
(The median citation count of Metrologia is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
International comparison CCQM-K150: particle number concentration (100 to 20 000 cm-3) and particle charge concentration (0.15 to 3 fC cm-3)26
Supplementary comparisons of national standards of ratio error and phase displacement of AC voltage of power frequency COOMET 411/RU-a/07 (COOMET.EM-S6)24
Comparison of liquid density measurements among SIM NMIs - SIM.M.D-S723
Traceability for nuclear medicine: the status of primary radioactivity standards20
Supplementary comparisons of DC high voltage measuring reference instruments COOMET 449Ru-a08 (COOMET_EM-S7)20
CCQM-K160: platinum group elements in automotive catalyst19
Final report, ongoing key comparison BIPM.QM-K1, ozone at ambient level, comparison with EMPA, June 202319
Report on EURAMET supplementary comparison on measurement of a 1 mm stage micrometer17
Automatic alignment technique for the suspended coil in the joule balance16
Characterization of the collisional frequency shift in an atomic fountain clock using absorption imaging15
Noise-induced servo errors in optical clocks utilizing Rabi interrogation14
Primary standard for traceability in low liquid hydrocarbon fuel flow rates13
Absolute frequency of 87Sr at 1.8 × 10−16 uncertainty by reference to remote primary frequency standards13
Update of the BIPM comparison BIPM.RI(II)-K1.Ga-67 of activity measurements of the radionuclide 67Ga to include the 2023 result of the CMI (Czechia)13
Measuring and adjusting the distance between the center of mass and optical center of a free-falling body in an absolute gravimeter11
CCQM-K91.2022 key comparison on pH of an unknown phthalate buffer11
Report of the CCRI(II) supplementary international comparison of measurement of activity per unit mass of Cs-134 and Cs-137 in wheat flour (CCRI(II)-S13)11
Elements in lipstick material10
APMP.M.H-S5 final report of the supplementary comparison of Brinell hardness10
Final report on the EURAMET key comparison EURAMET AUV.V-K510
Supplementary comparison of national standard instruments in the field of magnetic flux density and magnetic flux measurements by sensing coils10
Calibration of gauge blocks by optical interferometry comparison - final report10
CCQM-P206, nitrous oxide (N2O) in air, ambient level, pilot study run in parallel with CCQM-K68.201910
Determination of elements in river water10
Key comparison study - organic solvent calibration solution - gravimetric preparation and value assignment of deoxynivalenol (DON) in acetonitrile (ACN)9
EURAMET Key Comparison EURAMET.M.D-K4.2020: Hydrometer calibration comparison from 600 kg/m3 to 2000 kg/m39
Final report of APMP comparison of mass standards APMP.M.M-K5 (Sub-) multiples mass key comparison9
Comparison BIPM.RI(I)-K6 of the standards for absorbed dose to water of the PTB, Germany, and the BIPM, in accelerator photon beams9
SIM.M.P-S8 final report9
Final report of the new BIPM comparison BIPM.RI(II)-K1.Ra-223 of activity measurements of the radionuclide 223Ra including the 2014 result of the NPL (United Kingdom), the 2014 result of th9
Supplementary comparison CCRI(I)-S3 of standards for absorbed dose to water in 60Co gamma radiation at radiation processing dose levels9
Comparison BIPM.RI(I)-K6 of the standards for absorbed dose to water of the NRC, Canada and the BIPM in accelerator photon beams8
Key comparison BIPM.RI(I)-K1 of the air-kerma standards of the NMIJ, Japan and the BIPM in 60Co gamma radiation8
Proposal for the dimensionally consistent treatment of angle and solid angle by the International System of Units (SI)8
Key comparison study on peptide purity - hexapeptide of HbA08
Final report, ongoing key comparison BIPM.QM-K1, ozone at ambient level, comparison with NMC-A*STAR, July 20228
Assay of sodium carbonate8
Final report of APMP.AUV.V-S2: supplementary comparison on calibration of laser tachometers using mechanical generators or optical simulators8
Toward a unified formulation of the acoustic transfer admittance of cylindrical cavities for reciprocity calibration of microphones8
Final report on the key comparison CCAUV.A-K68
Realization and evaluation of the triple point of sulfur hexafluoride7
Temperature dependence correction method of LED filament lamp for total luminous flux calibration based on voltage measurement7
Evaluation of the relativistic redshift in frequency standards at KRISS7
A novel high accuracy micrometer for the measurement of diameter7
SIM Thermocouple Type S Supplementary Comparison7
ITS-90 SPRT calibration from the Ar TP to the Zn FP7
RMO SC comparison COOMET.M.H-S37
Final report on EURAMET key comparison EURAMET.M.D-K2.2 (1523)7
Flexures for Kibble balances: minimizing the effects of anelastic relaxation7
Supplementary comparison for the traceability of AC high voltage reference measuring systems up to 200 kV (EURAMET.EM-S33)7
Key comparison BIPM.RI(I)-K4 of the absorbed dose to water standards of the NIM, China and the BIPM in 60Co gamma radiation7
Final report for SIM.QM-S12: supplementary comparison for trace elements in natural water6
Final report on CCQM-K167: carbon isotope delta measurements of vanillin6
Bilateral comparison of 1.018 V and 10 V standards between CSIR-NPL (India) and the BIPM, April to June 2022 (part of the ongoing BIPM key comparison BIPM.EM-K11.a and b)6
COOMET regional comparison of the national standards of air kerma for x-radiation qualities used for radiation protection and diagnostic radiology (COOMET.RI(I)-S3)6
APMP key comparison report of air kerma for 137Cs (APMP.RI(I)-K5)6
Bilateral comparison of 1.018 V and 10 V standards between DEFNAT (Tunisia) and the BIPM, April to June 2022 (part of the ongoing BIPM key comparison BIPM.EM-K11.a and b)6
Editorial for the Metrologia Focus Issue on Length Metrology6
The value of stable, comparable and standardised measurement: enabling confidence in decision making for societal challenges6
Bilateral comparison of irradiance scales between PMOD/WRC and PTB for longwave downward radiation measurements6
International comparison CCQM-K3.2019 automotive exhaust gases6
Monitoring of the offset between UTC and its prediction broadcast by the GNSS5
Refining the cold atom pressure standard5
Corrigendum: Refractive index gas thermometry between 13.8 K and 161.4 K (2021 Metrologia 58 025008)5
Traceable methods for calibrating condensation particle counters at concentrations down to 1 cm−35
CCQM-K161 "Anions in Seawater"5
Use of bidirectional transmittance distribution function measurements to determine transmittance haze5
Decadal validation of the LASP TRF cryogenic radiometer by NIST, and establishment of a replacement room temperature standard*5
Final report on the CCPR Key Comparison CCPR-K3.2014 Luminous Intensity5
SIM.T-K9.3: Standard platinum resistance thermometer ITS-90 realizations from the Hg triple point to the Zn freezing point5
Wavemeter calibration by frequency comb5
International comparison CCQM-P229 pilot study to measure line intensities of selected 12C16O transitions5
Corrigendum: Calibrating spectrometers for measurements of the spectral irradiance caused by solar radiation (2020 Metrologia 57 065027)5
A 87Sr optical lattice clock with 2.9 × 10  −17 uncertainty and its absolute frequency measurement5
Corrigendum: Corrections to a proposal for three categories of units within the SI (2024 Metrologia 61 033001)5
Adoption of ICRU report 90 recommendations in the Canadian Co-60 air-kerma primary standard5
Bilateral comparison of 1.018 V and 10 V standards between the NSAI (Ireland) and the BIPM, May to June 2024 (part of the ongoing BIPM key comparison BIPM.EM-K11.a and b)5
Key comparison BIPM.RI(I)-K5 of the air-kerma standards of the BEV, Austria and the BIPM in 137Cs gamma radiation5
A Bayesian statistical method for large-scale MEMS-based sensors calibration: a case study on 100 digital accelerometers5
Review of field characterization techniques for high intensity therapeutic ultrasound5
News from the BIPM laboratories—20235
CCQM-P123 number and geometric property of cells adhered to a solid substrate5
Final report of the supplementary comparison between NIMT and LNE on pressure standards in the range 50 MPa to 500 MPa of hydraulic gauge pressure5
Key comparison BIPM.RI(I)-K7 of the air-kerma standards of the PTB, Germany, and the BIPM in mammography x-rays5
A further short history of the SI prefixes5
APMP key comparison of luminous intensity (APMP.PR-K3.a): final report5
A numerical investigation of effective optical characteristics of dielectric mixture layer on Si sphere by FDTD method5
Euramet RMO supplementary comparison low pressure air flow between 25m3/h and 400 m3/h5
PAWG Pilot Study on Quantification of SARS-CoV-2 Monoclonal Antibody - Part 14
Terahertz frequency counter based on a semiconductor-superlattice harmonic mixer with four-octave measurable bandwidth and 16-digit precision4
Comparison of low air speed facilities4
Thickness and refractive index measurements of a thin-film using an artificial neural network algorithm4
Achieving traceability to UTC through GNSS measurements4
The influence of time varying magnetic fields on the determinations of Newton’s constant at the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures4
Rejection sampling for Bayesian uncertainty evaluation using the Monte Carlo techniques of GUM-S14
Novel developments of refractive power measurement techniques in the automotive world4
EURAMET.T-K.7 Comparison : Inter-laboratory comparison of triple point of water cells4
New beta primary standard (BPS2) and revised ISO 6980 at PTB4
Quantum plasmonic sensing by Hong–Ou–Mandel interferometry4
Comparison report between NIM and CMS of the ITS-90 realization at the triple point of argon4
The CIPM list ‘Recommended values of standard frequencies’: 2021 update4
CCQM-K68.2019, nitrous oxide (N2O) in air, ambient level, final report4
A bilateral comparison of NIST and PTB laser power standards for scale realization confidence by gravitational wave observatories4
Electron paramagnetic resonance study of silicon-28 single crystal for realization of the kilogram4
Femtosecond-comb based 10 MHz-to-optical frequency link with uncertainty at the 10−18 level4
Anomaly detection for atomic clocks using unsupervised machine learning algorithms4
Assessment of the INRIM trace water generator and analysis of the uncertainty components down to −100 °C frost-point temperature3
Key comparison BIPM.RI(I)-K4 of the absorbed dose to water standards of the NRC, Canada and the BIPM in 60Co gamma radiation3
SIM.QM-S10: supplementary comparison for trace elements in skim milk powder3
Final report on EURAMET key comparison EURAMET.M.D-K2.1 (1522)3
The CCL-K11 ongoing key comparison. Final report for 20213
On the uncertainties in the realization of the kelvin based on thermodynamic temperatures of high-temperature fixed-point cells3
SIM key comparison in pneumatic gauge pressure for high accuracy pressure balances up to 120 kPa (SIM.M.P-K6)3
Final report of CCQM-P225a and b, international comparison on carbon dioxide in air and nitrogen at ambient levels (350 μmol/mol to 800 μmol/mol)3
Bilateral Comparison of 1.018 V and 10 V Standards between the SMD (Belgium) and the BIPM, October to December 2021 (part of the ongoing BIPM key comparison BIPM.EM-K11)3
Supplementary comparison of national measurement standards of gauge pressure in the range from 1 MPa to 10 MPa3
Angles in the SI: a detailed proposal for solving the problem3
Key comparison BIPM.RI(I)-K3 of the air-kerma standards of the BFKH, Hungary, and the BIPM in medium-energy x-rays3
Traceable quantitative analysis of Ag x Cu1−x alloy films by ID ICP-MS, RBS and MEIS3
Key comparison BIPM.RI(I)-K4 of the absorbed dose to water standards of the BFKH, Hungary and the BIPM in 60Co gamma radiation3
Update of the BIPM comparison BIPM.RI(II)-K1.Sn-113 of activity measurements of the radionuclide 113Sn to include the 2017 result of the LNE-LNHB (France)3
A constant pressure flowmeter for extreme-high vacuum3
Economic optimization of acceptance interval in conformity assessment: 2. Process with unknown systematic effect3
Comparison of liquid samples of density3
The CCL-K11 on-going key comparison. Final report for the period 2018 to 20203
Bilateral key comparison EURAMET.EM-K11.1 "AC-DC Voltage Transfer Difference at Low Voltages"3
Statistics for quantifying aging in time transfer system delays3
Final report, ongoing key comparison BIPM.QM-K1, ozone at ambient level, comparison with DHMZ, July 20223
Update of the BIPM comparison BIPM.RI(II)-K1.Na-22 of activity measurements of the radionuclide 22Na to include the 2022 result of the NMISA (South Africa)3
Mass fraction assignment of Bisphenol-A high purity material3
Report on the key comparison, CCM.F-K23 in force at 200 N and 500 N3
Bilateral comparison of 1 Ω and 10 kΩ standards (ongoing BIPM key comparison BIPM.EM-K13) between the NPLI (India) and the BIPM3
Key comparison study on peptide purity - glycated hexapeptide of HbA1c3
Remote time and frequency calibration with holdover traceability from a new treatment of non-white noise in rubidium clocks3
Calibration of angle standards3
Final report on GULFMET supplementary comparison of high current transformer measuring systems (GULFMET.EM-S7)3
Report on comparison EURAMET.M.M-S10 (comparison of sub-multiples of the kilogram)3
Connector effects and reference plane influence in the N-Type connector3
Key comparison BIPM.RI(I)-K2 of the air-kerma standards of the BFKH, Hungary, and the BIPM in low-energy x-rays3
Impact study of numerical discretization accuracy on parameter reconstructions and model parameter distributions3
CCAUV.W-K2 final report - key comparison CCAUV.W-K2: calibration of hydrophones in the frequency range from 250 Hz to 500 kHz2
Comparison in 50 kg Mass Standard SIM.M.M-S122
Absolute frequency measurement of a Yb optical clock at the limit of the Cs fountain2
Evaluation of effective area of air piston gauge with limitations in piston–cylinder dimension measurements2
Line intensities of CO near 1560 nm measured with absorption and dispersion spectroscopy2
Role of measurement uncertainty in the comparison of average areal rainfall methods2
High-fidelity analysis of the electro-optical non-equivalence of planar electrical substitution radiometers2
Detection and identification of faults in clock ensembles with the generalized likelihood ratio test2
Accelerator-driven photon reference field for replacement of 137Cs γ-ray2
Supplementary comparison of the measurement of the alpha and beta particle surface emission rates from large area sources (CCRI(II)-S10 LASCE)2
Characterization of the LED filament lamp for luminous intensity calibration2
COOMET key comparison COOMET.PR-K1.a.2018 for spectral irradiance 250 nm to 2500 nmm, final report2
Precise density measurement and its uncertainty evaluation for refractory liquid metals over 3000 K using electrostatic levitation2
Gas flow standards and their uncertainty2
Determination of sensitivity coefficients and their uncertainties in Rockwell hardness measurement: a Monte Carlo method for multiple linear regression2
Extension of NIM illuminance scale to very low levels (1 × 10−10 lx to 2 lx)2
Acoustic measurement of the triple point of neon T Ne and thermodynamic calibration of a transfer standard for accurate cryogenic thermometry2
The CCL-K11 ongoing key comparison. Final report for 20232
Final report comparison of the calibrations of hydrometers for liquid density determination among SIM laboratories, SIM.M.D-S62
EURAMET.M.FF-S13 final report2
Subsequent comparison of measurements of neutron source emission rate (2012) - CCRI(III)-K9.AmBe.12
Trap induced broadening in a potential hydrogen lattice clock2
Mid-infrared spectral responsivity scale based on an absolute cryogenic radiometer and a tunable quantum cascade laser2
On the rationale for recent updates to the SI Brochure concerning angles and quantities with the unit one2
AFRIMETS.EM-S2: comparison on digital multimeter for DC voltage, DC current, DC resistance, AC voltage and AC current parameters2
Towards traceable dynamic pressure calibration using a shock tube with an optical probe for accurate phase determination2
Report of subsequent key comparison CCQM - K73.2018.2 amount content of H+ in hydrochloric acid (0.1 mol/kg-1)2
Determining the calibration factor of Rn-220 by low-pressure scintillation cell2
APMP key comparison of AC-DC current transfer standards: final report2
The CIPM MRA—success and performance2
Key comparison BIPM.RI(I)-K8 of high dose-rate 192Ir brachytherapy standards for reference air kerma rate of the VSL and the BIPM2
Practical realisation of the kelvin by Johnson noise thermometry2
CIPM key comparison of viscosity CCM.V-K42
Improved absolute frequency measurement of the strontium ion clock using a GPS link to the SI second2
Update of the BIPM comparison BIPM.RI(II)-K1.Ge-68 of activity measurements of the radionuclide 68Ge to include the 2021 result of the NIM (China)2
Report on the AFRIMETS.M.T-S1 supplementary torque comparison for 500 N·m and 1000 N·m between NIS (Egypt) and PTB (Germany)2
Supplementary comparison study - measurement capabilities for the quantification of ethanol in water2
COOMET.PR-S1 Comparison of whiteness and brightness. Final report2
A comparison in conventional mass measurements SIM.M.M-S62
Results of the EURAMET.RI(II)-K2.Ho-166 key comparison for the activity of the radionuclide 166Ho per unit mass of aqueous solution2
The candela realisation using molybdenum carbon fixed-point blackbody2
Refractive index gas thermometry between 13.8 K and 161.4 K2
Conversion of a piston–cylinder dimensional dataset to the effective area of a mechanical pressure generator2
Final report of CCQM-K96.2023: assay of potassium dichromate2
Measurement of bidirectional transmittance distribution function in the visible and near-infrared spectral range2
Final report of APMP.AUV.V-S1: supplementary comparison on calibration of laser tachometers using mechanical generators2
Dark uncertainty in key comparisons in the gas analysis area2
A robust time scale for space applications using the student’s t-distribution2
Speed of sound measurements and derived third and fourth acoustic virial coefficients of supercritical neon2
Relating SI units to the ‘defining constants’2
Coherent fiber links operated for years: effect of missing data2
CIPM key comparison CCPR-K1.a.2017 for spectral irradiance 250 nm to 2500 nm. Final report2
Final report of AFRIMETS.M.D-S4 - hydrometer calibrations2
Update of the BIPM comparison BIPM.RI(II)-K1.Mn-54 of activity measurements of the radionuclide 54Mn to include the 2024 result of the POLATOM (Poland)2
Supplementary comparison study - fipronil-sulfone in chicken egg powder (APMP.QM-S16)2
On the distinction between SI base units and SI derived units1
AFRIMETS supplementary comparison on calibration of caliper1
Comparison of primary gas flow standard spanning the range from 2 mL/min to 10 L/min1
Practical realization of the watt from Planck’s constant using radiation pressure1
Differential sampling of AC waveforms based on a programmable Josephson voltage standard using a high-precision sampler1
Key comparison BIPM.RI(I)-K5 of the air-kerma standards of the GUM, Poland and the BIPM in 137Cs gamma radiation1
High amplification laser-pressure optic enables ultra-low uncertainty measurements of optical laser power at kilowatt levels1
Calibrating the global network of gravitational wave observatories via laser power calibration at NIST and PTB1
GPS PPP-AR frequency transfer and its application for comparing atomic fountain primary frequency standards between NRC and PTB1
Comparison of blackbody for clinical infrared ear thermometers1
Letter case pairs for SI prefix symbols1
A bilateral comparison of 227Th activity standards between National Physical Laboratory and National Institute of Standards and Technology1
A digital framework for realising the SI—a proposal for the metre1
Unit one is intrusive1
A laser pistonphone designed for absolute calibration of infrasound sensors from 10 mHz up to 20 Hz1
High polarity analyte(s) in aqueous media: Determination of L-PFOA and L-PFOS in ground water1
CCQM-K173.1 - Assay of sodium carbonate. Final report1
Corrigendum: Thermal neutron reference radiation facility with high thermalization and large uniformity area (2023 Metrologia 60 045002)1
A virtual flow meter downstream of various elbow configurations1
Final report on key comparison APMP.M.P-K7.3 in hydraulic gauge pressure from 10 MPa to 100 MPa1
Compensation of isotope ratio mismatch in double isotope dilution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ID-ICP/MS)1
Residual resistance ratio as indicator for the influence of impurities on fixed-point temperatures1
Direct implementation of a frequency-programmable Josephson voltage standard to provide an SI traceable optical power scale1
EURAMET.EM-S44 comparison for ultra-low DC current sources1
CCM.G-K2.2023: CIPM key comparison of absolute gravimeters1
Key comparison BIPM.RI(I)-K7 of the air-kerma standards of the KRISS, Republic of Korea, and the BIPM in mammography x-rays1
Intercontinental frequency ratio measurement of 1
Red-shift effect on the zero-field splitting for negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy centres in diamond1
An SI for humans and a digital-SI for machines1
171Yb+ optical clock with 2.2 1
Eight-element polarisation independent transmission trap detector with high attenuation1
Evaluation of different general V(λ) mismatch indices of photometers for LED-based light sources in general lighting applications1
Ode to Bayesian methods in metrology1
A calculable pistonphone for the absolute calibration of hydrophones in the frequency range from 0.5 Hz to 250 Hz1
The forgotten (?) potentiometric method in thermometry1
Supplementary comparisons of reference measuring systems of electric capacitance and loss dissipation factor on AC high voltage of power frequency COOMET 604/RU-a/13 (COOMET.EM-S18)1
Machine learning based priors for Bayesian inversion in MR imaging1
Comparison of methods to determine the fluence of monoenergetic neutrons in the energy range from 30 keV to 14.8 MeV1
Final report on the supplementary comparison EURAMET.AUV.V-S21
Calibration of an ionisation chamber for parent–progeny decay1
Long-term stability of molecular doped epigraphene quantum Hall standards: single elements and large arrays (R K/236 ≈ 109 Ω)1
Ultra-low frequency calibration of broadband seismometers using a tilt table1
Improvements of the programmable quantum current generator for better traceability of electrical current measurements1
Key comparison BIPM.RI(I)-K3 of the air-kerma standards of the PTB, Germany, and the BIPM in medium-energy x-rays1
APMP.M.H-S6 final report of the supplementary comparison of Vickers hardness1
Primary calibration system for digital accelerometers1
Prenormative verification and validation of a protocol for measuring magnetite–maghemite ratios in magnetic nanoparticles1
Higher-order Allan variance for atomic clocks of arbitrary order: mathematical foundation1
International comparison CCQM-K10.2018: BTEX in nitrogen at 5 nmol mol−11
Calibrating laser Doppler anemometers utilizing an optical chopper1
Key comparison BIPM.RI(I)-K8 of high dose-rate 192Ir brachytherapy standards for reference air kerma rate of the PTB and the BIPM1
Traceable characterisation of fibre-coupled single-photon detectors1
Measurement of average mass attenuation coefficient of air for 137Cs gamma-ray irradiation beam1
Measurements of absolute, SI-traceable lunar irradiance with the airborne lunar spectral irradiance (air-LUSI) instrument1
Update of the BIPM comparison BIPM.RI(II)-K1.Cs-137 of activity measurements of the radionuclide 137Cs to include the 2014 result of the NRC (Canada) and the 2018 result of the TENMAK-NÜKEN1