an ytterbium lattice clock operated at room temperature5
Differential sampling of AC waveforms based on a programmable Josephson voltage standard using a high-precision sampler5
Evaluation of effective area of air piston gauge with limitations in piston–cylinder dimension measurements5
On the dimension of angles and their units5
A bilateral comparison of NIST and PTB laser power standards for scale realization confidence by gravitational wave observatories5
Axial force radiometer for primary standard laser power measurements using photon momentum5
Traceability for nuclear medicine: the status of primary radioactivity standards5
Defining relative humidity in terms of water activity: III. Relations to dew-point and frost-point temperatures5
Primary thermometry at 4 K, 14 K, and 25 K applying dielectric-constant gas thermometry5
Precise measurement of the thickness of silicon wafers by double-sided interferometer and bilateral comparison5
Corrigendum: Realization of the triple point of carbon dioxide evaluated by the ITS–90 (2020 Metrologia 57 015004)5
CCQM-K143 comparison of copper calibration solutions prepared by NMIs/DIs5
Ode to Bayesian methods in metrology5
ITS-90 reproducibility, xenon fixed point substitution and new interpolating equations between 13.8033 K and 273.16 K5
Improved absolute frequency measurement of the strontium ion clock using a GPS link to the SI second5
Final report on CCQM-K167: carbon isotope delta measurements of vanillin5
Final report of the new BIPM comparison BIPM.RI(II)-K1.Ra-223 of activity measurements of the radionuclide 223Ra including the 2014 result of the NPL (United Kingdom), the 2014 result of th5
Errors-in-variables calibration with dark uncertainty5
Uncertainty budget for PTB’s gonioreflectometers and ways to improve it in the short VIS spectral range5
On the long-term stability of the triple-point-of-water cells5
A comparison of traceable spatial angle autocollimator calibrations performed by PTB and VTT MIKES5
International comparison CCQM-K118 natural gas5
High amplification laser-pressure optic enables ultra-low uncertainty measurements of optical laser power at kilowatt levels5
Evaluation of different general V(λ) mismatch indices of photometers for LED-based light sources in general lighting applications5
Detection and identification of faults in clock ensembles with the generalized likelihood ratio test5
Angles in the SI: a detailed proposal for solving the problem5
A further short history of the SI prefixes5
Uncertainty analysis of stack gas flow measurements with an S-type Pitot tube for estimating greenhouse gas emissions using a continuous emission monitoring system5
Experimental validation of theoretically predicted cut-off of L1–L3M4,5 transitions at Z = 50 through measurements of fluorescence and Coster–Kronig yi5
Correction factors for primary beta dosimetry5
A strontium lattice clock with both stability and uncertainty below 5×10−185
Final report for supplementary comparison APMP.QM-S15: carbon dioxide in nitrogen at 1000 μmol/mol4
Type A uncertainty analysis validation of type B analysis for three-axis accelerometer calibrations4
Verification of an in situ calibrated optomechanical accelerometer for use as a strong ground motion seismic reference4
The least informative distribution and correlation coefficient of measurement results4
Final report for supplementary comparison APMP.QM-S9.2017: 100 μmol/mol of carbon monoxide in nitrogen4
Remote time and frequency calibration with holdover traceability from a new treatment of non-white noise in rubidium clocks4
The value of stable, comparable and standardised measurement: enabling confidence in decision making for societal challenges4
Interlaboratory consensus building4
Speedy in-situ magnetic field compensation algorithm for multiple-channel single-beam SERF atomic magnetometers4
UME Kibble balance operating in air4
Improvements of the programmable quantum current generator for better traceability of electrical current measurements4
Direct comparison of ITS-90 and PLTS-2000 from 0.65 K to 1 K at LNE-CNAM4
Gas flow standards and their uncertainty4
Mass fraction assignment of Bisphenol-A high purity material4
A method for calibrating forward scatter meters indoors4
The CCRI(II)-K2.Fe-55.2019 key comparison of activity concentration measurements of a 55Fe solution4
Report of the CCQM-K152. Assay of potassium iodate4
Ambient humidity, the overlooked influencer of radioactivity measurements4
International comparison CCQM-K10.2018: BTEX in nitrogen at 5 nmol mol−14
Thickness measurement of nm HfO2 films4
Terahertz frequency counter based on a semiconductor-superlattice harmonic mixer with four-octave measurable bandwidth and 16-digit precision4
PAWG Pilot Study on Quantification of SARS-CoV-2 Monoclonal Antibody - Part 14
ITS-90 SPRT calibration from the Ar TP to the Zn FP4
International comparison CCQM-K117 ammonia4
Comment on ‘Angles in the SI: a detailed proposal for solving the problem’4
Development of a new KRISS low frost-point generator with improved uncertainty from 7 nmol·mol−1 to 1000 nmol·mol−13
Long-term spectral responsivity stability of predictable quantum efficient detectors3
The kilogram: inertial or gravitational mass?3
International comparison of activity measurements of radon 222 - EURAMET Project n°1475 - EURAMET.RI(II)-S8.Rn-2223
A high precision VIS/NIR dynamic goniometer-spectrometer3
International comparison CCQM-K74.2018: Nitrogen dioxide, 10 μmol mol-13
Measurement of miscut angles in the determination of Si lattice parameters3
Development of a primary measurement standard for trace moisture in Ar3
Precise high resistance comparison between the NMIJ traveling dual source bridge and the NIST adapted Wheatstone bridge3
Supplementary comparison EURAMET.EM-S42, comparison of lightning impulse (LI) reference measuring systems3
Activity measurements of the radionuclides 99mTc, 18F and 64Cu for the POLATOM, Poland, in the ongoing comparisons BIPM.RI(II)-K4 series and KCRV update in the corres3
International comparison CCQM-K165: dimethyl sulfide in nitrogen at 5 nmol mol-13
Reply to Comment on ‘Angles in the SI: a detailed proposal for solving the problem’3
Simple informative prior distributions for Type A uncertainty evaluation in metrology3
Increased detector response in optical overfilled measurements due to gas lens formation by nitrogen flow through the entrance aperture3
Residual resistance ratio as indicator for the influence of impurities on fixed-point temperatures3
Final report of CCQM-P204, comparison on CO2 isotope ratios in pure CO23
Development and implementation of an automated four-terminal-pair Josephson impedance bridge3
Candidate primary reference measurement procedure for the amount-of-substance content of a complexing agent expressed as EDTA based on the coulometric titration with electrogenerated Hg ions3
Economic optimization of acceptance interval in conformity assessment: 1. Process with no systematic effect3
A constant pressure flowmeter for extreme-high vacuum3
Enhanced dilution step and gravimetric preparation uncertainty for low-amount fraction standard gas mixtures using a newly developed automatic weighing system for a mini cylinder3
Assay of sodium carbonate3
Key Comparison Study - Organic Solvent Calibration Solution - Gravimetric preparation and value assignment of aflatoxin B1 (AfB1) in acetonitrile (ACN)3
Effects of fast x-ray cone-beam tomographic measurement on dimensional metrology3
Traceable spectral interferometry for length measurement3
Accurate ground-to-ground laser time transfer by diffuse reflections from tumbling space debris objects3
Final report of the new BIPM comparison BIPM.RI(II)-K1.Ac-225 of activity measurements of the radionuclide 225Ac to include the 2019 result of the PTB (Germany)3
A digital framework for realising the SI—a proposal for the metre3
A virtual flow meter downstream of various elbow configurations3
Effects of rotation errors on goniometric measurements3
Mid-infrared spectral responsivity scale based on an absolute cryogenic radiometer and a tunable quantum cascade laser3
The CIPM list ‘Recommended values of standard frequencies’: 2021 update3
Some predictions of a validated physical model of Pt–Rh thermocouple drift above 1200 °C3
Economic optimization of acceptance interval in conformity assessment: 2. Process with unknown systematic effect3
Scaling of thermoelectric inhomogeneities with temperature in platinum–rhodium alloyed thermocouples3
Characterization of predictable quantum efficient detector in terms of optical non-linearity in the visible to near-infrared range3
Evaluation of long-term robustness of the International System of Reference (SIR) used in radionuclide metrology based on the meta-analysis of its machine-readable database3