Mathematische Annalen

(The median citation count of Mathematische Annalen is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A Schauder basis for $$L_2$$ consisting of non-negative functions70
Pathologies du groupe des classes de R-équivalence d’un groupe algébrique linéaire38
Heat kernel bounds for parabolic equations with singular (form-bounded) vector fields28
A random analogue of Gilbreath’s conjecture21
On the modulus of continuity of fractional Orlicz-Sobolev functions21
Mappings of finite distortion on metric surfaces19
Multifractality and intermittency in the limit evolution of polygonal vortex filaments19
Curvature strict positivity of direct image bundles associated to pseudoconvex families of domains18
Hecke algebra action on twisted motivic Chern classes and K-theoretic stable envelopes18
Balanced measures, sparse domination and complexity-dependent weight classes14
On minima of difference of theta functions and application to hexagonal crystallization14
Curvature of the base manifold of a Monge–Ampère fibration and its existence13
Topological phenomena in honeycomb Floquet metamaterials13
An analogue of Ingham’s theorem on the Heisenberg group13
Gamma conjecture II for quadrics12
Anisotropic Trudinger–Moser inequalities associated with the exact growth in $${\mathbb {R}}^N$$ and its maximizers12
Sharp scattering for focusing intercritical NLS on high-dimensional waveguide manifolds12
Positivstellensätze for semirings11
Wavelet representation of singular integral operators11
The p-adic Corlette–Simpson correspondence for abeloids11
Noncommutative Mather–Yau theorem and its applications to Calabi–Yau algebras11
John–Nirenberg inequalities for parabolic BMO10
Suspension spectra of matrix algebras, the rank filtration, and rational noncommutative CW-spectra10
Special holomorphic tensors on orthogonal modular varieties and applications to the Lang conjecture10
Quantum ergodicity for Eisenstein series on hyperbolic surfaces of large genus9
Holomorphy of adjoint L-functions for GL(n): $$n\le 4$$9
Infinite approximate subgroups of soluble Lie groups9
An inverse problem on determining second order symmetric tensor for perturbed biharmonic operator9
Smooth rational projective varieties with non-finitely generated discrete automorphism group and infinitely many real forms9
Two-sided Dirichlet heat kernel estimates of symmetric stable processes on horn-shaped regions9
Translates of rational points along expanding closed horocycles on the modular surface8
On growth and instability for semilinear evolution equations: an abstract approach8
The extra-nice dimensions8
Short time existence and smoothness of the nonlocal mean curvature flow of graphs8
On a conjecture of Ashbaugh and Benguria about lower eigenvalues of the Neumann laplacian7
Central extensions by $${\mathbf {K}}_2$$ and factorization line bundles7
The Faber–Krahn inequality for the Hermite operator with Robin boundary conditions7
An Euler system for GU(2, 1)7
Global existence for partially dissipative hyperbolic systems in the $$\textsc {L}^p$$ framework, and relaxation limit7
Isoperimetry for asymptotically flat 3-manifolds with positive ADM mass7
On restriction of exponential sums to hypersurfaces with zero curvature7
Ricci flow with Ricci curvature and volume bounded below6
How far apart can the projection of the centroid of a convex body and the centroid of its projection be?6
Kuznetsov, Petersson and Weyl on GL(3), II: The generalized principal series forms6
Iterated monodromy groups of rational functions and periodic points over finite fields6
Curve shortening flow on Riemann surfaces with conical singularities6
The Helmholtz decomposition of a space of vector fields with bounded mean oscillation in a bounded domain6
An $${\mathcal {O}}$$-acyclic variety of even index6
On Sobolev spaces of bounded subanalytic manifolds6
The Dirichlet problem for elliptic operators having a BMO anti-symmetric part6
Gh-convergence of CAT(0)-spaces: stability of the Euclidean factor6
Semialgebraic Calderón-Zygmund theorem on regularization of the distance function6
Special cycles on unitary Shimura varieties with minuscule parahoric level structure6
The trace space of anisotropic least gradient functions depends on the anisotropy6
On the Grad–Rubin boundary value problem for the two-dimensional magneto-hydrostatic equations6
Galois cohomology and profinitely solitary Chevalley groups6
Sharp Adams inequalities with exact growth conditions on metric measure spaces and applications6
Fourier transforms of indicator functions, lattice point discrepancy, and the stability of integrals6
Nonlocal ergodic control problem in $${\mathbb {R}}^d$$6
Resolving singularities of curves with one toric morphism6
Centered Hardy–Littlewood maximal functions on H-type groups revisited5
Exponential decay for the quintic wave equation with locally distributed damping5
Chow rings of matroids are Koszul5
Pairs of complementary transmission conditions for Brownian motion5
Equivariant Morse index of min–max G-invariant minimal hypersurfaces5
Korn and Poincaré-Korn inequalities for functions with a small jump set5
A hyperbolic analogue of the Rademacher symbol5
Homology concordance and knot Floer homology5
G-invariant Bergman kernel and geometric quantization on complex manifolds with boundary5
Fourier restriction above rectangles5
Nonlocal capillarity for anisotropic kernels5
Stein traces and characterizing slopes5
Compressible fluids interacting with 3D visco-elastic bulk solids5
Ulam stability of lamplighters and Thompson groups5
Existence and nonexistence of solutions for the mean curvature equation with weights5
Interior regularity results for inhomogeneous anisotropic quasilinear equations5
Low Mach number limit of the global solution to the compressible Navier–Stokes system for large data in the critical Besov space5
Retraction Note: Curves with prescribed symmetry and associated representations of mapping class groups5
Cyclic and Abelian coverings of real varieties5
Convexity of complements of limit sets for holomorphic foliations on surfaces5
Heat and Martin Kernel estimates for Schrödinger operators with critical Hardy potentials4
The asymptotic behaviour of p-capacitary potentials in asymptotically conical manifolds4
Matrix group integrals, surfaces, and mapping class groups II: $$\textrm{O}\left( n\right) $$ and $$\textrm{Sp}\left( n\right) $$4
Ordinary varieties with trivial canonical bundle are not uniruled4
Bochner Laplacian and Bergman kernel expansion of semipositive line bundles on a Riemann surface4
On the complement of a hypersurface with flat normal bundle which corresponds to a semipositive line bundle4
Lemke Oliver and Soundararajan bias for consecutive sums of two squares4
A variation of the prime k-tuples conjecture with applications to quantum limits4
Quasiconformal contact foliations4
Non-trivial smooth families of K3 surfaces4
Solving a Dirichlet problem on unbounded domains via a conformal transformation4
On uniqueness of mild $$L^{3,\infty }$$-solutions on the whole time axis to the Navier–Stokes equations in unbounded domains4
Rigidity properties of the hypercube via Bakry–Émery curvature4
On the dynamics of vortices in viscous 2D flows4
Potential theory of Dirichlet forms degenerate at the boundary: the case of no killing potential4
Perrin-Riou’s main conjecture for elliptic curves at supersingular primes4
Dynamics of transcendental Hénon maps-II4
Optimal derivative loss for abstract wave equations4
Entire spacelike hypersurfaces with constant $$\sigma _k$$ curvature in Minkowski space4
$$L^2$$-extension of adjoint bundles and Kollár’s conjecture4
Asymptotic behavior of the steady Prandtl equation4
Non-isomorphic endomorphisms of Fano threefolds4
Fields with bounded Brauer 2-torsion index4
Minimal volume entropy of free-by-cyclic groups and 2-dimensional right-angled Artin groups4
Norms of structured random matrices4
Estimates for the covariant derivative of the heat semigroup on differential forms, and covariant Riesz transforms4
On the formulas of meromorphic functions with periodic Herman rings4
A priori estimates for solutions to equations of motion of an inextensible hanging string4
The geometric invariants for the spectrum of the Stokes operator4
Quasiconformal deformation of the chordal Loewner driving function and first variation of the Loewner energy3
Newton polygons of sums on curves I: local-to-global theorems3
Tame torsion and the tame inverse Galois problem3
Integrality of volumes of representations3
Equivariant embedding of finite-dimensional dynamical systems3
The isoperimetric problem in the Riemannian manifold admitting a non-trivial conformal vector field3
Continuity of the temperature in a multi-phase transition problem3
Removable singularities and unbounded asymptotic profiles of multi-dimensional Burgers equations3
The n-dimensional analogue of a variational problem of Euler3
Calibrated representations of the double Dyck path algebra3
Monodromy of a generalized Lamé equation of third order3
Compatibility of the Fargues–Scholze correspondence for unitary groups3
A Liouville-type theorem in conformally invariant equations3
Albanese fibrations of surfaces with low slope3
Valuative stability of polarised varieties3
Majorization revisited: Comparison of norms in interpolation scales3
Dynamics of area-preserving curvature flow of convex plane curves with small area in an inhomogeneous medium3
Gradient estimates of solutions to the insulated conductivity problem in dimension greater than two3
Monogamy of entanglement between cones3
Li–Yau inequalities for general non-local diffusion equations via reduction to the heat kernel3
Neat locally compact abelian p-groups3
The action of the mapping class group on metrics of positive scalar curvature3
Alexandrov–Fenchel inequalities for convex hypersurfaces in the half-space with capillary boundary3
On the simplicity of Nekrashevych algebras of contracting self-similar groups3
Hybrid bifurcations: periodicity from eliminating a line of equilibria3
On volume-preserving crystalline mean curvature flow3
Singularities of local models3
Sheafiness of strongy rigid-noetherian huber pairs3
A generic functional inequality and Riccati pairs: an alternative approach to Hardy-type inequalities3
The nonlocal isoperimetric problem for polygons: Hardy–Littlewood and Riesz inequalities3
Hermitian–Yang–Mills connections on some complete non-compact Kähler manifolds3
Harnack inequality for nonlocal problems with non-standard growth3
Tensor categories of affine Lie algebras beyond admissible levels3
On von Neumann’s inequality on the polydisc3
Classifying simply connected wandering domains3
Correction to: Curved Koszul duality theory3
Caloric functions and boundary regularity for the fractional Laplacian in Lipschitz open sets3
On the Rankin–Selberg problem3
On the degeneration of asymptotically conical Calabi–Yau metrics3
Unconditional uniqueness and non-uniqueness for Hardy–Hénon parabolic equations3
Symplectic rigidity of fibers in cotangent bundles of open Riemann surfaces3
A note on regularity criterion for 3D shear thickening fluids in terms of velocity3
Finiteness and infiniteness results for Torelli groups of (hyper-)Kähler manifolds3
Infinite time blow-up for the three dimensional energy critical heat equation in bounded domains3
On deformations of Fano manifolds3
On some mean field games and master equations through the lens of conservation laws3
Positivity of anticanonical divisors in algebraic fibre spaces3
Generation of analytic semigroups for some generalized diffusion operators in $$L^p$$-spaces3
Multiple normalized solutions for a Sobolev critical Schrödinger equation3
Lyashko–Looijenga morphisms and primitive factorizations of Coxeter elements3
Correction: Sampling in quasi shift-invariant spaces and Gabor frames generated by ratios of exponential polynomials3
Hyperuniformity and non-hyperuniformity of quasicrystals3
Regular logarithmic connections3
The insulated conductivity problem, effective gradient estimates and the maximum principle3
On Yuzvinsky’s lattice sheaf cohomology for hyperplane arrangements2
Weak modular Zilber–Pink with derivatives2
The Hadamard formula for nonlocal eigenvalue problems2
Ax–Schanuel for variations of mixed Hodge structures2
Harmonic weak Maass forms and periods II2
Singular holomorphic foliations by curves. III: zero Lelong numbers2
Finiteness of the stress in presence of closely located inclusions with imperfect bonding2
Bounded cohomology of transformation groups2
On neighborhoods of embedded complex tori2
Product formulas and convolutions for Laplace–Beltrami operators on product spaces: beyond the trivial case2
Publisher Correction: Braid groups, elliptic curves, and resolving the quartic2
Surface Houghton groups2
Hyperbolic systems with non-diagonalisable principal part and variable multiplicities, III: singular coefficients2
A generalized Abhyankar’s conjecture for simple Lie algebras in characteristic p>52
Stability of the symplectomorphism groups of rational surfaces2
Sigma-invariants and tropical varieties2
Exhaustion functions and normal forms for proper maps of balls2
Convergence and almost sure properties in Hardy spaces of Dirichlet series2
Decoupling inequalities with exponential constants2
Braid groups, elliptic curves, and resolving the quartic2
Brauer’s height zero conjecture for two primes holds true2
Energy conservation for weak solutions of incompressible Newtonian fluid equations in Hölder spaces with Dirichlet boundary conditions in the half-space2
Rectifiability and uniqueness of blow-ups for points with positive Alt–Caffarelli–Friedman limit2
Global existence for a class of large solution to compressible Navier–Stokes equations with vacuum2
Almost positive links are strongly quasipositive2
Affine fractional $$L^p$$ Sobolev inequalities2
On the Gersten conjecture for hermitian Witt groups2
The LLV decomposition of hyper-Kähler cohomology (the known cases and the general conjectural behavior)2
Appendix to: C. Farsi and N. Watling, symmetrized noncommutative tori. Math. Ann. 296 (1993), no. 4, 739–7412
The intersection form on the homology of a surface acted on by a finite group2
Local-in-time existence of strong solutions to a class of the compressible non-Newtonian Navier–Stokes equations2
Diagonals of self-adjoint operators II: non-compact operators2
Darondeau–Pragacz formulas in complex cobordism2
Shuffle algebras for quivers as quantum groups2
Extremal metrics on the total space of destabilising test configurations2
Correction to: Local-in-time existence of strong solutions to a class of the compressible non-Newtonian Navier–Stokes equations2
Globally trace-positive noncommutative polynomials and the unbounded tracial moment problem2
Completeness of derived interleaving distances and sheaf quantization of non-smooth objects2
A generalization of Milnor’s formula2
Free boundary problems of the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations with non-flat initial surface in the critical Besov space2
Hecke eigensystems of automorphic forms (mod p) of Hodge type and algebraic modular forms2
Exponentially twisted de Rham cohomology and rigid cohomology2
Invariant curves for endomorphisms of $${{\mathbb {P}}}^1\times {{\mathbb {P}}}^1$$2
Infinite families of manifolds of positive $$k\mathrm{th}$$-intermediate Ricci curvature with k small2
Nonlinear stability of non-rotating gaseous stars2
Cube sums of the forms 3p and $$3p^2$$ II2
Fourier restriction for smooth hyperbolic 2-surfaces2
Ground state representations of topological groups2
Cohomogeneity one manifolds with quasipositive curvature2
Arithmetic of hyperelliptic curves over local fields2
Carathéodory hyperbolicity, volume estimates and level structures over function fields2
A symplectic restriction problem2
Limit of Bergman kernels on a tower of coverings of compact Kähler manifolds2
Transcendence of polynomial canonical heights2
The dual Minkowski problem for unbounded closed convex sets2
Sharp bounds for Dirichlet eigenvalue ratios of the Camassa–Holm equations2
Maximal regularity of the heat evolution equation on spatial local spaces and application to a singular limit problem of the Keller–Segel system2
Proofs of Ibukiyama’s conjectures on Siegel modular forms of half-integral weight and of degree 22
Fredholm determinants, Evans functions and Maslov indices for partial differential equations2
Monodromy and mapping class groups of 3-dimensional hypersurfaces2
Mean dimension of product spaces: a fundamental formula2
Local and multilinear noncommutative de Leeuw theorems2
Relative assembly maps and the K-theory of Hecke algebras in prime characteristic2
The probabilistic vs the quantization approach to Kähler–Einstein geometry2
Rigid comparison geometry for Riemannian bands and open incomplete manifolds2
Matrix-weighted Besov-type and Triebel–Lizorkin-type spaces I: $$A_p$$-dimensions of matrix weights and $$\varphi $$-transform characterizations2
Linear stability of compact shrinking Ricci solitons2
Singular Griffiths semi-positivity of higher direct images2
Local tropicalizations of splice type surface singularities2
A delay induced nonlocal free boundary problem2
Hofer geometry via toric degeneration2
Global analytic hypoellipticity of involutive systems on compact manifolds2
Generalized periodic orbits of the time-periodically forced Kepler problem accumulating at the center and of circular and elliptic restricted three-body problems2
A dimension-free estimate on $$L^2$$ for the maximal Riesz transform in terms of the Riesz transform2
Boundary values of zero solutions of hypoelliptic differential operators in ultradistribution spaces2
Bounds for Kloosterman sums on $$\textrm{GL}(n)$$2
The asymptotics of the area-preserving mean curvature and the Mullins–Sekerka flow in two dimensions2
Global bifurcation of solitary waves for the Whitham equation2
The soliton solutions of a third-order centro-affine curvature flow2
Stationary solutions in thermodynamics of stochastically forced fluids2
Isoperimetric conditions, lower semicontinuity, and existence results for perimeter functionals with measure data2
Liouville type theorem for a class quasilinear p-Laplace type equation on the sphere2
Additive kinematic formulas for flag area measures2
Extremal transitions via quantum Serre duality2
Rabinowitz Floer homology for prequantization bundles and Floer Gysin sequence2
Factoring non-negative operator valued trigonometric polynomials in two variables2