Mathematical Biosciences

(The TQCC of Mathematical Biosciences is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Modeling the viral dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 infection131
Could masks curtail the post-lockdown resurgence of COVID-19 in the US?90
Simulating COVID-19 in a university environment87
COVID-19 optimal vaccination policies: A modeling study on efficacy, natural and vaccine-induced immunity responses80
Modeling the transmission dynamics of the COVID-19 Pandemic in South Africa77
European and US lockdowns and second waves during the COVID-19 pandemic50
Predicting COVID-19 spread in the face of control measures in West Africa45
To Sobol or not to Sobol? The effects of sampling schemes in systems biology applications42
Piecewise-constant optimal control strategies for controlling the outbreak of COVID-19 in the Irish population34
Four-tier response system and spatial propagation of COVID-19 in China by a network model34
Minimizing disease spread on a quarantined cruise ship: A model of COVID-19 with asymptomatic infections27
Optimal allocation of limited vaccine to control an infectious disease: Simple analytical conditions26
Discrete-time models for interactive wild and sterile mosquitoes with general time steps25
Modeling COVID-19 pandemic using Bayesian analysis with application to Slovene data25
Evolution of mathematical models of cardiomyocyte electrophysiology22
A note on tools for prediction under uncertainty and identifiability of SIR-like dynamical systems for epidemiology20
Optimal control of the SIR model in the presence of transmission and treatment uncertainty20
Assessment of effective mitigation and prediction of the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in Germany using demographic information and spatial resolution19
When is SARS-CoV-2 in your shopping list?17
Lockdown measures and their impact on single- and two-age-structured epidemic model for the COVID-19 outbreak in Mexico17
Impacts of demographic and environmental stochasticity on population dynamics with cooperative effects15
The effect of demographic and environmental variability on disease outbreak for a dengue model with a seasonally varying vector population15
Pre-registration of mathematical models15
Global redistribution and local migration in semi-discrete host–parasitoid population dynamic models15
A generalized moment-based method for estimating parameters of stochastic gene transcription15
A general model of multivalent binding with ligands of heterotypic subunits and multiple surface receptors14
Parameter estimation for closed-loop lumped parameter models of the systemic circulation using synthetic data14
Mathematical modeling of spatio-temporal population dynamics and application to epidemic spreading14
Interpreting SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence, deaths, and fatality rate — Making a case for standardized reporting to improve communication12
On the anti-quasi-steady-state conditions of enzyme kinetics12
Combining mutation and horizontal gene transfer in a within-host model of antibiotic resistance11
Immunity after COVID-19: Protection or sensitization?11
The role of viral infectivity in oncolytic virotherapy outcomes: A mathematical study11
Scratch assay microscopy: A reaction–diffusion equation approach for common instruments and data11
Sterile insect technique with accidental releases of sterile females. Impact on mosquito-borne diseases control when viruses are circulating11
Optimal allocation of limited vaccine to minimize the effective reproduction number11
Network thermodynamics of biological systems: A bond graph approach11
Open problems in mathematical biology10
A mathematical model of protein subunits COVID-19 vaccines10
His and her mathematical models of physiological systems10
Cell orientation under stretch: Stability of a linear viscoelastic model9
Variation in environmental stochasticity dramatically affects viability and extinction time in a predator–prey system with high prey group cohesion9
Great fish war with moratorium9
Measuring differences between phenomenological growth models applied to epidemiology9
Mathematical modeling for the combination treatment of IFN-γ and a8
An epidemic model for COVID-19 transmission in Argentina: Exploration of the alternating quarantine and massive testing strategies8
Modulation of nuclear and cytoplasmic mRNA fluctuations by time-dependent stimuli: Analytical distributions8
Sensitivity analysis of the reaction occurrence and recurrence times in steady-state biochemical networks8
Determining risk factors for triple whammy acute kidney injury7
Critical assessment of the impact of vaccine-type and immunity on the burden of COVID-197
Physics-based modeling of Age-related Macular Degeneration—A theoretical approach to quantify retinal and choroidal contributions to macular oxygenation7
Inference on an heteroscedastic Gompertz tumor growth model7
Interaction of red crabs with yellow crazy ants during migration on Christmas Island7
IP3R activity increases propensity of RyR-mediated sparks by elevating dyadic [Ca2+]7
Effect of daily human movement on some characteristics of dengue dynamics7
Deconstructing the integrated oscillator model for pancreatic β-ce7
Modeling tau transport in the axon initial segment6
Machine learning for mathematical models of HCV kinetics during antiviral therapy6
A machine learning model for nowcasting epidemic incidence6
Profile likelihood-based parameter and predictive interval analysis guides model choice for ecological population dynamics6
Measuring tree balance using symmetry nodes — A new balance index and its extremal properties6
A simple model of immune and muscle cell crosstalk during muscle regeneration6
Validity of natural isotope abundance correction for metabolic flux analysis6
Blood flow regulation and oxygen transport in a heterogeneous model of the mouse retina6
Dynamics of a two-sex model for the population ecology of dengue mosquitoes in the presence of Wolbachia6
In silico modeling of endocrine organ-on-a-chip systems6
Analyzing the effects of observation function selection in ensemble Kalman filtering for epidemic models6
Modeling and dynamics of physiological and behavioral resistance of Asian citrus psyllid6
Modeling the life cycle of the spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) with management implications6
Sequential allocation of vaccine to control an infectious disease6
Retrospective analysis of interventions to epidemics using dynamic simulation of population behavior6
Modeling the effect of gut microbiome on therapeutic efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors against cancer6
Estimation of parameters in biological species with several mating and reproduction alternatives5
Applying a multi-strain dengue model to epidemics data5
Determining the effects of wind-aided midge movement on the outbreak and coexistence of multiple bluetongue virus serotypes in patchy environments5
NREM–REM alternation complicates transitions from napping to non-napping behavior in a three-state model of sleep–wake regulation5
A hybrid stochastic model and its Bayesian identification for infectious disease screening in a university campus with application to massive COVID-19 screening at the University of Liège5
Mycoloop: Modeling phytoplankton–chytrid–zooplankton interactions in aquatic food webs5
Parameter estimation and experimental design for Hill-type muscles: Impulses from optimization-based modeling5
Towards a new combination therapy with vectored immunoprophylaxis for HIV: Modeling “shock and kill” strategy5
A simple derivation of the mean of the Sackin index of tree balance under the uniform model on rooted binary labeled trees5
The lost art of mathematical modelling5
Combining mathematical modeling and deep learning to make rapid and explainable predictions of the patient-specific response to anticoagulant therapy under venous flow5
Epidemic spread on patch networks with community structure5
Analysis of tumor-immune functional responses in a mathematical model of neoantigen cancer vaccines5
A nonlinear model for stage-structured population dynamics with nonlocal density-dependent regulation: An application to the fall armyworm moth5
The impact of radio-chemotherapy on tumour cells interaction with optimal control and sensitivity analysis5
Application of the Goodwin model to autoregulatory feedback for stochastic gene expression5
Learning transmission dynamics modelling of COVID-19 using comomodels5
Mathematical modeling and analysis of the heat shock protein response during thermal stress in fish and HeLa cells5
Uncovering the dynamics of a circadian-dopamine model influenced by the light–dark cycle5
Defining phylogenetic networks using ancestral profiles5
Dynamic behaviors of a stochastic virus infection model with Beddington–DeAngelis incidence function, eclipse-stage and Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process4
Variance of filtered signals: Characterization for linear reaction networks and application to neurotransmission dynamics4
The inverse correlation between robustness and sensitivity to autoregulation in two-component systems4
Pairing food and drink: A physiological model of blood ethanol levels for a variety of drinking behaviors4
Dynamics of partially mitigated multi-phasic epidemics at low susceptible depletion: phases of COVID-19 control in Italy as case study4
Mobility and the spatial spread of sars-cov-2 in Belgium4
Patterning of nonlocal transport models in biology: The impact of spatial dimension4
New approaches to mutation rate fold change in Luria–Delbrück fluctuation experiments4
Spatial modeling and dynamics of organic matter biodegradation in the absence or presence of bacterivorous grazing4
Generalized distribution-moment approximation for kinetic theories of muscular contraction4
Using observed incidence to calibrate the transmission level of a mathematical model for Plasmodium vivax dynamics including case management and importation4
Robust control strategy by the Sterile Insect Technique for reducing epidemiological risk in presence of vector migration4
A computational study of combination HIFU–chemotherapy as a potential means of overcoming cancer drug resistance4
Squaring within the Colless index yields a better balance index4
Probabilistic models of uORF-mediated ATF4 translation control4
Mathematical modelling of atrial and ventricular pressure–volume dynamics and their change with heart rate4
Can the lack of fibrillar form of alpha-synuclein in Lewy bodies be explained by its catalytic activity?4
Quantitative analysis of mitochondrial ATP synthesis4
A one-dimensional map to study multi-seasonal coffee infestation by the coffee berry borer4
Post-pandemic modeling of COVID-19: Waning immunity determines recurrence frequency4
Stochastic Epidemic Models inference and diagnosis with Poisson Random Measure Data Augmentation4
Stochastic modeling of SIS epidemics with logarithmic Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process and generalized nonlinear incidence4
Genome-wide covariation in SARS-CoV-24
Revisiting moment-closure methods with heterogeneous multiscale population models4
Imperfect vaccine can yield multiple Nash equilibria in vaccination games4