Labour History

(The median citation count of Labour History is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Managerial Capitalism and White-Collar Professions: Social Mobility in Australia’s Corporate Elite7
Guardians of Workers’ Bodies? Trade Unions and the History of Occupational Health and Safety5
Surviving School and “Survival Schools”: Resistance, Compulsion and Negotiation in Aboriginal Engagements with Schooling4
Nature, Labour and Agriculture: Towards Common Ground in New Histories of Capitalism3
“If You Thought about Those Things, Your Life Would Be a Misery!” Mental Health and the Safety of Seafarers3
“Re-Emergence” of Silicosis and Coal Workers Pneumoconiosis in Australia1
Paying Aboriginal Rural Workers: Racism, the Labour Market and Worker Agency1
“Our Side of the Story”: The Political Memoirs of the Rudd–Gillard Labor Cabinet1
Co-operative Education: The Credit Union Foundation of Australia Development Education Program 1991–20131
Engineers and Social Engineering: Professional/Trade Unions and Social Mobility1
Knowledge Activists on Health and Safety: Workmen-Inspectors in Metalliferous Mining in Australia 1901–251
Labour History and the “Neoliberal Era”: Context and Conceptualisation1
Carceral Frontiers: Prison Labour and the Making of New Zealand’s Pacific1
Labor, the External Affairs Power and the Rights of Aborigines1
Aboriginal Worlds and Australian Capitalism1
Introduction: Political Implications for the New History of Capitalism1
Migrant Labour and Their “Capitalist Compatriots”: Towards a History of Ethnic Capitalism1
Shopgirls as Consumers: Selling Popular Music in 1920s Australia1
“Selling Their Jobs?” Thatcherism, Voluntary Redundancy and Worker Resocialisation1
Disability as Labour History0
Labour History: Volume 119, Issue 10
Australian Society for the Study of Labour History0
Fighting for Life: Class, Community and Care in Labour History: The 17th Biennial Conference of the Australian Society for the Study of Labour History, Bendigo, 22–24 April 20220
Oral History and Intersectional Approaches to Labour History in Aotearoa New Zealand: A Personal Perspective0
The Fragility of Governmentality and Domination: The State, Carceral Labour and “(In)docile Resistance” in the Late Ottoman Empire0
Dangerous Workplaces0
Forced Labour, Indenture and Convict Transportation: A Case Study of the Western Australian Pastoral Industry, 1830–500
The Colonial Ambiguities of Military Labour on the Penal Frontier: The Newcastle Penal Station 1804–240
“A Bloody Migrant Who Thinks He Can Run a Union”: The Case of Jerzy Bielski, a Migrant Trade Unionist in 1950s Australia0
“An Active and Conscious Agent”? Ric Throssell and Soviet Espionage0
Deindustrialisation and the Origins of the Care Economy: Reworking Class Analysis with a US Case Study0
Australian Society for the Study of Labour History0
Cheryl Buchanan: Activist, Mentor, Publisher0
The New Zealand Northern Drivers’ Union: Trade Union Anti-Racism Work, 1937–800
Nick Mansfield and Martin Wright, Made by Labour: A Material and Visual History of British Labour c. 1780–19240
Solidarity and Dilemmas: Tranby, Indenture and the Nuclear-Free and Independent Pacific Campaigns, 1980s0
Australian Society for the Study of Labour History0
Evan Smith, Jayne Persian, and Vashti Jane Fox, eds, Histories of Fascism and Anti-Fascism in Australia0
Mary Davis, UNITE History Volume 5 (1974–1992): The Transport and General Workers’ Union (TGWU): From Zenith to Nadir?0
My Mother, Ethel Rosenberg0
Australian Society for the Study of Labour History0
Thinking Capitalism from the Bedroom: The Politics of Location and the Uses of (Feminist, Queer, Crip) Theory0
“We Just Thought We Were Superhuman”: An Oral History of Noise and Piecework in Paisley’s Thread Mills0
Shelton Stromquist, Claiming the City: A Global History of Workers’ Fight for Municipal Socialism0
Sweated Labour among Clothing Outworkers at the Start of the Twenty-First Century0
New Histories and the Return of Crisis: Labour History at 600
Anti-Communism in the Unions: The Case of the Federated Clerks’ Union in South Australia, 1944–600
Putting Capitalism in Its Place: Economies of Worth and the Practice of Australian History0
Union Industrial Responses to Escalation in Live Cattle Export in Brisbane, 19780
“No Place for Tourists”: Deaths on Western Australian Construction Sites0
Working-Class Women’s Writing of Activism and Imprisonment: Political Violence and Emotions in Cold War Italy0
The Proletarian and the Political Challenge of Communism on the Australian Left0
Raymond Arthur Markey (1949–2022)0
Barbara Ehrenreich (1941–2022)0
Parching for Principle: Hotel Boycotts in Regional Australia, 1901–200
“Don’t Be Too Polite Girls”: Gender Hierarchies and Women’s Leadership in the Meatworkers’ Union in the 1970s0
Lee-Ann Monk and David Henderson with Christine Bigby, Richard Broome, and Katie Holmes, Failed Ambitions: Kew Cottages and Changing Ideas of Intellectual Disabilities0
Book Reviews0
“Fascism Can Only Grow in Secrecy”: Greek and Yugoslavian Anti-Fascism in Melbourne’s “Long 1960s”0
Labour History: Volume 122, Issue 10
The Unreliable Witness: Clarence Dakin, ASIO, and Espionage0
Solidarity for the Indonesian Revolution0
Notice Board0
“Aussies and Stinking Reds”: The Anti-Fascism of the Communist Party of Australia0
Sickness and Slavery: Reflecting upon Aboriginal Domestic Workers and Disease in Australian History0
Australian Society for the Study of Labour History0
Anti-Imperialism and International Solidarity in Central Australia 1980–20000
Thomas Carlyle and the Australasian Labour Movement0
“Fix the Workplace, Not the Worker”: Labour Feminism and the Shifting Grounds of Equality in the US Workplace, 1960–910
Jared Davidson, Blood & Dirt: Prison Labour and the Making of New Zealand0
Communists and the 1933 Campaign That Ended Frontier Massacres in Australia0
Sally Young, Paper Emperors: The Rise of Australia’s Newspaper Empires0
James Lesh, Values in Cities: Urban Heritage in Twentieth-Century Australia0
Peter John Love (1947–2023)0
The Legacies of British Slavery in Australia’s Labour History0
Labour, History and Labour History: Writing from a Business School0
Australian Society for the Study of Labour History0
Remembering Moss Cass, 1927–2022: Whitlam Minister and Champion of Progressive Causes0
Movement, Academy, Struggle: The Transformations of Labour History, Past, Present, and Future0
The 1973 Migrant Workers’ Conference and Histories of Multiculturalism0
Matthew Gerth, Anti-Communism in Britain during the Early Cold War: A Very British Witch Hunt0
“Stopping the Mad Stampede”: The New South Wales Labor Party Opposes Sending More Men Overseas and Favours Home Defence, May–June 19180
Historical Developments in the Gender Pay Gap in Aotearoa New Zealand: A Longitudinal Employment Relations Critique0
Stuart Macintyre (1947–2021)0
“The Best Way to Help Vietnam is to Make Revolution in Your Own Country”: Student Radicalism at Flinders University in the Long 1960s0
Labour in the Technocratic Frame: Macroeconomic Policy and Wages in 1950s Australia0
Obstacle Course: Women’s Entry into Skilled Positions in the Newcastle Steel Industry, 1980–20000
The Radical Arm of the Welfare Lobby: A History of the Victorian Coalition Against Poverty and Unemployment, 1980–910
A Beaut of a Cut Near Cairns: The Butty Gang System in the Cane Fields in John Naish’s The Cruel Field0
Pictorial: An Editorial History0
“Temper Discipline with Kindness”: Female Officers at the Old Melbourne Gaol and City Watch House, 1845–19350
Jan Lokan and Philip Payton, eds, More than Miners: Cornish Essays from South Australia0
Speed-Ups and Related Problems: The UAW and Grassroots Grievances in the Immediate Post-World War II Period0
“Guiding the Wobbly Hand of Justice”: The Early Years of the Council for Aboriginal Rights, c. 1951–550
An Editorial View0
The Radical Left and the Movement in Australia against the First Gulf War, 1990–91: Anti-Imperialism at the End of the Cold War0
On Looking Back at Who Are Our Enemies? Racism and the Australian Working Class0
Labour History: Volume 120, Issue 10
Explaining Union Decline: Remaking Power Relations in the Pilbara Iron Ore Industry0
Wide Combs: A Disillusioned Career0
Who Are the True Believers? The Manning Clark Labor History Memorial Lecture0
“At Work, in Hospital, or in Gaol”: Women in British Guiana’s Jails, 1838–19170
“Railway Work, Life & Death”: Exploring British and Irish Railway Worker Accidents, c. 1890–19390
Australian Society for the Study of Labour History0
Book Notes0
Michael Easson, Whitlam’s Foreign Policy0
Socialist Settlers on a Capitalist Frontier: The Contradictions of New Australia, Paraguay0
Tasman George Parsons (1942–2020)0
Australian Society for the Study of Labour History0
British Colonialism and Prison Labour in Inter-War Palestine0
Philanthropy and the “Management” of Working-Class Women: The West Gate Bridge Disaster0
OSH Research Should Properly Take into Account Gender Differences0
Ralph Darlington, Labour Revolt in Britain 1910–140
“Ain’t I a Bastard, Well I Received My Training in Aussie”: The Life of Frank Maybank, an Australian Trade Unionist in Central Africa0
Luxury and the Australian Labour Press, 1890–19180
So How Did We Get Here? A Historical Case Study of Migrant Employment in the New Zealand Hotel Sector0
Labour History: Volume 121, Issue 10
“Pony Up!” Managing Destitution among Grooms from Australia in British India0
The Palimpsest of Welfarism: Enduring Layers of Paternalism in a New Zealand Industry Town0
Research Thesis Notice Board0
“Part of What We Thought and Felt”: Antifascism, Antisemitism and Jewish Connections with the New Theatre0