
(The TQCC of Kybernetika is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Partially observable Markov decision processes with partially observable random discount factors25
Inverse optimal dynamic boundary control for uncertain Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers equation25
Method for quantitative risk assessment of cyber-physical systems based on vulnerability analysis7
Interpretable random forest model for identification of edge 3-uncolorable cubic graphs4
Division schemes under uncertainty of claims3
Local linear estimation of conditional cumulative distribution function in the functional data: Uniform consistency with convergence rates3
Bayesian reference analysis for proportional hazards model of random censorship with Weibull distribution3
An improved delay-dependent stabilization criterion of linear time-varying delay systems: An iterative method3
A tracking controller design with preview action for a class of nonlinear Lur'e systems with time-varying delays and external disturbances2
Highly robust training of regularized radial basis function networks2
Performance analysis of least squares algorithm for multivariable stochastic systems2
Distributed optimization via active disturbance rejection control: A nabla fractional design2
Algebraic solution to box-constrained bi-criteria problem of rating alternatives through pairwise comparisons2
Properties of quantum logic maps as fuzzy relations on a set of all symmetric and idempotent binary matrices1
Distributed accelerated Nash equilibrium learning for two-subnetwork zero-sum game with bilinear coupling1
Representation and construction of homogeneous and quasi-homogeneous $n$-ary aggregation functions1
Bayesian Nash equilibrium seeking for multi-agent incomplete-information aggregative games1
On exact solutions of a class of interval boundary value problems1
L-fuzzy ideal degrees in effect algebras1
Multi-island finite automata and their even computation1
On sparsity of approximate solutions to max-plus linear systems1
Generalized synchronization in the networks with directed acyclic structure1
A continuous mapping theorem for the argmin-set functional with applications to convex stochastic processes1
Stability and stabilization of one class of three time-scale systems with delays1
An algorithm for hybrid regularizers based image restoration with Poisson noise1
On upper bounds for total k-domination number via the probabilistic method1
An approach to solve a fuzzy bi-objective multi-index fixed charge transportation problem1
The universal tropicalization and the Berkovich analytification1
Characterization of admissible linear estimators under extended balanced loss function1
The exponential cost optimality for finite horizon semi-Markov decision processes1
Matrix representation of finite effect algebras1
Bi-personal stochastic transient Markov games with stopping times and total reward criterion1
Duality for a fractional variational formulation using $\eta$-approximated method1
Multi-agent solver for non-negative matrix factorization based on optimization1
Constrained optimality problem of Markov decision processes with Borel spaces and varying discount factors1
Minimizing maximum lateness in two-stage projects by tropical optimization1
Non-stationary departure process in a batch-arrival queue with finite buffer capacity and threshold-type control mechanism1
Compositions of ternary relations1
Markov decision processes on finite spaces with fuzzy total rewards1
Strong X-robustness of interval max-min matrices1
Fixed-time safe tracking control of uncertain high-order nonlinear pure-feedback systems via unified transformation functions1
The convergence of the core of a fuzzy exchange economy0
An LMI-based convex fault tolerant control of nonlinear descriptor systems via unknown input observers0
Infinite probabilistic secret sharing0
Predictor control for wave PDE/nonlinear ODE cascaded system with boundary value-dependent propagation speed0
Seasonal time-series imputation of gap missing algorithm (STIGMA)0
Some notes on the category of fuzzy implications on bounded lattices0
Delay dependent complex-valued bidirectional associative memory neural networks with stochastic and impulsive effects: an exponential stability approach0
Conditional distributivity of overlap functions over uninorms with continuous underlying operators0
A note on the convergence rate in regularized stochastic programming0
A penalty ADMM with quantized communication for distributed optimization over multi-agent systems0
Neural network-based fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control for nonlinear systems with output measurement noise0
Fixed point result in controlled fuzzy metric spaces with application to dynamic market equilibrium0
Growth conditions for the stability of a class of time-varying perturbed singular systems0
Minimizing and maximizing a linear objective function under a fuzzy $\max-\ast$ relational equation and an inequality constraint0
Controllable and tolerable generalized eigenvectors of interval max-plus matrices0
Characterization of the order induced by uninorm with the underlying drastic product or drastic sum0
Observer-based adaptive sliding mode fault-tolerant control for the underactuated space robot with joint actuator gain faults0
Denumerable Markov stopping games with risk-sensitive total reward criterion0
Complexity of primal-dual interior-point algorithm for linear programming based on a new class of kernel functions0
<html> An efficient <i>hp</i> spectral collocation method for nonsmooth optimal control problems</html>0
Bounds on guessing numbers and secret sharing combining information theory methods0
A new method based on least-squares support vector regression for solving optimal control problems0
Stochastic performance measurement in two-stage network processes: A data envelopment analysis approach0
Constrained k-means algorithm for resource allocation in mobile cloudlets0
Convex (L,M)-fuzzy remote neighborhood operators0
Prescribed performance control of underactuated surface vessels' trajectory using a neural network and integral time-delay sliding mode0
Pole placement and mixed sensitivity of LTI MIMO systems having controlled outputs different from measurements0
Exponential stability of nonlinear systems with event-triggered schemes and its application0
Data transformation technique in the data informativity approach via algebraic sequences0
A family of Lyapunov-based control schemes for maximum power point tracking in buck converters0
Risk-sensitive Markov stopping games with an absorbing state0
Suzuki type fuzzy Z-contractive mappings and fixed points in fuzzy metric spaces0
On the T-conditionality of T-power based implications0
TPM: Transition probability matrix -- Graph structural feature based embedding0
Partially observable queueing systems with controlled service rates under a discounted optimality criterion0
Modeling of permanent magnet linear generator and state estimation based on sliding mode observer: A wave energy system application0
Finite-time observability of probabilistic Boolean multiplex control networks0
Design of a control architecture for an underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV) used for search and rescue operations0
An elementary proof of Marcellini Sbordone semicontinuity theorem0
Additive generators of discrete semi-uninorms0
Combination of t-norms and their conorms0
Further results on laws of large numbers for uncertain random variables0
On the direct product of uninorms on bounded lattices0
A characterization of uninorms on bounded lattices via closure and interior operators0
Robust optimality analysis for linear programming problems with uncertain objective function coefficients: an outer approximation approach0
Characterization of fuzzy order relation by fuzzy cone0
A model and application of binary random sequence with probabilities depending on history0
New criteria for exponential stability of linear neutral differential systems with distributed delays0
Theoretical aspects of total time on test transform of weighted variables and applications0
Representation of uni-nullnorms and null-uninorms on bounded lattices0
Distributivity of ordinal sum implications over overlap and grouping functions0
Some results on the weak dominance relation between ordered weighted averaging operators and T-norms0
Quantized cooperative output regulation of continuous-time multi-agent systems over switching graph0
Access structures for finding characteristic-dependent linear rank inequalities0
Note on ``construction of uninorms on bounded lattices"0
Symmetric implicational restriction method of fuzzy inference0
Caristi's fixed point theorem in probabilistic metric spaces0
Interval multi-linear systems for tensors in the max-plus algebra and their application in solving the job shop problem0
Aggregation of fuzzy vector spaces0
An extended version of average Markov decision processes on discrete spaces under fuzzy environment0
Improved inference for the generalized Pareto distribution under linear, power and exponential normalization0
A new approach for KM-fuzzy partial metric spaces0
Event-triggered $H_\infty$ static output feedback control of discrete time piecewise-affine systems0
Approximations of the ultimate ruin probability in the classical risk model using the Banach's fixed-point theorem and the continuity of the ruin probability0
Distributed Nash equilibrium tracking via the alternating direction method of multipliers0
Intermittent estimation for finite alphabet finitarily Markovian processes with exponential tails0
Exact l$_1$ penalty function for nonsmooth multiobjective interval-valued problems0
Stability analysis of the five-dimensional energy demand-supply system0
DDIMCache: An enhanced text-to-image diffusion model on mobile devices0
Fully distributed consensus for high-order strict-feedback nonlinear multiagent systems with switched topologies0
Delay-dependent stability of high-order neutral systems0
Structural identifiability analysis of nonlinear time delayed systems with generalized frequency response functions0
A cryptography using lifting scheme integer wavelet transform over min-max-plus algebra0
Relations between multidimensional interval-valued variational problems and variational inequalities0
On the Jensen-Shannon divergence and the variation distance for categorical probability distributions0
On fixed figure problems in fuzzy metric spaces0
Equilibrium analysis of distributed aggregative game with misinformation0
Degrees of compatible L-subsets and compatible mappings0
A new curve fitting based rating prediction algorithm for recommender systems0
Sliding mode differentiator via improved adaptive notch filter0
New constructions of uni-nullnorms on certain classes of bounded lattices by closure (interior) operators0
Migrativity properties of 2-uninorms over semi t-operators0
Local linear estimation of the conditional mode under left truncation for functional regressors0
A depth-based modification of the k-nearest neighbour method0
Biochemical network of drug-induced enzyme production: Parameter estimation based on the periodic dosing response measurement0
Markov stopping games with an absorbing state and total reward criterion0
Soft variable structure control in time-delay systems with saturating input0
Consensus of multi-agent systems and stabilization of large-scale systems with time delays and nonlinearities - a comparison of both problems0
On the constructions of t-norms and t-conorms on some special classes of bounded lattices0
Robust observer-based finite-time $H_{\infty}$ control designs for discrete nonlinear systems with time-varying delay0
$\mathcal{T}$-semiring pairs0
A note on the existence of Gibbs marked point processes with applications in stochastic geometry0
Properties of unique information0
Global output feedback stabilization for nonlinear fractional order time delay systems0
Neural network optimal control for nonlinear system based on zero-sum differential game0
Multi-step-length gradient iterative method for separable nonlinear least squares problems0
Asymptotic fuzzy contractive mappings in fuzzy metric spaces0
Distributed dual averaging algorithm for multi-agent optimization with coupled constraints0
Solving the sensor cover energy problem via integer linear programming0
Complete f-moment convergence for weighted sums of WOD arrays with statistical applications0
Limit state analysis on the un-repeated multiple selection bounded confidence model0
Distributed aggregative optimization with quantized communication0
Some limit behavior for linear combinations of order statistics0
Minimizing risk probability for infinite discounted piecewise deterministic Markov decision processes0
Stabilization of partially linear composite stochastic systems via stochastic Luenberger observers0
Finite-time topological identification of complex network with time delay and stochastic disturbance0
Non-fragile observers design for nonlinear systems with unknown Lipschitz constant0
On the construction of t-norms (t-conorms) by using interior (closure) operator on bounded lattices0
Positive unknown inputs functional observers new design for positive linear systems0
A principal topology obtained from uninorms0
Generating methods for principal topologies on bounded lattices0
Risk probability optimization problem for finite horizon continuous time Markov decision processes with loss rate0
Deterministic Markov Nash equilibria for potential discrete-time stochastic games0
Distributed optimization with inexact oracle0
Stability of perturbed delay homogeneous systems depending on a parameter0
New hybrid conjugate gradient method for nonlinear optimization with application to image restoration problems0
Event-triggered optimal control of completely unknown nonlinear systems via identifier-critic learning0
Global stability of Clifford-valued Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy neural networks with time-varying delays and impulses0
Fixed-time tracking control for nonholonomic mobile robot0
On generalizations of fuzzy metric spaces0
Incomplete information and risk sensitive analysis of sequential games without a predetermined order of turns0
A new uncertainty-aware similarity for user-based collaborative filtering0
A new algorithm for optimal solution of fixed charge transportation problem0
Tolerance problems for generalized eigenvectors of interval fuzzy matrices0
An effective global path planning algorithm with teaching-learning-based optimization0
Generalized Kotov-Ushakov attack on tropical Stickel protocol based on modified tropical circulant matrices0
A new approach for fuzzy gyronorms on gyrogroups and its fuzzy topologies0
Safe consensus control of cooperative-competitive multi-agent systems via differential privacy0
Non-surjective linear transformations of tropical matrices preserving the cyclicity index0
Design of a neuro-sliding mode controller for interconnected quadrotor UAVs carrying a suspended payload0
A stochastic mirror-descent algorithm for solving AXB=C over an multi-agent system0
A new approach to construct uninorms via uninorms on bounded lattices0
Diagnosis on a sliding window for partially observable Petri nets0
Empirical analysis of current status data for additive hazards model with auxiliary covariates0
Adaptive output feedback stabilization for nonlinear systems with unknown polynomial-of-output growth rate and sensor uncertainty0
Generalized synchronization-based partial topology identification of complex networks0
Leader-following consensus for lower-triangular nonlinear multi-agent systems with unknown controller and measurement sensitivities0
Output feedback $H_\infty$ control of networked control systems based on two channel event-triggered mechanisms0
Almost log-optimal trading strategies for small transaction costs in model with stochastic coefficients0
Coordination control and analysis of TCSC devices to protect electrical power systems against disruptive disturbances0
Parallel navigation for 3-D autonomous vehicles0
A new overlapping community detection algorithm based on similarity of neighbors in complex networks0
On asymmetric distributions of copula related random variables which includes the skew-normal ones0
Fuzzy sets (in)equations with a complete codomain lattice0