Mathematics of Computation

(The median citation count of Mathematics of Computation is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Convergence analysis of Laguerre approximations for analytic functions44
Constructing abelian extensions with prescribed norms42
Explicit interval estimates for prime numbers28
How to reconstruct a planar map from its branching curve24
Towards dynamical low-rank approximation for neutrino kinetic equations. Part I: Analysis of an idealized relaxation model22
A classification of ECM-friendly families of elliptic curves using modular curves20
Computing ????-adic L-functions of totally real fields20
Function integration, reconstruction and approximation using rank-$1$ lattices20
Algorithms for computing the permutation resemblance of functions over finite groups19
Numerical Schubert calculus via the Littlewood-Richardson homotopy algorithm18
An algorithm for identifying eigenvectors exhibiting strong spatial localization16
Generalized Gearhart-Koshy acceleration for the Kaczmarz method16
Explicit bounds for products of primes in AP15
Thermodynamically consistent and positivity-preserving discretization of the thin-film equation with thermal noise15
Functional graphs of families of quadratic polynomials14
On an extended Filon method for highly oscillatory integrals over a simplex14
Uniform stability for local discontinuous Galerkin methods with implicit-explicit Runge-Kutta time discretizations for linear convection-diffusion equation14
Randomizing the trapezoidal rule gives the optimal RMSE rate in Gaussian Sobolev spaces13
Low-regularity exponential-type integrators for the Zakharov system with rough data in all dimensions13
Dual linear programming bounds for sphere packing via modular forms13
Corrigendum to “On two classes of simultaneous Pell equations with no solutions”13
On the computation of general vector-valued modular forms13
Revisiting linearized Bregman iterations under Lipschitz-like convexity condition12
A highly accurate boundary integral method for the elastic obstacle scattering problem11
Convergence, finiteness and periodicity of several new algorithms of ????-adic continued fractions11
Quasi-Monte Carlo Bayesian estimation under Besov priors in elliptic inverse problems11
ℎ????-version discontinuous Galerkin methods on essentially arbitrarily-shaped elements11
Recovery of Sobolev functions restricted to iid sampling11
Embedded desingularization for arithmetic surfaces – toward a parallel implementation11
Computing eigenvalues of the Laplacian on rough domains10
The reciprocal sums of pseudoprimes and Carmichael numbers10
Convergence of restricted additive Schwarz with impedance transmission conditions for discretised Helmholtz problems10
Homomesies on permutations: An analysis of maps and statistics in the FindStat database10
A Trefftz method with reconstruction of the normal derivative applied to elliptic equations10
Multiple-scattering frequency-time hybrid solver for the wave equation in interior domains10
Dynamics of quadratic polynomials and rational points on a curve of genus 49
Computing the spectral gap of a family of matrices9
Reducing polynomial degree by one for inner-stage operators affects neither stability type nor accuracy order of the Runge–Kutta discontinuous Galerkin method8
GMRES, pseudospectra, and Crouzeix’s conjecture for shifted and scaled Ginibre matrices8
Convergence of the numerical approximations and well-posedness: Nonlocal conservation laws with rough flux8
CM points, class numbers, and the Mahler measures of ????³+????³+1-????????????8
Approximation of Stochastic Volterra Equations with kernels of completely monotone type8
Numerical solution of Poisson partial differential equation in high dimension using two-layer neural networks8
Convergence analysis of the Halpern iteration with adaptive anchoring parameters7
Tropical Laurent series, their tropical roots, and localization results for the eigenvalues of nonlinear matrix functions7
Accurate estimation of sums over zeros of the Riemann zeta-function7
A classification of genus 0 modular curves with rational points7
Energy diminishing implicit-explicit Runge–Kutta methods for gradient flows7
Finite element approximation and preconditioning for anisothermal flow of implicitly-constituted non-Newtonian fluids7
Convergence of Langevin-simulated annealing algorithms with multiplicative noise7
From geodesic extrapolation to a variational BDF2 scheme for Wasserstein gradient flows7
Sampling-based methods for multi-block optimization problems over transport polytopes7
A novel augmented Lagrangian method of multipliers for optimization with general inequality constraints7
Optimal transportation for electrical impedance tomography6
Stability in phase retrieval: Characterizing condition numbers and the optimal vector set6
Jacobi-type algorithms for homogeneous polynomial optimization on Stiefel manifolds with applications to tensor approximations6
Error analysis of second-order local time integration methods for discontinuous Galerkin discretizations of linear wave equations6
Coupling conditions for linear hyperbolic relaxation systems in two-scale problems6
Extensible grid sampling for quantile estimation6
Super-polynomial accuracy of multidimensional randomized nets using the median-of-means6
Quadratic constraint consistency in the projection-free approximation of harmonic maps and bending isometries6
Error estimates at low regularity of splitting schemes for NLS6
Periodic representations for quadratic irrationals in the field of ????-adic numbers6
Stable broken ????(????????????????) polynomial extensions and ????-robust a posteriori error estimates by broken patchwise equilibration for the curl–curl problem6
On eigenvalue gaps of integer matrices6
Effective bounds for Huber’s constant and Faltings’s delta function6
The interior penalty virtual element method for the biharmonic problem6
A node-conservative vorticity preserving finite volume method for linear acoustics on unstructured grids6
Explicit calculations for Sono’s multidimensional sieve of ????₂-numbers6
Isotropic non-Lipschitz regularization for sparse representations of random fields on the sphere5
Computation of a 30750-bit binary field discrete logarithm5
Coupler curves of moving graphs and counting realizations of rigid graphs5
Convergence proof for the GenCol algorithm in the case of two-marginal optimal transport5
A nonsymmetric approach and a quasi-optimal and robust discretization for the Biot’s model5
Expected decrease for derivative-free algorithms using random subspaces5
A Ramanujan integral and its derivatives: computation and analysis5
A weighted randomized Kaczmarz method for solving linear systems5
A distribution function from population genetics statistics using Stirling numbers of the first kind: Asymptotics, inversion and numerical evaluation5
ℚ-Curves, Hecke characters and some Diophantine equations5
Convergence to weak solutions of a space-time hybridized discontinuous Galerkin method for the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations5
On the construction of multiresolution analyses associated to general subdivision schemes5
Wavenumber-explicit stability and convergence analysis of ℎ???? finite element discretizations of Helmholtz problems in piecewise smooth media5
On the enumeration of finite ????-algebras5
Multiplicity of nontrivial zeros of primitive ????-functions via higher-level correlations5
Computing ????-polynomials of Picard curves from Cartier–Manin matrices5
A deep learning approach to Reduced Order Modelling of parameter dependent partial differential equations4
A blob method for inhomogeneous diffusion with applications to multi-agent control and sampling4
A generalized Faulhaber inequality, improved bracketing covers, and applications to discrepancy4
Stabilized leapfrog based local time-stepping method for the wave equation4
Computing error bounds for asymptotic expansions of regular P-recursive sequences4
Six-dimensional sphere packing and linear programming4
Locally unitarily invariantizable NEPv and convergence analysis of SCF4
Unified analysis of finite-size error for periodic Hartree-Fock and second order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory4
Interpolation operator on negative Sobolev spaces4
Uniform convergence of an upwind discontinuous Galerkin method for solving scaled discrete-ordinate radiative transfer equations with isotropic scattering4
Positivity of the determinants of the partition function and the overpartition function4
Stability and convergence analysis of a fully discrete semi-implicit scheme for stochastic Allen-Cahn equations with multiplicative noise4
A fast proximal gradient method and convergence analysis for dynamic mean field planning4
Modular curves with infinitely many quartic points4
Semi-explicit discretization schemes for weakly coupled elliptic-parabolic problems4
Abel Maps for nodal curves via tropical geometry4
Numerical analysis of a mixed-dimensional poromechanical model with frictionless contact at matrix–fracture interfaces4
A unified framework of SAGE and SONC polynomials and its duality theory4
Orientable hyperbolic 4-manifolds over the 120-cell4
Explicit Tamagawa numbers for certain algebraic tori over number fields4
On median filters for motion by mean curvature4
The Weierstrass–Durand–Kerner root finder is not generally convergent4
Iterative solution of spatial network models by subspace decomposition4
Effective homology and periods of complex projective hypersurfaces4
An Eulerian finite element method for tangential Navier-Stokes equations on evolving surfaces4
Avoiding squares over words with lists of size three amongst four symbols4
Splitting integrators for stochastic Lie–Poisson systems4
Sketched and truncated polynomial Krylov subspace methods: Matrix Sylvester equations3
An efficient algorithm for the ℓ_{????} norm based metric nearness problem3
Uniform error bounds of time-splitting spectral methods for the long-time dynamics of the nonlinear Klein–Gordon equation with weak nonlinearity3
Mixed methods and lower eigenvalue bounds3
Inf-sup stability implies quasi-orthogonality3
On the reconstruction of functions from values at subsampled quadrature points3
Complexity analysis of inexact cubic-regularized primal-dual methods for finding second-order stationary points3
Kac-Rice formulas and the number of solutions of parametrized systems of polynomial equations3
Time discretizations of Wasserstein–Hamiltonian flows3
Stability of a simple scheme for the approximation of elastic knots and self-avoiding inextensible curves3
The perfect groups of order up to two million3
Fast and stable augmented Levin methods for highly oscillatory and singular integrals3
A linear second-order maximum bound principle-preserving BDF scheme for the Allen-Cahn equation with a general mobility3
A simple equilibration procedure leading to polynomial-degree-robust a posteriori error estimators for the curl-curl problem3
A manifold of planar triangular meshes with complete Riemannian metric3
Gaussian quadrature rules for composite highly oscillatory integrals3
A rank-two relaxed parallel splitting version of the augmented Lagrangian method with step size in (0,2) for separable convex programming3
Sparse Cholesky factorization for solving nonlinear PDEs via Gaussian processes3
Counting zeros of Dirichlet $L$-functions3
Error estimates for a class of continuous Bonse-type inequalities3
Sparse trace tests3
Low-rank quaternion tensor completion for color video inpainting via a novel factorization strategy3
OEDG: Oscillation-eliminating discontinuous Galerkin method for hyperbolic conservation laws3
A finite element elasticity complex in three dimensions3
Explicit and efficient error estimation for convex minimization problems3
Certified dimension reduction in nonlinear Bayesian inverse problems3
Isogenies on Kummer Surfaces3
Filtered Lie-Trotter splitting for the “good” Boussinesq equation: Low regularity error estimates3
Convergence acceleration of ensemble Kalman inversion in nonlinear settings3
Anti-Gaussian quadrature formulae of Chebyshev type3
Quinary forms and paramodular forms2
How well-conditioned can the eigenvector problem be?2
Construction of polynomial preserving cochain extensions by blending2
Asymptotic expansions of eigenvalues by both the Crouzeix–Raviart and enriched Crouzeix–Raviart elements2
Double-variable trace maximization for extreme generalized singular quartets of a matrix pair: A geometric method2
A construction of a ????-Poisson generic sequence2
Modified-operator method for the calculation of band diagrams of crystalline materials2
A monotone numerical flux for quasilinear convection diffusion equation2
A two-level preconditioned Helmholtz-Jacobi-Davidson method for the Maxwell eigenvalue problem2
Existence of dynamical low-rank approximations to parabolic problems2
An extended Galerkin analysis in finite element exterior calculus2
Hensel lifting algorithms for quadratic forms2
On the inf-sup stability of Crouzeix-Raviart Stokes elements in 3D2
Stochastic gradient descent for linear inverse problems in Hilbert spaces2
Equations of tensor eigenschemes2
Second order monotone finite differences discretization of linear anisotropic differential operators2
Density function of numerical solution of splitting AVF scheme for stochastic Langevin equation2
A uniformly accurate numerical method for a class of dissipative systems2
Cellular approximations to the diagonal map2
A posteriori error estimates for the Richards equation2
Uniform preconditioners for high order finite element approximations of planar linear elasticity2
Corrigendum to ‘Explicit interval estimates for prime numbers’2
Numerical analysis for electromagnetic scattering with nonlinear boundary conditions2
An approach for computing generators of class fields of imaginary quadratic number fields using the Schwarzian derivative2
Spanning the isogeny class of a power of an elliptic curve2
Littlewood polynomials, spectral-null codes, and equipowerful partitions2
The smallest 5-chromatic tournament2
Energy norm analysis of exactly symmetric mixed finite elements for linear elasticity2
On the ????-adic zeros of the Tribonacci sequence2
On the ????-analogue of the Pair Correlation Conjecture via Fourier optimization2
Convergence analysis of some tent-based schemes for linear hyperbolic systems2
Robust a posteriori estimates for the stochastic Cahn-Hilliard equation2
Approximating viscosity solutions of the Euler system1
Adaptive symplectic model order reduction of parametric particle-based Vlasov–Poisson equation1
Minimization of hypersurfaces1
Algorithms for fusion systems with applications to ????-groups of small order1
Rational group algebras of generalized strongly monomial groups: Primitive idempotents and units1
Density convergence of a fully discrete finite difference method for stochastic Cahn–Hilliard equation1
Computing quadratic points on modular curves ????₀(????)1
Superelliptic curves with many automorphisms and CM Jacobians1
Counting zeros of Dedekind zeta functions1
Linear rates of asymptotic regularity for Halpern-type iterations1
An arbitrary-order fully discrete Stokes complex on general polyhedral meshes1
Error estimates for a class of discontinuous Galerkin methods for nonsmooth problems via convex duality relations1
Why large time-stepping methods for the Cahn-Hilliard equation is stable1
Hybridization and postprocessing in finite element exterior calculus1
Analysis of divergence-preserving unfitted finite element methods for the mixed Poisson problem1
On the seeds and the great-grandchildren of a numerical semigroup1
Analysis of an exactly mass conserving space-time hybridized discontinuous Galerkin method for the time-dependent Navier–Stokes equations1
A new class of entropy stable schemes for hyperbolic systems: Finite element methods1
A range characterization of the single-quadrant ADRT1
On symmetric-conjugate composition methods in the numerical integration of differential equations1
Distribution of recursive matrix pseudorandom number generator modulo prime powers1
Toric eigenvalue methods for solving sparse polynomial systems1
Convergence of a regularized finite element discretization of the two-dimensional Monge–Ampère equation1
Convergence analysis of a positivity-preserving numerical scheme for the Cahn-Hilliard-Stokes system with Flory-Huggins energy potential1
Influence of sampling on the convergence rates of greedy algorithms for parameter-dependent random variables1
Multilevel decompositions and norms for negative order Sobolev spaces1
Congruences of elliptic curves arising from nonsurjective mod ???? Galois representations1
Tri-linear birational maps in dimension three1
Block FETI–DP/BDDC preconditioners for mixed isogeometric discretizations of three-dimensional almost incompressible elasticity1
Computing equilibrium measures with power law kernels1
Local and global phaseless sampling in real spline spaces1
Concurrent lines on del Pezzo surfaces of degree one1
Bielliptic quotient modular curves of ????₀(????)1
Maximum-norm stability of the finite element method for the Neumann problem in nonconvex polygons with locally refined mesh1
Explicit Vologodsky integration for hyperelliptic curves1
Analysis of the Feshbach–Schur method for the Fourier spectral discretizations of Schrödinger operators1
Low regularity estimates for CutFEM approximations of an elliptic problem with mixed boundary conditions1
Inexact restoration for minimization with inexact evaluation both of the objective function and the constraints1
Convergence of the boundary integral method for interfacial Stokes flow1
New lower bounds for the Schur-Siegel-Smyth trace problem1
Optimal error estimates of discontinuous Galerkin methods with generalized fluxes for wave equations on unstructured meshes1
Enumeration of set-theoretic solutions to the Yang–Baxter equation1
Faster truncated integer multiplication1
Two-scale methods for convex envelopes1
Regularity and numerical approximation of fractional elliptic differential equations on compact metric graphs1
Totally positive algebraic integers with small trace1
Equiangular lines in Euclidean spaces: Dimensions 17 and 181
Superconvergence of time invariants for the Gross–Pitaevskii equation1
Full discretization error analysis of exponential integrators for semilinear wave equations1
Strong convergence and asymptotic stability of explicit numerical schemes for nonlinear stochastic differential equations1
The minimality of the Georges–Kelmans graph1
On bounds for Kummer’s function ratio1
The equilateral small octagon of maximal width1
Quadratic points on bielliptic modular curves1
On the computation of lattice sums without translational invariance1
Enumeration of left braces with additive group ????₄×????₄×????₄1
Divisibility conditions on the order of the reductions of algebraic numbers1
Crouzeix-Raviart triangular elements are inf-sup stable1
Learning particle swarming models from data with Gaussian processes1
Numerical analysis for inchworm Monte Carlo method: Sign problem and error growth1
Analysis of finite element methods for surface vector-Laplace eigenproblems1