Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society

(The TQCC of Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Issue Information10
Average rank of quadratic twists with a rational point of almost minimal height10
Issue Information9
Steiner's formula and a variational proof of the isoperimetric inequality9
Stable twisted cohomology of the mapping class groups in the unit tangent bundle homology8
Maximal abelian subalgebras of Banach algebras8
On the maximum field of linearity of linear sets8
Regular maps from the lamplighter to metabelian groups8
Non‐simply connected symplectic fillings of lens spaces7
Birationality of mirror models for Fano toric complete intersections7
On Eagleson's theorem in the non‐stationary setup7
Manifolds with cylindrical ends having a finite and positive number of embedded eigenvalues7
On minimal presentations of numerical monoids7
Peter Vámos, 1940–20207
Radon measures and Lipschitz graphs6
Linnik's large sieve and the L1$L^{1}$ norm of exponential sums6
A non‐linear monotonicity principle and applications to Schrödinger‐type problems6
Issue Information6
Minkowski summands of cubes6
The complex Sobolev space and Hölder continuous solutions to Monge–Ampère equations6
Boundary behavior of the Szegö kernel5
Tame hereditary path algebras and amenability5
Quantitative rates of convergence to equilibrium for the degenerate linear Boltzmann equation on the torus5
Finitely axiomatized theories lack self‐comprehension5
The Arinkin–Gaitsgory temperedness conjecture5
Concavity of solutions to semilinear equations in dimension two5
On the logarithmic derivative of characteristic polynomials for random unitary matrices5
Mather's regions of instability for annulus diffeomorphisms5
A new obstruction for normal spanning trees5
Cohomogeneity one manifolds and homogeneous spaces of positive scalar curvature5
Motivic homological stability of configuration spaces5
Lifting and restricting t‐structures5
Pillay's conjecture for groups definable in weakly o‐minimal non‐valuational structures5
K4$K_4$‐free graphs have sparse halves5
The continuity equation for Hermitian metrics: Calabi estimates, Chern scalar curvature, and Oeljeklaus–Toma manifolds5
On the effective version of Serre's open image theorem5
Issue Information5
The Eremenko–Lyubich constant5
Traces of links and simply connected 4‐manifolds4
Uniqueness of minimal diffeomorphisms between surfaces4
Thurston norm and Euler classes of tight contact structures4
Abelianization and the Duistermaat–Heckman theorem4
Issue Information4
Injective metrics on buildings and symmetric spaces4
Acceleration of propagation in a chemotaxis‐growth system with slowly decaying initial data4
On the connection between Hopf–Galois structures and skew braces4
Coupled embeddability4
Non‐uniqueness of Leray–Hopf solutions to the forced fractional Navier–Stokes equations in three dimensions, up to the J. L. Lions exponent4
On invariant and natural projections4
On total stability conditions for Dynkin quivers4
Issue Information4
Chebyshev potentials, Fubini–Study metrics, and geometry of the space of Kähler metrics4
Symmetry criteria for Hochschild extensions4
Metric decomposability theorems on sets of integers4
The weak convergence of varifolds generated by rectifiable flat G$G$‐chains4
Equidistribution of high traces of random matrices over finite fields and cancellation in character sums of high conductor3
A solution to some problems of Conway and Guy on monostable polyhedra3
Wildly ramified rigid G2$G_2$‐local systems3
On the boundedness and norm of certain generalized Hilbert operators in ℓp$\ell ^p$3
Constructions of superabundant tropical curves in higher genus3
A note on a rigidity estimate for degree ±1$\pm 1$ conformal maps on S2$\mathbb {S}^2$3
A strengthening of Freiman's 3k−4$3k-4$ theorem3
Gauss sums and Van der Geer–Van der Vlugt curves3
Comparison and localization of invariant functions on strongly pseudoconvex domains3
Notes on overdetermined singular problems3
Definability and decidability for rings of integers in totally imaginary fields3
Exact Lagrangians in four‐dimensional symplectisations3
Spectral properties of substitutions on compact alphabets3
On subgroup separability of free‐by‐cyclic and deficiency 1 groups3
Nonlocal Harnack inequality for fractional elliptic equations with Orlicz growth3
Elementary bounded generation for SLn${\rm SL}_n$ for global function fields and n⩾3$n\geqslant 3$3
Thompson's group F$F$ is almost 32$\frac{3}{2}$‐generated3
Genuine‐commutative structure on rational equivariant K$K$‐theory for finite abelian groups3
On the log–local principle for the toric boundary3
On Boltyanski and Gohberg's partition conjecture3
A criterion for the inductive Alperin weight condition3
Magnitude homology of metric spaces and order complexes3
Decay rates for the 4D energy‐critical nonlinear heat equation3
Duals of Tirilman spaces have unique subsymmetric basic sequences3
The Aronsson equation for absolute minimizers of supremal functionals in Carnot–Carathéodory spaces3
On functional successive minima3
Arithmetic and geometric deformations of threefolds3
A Cayley–Bacharach theorem for points in Pn3
Definable structures on flat bundles3
Some examples of separable convex‐cocompact subgroups3
On the eigenvalues of the biharmonic operator with Neumann boundary conditions on a thin set3
Sasaki structures distinguished by their basic Hodge numbers3
Dense lineability and spaceability in certain subsets of ℓ∞$\ell _{\infty }$3
Rational Cuntz states peak on the free disk algebra3
Issue Information3
Nonautonomous double‐phase equations with strong singularity and concave perturbation3
On the existence of products of primes in arithmetic progressions2
Classification conjectures for Leavitt path algebras2
Rigidity of inverse problems for nonlinear elliptic equations on manifolds2
The paraunitary group of a von Neumann algebra2
Configuration spaces as commutative monoids2
On the semi‐stability degree for abelian varieties2
The inertia bound is far from tight2
Faithful invariant random subgroups in acylindrically hyperbolic groups2
Support varieties without the tensor product property2
Subgroups of bounded rank in hyperbolic 3‐manifold groups2
In search of convexity: diagonals and numerical ranges2
Reflecting perfection for finite‐dimensional differential graded algebras2
Torsion and twists of abelian varieties2
On locally finite‐dimensional traces2
Large deviations in random latin squares2
The generalized Harer conjecture for the homology triviality2
Some convexity criteria for differentiable functions on the 2‐Wasserstein space2
On compactness and Lp‐regularity in the ∂¯‐Neumann problem2
Near braces and p$p$‐deformed braided groups2
A curious identity that implies Faber's conjecture2
Corrigendum: Heisenberg uniqueness pairs for the hyperbola2
Corrigendum: Pseudo‐loop conditions2
From stability to chaos in last‐passage percolation2
Constructing Galois representations with prescribed Iwasawa λ$\lambda$‐invariant2
Graph convex hull bounds as generalized Jensen inequalities2
Minimal crossing number implies minimal supporting genus2
Differential graded Koszul duality: An introductory survey2
Lucas congruences using modular forms2
A note on lc‐trivial fibrations2
Global N∞$N_\infty$‐operads2
Probabilistic Galois Theory: The square discriminant case2
Tilting quivers for BB‐tilted algebras2
Autoequivalences of blow‐ups of minimal surfaces2
Infinitely many Riemann surfaces with a transitive action on the Weierstrass points2
Nondegeneracy of solutions to the critical p$p$‐Laplace Kirchhoff equation2
Zero‐sum cycles in flexible polyhedra2
Quasi‐conical domains with embedded eigenvalues2
Corrigendum: Jacobi–Zariski long nearly exact sequences for associative algebras2
Dynamical cancellation of polynomials2
Corrigendum: On a problem of Lang for matrix polynomials2
Blocks of profinite groups with cyclic defect group2
Derived parabolic induction2
Lipschitz‐free spaces over strongly countable‐dimensional spaces and approximation properties2
Algebra and geometry of link homology: Lecture notes from the IHES 2021 Summer School2
A congruence theorem for compact embedded hypersurfaces in S+n+1$\mbox{${\mathbb {S}}$}^{n+1}_+$2
Local–global divisibility on algebraic tori2
Issue Information2
Smallest denominators2
Positivity and nonstandard graded Betti numbers2
Towards Turán's polynomial conjecture2
Continuous actions on primitive ideal spaces lift to C*$\mathrm{C}^\ast$‐actions2
Hamiltonian circle actions on complete intersections2
Linear independence of coherent systems associated to discrete subgroups2
On the sharp constant in the Bianchi–Egnell stability inequality1
Crystallographic Helly groups1
On proper branched coverings and a question of Vuorinen1
A rigidity estimate for maps from S2$S^2$ to S2$S^2$ via the harmonic map flow1
A note on quadratic forms1
Characteristic foliations — A survey1
John Charlton Polkinghorne, 1930–20211
Mabuchi Kähler solitons versus extremal Kähler metrics and beyond1
Hyperbolicity in non‐metric cubical small‐cancellation1
Brauer–Manin obstructions requiring arbitrarily many Brauer classes1
Mukai duality via roofs of projective bundles1
A class of rearrangement groups that are not invariably generated1
Stability and equivariant Gromov–Hausdorff convergence1
Rectifiable paths with polynomial log‐signature are straight lines1
On the systole growth in congruence quaternionic hyperbolic manifolds1
Dynamics of piecewise increasing contractions1
A note on the PDE approach to the L∞$L^\infty$ estimates for complex Hessian equations on transverse Kähler manifolds1
Singular loci of algebras over ramified discrete valuation rings1
Do products of compact complex manifolds admit LCK metrics?1
Survey on L2‐invariants and 3‐manifolds1
Moments of the distribution of k$k$‐free numbers in short intervals and arithmetic progressions1
Magnitude homology and path homology1
Issue Information1
Abelian subgroups of two‐dimensional Artin groups1
Free actions of large groups on complex threefolds1
Quantitative Steinitz theorem: A polynomial bound1
Character sums over sparse elements of finite fields1
Non‐autonomous double phase eigenvalue problems with indefinite weight and lack of compactness1
On projective Anosov subgroups of symplectic groups1
Regular languages for contracting geodesics1
Integral Picard group of moduli of polarized K3 surfaces1
The spectrum of a well‐generated tensor‐triangulated category1
Antichain codes1
Stability estimates for the Vlasov–Poisson system in p$p$‐kinetic Wasserstein distances1
Ramsey numbers and the Zarankiewicz problem1
Deconstructible abstract elementary classes of modules and categoricity1
Perpetual cutoff method and discrete Ricci curvature bounds with exceptions1
A finiteness theorem for universal m$m$‐gonal forms1
Broué's abelian defect group conjecture for blocks with cyclic hyperfocal subgroups1
Shortest closed curve to contain a sphere in its convex hull1
Nonlocal differential equations with (p,q)$ {(p,q)}$ growth1
Branched covers and matrix factorizations1
Classification of flat Lorentzian nilpotent Lie algebras1
p∞$p^{\infty }$‐Selmer ranks of CM abelian varieties1
Algebraicity of hypergeometric functions with arbitrary parameters1
Finiteness of metrics on state spaces1
Homomorphisms of commutator subgroups of braid groups1
Curves are algebraic K(π,1)$K(\pi,1)$: Theoretical and practical aspects1
Minimal elements for the limit weak order on affine Weyl groups1
A random graph growth model1
The magical Ewens sampling formula1
The diamagnetic inequality for the Dirichlet‐to‐Neumann operator1
On explicit birational geometry for minimal n$n$‐folds of canonical dimension n−1$n-1$1
Global bounded classical solutions to a parabolic–elliptic chemotaxis model with local sensing and asymptotically unbounded motility1
Ramsey numbers of Boolean lattices1
A shorter note on shorter pants1
No short polynomials vanish on bounded rank matrices1
Left–right symmetry of finite finitistic dimension1
Counting functions for Dirichlet series and compactness of composition operators1
Hypersurface singularities with monomial Jacobian ideal1
On vacuum free boundary problems in ideal compressible magnetohydrodynamics1
The sharp form of the Kolmogorov–Rogozin inequality and a conjecture of Leader–Radcliffe1
Richard Kenneth Guy, 1916–20201
Full Laplace spectrum of distance spheres in symmetric spaces of rank one1
Approximate identities for ideals in L(Lp)$L(L^p)$1
Direct proof of unconditional asymptotic consensus in the Hegselmann–Krause model with transmission‐type delay1
A vanishing theorem for varieties with finitely many solvable group orbits1
Issue Information1
Twisted L2$L^2$‐Betti numbers for sofic groups1
An asymptotically sharp form of Ball's integral inequality by probability methods1
Herglotz's representation and Carathéodory's approximation1
Asymptotic behavior of the first Dirichlet eigenvalue of AHE manifolds1
Weighted Alexandrov–Fenchel type inequalities for hypersurfaces in Rn$\mathbb {R}^n$1
The uniqueness of the Wiener–Hopf factorisation of Lévy processes and random walks1
The principal p‐blocks with four irreducible characters1
The isomorphism problem for oligomorphic groups with weak elimination of imaginaries1
A note on Stein fillability of circle bundles over symplectic manifolds1
The divergence theorem and nonlocal counterparts1
Small‐volume hyperbolic manifolds constructed from Coxeter groups1
Dynamical diophantine approximation exponents in characteristic p$p$1
Small sums of five roots of unity1
Representations attached to elliptic curves with a non‐trivial odd torsion point1
On the extremal points of the ball of the Benamou–Brenier energy1
The bridge number of surface links and kei colorings1
Graph bundles and Ricci‐flatness1
Frieze patterns over algebraic numbers1
Almost sure behavior of the critical points of random polynomials1
Galois actions of finitely generated groups rarely have model companions1
Axioms for the category of Hilbert spaces and linear contractions1
A note on abelian arithmetic BF‐theory1
Submanifolds with ample normal bundle1
Weighted Sobolev estimates of the truncated Beurling operator1
The centralizer of a Coxeter element1