Management Science

(The median citation count of Management Science is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
On the Financing Benefits of Supply Chain Transparency and Blockchain Adoption378
Quantile Connectedness: Modeling Tail Behavior in the Topology of Financial Networks318
The Implied Truth Effect: Attaching Warnings to a Subset of Fake News Headlines Increases Perceived Accuracy of Headlines Without Warnings283
Smart “Predict, then Optimize”238
The Time Variation in Risk Appetite and Uncertainty181
Organizational Learning Processes and Outcomes: Major Findings and Future Research Directions158
The Robot Revolution: Managerial and Employment Consequences for Firms148
Consumer Return Policies in Omnichannel Operations147
A Text-Based Analysis of Corporate Innovation142
Pollution and Performance: Do Investors Make Worse Trades on Hazy Days?135
ETF Activity and Informational Efficiency of Underlying Securities133
Platform Competition with Multihoming on Both Sides: Subsidize or Not?124
A Theory of ICOs: Diversification, Agency, and Information Asymmetry122
Analyzing Active Fund Managers’ Commitment to ESG: Evidence from the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment122
Initial Coin Offerings, Speculation, and Asset Tokenization122
Scaled PCA: A New Approach to Dimension Reduction115
Shareholder Litigation and Corporate Innovation114
On-Time Last-Mile Delivery: Order Assignment with Travel-Time Predictors110
Climate Change Concerns and the Performance of Green vs. Brown Stocks106
Human Capital-Driven Acquisition: Evidence from the Inevitable Disclosure Doctrine99
A Supply Chain Theory of Factoring and Reverse Factoring98
Does Firm Investment Respond to Peers’ Investment?96
Managing Self-Confidence: Theory and Experimental Evidence96
Personalized Dynamic Pricing with Machine Learning: High-Dimensional Features and Heterogeneous Elasticity93
The Preference Survey Module: A Validated Instrument for Measuring Risk, Time, and Social Preferences93
Green Technology Development and Adoption: Competition, Regulation, and Uncertainty—A Global Game Approach90
Using Explainable Artificial Intelligence to Improve Process Quality: Evidence from Semiconductor Manufacturing89
Surge Pricing and Its Spatial Supply Response88
The Granular Nature of Large Institutional Investors87
Analyst Information Acquisition via EDGAR86
Climate Change, Firm Performance, and Investor Surprises82
Information Accessibility and Corporate Innovation81
The Political Economy of Labor Employment Decisions: Evidence from China81
Incentives and Emission Responsibility Allocation in Supply Chains79
Knowledge Accumulation, Privacy, and Growth in a Data Economy78
Rethinking Crowdfunding Platform Design: Mechanisms to Deter Misconduct and Improve Efficiency77
Valuation Effects of Norway’s Board Gender-Quota Law Revisited76
Incremental vs. Breakthrough Innovation: The Role of Technology Spillovers75
When Transparency Fails: Bias and Financial Incentives in Ridesharing Platforms74
How Transparency into Internal and External Responsibility Initiatives Influences Consumer Choice74
The Demotivating Effects of Communicating a Social-Political Stance: Field Experimental Evidence from an Online Labor Market Platform73
Innovation Search Strategy and Predictable Returns72
The Last Mile Matters: Impact of Dockless Bike Sharing on Subway Housing Price Premium72
How Does Firms’ Innovation Disclosure Affect Their Banking Relationships?71
Trust and Disintermediation: Evidence from an Online Freelance Marketplace71
The Effect of Multichannel and Omnichannel Retailing on Physical Stores69
Terrorist Attacks, Analyst Sentiment, and Earnings Forecasts69
Machine Learning vs. Economic Restrictions: Evidence from Stock Return Predictability69
The Bullwhip Effect in Supply Networks69
Credit Shock Propagation Along Supply Chains: Evidence from the CDS Market69
The Interplay Between Online Reviews and Physician Demand: An Empirical Investigation69
How Big-4 Firms Improve Audit Quality68
An Axiomatic Foundation for the Expected Shortfall67
Initial Coin Offering (ICO) Success and Post-ICO Performance67
Combating the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of the SARS Imprint66
Undisclosed SEC Investigations66
Food Delivery Service and Restaurant: Friend or Foe?66
Predicting Human Discretion to Adjust Algorithmic Prescription: A Large-Scale Field Experiment in Warehouse Operations65
Climate Risk and Capital Structure65
Short-Term Investors, Long-Term Investments, and Firm Value: Evidence from Russell 2000 Index Inclusions65
Impact of Traceability Technology Adoption in Food Supply Chain Networks64
Policy Uncertainty and Innovation: Evidence from Initial Public Offering Interventions in China64
When Corporate Social Responsibility Backfires: Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment64
Supplier Encroachment in a Nonexclusive Reselling Channel64
Fractional Equity, Blockchain, and the Future of Creative Work64
The Creator Economy: Managing Ecosystem Supply, Revenue Sharing, and Platform Design63
The Role of Beliefs in Driving Gender Discrimination63
Feature-Based Dynamic Pricing63
Is Price Commitment a Better Solution to Control Carbon Emissions and Promote Technology Investment?63
Evolution of Shares in a Proof-of-Stake Cryptocurrency62
When Ignorance Is Not Bliss: An Empirical Analysis of Subtier Supply Network Structure on Firm Risk62
Brand Capital and Stock Price Crash Risk62
Experimentation and Start-up Performance: Evidence from A/B Testing62
Innovation in the 21st Century: Architectural Change, Purpose, and the Challenges of Our Time61
Interfirm Exchange and Innovation in Platform Ecosystems: Evidence from Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference60
At Your Service on the Table: Impact of Tabletop Technology on Restaurant Performance60
Do Digital Platforms Reduce Moral Hazard? The Case of Uber and Taxis60
A Framework for Analyzing Influencer Marketing in Social Networks: Selection and Scheduling of Influencers60
Black and White: Access to Capital Among Minority-Owned Start-ups59
Outsourcing Tasks Online: Matching Supply and Demand on Peer-to-Peer Internet Platforms59
Platform Tokenization: Financing, Governance, and Moral Hazard59
Casting Conference Calls59
What Makes a Good Image? Airbnb Demand Analytics Leveraging Interpretable Image Features59
How Do Product Attributes and Reviews Moderate the Impact of Recommender Systems Through Purchase Stages?58
When Will Workers Follow an Algorithm? A Field Experiment with a Retail Business58
Demand Pooling in Omnichannel Operations57
Deep Learning in Asset Pricing57
Managing Relationships Between Restaurants and Food Delivery Platforms: Conflict, Contracts, and Coordination57
Shareholder Wealth Effects of Modern Slavery Regulation56
Disclosure Sentiment: Machine Learning vs. Dictionary Methods56
Field Experiment on the Profit Implications of Merchants’ Discretionary Power to Override Data-Driven Decision-Making Tools55
The Effect of Patent Protection on Inventor Mobility55
Carbon Offsetting with Eco-Conscious Consumers55
How Do Peer Awards Motivate Creative Content? Experimental Evidence from Reddit54
From Data to Decisions: Distributionally Robust Optimization Is Optimal54
Platform Preannouncement Strategies: The Strategic Role of Information in Two-Sided Markets Competition54
Predicting with Proxies: Transfer Learning in High Dimension54
Optimal Portfolio Choice with Estimation Risk: No Risk-Free Asset Case53
Information Transparency, Multihoming, and Platform Competition: A Natural Experiment in the Daily Deals Market53
Do High-Frequency Traders Anticipate Buying and Selling Pressure?52
The Value of Autonomous Vehicles for Last-Mile Deliveries in Urban Environments52
Leviathan Inc. and Corporate Environmental Engagement52
Board Networks and Corporate Innovation52
A Dynamic Mean-Variance Analysis for Log Returns51
Transaction Costs, Portfolio Characteristics, and Mutual Fund Performance51
Gender Gaps in Equity Crowdfunding: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment51
Facilitating the Search for Partners on Matching Platforms50
A Statistical Learning Approach to Personalization in Revenue Management50
Integrating Practice into Accounting Research50
Roadblock to Innovation: The Role of Patent Litigation in Corporate R&D50
The Trouble with Instruments: The Need for Pretreatment Balance in Shock-Based Instrumental Variable Designs49
Product-Line Design in the Presence of Consumers’ Anticipated Regret49
A Cross-Sectional Machine Learning Approach for Hedge Fund Return Prediction and Selection49
Geographic Diversification and Banks’ Funding Costs49
Agency or Wholesale? The Role of Retail Pass-Through49
Marrying Stochastic Gradient Descent with Bandits: Learning Algorithms for Inventory Systems with Fixed Costs49
Mostly Exploration-Free Algorithms for Contextual Bandits49
Assortment Optimization Under Consider-Then-Choose Choice Models48
Employee Turnover and Firm Performance: Large-Sample Archival Evidence48
Revenue-Utility Tradeoff in Assortment Optimization Under the Multinomial Logit Model with Totally Unimodular Constraints48
Trust, Incomplete Contracting, and Corporate Innovation47
Consumer Consent and Firm Targeting After GDPR: The Case of a Large Telecom Provider46
Supply Chain Competition: A Market Game Approach46
Brand Spillover as a Marketing Strategy46
Trials and Terminations: Learning from Competitors’ R&D Failures46
Data-Driven Dynamic Pricing and Ordering with Perishable Inventory in a Changing Environment46
Can Consumer-Posted Photos Serve as a Leading Indicator of Restaurant Survival? Evidence from Yelp45
Enabling Entrepreneurial Choice45
Social Media and Political Contributions: The Impact of New Technology on Political Competition45
“Just Words? Just Speeches?” On the Economic Value of Charismatic Leadership44
Does Analyst Coverage Affect Workplace Safety?44
A Comparative Empirical Study of Discrete Choice Models in Retail Operations43
Social Learning in Information Technology Investment: The Role of Board Interlocks43
How Digital Word-of-Mouth Affects Consumer Decision Making: Evidence from Doctor Appointment Booking42
Social Influence Undermines the Wisdom of the Crowd in Sequential Decision Making42
Tone at the Bottom: Measuring Corporate Misconduct Risk from the Text of Employee Reviews42
Dynamic Pricing of Relocating Resources in Large Networks42
Privacy Rights and Data Security: GDPR and Personal Data Markets42
Online Review Solicitations Reduce Extremity Bias in Online Review Distributions and Increase Their Representativeness42
Learning from Many: Partner Exposure and Team Familiarity in Fluid Teams41
Compensating Online Content Producers: A Theoretical Analysis41
Personalized Robo-Advising: Enhancing Investment Through Client Interaction41
Price Discrimination with Fairness Constraints40
Asymmetric Attention and Stock Returns40
Eliciting Human Judgment for Prediction Algorithms40
Quality Disclosure Under Consumer Loss Aversion40
The Role of Decision Support Systems in Attenuating Racial Biases in Healthcare Delivery40
Managing Market Thickness in Online Business-to-Business Markets39
Warning Against Recurring Risks: An Information Design Approach39
Meta Dynamic Pricing: Transfer Learning Across Experiments39
The Value of Personalized Pricing39
Pricing Climate Change Exposure39
Investor Tastes, Corporate Behavior, and Stock Returns: An Analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility39
Trade Credit Insurance: Operational Value and Contract Choice38
The Normalization of Consumer Valuations: Context-Dependent Preferences from Neurobiological Constraints38
Stimulating Consumption at Low Budget: Evidence from a Large-Scale Policy Experiment Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic38
Style and Skill: Hedge Funds, Mutual Funds, and Momentum38
Social Learning and Solar Photovoltaic Adoption38
Discriminatory Pricing of Over-the-Counter Derivatives37
Digital Privacy37
How Pervasive Is Earnings Management? Evidence from a Structural Model37
Monetary Incentives and Knowledge Spillover: Evidence from a Natural Experiment37
Quality Regulation on Two-Sided Platforms: Exclusion, Subsidization, and First-Party Applications37
Managerial Learning from Analyst Feedback to Voluntary Capex Guidance, Investment Efficiency, and Firm Performance37
“Un”Fair Machine Learning Algorithms36
The Effects of COVID-19 on U.S. Small Businesses: Evidence from Owners, Managers, and Employees36
Bitcoin: A Natural Oligopoly36
The Value and Cost of Crop Minimum Support Price: Farmer and Consumer Welfare and Implementation Cost36
Where the Heart Is: Information Production and the Home Bias36
How Does the Economy Shape the Financial Advisory Profession?36
Sharing Demand Information with Retailer Under Upstream Competition36
Measuring Information Preferences36
Can Brands Claim Ignorance? Unauthorized Subcontracting in Apparel Supply Chains36
Costly Interpretation of Asset Prices36
Signaling Status: The Impact of Relative Income on Household Consumption and Financial Decisions36
Competition for Attention in Online Social Networks: Implications for Seeding Strategies35
Privacy-Preserving Dynamic Personalized Pricing with Demand Learning35
Task Selection and Workload: A Focus on Completing Easy Tasks Hurts Performance35
The Theory and Practice of Investor Relations: A Global Perspective35
The Bayesian Prophet: A Low-Regret Framework for Online Decision Making35
Assessing Algorithmic Fairness with Unobserved Protected Class Using Data Combination34
Multilocation Newsvendor Problem: Centralization and Inventory Pooling34
Product Choice with Large Assortments: A Scalable Deep-Learning Model34
Climate Impact Investing34
Privacy and Market Concentration: Intended and Unintended Consequences of the GDPR34
Distribution-Free Inventory Risk Pooling in a Multilocation Newsvendor34
Frustration-Based Promotions: Field Experiments in Ride-Sharing34
Distributionally Robust Mean-Variance Portfolio Selection with Wasserstein Distances33
Economies of Scale and Scope in Hospitals: An Empirical Study of Volume Spillovers33
Adapting to Radical Change: The Benefits of Short-Horizon Investors33
Two-Sided Platform Competition in a Sharing Economy33
Scandal, Social Movement, and Change: Evidence from #MeToo in Hollywood33
Social Responsibility Auditing in Supply Chain Networks33
Is the Chinese Anticorruption Campaign Authentic? Evidence from Corporate Investigations33
Low-Wage Workers and the Enforceability of Noncompete Agreements33
Net-Metered Distributed Renewable Energy: A Peril for Utilities?33
Cater to Thy Client: Analyst Responsiveness to Institutional Investor Attention33
A Practical End-to-End Inventory Management Model with Deep Learning32
A Rationale for Imperfect Reporting Standards32
The Effects of Tip Recommendations on Customer Tipping, Satisfaction, Repatronage, and Spending32
Intertemporal Demand Spillover Effects on Video Game Platforms32
Dynamic Inventory Control with Stockout Substitution and Demand Learning32
Managing Opportunistic Consumer Returns in Retail Operations32
Renewable Power and Electricity Prices: The Impact of Forward Markets32
Driver Surge Pricing32
Wolf Pack Activism32
Dual Sourcing and Smoothing Under Nonstationary Demand Time Series: Reshoring with SpeedFactories31
Advertising Spending and Media Bias: Evidence from News Coverage of Car Safety Recalls31
Information Content of Aggregate Implied Volatility Spread31
Bias, Information, Noise: The BIN Model of Forecasting31
Finance and Firm Volatility: Evidence from Small Business Lending in China31
A Data-Driven Approach to Multistage Stochastic Linear Optimization31
The Tension Between Worker Safety and Organization Survival31
Joint vs. Separate Crowdsourcing Contests31
Economics of Permissioned Blockchain Adoption31
Leasing, Modularity, and the Circular Economy30
Signaling Quality with Return Insurance: Theory and Empirical Evidence30
Supplier Audit Information Sharing and Responsible Sourcing30
Calculative Trust and Interfirm Contracts30
Investment in a Smaller World: The Implications of Air Travel for Investors and Firms30
Discontinuous Demand Functions: Estimation and Pricing30
Do Board Gender Quotas Matter? Selection, Performance, and Stock Market Effects30
Impact of Social Interactions on Duopoly Competition with Quality Considerations30
The Private Impact of Public Data: Landsat Satellite Maps Increased Gold Discov30
Role of Risk Aversion in Price Postponement Under Supply Random Yield30
Flexibility and Reputation in Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma Games30
The Real Effects of Implicit Government Guarantee: Evidence from Chinese State-Owned Enterprise Defaults30
Multimodal Dynamic Pricing30
Persuading Customers to Buy Early: The Value of Personalized Information Provisioning30
Social Learning in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Community Establishments’ Closure Decisions Follow Those of Nearby Chain Establishments30
Time Encoding in Languages and Investment Efficiency29
Are Inventors or Firms the Engines of Innovation?29
Market Design, Human Behavior, and Management29
Disclosure Dynamics and Investor Learning29
FinTech Lending and Bank Credit Access for Consumers29
Creating Exercise Habits Using Incentives: The Trade-off Between Flexibility and Routinization28
Dynamic Pricing (and Assortment) Under a Static Calendar28
Panic Selling When Disaster Strikes: Evidence in the Bond and Stock Markets28
Comparing Non-GAAP EPS in Earnings Announcements and Proxy Statements28
The Limits of Incentives in Economic Matching Procedures28
Customer Preference and Station Network in the London Bike-Share System28
The Demand for, and Avoidance of, Information28
Informing the Public About a Pandemic28
Near-Optimal A-B Testing28
Knowledge Sharing in Alliances and Alliance Portfolios28
The Financialization of Storable Commodities28
A Model of Cryptocurrencies27
Prescriptive Analytics for Flexible Capacity Management27
Financial Reporting and Entrepreneurial Finance: Evidence from Equity Crowdfunding27
Last-Place Aversion in Queues27