Lithology and Mineral Resources

(The TQCC of Lithology and Mineral Resources is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
С, О, S, and Sr Isotopes in Rocks of the Lower Eifelian Osveya Horizon in Belarus8
Mineral Indicators of Hydrothermal Activity in the Surface Layer of Bottom Sediments in the Pobeda Hydrothermal Cluster (17°44.9′‒17°07.6′ N MAR)8
New Data on the Age of the Ozernoe Polymetallic Deposit (Western Transbaikalia)7
Historical-Genetic Analysis of the Formation of High-Grade Iron Ores and Related Bauxites in the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly (Russia)6
Typomorphic Features of Garnets and Zircons from the Middle Neopleistocene Moraines in the Northern and Southern Timan–Pechora–Vychegda Region5
Gray Silts of the Volga Reservoir Cascade: Main Features of Geochemistry5
Lithology and Sedimentation Conditions of the Latest Cretaceous in the Klementyev Mountain Section (Eastern Crimea)4
Structural and Crystal-Chemical Features of Mixed-Layer Illite-Containing Minerals from Catagenetically Altered Upper Jurassic Oil-Source Rocks4
Volcanic Tuffs and Tuffites in Jurassic–Cretaceous (Volgian–Ryazanian) Boundary Rocks of Western Siberia4
New Data on Geochronology of the Upper Quaternary Loess–Soil Series in the Terek–Kuma Lowland4
Composition and Genesis of Carbonate Concretions in the Region of Paramushir Hydroacoustic Anomalies (Sea of Okhotsk)4
Strontium Isotope Composition of Rocks and Ores of the Porozhinsk Deposit (Yenisei Ridge, Krasnoyarsk Region)3
Carbonaceous Matter of Paleoproterozoic Ministromatolites in Karelia3
Late Cenomanian Paleoecological Event OAE 2 in the Sections of the Northern Peri-Tethys (Crimea, Eastern Caucasus): Sediment Structure and Dynamics of their Accumulation3
Mineralogical, Crystal-Chemical, and Rb–Sr Isotope Data on Terrigenous Globular Phyllosilicates of the Maastakh Formation (Lower Vendian, Olenek Uplift)3
Geochemical Peculiarities of the Atlantic Pleistocene Sediments3
Grain Size Composition of Neopleistocene Basal Moraines in the Northeasternmost Area of the Russian Plain3
Mud Volcanic Fluids of the Kerch–Taman Region: Geochemical Reconstructions and Regional Trends. Communication 1: Geochemical Features and Genesis of Mud-Volcanic Waters2
Structural and Crystal-Chemical Features of Mg-Rich Minerals of the Glauconite–Illite Series from Upper Proterozoic Deposits in Eastern and Northern Siberia2
Reconstruction of Sediment and Peat Accumulation Conditions Based on the Petrographic Composition of Coal in the Verkhnedneprovsk Deposit, Dnieper Brown Coal Basin2
Facies in Submarine Canyons on the Continental Slope of the Argentine Patagonia (SW Atlantic)2
Chemical Composition of Sediments and Its Changes at the Modern Hydrothermal System Center in the Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge, Hole 858B ODP2
Varieties of Fossil Resins of the Western Central Asia and Their Molecular Structure2
Mineralogical–Geochemical Features, Genesis, and Age of Refractory Clays in the Shulepovo Deposit (Ryazan Region, Central European Russia)2
Yurmatinian/Karatavian Boundary in the Riphean Stratotype: Comparison of the Geochemical Features of Clay Rocks of the Avzyan Formation and Biryan Subformation (Zilmerdak Formation)2
Change of the Composition of Solution During Its Migration Through the Sedimentary Cover in the Modern Hydrothermal System Center (Juan de Fuca Ridge, Pacific Ocean, ODP Hole 858B)2
Features of the Distribution and Genesis of Authigenic Sulfide Mineralization in Bottom Sediments on the Vietnam Shelf and the South China Sea Slope2
Postsedimentary Transformations of Lower Triassic Rocks in the Northern Varandey-Adzva Zone (Pechora Oil- and Gas-Bearing Basin)2
2D Seismic Interpretation of Compressional Regime of the Dohdak Concession and Source Rock Assessment of the Early Cretaceous Sembar Formation; a Case Study from Central Indus Basin, Pakistan2
Depositional Environments and Paleogeographic Evolution during the Formation of Upper Paleozoic Terrigenous Rocks in Taimyr2
Stratigraphy and Depositional Conditions of the Tithonian(?)–Berriasian Deposits in the Tonas River Region (Central Crimea)2
Genesis of Manganese Ores of the Kvirila Deposit, Georgia: Evidence from Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Composition and Rare Earth Element Geochemistry2
Chemical Weathering Indexes: Implication for Paleoclimatic Reconstructions, with the Vendian–Lower Cambrian Section of Podolian Transnistria as Example2
Influence of L.V. Pustovalov’s Works on the Development of Petroleum Lithology2
Crystal Chemical, Mineralogical, and Geochemical Features of Dolomites of the Middle Riphean Avzyan Formation (Southern Urals)1
Seismogenic Structures in Sediments of Different Lithological Composition and Their Position in Mesozoic–Cenozoic Sections of the Northern Caucasus1
Chemical Composition of Pleistocene Sediments in the Indian Ocean1
Model of the Gold-Bearing Placer Formation in Platform Areas (Eastern Siberian Platform)1
Paleozoic Reef Formation in the Pechora Syneclise and the Caspian Basin: A Comparative Analysis1
Material Composition, Provenances, and Geodynamic Settings of the Accumulation of Cretaceous Deposits in the West Sakhalin Terrane1
Lower Maeotian Bryozoan Bioherms of Cape Kazantip, Crimea: A New Concept of the Paleoecological Environment of Their Origin1
Authigenic Biotite from Hydrothermally Altered Terrigenous Sediments of the Central Hill (Escanaba Trough, Gorda Ridge, Pacific Ocean, ODP Hole 1038B)1
Special Aspects of the Application of Lithogeochemical Indicators for Reconstructing the Paleoclimate and Composition of Source Areas in the West Siberian Late Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous Sedimentary Ba1
Mineral Composition and Morphological Features of Kaolinite in Ceramic Clays of the Shulepovo Deposit (Ryazan Region, Central European Russia)1
Globular Phyllosilicates of the Glauconite–Illite Series in the Cambrian and Ordovician Rocks of the Eastern Baltica (Northern Estonia, Western Lithuania, and Western Latvia)1
Features of Chromite-Containing Placers in the Lukoyanov Placer District (Nizhny Novgorod Region) and Their Formation Conditions1
Results of the U/Pb Dating of Detrital Zircons from Upper Cretaceous Deposits in the Novaya Sibir Island (New Siberian Islands, Anjou Island Group)1
Geochemistry of Stream Waters of the Lo River Catchment, Ha Giang Province (Northern Vietnam)1
Formation of the Mineral Composition of Neopleistocene Basal Moraines in the European Russian Subarctic1
Rare-Earth Mineralization in Terrigenous Rocks of the Shatak Complex (Southern Urals): Species Diversity and Features of Chemical Composition1
Lithology, Source Areas, and Formation Settings of the Upper Triassic Deposits of Southwestern Primorye1
Composition and Formation Conditions of Lower Eocene Shallow-Marine Carbonates in Southern Armenia1
Mineral Phases of Zinc in Ore-Bearing Sediments of the Pobeda Hydrothermal Cluster (17°07.45′–17°08.7′ N MAR)1
Multi-Stage Tectonothermal Events in the Nageng Mining Area, East Kunlun, China: Evidence from In Situ U–Pb Dating of Apatite and Zircon1
Fluid Inclusions in Glendonite Found on Japan Sea Continental Slope: Pyrolysis-free Gas Chromatography-mass Spectrometry Analysis Research Results1
Sedimentological Attributes of the Middle Jurassic Samana Suk Formation Exposed in Village Rani-Wah Haripur, Southern Hazara Basin (NW Himalayan Fold and Thrust Belt, Pakistan)1
Surface Formations in the Weathering Crusts of Carbonatites: Implication for the Genesis of Unique Rare Metal Ores in the Tomtor Deposit, Russia1
Carbonate Sedimentology of the Upper Riphean (Neoproterozoic) Uk Formation, Southern Urals1
Lithogeochemical Characteristics and Sedimentary Environments of the Uk Formation Limestones (Upper Riphean, Southern Urals)1
Compositional Peculiarities of the Upper Devonian Coaly Rocks (The Sula River Section, North Timan)1
Facies Control of the Reservoir Distribution in Lower Devonian Deposits at the Eastern Edge of the Khoreiver Depression (Timan–Pechora Petroliferous Basin)1
Geological Conditions of the Formation and Dissociation of Gas Hydrates in the Sea of Okhotsk: Tectonic and Genetic Aspects1
Peculiarities of Clay Mineral Formation in Pleistocene Sediments Under Specific Tectonomagmatic and Hydrothermal Conditions of the Central Hill (Escanaba Trough, Gorda Ridge, Pacific Ocean): Communica1
Geochemistry of Upper Vendian and Lower Cambrian Clay Rocks in the Moscow Syneclise: Some Traditional and Modern Approaches1
Adsorption of Rare Earth Metal Cations by Base Metal Sulfides in the Broken Spur and TAG Hydrothermal Fields, Atlantic Ocean1
Characteristics of Sediment Heavy Metal Levels in Lead-zinc Ore Cho Don District Area, Bac Kan Province, Vietnam1