Mathematical Programming

(The H4-Index of Mathematical Programming is 16. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
First-order optimization algorithms via inertial systems with Hessian driven damping58
Understanding the acceleration phenomenon via high-resolution differential equations44
Multistage distributionally robust mixed-integer programming with decision-dependent moment-based ambiguity sets27
The sum-of-squares hierarchy on the sphere and applications in quantum information theory26
Riemannian proximal gradient methods26
Accelerated proximal point method for maximally monotone operators25
A primal-dual interior-point algorithm for nonsymmetric exponential-cone optimization23
On the tightness of SDP relaxations of QCQPs22
Distributionally robust chance-constrained programs with right-hand side uncertainty under Wasserstein ambiguity21
Sparse regression at scale: branch-and-bound rooted in first-order optimization18
Augmented Lagrangians and hidden convexity in sufficient conditions for local optimality17
Policy mirror descent for reinforcement learning: linear convergence, new sampling complexity, and generalized problem classes16
From differential equation solvers to accelerated first-order methods for convex optimization16
Robust multidimensional pricing: separation without regret16
Prophet secretary through blind strategies16
Inexact accelerated high-order proximal-point methods16
Mixed-integer optimal control problems with switching costs: a shortest path approach16
An augmented Lagrangian method for optimization problems with structured geometric constraints16
Optimal complexity and certification of Bregman first-order methods16