Manuscripta Mathematica

(The TQCC of Manuscripta Mathematica is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
On Fourier coefficients of elliptic modular forms $$\bmod \, \ell $$ with applications to Siegel modular forms7
On Hopf hypersurfaces of the homogeneous nearly Kähler $${\mathbf {S}}^3\times {\mathbf {S}}^3$$, II6
The moduli space of the tropicalizations of Riemann surfaces6
Evolving Compact Locally Convex Curves and Convex Hypersurfaces6
Local-global compatibility of mod p Langlands program for certain Shimura varieties6
Polar germs, Jacobian ideal and analytic classification of irreducible plane curve singularities5
Graded matrix factorizations of size two and reduction5
D-modules of pure Gaussian type and enhanced ind-sheaves5
Actions of μp on canonically polarized surfaces in characteristic p > 05
On the complex of separating meridians in handlebodies5
Optimal transport maps on Alexandrov spaces revisited5
On Seshadri constants of non-simple abelian varieties5
Integrality of Seshadri constants and irreducibility of principal polarizations on products of two isogenous elliptic curves4
Global F-splitting of surfaces admitting an int-amplified endomorphism4
Max noether theorem for singular curves4
Weighted and anisotropic Sobolev inequality with extremal4
Chow groups and pseudoffective cones of complexity-one T-varieties4
Rational cohomology of the moduli space of trigonal curves of genus 54
A construction of p-adic Asai L-functions for $$\mathrm{GL}_2$$ over CM fields4
Kummer theory for number fields via entanglement groups4
Triharmonic CMC hypersurfaces in $${\mathbb {R}}^{5}(c)$$4
On Lie algebra modules which are modules over semisimple group schemes3
The perfect cone compactification of quotients of type IV domains3
Representations induced from essentially Speh and strongly positive discrete series3
On the arithmetic of a family of superelliptic curves3
Absolutely continuous mappings on doubling metric measure spaces3
An unification of Orlicz-Morrey spaces and its applications3
On Vlasenko’s formal group laws3
Non-simple quasitriangular Hopf algebras of dimension $$pq^2$$3
Euler characteristics of Brill–Noether loci on Prym varieties3
An 8-periodic exact sequence of Witt groups of Azumaya algebras with involution2
Comparison between admissible and de Jong coverings in mixed characteristic2
Bakry-Émery curvature sharpness and curvature flow in finite weighted graphs: theory2
Newton strata in Levi subgroups2
Stable Ulrich bundles on cubic fourfolds2
Lines on K3 quartic surfaces in characteristic 32
On the reduced unramified Witt group of the product of two conics2
Hodge numbers of O’Grady 6 via Ngô strings2
Quasi-abelian group as automorphism group of Riemann surfaces2
Sub-elliptic problems with multiple critical Sobolev-Hardy exponents on Carnot groups2
Some functional inequalities under lower Bakry–Émery–Ricci curvature bounds with $${\varepsilon }$$-range2
W-triviality of low dimensional manifolds2
Chow motives of genus one fibrations2
Kähler fibrations in quantum information theory2
Erratum to: On the existence of the Green function for elliptic systems in divergence form2
Poisson commutative subalgebras associated with a Cartan subalgebra2
Periods of complete intersection algebraic cycles2
Extending torsors over regular models of curves2
Curvature of quaternionic Kähler manifolds with $$S^1$$-symmetry2
On classic n-universal quadratic forms over dyadic local fields2
Erratum to: The interior gradient estimate of prescribed Hessian quotient curvature equations2
Local vanishing for toric varieties2
On Yau sequence over complete intersection surface singularities of Brieskorn type2
A special configuration of 12 conics and generalized Kummer surfaces2
On the 1- adjoint canonical divisor of a foliation2
Diameter estimates for surfaces in conformally flat spaces2
Non-positively curved Ricci Surfaces with catenoidal ends2
Many closed K-magnetic geodesics on $${\mathbb {S}}^2$$1
Characterizations of Fano type varieties and projective spaces via absolute complexity1
Linear hyperelliptic Hodge integrals1
Completeness of certain metric spaces of measures1
Submanifolds with constant Moebius curvature and flat normal bundle1
Fractional mean curvature flow of Lipschitz graphs1
Composition series of a class of induced representations built on discrete series1
Equivariant Hodge-Deligne polynomials of symmetric products of algebraic groups1
Totally umbilical hypersurfaces of product spaces1
Equivariant harmonic maps depend real analytically on the representation1
On the tautological ring of Humbert curves1
On $$\textrm{H}-$$trivial line bundles on toric DM stacks of dim $$\ge 3$$1
Construct holomorphic invariants in Čech cohomology by a combinatorial formula1
Erratum to: Transverse lines to surfaces over finite fields1
The seven-strand braid group is CAT(0)1
On the regularity and existence of weak solutions for a class of degenerate singular elliptic problem1
On some simple geometric structure of affine Deligne–Lusztig varieties for $${{\,\textrm{GL}\,}}_n$$1
Dolbeault-type complexes on $$G_2$$- and $$\mathrm {Spin}(7)$$-manifolds1
Continuous characterizations of inhomogeneous Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces associated to non-negative self-adjoint operators1
Virtual Riemann–Roch theorems for almost perfect obstruction theories1
On some rigidity theorems of Q-curvature1
Rational versus transcendental points on analytic Riemann surfaces1
Geometry of varieties for graded maximal Cohen–Macaulay modules1
Nisnevich local good compactifications1
Weak approximation on Châtelet surfaces1
Zeta function of some Kummer Calabi-Yau 3-folds1
Closure relations of Newton strata in Iwahori double cosets1
Division algebras with common subfields1
Unramified cohomology of quadrics in characteristic two1
Constructing reducible Brill–Noether curves II1
Sign-changing solution for logarithmic elliptic equations with critical exponent1
The mod-p representation theory of the metaplectic cover of $$\operatorname {GL}_2(\textbf{Q}_p)$$1
On algebraic Chern classes of flat vector bundles1
A note on the topological stability theorem from $${{\,\textrm{RCD}\,}}$$ spaces to Riemannian manifolds1
ACC of PLC threshold1
Monads on multiprojective spaces and associated vector bundles1
Erratum to: On a class of spaces of skew-symmetric forms related to Hamiltonian systems of conservation laws1
Local behaviour of sequences of three-dimensional generalised monopoles1
Continuous K-theory and cohomology of rigid spaces1
The Dirichlet problem for prescribed curvature equations of p-convex hypersurfaces1
Special cycles on unitary Shimura curves at ramified primes1
Spacelike submanifolds with parallel Gaussian mean curvature vector: rigidity and nonexistence1
Chern number inequalities of deformed Hermitian-Yang-Mills metrics on four dimensional Kähler manifolds1
Rigidity and vanishing theorems for complete translating solitons1
Bounds for GL$$_2$$ $$\times $$ GL$$_2$$ L-functions in the depth aspect1
An improvement of the Myers theorem1
Desingularization of generic symmetric and generic skew-symmetric determinantal singularities1
Partial regularity for minimizers of a class of discontinuous Lagrangians1
On the existence and asymptotic behavior of viscosity solutions of Monge–Ampère equations in half spaces1
Upper bounds for the critical values of homology classes of loops1
Quantitative problems on the size of G-operators1
Existence and asymptotic behavior of positive solutions for a class of locally superlinear Schrödinger equation1
$$\Lambda $$-submodules of finite index of anticyclotomic plus and minus Selmer groups of elliptic curves1
Frobenius pushforwards of vector bundles on projective spaces1
Positive scalar curvature meets Ricci limit spaces1
The primitive filtration of the Leibniz complex1
On the existence of the Green function for elliptic systems in divergence form1
Linear isoperimetric inequalities for free boundary submanifolds in a geodesic ball1
Erratum to: On homogeneous polynomials determined by their Jacobian ideal1
Homotopy nilpotency of some homogeneous spaces1
Spectrahedral representation of polar orbitopes1
Pointwise boundary differentiability on Reifenberg domains for fully nonlinear elliptic equations1
Construction of quasi-canonical liftings of K3 surfaces of finite height in odd characteristic1
Permutohedral complexes and rational curves with cyclic action1
Symbolic power containments in singular rings in positive characteristic1