Medicina Dello Sport

(The median citation count of Medicina Dello Sport is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Effect of extracorporeal shock wave therapy on pain and forearm rotating muscle strength in patients with tennis elbow8
Energy system contributions and physiological responses during single and repeated Wingate exercise forms in kickboxers4
Electromyographic amplitude and coactivation of the core muscles during different unstable push-up exercises3
The effectiveness of home-based physical activity on osteoporosis: a narrative review of possible intervention2
Quantification of technical drills in swimming training2
Effects of static and PNF stretching on joint position sense and range of motion after a fatigue protocol in professional male soccer players2
Fifteen-minute warm-up best assists perception, power output and subsequent fatigue in morning high-intensity exercise among physical education students2
The relative age effect in the European Weightlifting Championships 2015-2019 (male and female)2
The effect of biofeedback exercises for the quadriceps muscle on the muscle strength, balance, and proprioception2
Acute effects of pre-activation method with single and multiple joint exercises on muscular activity and training volume during the bench press exercise1
Knowledge, attitudes and practices on diet and nutrition in a group of national-level athletes in the developing world1
Variables related to exercise dependence and quality of life in amateur long-distance runners1
Should we train as we compete? Games might be the best scenario to reach the internal peak demands in professional basketball players1
Conservative treatment of an incomplete anterior cruciate ligament injury in a young multi-sports athlete1
Analysis of relationships between emotional components and athletic performance1
Effect of acute boxing training session on cognitive function and psychological states1
Work rate and technical performance analyses of substitute players during the UEFA Euro 20161
Osteoporosis prevention in the workplace: the "Happy Bones" protocol1
Relationship between functional movement screen results and physical performance parameters in basketball players: preliminary results1
Acute effects of dynamic explosive-type resistance exercise performed with elastic bands on blood pressure in stroke survivors1
Heritability assessment of contractile properties: insight from monozygotic twins' national youth track and field champions1
Hepcidin as possible new indirect biomarker for blood doping1
Effects of COVID-19: relations of sport and disability on the training load and expectation of athletes on road to Tokyo Paralympic Games1
Swimmer's evaluation: technical differences between sprint and middle distance analyzed by inertial sensors1
Effect of a four-week detraining period on secondary school students' cardiorespiratory fitness: a cluster-randomized controlled trial1
Piriform muscle injury in a professional football player: a case report1
Cardiorespiratory synchronism is associated in the maximal cardiopulmonary exercise test in male athletes of the University of Málaga1
Differential effects of the use of surgical or FFP2/N95 face masks on the performance of the 20-m multistage shuttle run test by adolescents1
Phytonutrients and weight control: the role of polyphenols1
Out of hospital cardiac arrest in sporting facilities: an overview of rescue for sideline doctors1
Multi-index evaluation system and relevant critical values for monitoring iron status in Chinese athletes1
Association between physical activity, functional fitness and fall risk in the elderly: a cross-sectional population-based study from the Oporto region1
Changes in isokinetic muscle strength of the knee in elite female adolescent volleyball players after 4 years of systematic training1
Effects of eight weeks of aerobic exercise and vitamin D supplementation on leptin, adiponectin, and glycemic control indices in men with type 2 diabetes1
Spinal mobility in elite table tennis players1
The relationship between isokinetic trunk and upper limb muscle strength and respiratory function and respiratory muscle strength: a cross-sectional study1
Asymptomatic ischemia without coronary artery obstruction (INOCA) in a young athlete0
Effect of small-sided games and high-volume continuous endurance running on the condition of adolescent female handball players in the pre-season0
Comparative effects of high-intensity versus moderate-intensity concurrent aerobic and resistance exercise training on obese females0
Surface electromyography as a follow-up instrument in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction rehabilitation0
Injury profile of an elite male football team from the Turkish Super League for two consecutive seasons0
2022 ethical principles in sports medicine research and motor sciences update0
Effectiveness of anatomical medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction in mid-adolescent athletes with recurrent patellar dislocation and their return to sports0
Engagement of abdominal muscles during variations of squats0
Effectiveness of the Italian preventive screening model: from ST segment elevation during ergometric test to endomyocardial revascularization by stenting the anterior descendant coronary0
Clinical and knee anatomic risk factors for anterior cruciate ligament injury0
Dribbling death: a case of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in a recreational athlete0
Decreased serum NOX-2 concentrations and the improvement lipid profile following Nasturtium officinale supplementation and high-intensity interval training in subclinical hypothyroid patients: a rando0
Review on injuries in the Olympic sport taekwondo in training and competition, prevention recommendations0
Similar postoperative outcomes and landing test results after single-bundle anatomic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with or without remnant preservation0
Ultrasound-guided infiltrative therapy treatment with multi fractionated hyaluronic acid of an amateur marathon runner suffering from high-grade posterior tibial tendon injury0
The impact of exercise on cancer patients' health-related quality of life: the Rafael Dance Therapy Protocol0
Vaccination and sport: a systematic review0
Epidemiology of injuries in collegiate men's badminton: a five-year prospective study0
Effect of Sars-CoV-2 infection on heart rate variability of young competitive athletes0
Free-swimming tests for the aerobic and anaerobic quality assessment: a scoping review of the last ten years studies0
Ultrasonographic evaluation of Achilles tendon and patellar enthesis in football and basketball players: could it be useful to predict muscular and tendon injuries?0
A step forward in the defense against infections: from gut microbiome to postbiotics0
Boxing injury epidemiology in Italy: a series report collected from 2016 to 20220
Stress biomarker dynamics during an amateur Lacrosse match0
Clinical efficacy of surgical treatment for acute anterior cruciate ligament tear with lateral femoral notch sign: a retrospective study0
The effects of different training programs on agility performance in female handball players0
Early instrumental diagnostics on playground of head trauma in sporting events: the role of biomarkers to improve sports medical protocols in recognition and treatment of brain concussion0
Soccer functional assessment pre- and postisolation due to COVID-19: detraining effects on strength, aerobic values and lower limb strength asymmetry0
Paget-von Schrötter Syndrome in a volleyball player0
Relationship between aerobic fitness and morphology is affected by training status in early adolescents0
The effects of specialized strength training and Olympic weightlifting training on wrestlers0
Effects of different whole body vibration frequencies on vertical jump performance0
Can isokinetic strength training be an alternative to machine-based strength training?0
Sport activity and early knee osteoarthritis: an up-to-date review of risk factors, diagnosis, classification and management0
Local passive warming administered during the transition period improves vertical jump performance but not Wingate anaerobic performance0
Most frequent judo injuries in the High-Performance Center of the Arica region0
Takeaways from the XXXVII National Congress of the Italian Sports Medicine Federation0
Effect of intradialytic aerobic cycling exercise on serum TNF-alpha levels in chronic kidney disease patients undergoing regular hemodialysis0
The influence of trunk forward inclination on knee biomechanics and myoelectricity during sidestep cutting0
Acute coronary syndrome with ST-segment elevation during ergometric testing in a master athlete0
Aorto-coronary bypass in a 39-year-old runner following a medical-sports visit: the utility of the Master Test0
Low speed isokinetic knee extensors and flexors strength of soccer players is not predicting non-contact ACL injury0
First exercise reports of diabetes center in Turkey: effects of exercise on metabolic parameters in patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus0
Acute effects of low volume versus high volume squat protocols on vertical jump performance0
The potential of blood flow restriction exercise to overcome jetlag: important implications for Tokyo 20200
Achilles tendon sleeve avulsion following open repair of a ruptured Achilles tendon0
Increased rerupture rate in younger patients following hamstrings anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: mid-term results0
Reliability of the Brzycki formula to estimate 1RM bench press and half-squat between collegiate men and women0
Sports medicine methodologies applied in occupational medicine: analyzing the workstations of video terminal operators0
Intention for Warmup among Children and Adolescents Scale: Turkish adaptation, validity and reliability study0
Multi-year participation in prolonged athletic training is associated with higher risk of chronic fatigue and abnormal serum FGF21 levels in professional athletes0
Treatment of abdominal muscle injury in a professional volleyball player with platelet-rich plasma0
Effect of mobile use on static postural stability0
Medical-health recommendations for the Serie A League0
Diagnosis and treatment of rotator cuff injury in tennis by magnetic resonance imaging combined with exercise therapy0
Use and cardiovascular side effects of nutritional supplements in athletes0
Training load measures and biomarker responses using a multilevel approach during a training week: a study comparing young and master cyclists0
Musculoskeletal injury profile in individuals training for the police recruitment exam0
Congenital bleeding disorders and sports in Italy: a wellbeing study0
Determinants of flatwater canoeing and kayaking performance: a systematic review0
Examination of heart rate variability in young swimmers0
Considerations for the assessment of suspected myocarditis in the elite athlete in COVID-19 era0
Hypoplasia of pulmonary artery's left branch and thoracic-abdominal aorta in a young athlete with Perthes disease0
Epidemiology of musculoskeletal injuries and injury mechanism in Iranian elite veteran athletes0
Correlation of Functional Movement Screen™ and injury in Chinese fencing elite athletes0
An evaluation of the association between anthropometric measurements and cardiorespiratory fitness using the forest service step and the Ruffier-Dickson Test0
Proximal avulsion of rectus femoris in a nonprofessional football player: a delayed correct diagnosis0
Acute effect of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching on flexibility in ACTN3 R577X genotype0
Accelerated rehabilitation after an isolated deltoid ligament arthroscopic repair: a case report of a professional soccer player0
Clodronate in a case of femoral head stress fracture in a male with idiopathic osteoporosis: complete recovery with a 6-year follow-up0
The immediate effects of kinesio taping on scapular muscle endurance and strength in asymptomatic subjects: a single-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial0
Comfort, posture and functionality of the feet in classical ballet practitioners: pointe shoe and demi-pointe0
Can sport and face masks get along?0
Ergonomic analysis during work sessions: sports medicine methodologies applied to occupational medicine0
Anatomic popliteal entrapment syndrome with atypical presentation onset in a 17-year-old high school football player: a case report0
Effects of menstrual cycle phases on heart rate variability indicators and external respiratory function of female Muay Thai athletes0
New horizons of diagnostic imaging in muscle trauma in athletes0
Neurophysiological analysis of adaptation processes rhythmicity in athletes and subjects who practice relaxation: experimental study0
The role of the hormonal profile of constitutional biotypes in the training process0
Impact of telerehabilitation after sports injuries on psychological outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic0
Systemic video analysis of hamstring injury mechanism for professional athletes: sprint-type injuries occurring during the swing phase of the running cycle0
Effect of the beta-alanine supplementation in sports: an umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses0
Does caffeine really improve maximum strength performance?0
Exploring rhythmic pattern in blind runners: a pilot study0
Effects of different exercise doses on cardiorespiratory fitness in young people: a systematic review and meta-analysis0
Does a 8-week program based on unstable and reactive exercises influence healthy older women's motor abilities?0
Usefulness of the sports medical examination in the diagnosis of right ventricle arrhythmogenic dysplasia in a 49-year-old person practicing light body building at noncompetitive level0
A 6-minute add-on visuomotor training improves eye-hand response time, agility and stroke performance among the university tennis team0
Dilated cardiomyopathy in an athlete with Sjogren's Syndrome and hypertension0
Effects of whey protein supplementation on exercise capacity and fatigue resistance0
Does leptin associate with testosterone and exercise-induced muscle damage among professional athletes?0
Analysis of the 800-m freestyle competition across age groups: recommendations for master swimmers' performance0
Increase of high sensitivity cardiac troponin I and NT-proBNP in competitive athletes after a 50-km ultramarathon race: physiological adaptation or myocardial injury?0
Effects of knee middle position instruction on knee joint biomechanics during single-leg landing0
Development, reliability, and validity of a new protocol for measuring visuomotor response among athletes and non-athletes0
Investigation on the association of talus osteochondral lesion and ligament and tendon injuries in athletes0
Physical exercise, growth and puberty0
Garlic promotes acute blood pressure reduction but does not enhance the postexercise hypotensive effect0
Modeling the rating of perceived exertion for young and middle-aged people in mainland China0
Relationship between 50 m freestyle swimming and 50 m obstacle swimming performance in military0
Strength and mobility of primary school children and its effect on diving points0
Assessment of the level of physical activity of Algerian athletes during confinement (COVID-19) and Ramadan fasting0
Sixteen weeks of concurrent training do not increase the magnitude of the post-exercise hypotensive effect in hypercholesterolemic morbid obesity patients0
Golf-related trauma: an Emergency Department-based 5-year study at a single regional hospital0
Changes in physical fitness by percentage body fat in Korean adults and elderly individuals0
Heart rate response and contextual variables in professional rink hockey competitions0
Performance, physiological and perceptual responses to repeated sprint tests in basketball players0
Comparison of acute hematologic responses of blood flow restriction training and resistance training in male fitness atheletes0
Are front crawl upper limbs coordination and kinematics affected by parachutes sizes?0
Long-term changes of body composition in an elite soccer player and its association with cognition: a ten-year retrospective study0
Effects of system training on finger-grip strength and endurance in sport climbers0
Effects of moderate-intensity continuous training and high-intensity intermittent training in obesity management0
Technique and coordination of the front crawl swimming stroke0
A clinical case of long QT syndrome: the importance of genetic molecular study for risk stratification0
SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and sport in children0
Effects of three months of vitamin D, creatine, and polyunsaturated fatty acids supplementation in body composition and biochemical parameters in professional soccer players0
Biological age: reflections ahead of the FMSI Congress0
Protective head equipment in amateur boxing0
Is there a difference between power and endurance track and field runners according to their genetic predisposition in motivation and self-esteem?0
Hepcidin as possible new indirect biomarker for blood doping: a commentary0
The effect of 12 weeks of concurrent training on hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis hormones and semen fertility indices of sedentary obese men0
Effectiveness of structured exercise program in young basketball players with and without ankle sprain history0
Diagnosis of paroxysmal supraventricular arrhythmia (PSVT) in a professional cyclist: the utility of performance monitoring tools as a medical support0
Aortic dilation and tricuspid valve prolapse in an asymptomatic young athlete0
Effects of velocity-based training versus percentage-based training programs on neuromuscular performances and markers of muscle damage in young males: a randomized controlled trial0
Time-motion analysis and heart rate of top players during korfball match0
Optimization of high-intensity-interval-training program intensity to improve aerobic performance in healthy active subjects0
Dextrocardia with situs inversus: a special case0
Analysis of competitive sports ineligibility in eight years of activity of the South Tyrolean provincial Sports Medicine service0
Evaluation of the long-term effects of a high-protein diet on kidney function utilizing ultrasound elastography and kidney function tests in bodybuilders0
Immediate recovery index after exercise is related to heart rate variability0
Effectiveness of the FIFA11+ Referees Injury Prevention Program in improving athletic performance in male professional soccer referees0
Swimming lessons of school children and the incidence of skin diseases0
Comparison between different types of exercise training on mental health indicators during the COVID-19 pandemic0
Effect of caffeine ingestion on performance and psychophysiological responses during a novel and reliable repeated agility exercise in handball players0
Age-related differences in functional balance and muscular strength0
Normative values of the range of motion of movements at the wrist joint for hockey players: a cross-sectional study0
Caloric restriction plus exercise is more likely than caloric restriction alone to improve metabolic syndrome in obese young adults0
The importance of medical and sports preventive and therapeutic measures for chronic diseases0
Application of localized cryotherapy (-160 °C) on tennis leg injury: tissue remodeling and recovery in an elite Italian soccer player0
Relationship between low back mobility test and low back pain in amateur paddle tennis players0
Fatigue and physical performance after a squat inertial flywheel training0
Do people meet the global recommended level of physical activity? An investigation in Northern Italy0
Effects of endurance training on performance: a systematic review in female soccer players0
Boxers' healthcare and the abolition of the headgear in amateur boxing0
Correlation between spinal posture and cranial morphology in professional athletes: a pilot study0
The usefulness of the sled towing harness as a resistance aid for treadmill exercise: a pilot study0
Analysis of goal scoring patterns in elite female football players0
The effects of training with unstable surfaces on the strength and inter-limb asymmetry values in young soccer players0
Hepcidin as possible new indirect biomarker for blood doping: the authors' reply0
The effect of general exercises on the mobility of the shoulder complex in calisthenics athletes0
Characteristics of injuries in Polish elite Taekwondo athletes during the COVID-19 pandemic0
The acute effects of different percentages of blood flow restrictions on all-out back squat exercise0
Tracking critical power using maximal mean power outputs during short, medium, and long intervals in well-trained cyclists0
The role of arthroscopy in the treatment of "turf toe" impingement syndrome in athletes: clinical outcomes and return to sport0
The use of medication and supplements during the international rugby league World Cup 20210
Extracorporeal shock wave versus cold therapy for delayed-onset muscle soreness: a randomized controlled trial0
Relation between sauna-induced dehydration and physiological and thermal parameters in young volunteers: preliminary data0
Usefulness of weight-bearing MRI in the diagnosis of hip microinstability: the clinical case of a professional ballet dancer0
Ultrasound-guided percutaneous treatment of calcific bursitis of the medial collateral ligament of the knee0
Laser and thermal therapy in athletes' tennis elbow: an observational study0
Changes in and associations between functional indices of young handball players' upper extremities when applying neuromuscular training0
A comparative analysis of lower limb joint range of motion during running in adult females with normal feet and flatfeet0
A comparison of bone mass and body composition according to playing positions and playing roles in male adolescent basketball players0
Protective head equipment in amateur/AOB boxing: the authors' reply0
Swimming flume case report of stand-up paddle boarding0
Brugada pattern: a clinical case of uncertain evaluation0
Exercise interventions on athletes with longstanding adductor-related groin pain: a critically appraised topic0
The risk of fracture following a fall in elderly subjects and the role of physical activity: a systematic review0
The effects of different training schedules on cardiac size and function and on arrhythmic heartbeat in amateur marathon runners0
Intraocular pressure response to gradual onset of extreme normobaric hypoxia0
Cardiac size with left ventricular noncompaction cardiomyopathy change a year after cardiac resynchronization therapy-defibrillation0
Does the occurrence of medial tibial stress syndrome depend on the running surface? An observational study0