Learning and Motivation

(The median citation count of Learning and Motivation is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
A review of Project-Based Learning (PBL) and Computational Thinking (CT) in teaching and learning40
The impact of extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation, and social self-efficacy on English competition participation intentions of pre-college learners: Differences between high school and vocation28
A structural equation modeling approach in examining EFL students’ foreign language enjoyment, trait emotional intelligence, and classroom climate25
Food shopping under risk and uncertainty22
A structural relationship model for resilience, L2 learning motivation, and L2 proficiency at different proficiency levels21
Intrinsic motivation, favorability, time management, and achievement: A cross-lagged panel analysis21
Basic psychological needs in the classroom: A literature review in elementary and middle school students21
Metacognition: History, measurements, and the role in early childhood development and education19
Navigating the emotional landscape: Insights into resilience, engagement, and burnout among Chinese High School English as a Foreign Language Learners18
Visual media and learning: Effect of interactive television instruction as an intervention strategy for improving the critical thinking skills and disposition of out-of-school nomadic children in Nige18
RETRACTED: Music education: Which is more effective – Traditional learning or the introduction of modern technologies to increase student motivation?18
Motivating academic engagement and lifelong learning among vocational and adult education students via self-direction in learning17
An analysis of sensory-specific satiation: Food liking, food wanting, and the effects of distraction17
Predicting learner autonomy in collaborative learning: The role of group metacognition and motivational regulation strategies17
A motivational response to the inefficiency of teachers’ practices towards students with learned helplessness14
Avoiding at all costs? An exploration of avoidance costs in a novel Virtual Reality procedure13
The mediating role of self-efficacy in the relationship between resilience and academic performance in adolescence12
The impact of eye-tracking games as a training case on students' learning interest and continuous learning intention in game design courses: Taking Flappy Bird as an example11
Predicting final grades in STEM courses: A path analysis of academic motivation and course-related behavior using self-determination theory11
How students’ conceptions of learning science are related to their motivational beliefs and self-regulation11
Exposure to information increases motivation to learn more11
Pulling for pleasure? Erotic approach-bias associated with porn use, not problems11
How mental health relates to everyday stress, rumination, trauma and interoception in women living with HIV: A factor analytic study11
How effective is learner-controlled instruction under classroom conditions? A systematic review10
Evaluating extinction, renewal, and resurgence of operant behavior in humans with Amazon Mechanical Turk10
A model for enhancing employees’ lifelong learning intention online10
Differential and experimental approaches to studying intelligence in humans and non-human animals9
Moderating role of information system and mobile technology with learning and forgetting factors on organizational learning effectiveness8
Exploring Chinese EFL learners’ engagement with large language models: A self-determination theory perspective8
Remote, online assessment of avoidance learning8
Can a brief intervention alter genetic and environmental influences on psychological traits? An experimental behavioral genetics approach8
The influence of emotion and learner control on multimedia learning8
The effects of frankincense extract on depression and anxiety-like behaviors induced by lipopolysaccharide in rats8
Does the end justify the means? Learning tests lead to more negative evaluations and to more stress experiences8
Learner-facing learning analytic – Feedback and motivation: A critique7
Beneficial effects of selenium against the behavioral consequences of lipopolysaccharide administration in rats7
Probing the effects of perceived teacher goals and achievement-goal orientations on students’ self-efficacy, cognitive and metacognitive strategies in writing: A person-centered approach7
Make exercise easier: A brief intervention to influence implicit attitudes towards exercise and physical activity behavior7
Mindset and effort during a self-adapted arithmetic task: Variable- and person-oriented approaches7
Individual and class-level factors for middle school students’ interest in math homework6
Negativity bias: An evolutionary hypothesis and an empirical programme6
Learning skills, creativity, and self-efficacy in vocational school students6
Cued fear conditioning in humans using immersive Virtual Reality6
Acquisition and extinction of contextual fear conditioning in Carioca high- and low-conditioned freezing rats5
The preconditions and event-related potentials correlates of flow experience in an educational context5
Motivating students to actively engage in EFL classrooms: Exploring the role of L2 grit and foreign language enjoyment5
Anxiety level of mastery and performance avoid goal oriented EAP learners: The effect of teacher supportive motivational discourse5
Nursing students' perceived autonomy-support by teachers affects their intrinsic motivation, study effort, and perceived learning outcomes5
Executive functioning and the pursuit of happiness5
The effect of partial and continuous reinforcement on the generalization of conditioned fear in humans5
A study on the effectiveness of self-assessment learning system of ideological and political education for college students5
Traits for depression related to agentic and external control5
A comparison of the effectiveness of Clark and ACT parenting training on improving the emotional-behavioral problems of the child with divorced single mothers5
A behavioral-economic analysis of demand and preference for social and food reinforcement in rats5
Vanillic acid alleviates lipopolysaccharide-induced anxiety/depression-like behaviors and cerebral oxidative stress in male rats4
An evaluation of resurgence in mice4
Framing mathematical content in evolutionarily salient contexts improves students’ learning motivation4
Mechanisms of copying, social learning, and imitation in animals4
Predictors of academic grades: The role of interest, effort, and stress4
Written or drawn episodic future thinking cues improves delay discounting in adults4
Effect of chronic exposure to sertraline on social and cognitive behavior of adult male and female rats under social isolation stress4
Mirror mirror on the wall, it’s not the mark I care about at all4
The effect of anxiety on mathematical thinking: An fMRI study on 12th-grade students4
Control of free-choice consummatory behavior by absolute reward value4
Autonomous motivation in blended learning: Effects of teaching presence and basic psychological need satisfaction4
Can individuals with down syndrome improve their performance after practicing a game on a mobile phone?—A new insight study3
Motivational state-dependent renewal and reinstatement: Discriminative and motivational functions of food deprivation and satiation states3
Oral contraceptive androgenicity affects symmetry processing speed in a visuospatial working memory task3
The effects of controlled self-learning on the improvement of soft and cognitive skills of engineering students: A focused analysis3
Trade-offs in stimulus control in a temporal discrimination task3
Shifts in intertrial interval duration in autoshaping with rats: Implications for path dependence3
Psychological determinants and technology acceptance in mobile learning for overseas students studying Chinese in China: A self-determination theory perspective3
Sociability versus empathy in adolescent mice: Different or distinctive?3
How motivation and enjoyment spread their wings during English Foreign Language learning: A pseudo-longitudinal investigation into Moroccan learners3
Frequency and animal demographics of mouthing behavior in companion dogs in the United States3
Artificial intelligence-based needs analysis for english specific purposes in digital environment3
Individual variation in the vigor and form of Pavlovian conditioned responses: Analysis of a model system3
A self-determination perspective on the relationships between EFL learners’ foreign language peace of mind, foreign language enjoyment, psychological capital, and academic engagement3
Response-specific effects of punishment of a discriminated operant response3
The role of dispositional envy, state envy, and social comparisons in predicting learning outcomes3
Learning in virtual reality: Effects of instruction type and emotional arousal on learning performance3
Punishment in training contexts decrease operant renewal in zebrafish (Danio rerio)3
Game theory without theory: Interactive choice in pigeons, humans and machines3
The differentiated mediation effect of academic autonomous and controlled motivation in the relation between self-concept and achievement3
Effect of depression and anxiety on human schedule performance3
Evaluation of the effect of nicotine and O-acetyl-L-carnitine on testosterone-induced spatial learning impairment in Morris water maze and assessment of protein markers2
The impact of jigsaw cooperative learning on academic motivation, academic hardiness, and self-efficacy of English Foreign Language learners2
Emergence of assimilation or contrast effects in backward evaluative conditioning does not depend on US offset predictability2
The relationship between motivational-cognitive variables, academic self-efficacy of students mediated by parent’s educational expectations, parent-child interaction, and teacher-student interaction2
Effects of cycloheximide on recent and remote appetitive odor discrimination memory in rats2
Exploration on the level and influencing factors of rural teachers ' self-identification of social identity from the perspective of space — Based on the machine learning model of SHAP interpretation m2
Reaction time and cognitive strategies: The role of education in task performance2
Impact of physical exercise on teacher candidates academic learning performance and state motivation2
The power of the “be creative” instruction: A meta-analytical evaluation2
Generative processes and knowledge revision2
My language ability could have been better or worse: Examining how upward and downward counterfactual thinking predict self-efficacy and language performance2
Understanding Chinese master students’ research literacy: The roles of autonomous motivation and controlled motivation2
Controlling separation-induced problem behavior in horses through target training2
Liking as far as you like yourself: Exploring the Self-Referencing effect across multiple intersecting regularities and its relationship with self-esteem2
How to facilitate intrinsic aspirations: An intervention through self-determination theory perspectives2
Comparison of executive functions in disruptive mood dysregulation disorder and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder2
Fingolimod prevents cognitive impairments following hypoxia-induced neonatal seizure by ameliorating the inflammation and oxidative stress in male and female juvenile rats2
Acquisition and extinction across multiple virtual reality contexts2
Understanding cognitive maps from landmark and configurational representations2
Goal interruptions and task performance: The additional influence of goal orientations2
Philosophy of self-learning education implemented in a virtual education system2
The relationship between cognitive ability and motivation during cognitive tasks of varying complexity2
Positive feedback enhances motivation and skill learning in adolescents2
“Punishing” pecks and “siblicidal” pecks in kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) chicks2
The role of WM in second language reading comprehension: Does L2 proficiency level matter?2
Prediction error parameters for visuospatial interference: Minimal prediction errors leave positive declarative memory intact following visuospatial word search interference2
Validation and psychometric properties of the Behavioral Inhibition and Activation Systems motivational scale in the Brazilian population2
Kaolin clay intake motivated by lactose ingestion in rats2
Investigating the role of perceived emotional support in predicting learners’ well-being and engagement mediated by motivation from a self-determination theory framework2
Cultural psychology of english translation through computer vision-based robotic interpretation2
Potentiation of performance in an Eriksen flanker task2
Effects of scaffolding and inner speech on learning motivation, flexible thinking and academic achievement in the technology-enhanced learning environment1
Integrating constructivist principles in an adaptive hybrid learning system for developing social entrepreneurship education among college students1
The effect of Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field on spatial memory of mice and rats: A systematic review1
Effective strategy types depending on regulatory focus in academic settings1
Dogs assess human competence from observation alone and use it to predict future behaviour1
Unveiling the interplay between EFL teachers’ cognitive flexibility, emotion regulation, and foreign language teaching anxiety: A structural equation modeling approach1
Cue transparency leads to a myopic decision habit: Optimal training ratios to avoid overshadowing1
Effect of emotion dysregulation and emotion regulation strategies on evaluative conditioning1
Reversing threat contingencies enhances generalization of conditioned fear1
Topic interest increases L2 incidental vocabulary learning and effective dictionary look-up behaviour1
Memantine decreases measures of sign-tracking and increases measures of goal-tracking in male Sprague Dawley rats1
Surprising nonreward and response effort: Extinction after progressive-ratio training in rats and pigeons1
Individual differences in motivational self-focus modulate context-based affective attention flexibility toward goal-relevant information: An eye-tracking study1
Chrysin supplementation mitigated neurobehavioral changes in a animal model of Parkinson’s disease: Influence on TH+ neurons1
On innovative strategies of youth sports teaching and training based on the internet of things and artificial intelligence technology from the perspective of humanism1
Is increased operant wheel running on a fixed-ratio schedule due to adjunctive or reinforced behavior?1
Longer duration intertrial intervals without visual stimuli have reinforcement value and increase the rate of reinforcement and punishment learning in computer-based discriminations in humans1
The impact of academic self-efficacy and academic motivation on Chinese EFL students’ academic burnout1
Determinants of the water seeking response in a T-maze in the fire-bellied toad Bombina orientalis1
Complex thinking and its relationship with gender and age in a group of Mexican students1
The interplay between English teachers’ rapport and immediacy and the students’ academic motivation1
Inter-response time shaping by percentile schedule with discrete trial procedure1
Research on multimodal based learning evaluation method in smart classroom1
Increment in the consummatory response induced by reward delay: An animal model of binge-like eating episodes1
Internet-delivered approach-avoidance conflict task shows temporal stability and relation to trait anxiety1
Overselectivity during reading-related tasks for children at risk for reading failure1
Reach for the STARS? The role of academic contingent self-worth in statistics anxiety and learning1
Delving into the role of self-efficacy in predicting motivation and engagement among music learners1
Comparing trial-and-error to errorless learning procedures in training pet dogs a visual discrimination1
Examining combinations of stimulus and contingency changes with children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and pigeons1
How do personality traits of college students affect their learning flow experience?1
The effectiveness of using interactive visual multimedia technology intervention in improving the literacy skills of children in rural China1
Coordinated and individual responding in pairs of rats under variable interval schedules1
The renewal effect in fear conditioning with aversive facial expression and negative sentences as unconditioned stimuli1
Fatty acid amide hydrolase inhibitor URB597 suppressed conditioned and sensitized fear responses in a rat model of post-traumatic stress disorder1
The impact of EFL teachers’ emotioncy level on their motivation and academic engagement1
Acute stress increases behaviors that optimize safety and decreases the exploration of aversive areas1
Sequencing inquiry tasks and video modeling examples to enhance L2 willingness to communicate1
Neurotransmitters receptors gene drive the olfactory learning behavior of honeybee1
Investigation on evaluation of education effect based on deep learning algorithm1