
(The TQCC of Metrika is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Pointwise density estimation on metric spaces and applications in seismology15
On Berry–Esséen bound of frequency polygon estimation under $$\rho $$-mixing samples12
Penalized Lq-likelihood estimator and its influence function in generalized linear models11
Staged trees for discrete longitudinal data7
Robust estimation and diagnostic of generalized linear model for insurance losses: a weighted likelihood approach7
On a stochastic order induced by an extension of Panjer’s family of discrete distributions7
On Bernoulli trials with unequal harmonic success probabilities6
Real-time changepoint detection in a nonlinear expectile model6
High-dimensional quantile varying-coefficient models with dimension reduction6
Standardized maximin D- and c-optimal designs for the Poisson–Gamma model5
Some unified results on isotonic regression estimators of order restricted parameters of a general bivariate location/scale model5
Correcting spot power variation estimator via Edgeworth expansion5
On some stochastic comparisons of arithmetic and geometric mixture models5
Staged trees and asymmetry-labeled DAGs4
V-optimality of designs in random effects Poisson regression models4
Statistical inference for linear quantile regression with measurement error in covariates and nonignorable missing responses4
Parametric estimation for linear parabolic SPDEs in two space dimensions based on temporal and spatial increments4
An analog of Bickel–Rosenblatt test for fitting an error density in the two phase linear regression model3
Fractional factorial designs for Fourier-cosine models3
Modelling and diagnostic tests for Poisson and negative-binomial count time series3
Checking for model failure and for prior-data conflict with the constrained multinomial model3
A new estimation in functional linear concurrent model with covariate dependent and noise contamination3
Effective and robust clustering for spatiotemporally dependent data3
Jackknife model averaging for mixed-data kernel-weighted spline quantile regressions3
Cumulative information generating function and generalized Gini functions3
Optimal two-level regular fractional factorial split-plot designs when the effects of subplot factors are more important3
Nonparametric estimation of univariate and bivariate survival functions under right censoring: a survey3
Universally optimal balanced block designs for interference model3
Characterization of three-order confounding via consulting sets3
The ridge prediction error sum of squares statistic in linear mixed models2
Structure of hybrid censoring schemes and its implications2
A multivariate Jacobi polynomials regression estimator associated with an ANOVA decomposition model2
Two redundancy mechanisms in series and parallel systems with heterogeneous dependent components2
Robust distributed multicategory angle-based classification for massive data2
Construction of uniform mixed-level designs through level permutations2
Diagnostic test meta-analysis by empirical likelihood under a Copas-like selection model2
An extension of the Gumbel–Barnett family of copulas2
On the comparison of regression coefficients across multiple logistic models with binary predictors2
Ranks, copulas, and permutons2
Estimation of extropy function in the presence of measurement error2
Functional single-index composite quantile regression2
Distribution-free specification test for volatility function based on high-frequency data with microstructure noise2
Large deviations for randomly weighted least squares estimator in a nonlinear regression model2
A semiparametric multiply robust multiple imputation method for causal inference2
Asymptotic distributions for likelihood ratio tests for the equality of covariance matrices2
A Generalisation of Emerson’s recurrence formulae and the Gray-Williams index2
Bayesian predictive density estimation with parametric constraints for the exponential distribution with unknown location2
Design efficiency for minimum projection uniform designs with q levels2
Estimation of conditional distribution functions from data with additional errors applied to shape optimization2
Non asymptotic expansions of the MME in the case of Poisson observations2
A note on the partial likelihood estimator of the proportional hazards model for combined incident and prevalent cohort data2