Medical Journal of Australia

(The H4-Index of Medical Journal of Australia is 29. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Trajectories of depression and anxiety symptoms during the COVID‐19 pandemic in a representative Australian adult cohort86
Outcomes for patients with COVID‐19 admitted to Australian intensive care units during the first four months of the pandemic67
Electronic cigarettes and health outcomes: umbrella and systematic review of the global evidence62
The 2020 special report of the MJA–Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: lessons learnt from Australia’s “Black Summer”62
Modelling the impact of relaxing COVID ‐19 control measures during a period of low viral transmission60
The 2020 Australian guideline for prevention, diagnosis and management of acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease57
Effectiveness of COVID‐19 vaccines: findings from real world studies57
Communicating with patients and the public about COVID‐19 vaccine safety: recommendations from the Collaboration on Social Science and Immunisation48
The efficacy and safety of paracetamol for pain relief: an overview of systematic reviews48
Failures of quarantine systems for preventing COVID‐19 outbreaks in Australia and New Zealand47
Potential indirect impacts of the COVID‐19 pandemic on children: a narrative review using a community child health lens42
New Australian guidelines for the treatment of alcohol problems: an overview of recommendations42
The prevalence and impact of unprofessional behaviour among hospital workers: a survey in seven Australian hospitals41
The 2021 report of theMJALancetCountdown on health and climate change: Australia increasingly out on a limb40
Persistent symptoms up to four months after community and hospital‐managed SARS‐CoV‐2 infection40
Australian recommendations for the management of hepatocellular carcinoma: a consensus statement39
Australia in 2030: what is our path to health for all?37
Detecting primary aldosteronism in Australian primary care: a prospective study37
The CANBACK trial: a randomised, controlled clinical trial of oral cannabidiol for people presenting to the emergency department with acute low back pain37
The readability of official public health information on COVID‐1935
High value health care is low carbon health care35
Decline in cancer pathology notifications during the 2020 COVID‐19‐related restrictions in Victoria32
Australian and New Zealand approach to diagnosis and management of vaccine‐induced immune thrombosis and thrombocytopenia31
Chemical analysis of fresh and aged Australian e‐cigarette liquids31
Otitis media guidelines for Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children: summary of recommendations31
Social and occupational outcomes for young people who attend early intervention mental health services: a longitudinal study30
Suicide by young Australians, 2006–2015: a cross‐sectional analysis of national coronial data30
A hospital‐wide response to multiple outbreaks of COVID ‐19 in health care workers: lessons learned from the field30
The prevalence of child maltreatment in Australia: findings from a national survey30
Modern paradigms for prostate cancer detection and management29
Late mortality in people with cancer: a population‐based Australian study29
People in intensive care with COVID ‐19: demographic and clinical features during the first, second, and third pandemic waves in Australia29