Journal of Theoretical Biology

(The TQCC of Journal of Theoretical Biology is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Theoretical evidence of osteoblast self-inhibition after activation of the genetic regulatory network controlling mineralization107
Pulsatile signaling of bistable switches reveal the distinct nature of pulse processing by mutual activation and mutual inhibition loop60
Multi-timescale analysis of midbrain dopamine neuronal firing activities59
Investigating the synergistic effects of immunotherapy and normalization treatment in modulating tumor microenvironment and enhancing treatment efficacy57
Optimal dormancy strategies in fluctuating environments given delays in phenotypic switching49
The impact of codon choice on translation process in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: folding class, protein function and secondary structure40
Data-driven mathematical modeling of sleep consolidation in early childhood39
Evolutionary emergence of plant and pollinator polymorphisms in consumer-resource mutualisms38
Trade-off between climatic and human population impacts on Aedes aegypti life history shapes its geographic distribution36
Predator avoidance and foraging for food shape synchrony and response to perturbations in trophic metacommunities34
A coupled neural field model for the standard consolidation theory33
Evolutionary coexistence in a metacommunity: Competition-colonization trade-off, ownership effects, environmental fluctuations33
Evolution of mixed mating: Effects of among-parent variation in early-acting inbreeding depression coupled with overproduction of ovules33
Editorial Board30
A mathematical model to evaluate the role of memory B and T cells in heterologous secondary dengue infection30
Epidemic dynamics on metapopulation networks with node2vec mobility30
Comment on the article “Spatially-extended nucleation-aggregation-fragmentation models for the dynamics of prion-like neurodegenerative protein-spreading in the brain and its connectome 486 (2020) 11029
Editorial Board27
Editorial Board26
Shrinkage in serial intervals across transmission generations of COVID-1925
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A mathematical model for nutrient-limited uniaxial growth of a compressible tissue24
Comparative analysis of kinetic realizations of insulin signaling23
Human movement avoidance decisions during Coronavirus disease 2019 in Japan23
Using geometry to rank evenness measures: Towards a deeper understanding of divergence21
The eco-evolutionary modelling of populations and their traits using a measure of trait differentiation21
Discrete-state models identify pathway specific B cell states across diseases and infections at single-cell resolution19
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Editorial Board19
A coupled model for the dynamics of gas exchanges in the human lung with Haldane and Bohr’s effects18
Mathematical modeling of calcium homeostasis in female rats: An analysis of sex differences and maternal adaptations18
Evolution of spite in an n-player game with an opting-out option18
Quasi-species evolution maximizes genotypic reproductive value (not fitness or flatness)17
A foraging ocean sunfish and the ‘nearest neighbor’ problem17
Multi-scale model of lumen formation via inverse membrane blebbing mechanism during sprouting angiogenesis process16
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Editorial Board16
Tumour growth control: analysis of alternative approaches16
Understanding noise in cell signalling in the prospect of drug-targets16
Effect of permeability on the initiation of Atherosclerosis modeled as an inflammatory process15
Editorial Board14
Optimal foraging strategies for mutually avoiding competitors14
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The importance of vaccinated individuals to population-level evolution of pathogens14
Modeling the response of homogeneous and heterogeneous cerebral capillary networks to local changes in vessel diameters13
Evolution of pathogens with cross-immunity in response to healthcare interventions13
Social context modulates scale-free movements in a social insect13
Prevalence estimation and optimal classification methods to account for time dependence in antibody levels13
A spatially distributed model of brain metabolism highlights the role of diffusion in brain energy metabolism13
The effect of the opting-out strategy on conditions for selection to favor the evolution of cooperation in a finite population13
Spatial metapopulation dynamics with local and global colonization13
LRBmat: A novel gut microbial interaction and individual heterogeneity inference method for colorectal cancer13
Editorial Board12
A mechanistic model captures livestock trading, disease dynamics, and compensatory behaviour in response to control measures12
Editorial Board12
Cell size homeostasis under the circadian regulation of cell division in cyanobacteria12
Modeling the influence of cell–cell contact and TGF-β signaling on the epithelial mesenchymal transition in MCF7 breast carcinoma cells12
Cortical depth-dependent modeling of visual hemodynamic responses12
Topological early warning signals: Quantifying varying routes to extinction in a spatially distributed population model12
Modeling microtubule dynamic instability: Microtubule growth, shortening and pause12
Editorial Board12
The sensitivity of complex dynamic food webs to the loss of top omnivores12
Evolution of enzyme levels in metabolic pathways: A theoretical approach. Part 112
A new real-time analog circuit of Ca2+ Li-Rinzel astrocyte model based on analytical method11
Editorial Board11
Editorial Board11
Modeling anthrax-rabies interactions in zebra-jackal cycles11
On-off intermittency and irruptions in host-parasitoid dynamics11
A phenomenological-based semi-physical model of the kidneys and its role in glucose metabolism11
Global analysis of a cancer model with drug resistance due to Lamarckian induction and microvesicle transfer11
Downstream resource leakage a necessary condition for the stress-gradient hypothesis in processing chain commensalisms11
The origin of the genetic code and origin of ideas11
Application of a novel mathematical model to identify intermediate hosts of SARS-CoV-211
Modelling uniaxial non-uniform yeast colony growth: Comparing an agent-based model and continuum approximations11
Parasite evolution in an age-structured population10
Cellular automata modeling suggests symmetric stem-cell division, cell death, and cell drift as key mechanisms driving adult spinal cord growth in teleost fish10
Evolution of cooperation in social dilemmas with assortment in finite populations10
Intelligent phenotype-detection and gene expression profile generation with generative adversarial networks10
Differential impacts of contact tracing and lockdowns on outbreak size in COVID-19 model applied to China10
In Remembrance: Professor Lewis Wolpert10
Exponential dynamics of DNA methylation with age10
The PafBC-mediated response sensitizes a bistable DNA damage response in Mycobacteria10
The heterogeneous mixing model of COVID-19 with interventions10
Passive electrolocation in terrestrial arthropods: Theoretical modelling of location detection10
Application of growth rate from kinetic model to calculate stochastic growth of a bacteria population at low contamination level10
Editorial Board10
Optimal vaccination strategies for imperfect vaccines and variable host susceptibility10
Predicting the number of reported and unreported cases for the COVID-19 epidemics in China, South Korea, Italy, France, Germany and United Kingdom10
An integrated vertex model of the mesoderm invagination during the embryonic development of Drosophila9
A multi-strain epidemic model for COVID-19 with infected and asymptomatic cases: Application to French data9
The role of alcohol consumption on acetaminophen induced liver injury: Implications from a mathematical model9
First passage time properties of miRNA-mediated protein translation9
Second compartment widens plasmid invasion conditions: Two-compartment pair-formation model of conjugation in the gut9
Nonlinear multi-objective flux balance analysis of the Warburg Effect9
The voltage-depolarization performance vs the free energy cost of a single nACh receptor9
Network models to evaluate vaccine strategies towards herd immunity in COVID-199
Peripheral structures in unlabelled trees and the accumulation of subgenomes in the evolution of polyploids9
Nonlinear thermodynamics of biological signal transduction for predicting conservation of entropy production rate9
Identifiability and inference of phylogenetic birth–death models9
Mathematical modelling of the hematopoietic stem cell-niche system: Clonal dominance based on stem cell fitness.9
A novel COVID-19 epidemiological model with explicit susceptible and asymptomatic isolation compartments reveals unexpected consequences of timing social distancing9
A Josephson junction-coupled neuron with double capacitive membranes9
A 3D mathematical model of coupled stem cell-nutrient dynamics in myocardial regeneration therapy9
Quantifying robustness of the gap gene network9
A mathematical model of competition between fiber and mucin degraders in the gut provides a possible explanation for mucus thinning9
Modelling within-host macrophage dynamics in influenza virus infection9
Vaccine hesitancy promotes emergence of new SARS-CoV-2 variants9
Sharp boundary formation and invasion between spatially adjacent periodical cicada broods9
A framework for relating natural movement to length and quality of life in human and non-human animals8
How optimal allocation of limited testing capacity changes epidemic dynamics8
Assessing the impact of insecticide-treated nets in the face of insecticide resistance on malaria control8
The circulation stage of the metastatic cascade: A mathematical description and its clinical implications8
Replicator dynamics for the game theoretic selection models based on state8
A Tale of two receptors8
Best response dynamics improve sustainability and equity outcomes in common-pool resources problems, compared to imitation dynamics8
Deciphering circulating tumor cells binding in a microfluidic system thanks to a parameterized mathematical model8
Diffusion approximations in population genetics and the rate of Muller’s ratchet8
Investigation of phase synchronization in functional brain networks of children with ADHD using nonlinear recurrence measure8
Individual specialization and generalization in predator-prey dynamics: The determinant role of predation efficiency and prey reproductive rates8
Patterns of reported infection and reinfection of SARS-CoV-2 in England8
Coexistence of Hopf-born rotation and heteroclinic cycling in a time-delayed three-gene auto-regulated and mutually-repressed core genetic regulation network8
How best can finite-time social distancing reduce epidemic final size?8
Optimal strategies for social distancing and testing to control COVID-198
On the limits to invasion prediction using coexistence outcomes8
Lewy body radius growth: The hypothesis of the cube root of time dependency8
Two linked loci under mutation-selection balance and Muller’s ratchet8
A broader context for understanding amino acid alphabet optimality8
Sterile males and females can synergistically suppress wild pests targeted by sterile insect technique8
Molecular mechanism of interaction between kinesin motors affecting their residence times on microtubule lattice and end8
The study of myocardial ischemia-reperfusion treatment through computational modelling8
Population dynamics and games of variable size8
A resource-based mechanistic framework for castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC)7
A dynamical model for the origin of anisogamy7
Dynamics of sensory integration of olfactory and mechanical stimuli within the response patterns of moth antennal lobe neurons7
Multisolitons-like patterns in a one-dimensional MARCKS protein cyclic model7
The eco-evolutionary dynamics of two strategic species: From the predator-prey to the innocent-spreader rumor model7
Temperature variability regulates the interactive effects of warming and pharmaceutical on aquatic ecosystem dynamics7
An adaptive numerical method for multi-cellular simulations of tissue development and maintenance7
Linking the disease transmission to information dissemination dynamics: An insight from a multi-scale model study7
Evolutionary dynamics of zero-determinant strategies in repeated multiplayer games7
Epidemic dynamics with time-varying transmission risk reveal the role of disease stage-dependent infectiousness7
Indirect reciprocity with abductive reasoning7
Social relationship adjustments within the same sex promote marital bliss7
The effectiveness of various control strategies: An insight from a comparison modelling study7
Critical observation of WHO recommended multidrug therapy on the disease leprosy through mathematical study7
Optimal resource allocation in micro-organisms under periodic nutrient fluctuations7
Using registry data to identify individual dairy cows with abnormal patterns in routinely recorded somatic cell counts7
Weak selection and stochastic evolutionary stability in a stochastic replicator dynamics7
Matrix adhesion and remodeling diversifies modes of cancer invasion across spatial scales7
Disentangling the growth curve of microbial culture7
T cell therapy against cancer: A predictive diffuse-interface mathematical model informed by pre-clinical studies7
Workplace absenteeism due to COVID-19 and influenza across Canada: A mathematical model7
A time series representation of protein sequences for similarity comparison7
Quantifying antiviral effects against simian/human immunodeficiency virus induced by host immune response7
A kin-selection model of fairness in heterogeneous populations7
Agelessness is possible under the disposable soma theory but system complexity makes it unlikely7
Sensitivity assessment of optimal control strategies and cost-effectiveness analysis of a novel Candida Auris environmental transmission model in intensive care facilities7
Resource budget model with Duffing oscillator for dynamics of synchronized biennial-bearing olives in the Levant7
Modelling strategies to organize healthcare workforce during pandemics: Application to COVID-197
Cell-center-based model for simulating three-dimensional monolayer tissue deformation7
Patient-specific parameter estimation: Coupling a heart model and experimental data7
Dynamics of a ratio-dependent population model for Green Sea Turtle with age structure6
Temperate and chronic virus competition leads to low lysogen frequency6
Chaos in memory function of sleep: A nonlinear dynamical analysis in thalamocortical study6
Modeling the heterogeneous apoptotic response of caspase-mediated signaling in tumor cells6
Mathematical models of long term evolution of blue whale song types’ frequencies6
Statistical inference and neural network training based on stochastic difference model for air pollution and associated disease transmission6
Corrigendum to “Stationary moments, diffusion limits, and extinction times for logistic growth with random catastrophes” [J. Theor. Biol. 454 (2018) 154–163]6
Corrigendum to “From the Price equation to the selection gradient in class-structured populations: A quasi-equilibrium route” [J. Theor. Biol. 447 (2018) 178–189]6
Internal phosphorus recycling promotes rich and complex dynamics in an algae-phosphorus model: Implications for eutrophication management6
A direct comparison of methods for assessing the threat from emerging infectious diseases in seasonally varying environments6
The effect of variability in payoffs on average abundance in two-player linear games under symmetric mutation6
The probability distribution of the ancestral population size conditioned on the reconstructed phylogenetic tree with occurrence data6
Evaluation of entropy and fractal dimension as biomarkers for tumor growth and treatment response using cellular automata6
Selection by differential survival among marine animals in the Phanerozoic6
Counting unique molecular identifiers in sequencing using a multi-type branching process with immigration6
The evolutionary dynamics of hyperparasites6
How do biases in sex ratio and disease characteristics affect the spread of sexually transmitted infections?6
Modelling the effects of the contaminated environments on tuberculosis in Jiangsu, China6
Subsistence of sib altruism in different mating systems and Haldane’s arithmetic6
Phenotype-structured model of intra-clonal heterogeneity and drug resistance in multiple myeloma6
PULSAR Effect: Revealing potential synergies in combined radiation therapy and immunotherapy via differential equations6
Long-term effects of non-pharmaceutical interventions on total disease burden in parsimonious epidemiological models6
An ensemble mixed effects model of sleep loss and performance6
Mathematical modelling of autoimmune myocarditis and the effects of immune checkpoint inhibitors6
Modeling phyllotaxis: From the inhibition potential to the real plant6
An RNA-based theory of natural universal computation6
An investigation of the effect of brain atrophy on brain injury in multiple sclerosis6
Poacher-population dynamics when legal trade of naturally deceased organisms funds anti-poaching enforcement6
Cooperative success in epithelial public goods games6
Computational model of the cancer necrotic core formation in a tumor-on-a-chip device6
Editorial Board5
Population-level heterogeneity as a reflection of mixed strategy: A computational perspective on the Crabtree effect5
A mathematical model of the multiple sclerosis plaque5
Combining refuges with transgenic insect releases for the management of an insect pest with non-recessive resistance to Bt crops in agricultural landscapes5
Animal intermittent locomotion: A null model for the probability of moving forward in bounded space5
Editorial Board5
MMM – The molecular model of memory5
Modeling long COVID dynamics: Impact of underlying health conditions5
Peripheral straightness leads to shape diversification during formations of entire leaves5
Optimal heat transport induced by magnetic nanoparticle delivery in vascularised tumours5
Strategic inattention in the Sir Philip Sidney Game5
Modelling and optimising healthcare interventions in a model with explicit within- and between-host dynamics5
A data-driven method to learn a jump diffusion process from aggregate biological gene expression data5
Evolutionary timeline of a modeled cell5
A mechanistic systems pharmacology modeling platform to investigate the effect of PD-L1 expression heterogeneity and dynamics on the efficacy of PD-1 and PD-L1 blocking antibodies in cancer5
Stochastic diffusion characterises early colony formation in Mediterranean coral Corallium rubrum5
Competition with abundance-dependent fitness and the dynamics of heterogeneous populations in fluctuating environment5
Modelling aspects of consciousness: A topological perspective5
A multiscale continuum model of the vertebrate outer retina: The temporal dynamics of background-induced flicker enhancement5
Olfactory encoding within the insect antennal lobe: The emergence and role of higher order temporal correlations in the dynamics of antennal lobe spiking activity5
Ecological and evolutionary consequences of predator-prey role reversal: Allee effect and catastrophic predator extinction5
Territorial behaviour of buzzards versus random matrix spacing distributions5
Effects of a differentiating therapy on cancer-stem-cell-driven tumors5
Maintaining the proliferative cell niche in multicellular models of epithelia5
Resource allocation in tragedy of the commons game in plants for belowground competition5
Network-based uncertainty quantification for mathematical models in epidemiology5
Modeling HIV multiple infection5
Pólya-splitting distributions as stationary solutions of multivariate birth–death processes under extended neutral theory5
Semi-autonomous wound invasion via matrix-deposited, haptotactic cues5
Simulation of the electrical stimulation of the rat brain using sleep frequencies: A finite element modeling approach5
Editorial Board5
Morphogen-directed cell fate boundaries: slow passage through bifurcation and the role of folded saddles5
Mathematical modeling of the eyespots in butterfly wings5
The central role of host reproduction in determining the evolution of virulence in spatially structured populations5
Powered-gliding/climbing flight5
Emergence of broad cytosolic Ca2+ oscillations in the absence of CRAC channels: A model for CRAC-mediated negative feedback on PLC and Ca2+ oscillations through PKC5
Quasi-steady uptake and bacterial community assembly in a mathematical model of soil-phosphorus mobility5
Fluid dynamic simulation suggests hopping locomotion in the Ordovician trilobite Placoparia5
Editorial Board5
Modeling the synergistic properties of drugs in hormonal treatment for prostate cancer5
A geometric approach to the evolution of altruism5
Mathematical modeling of tumor-immune system interactions: the effect of rituximab on breast cancer immune response5
Network structural metrics as early warning signals of widespread vaccine refusal in social-epidemiological networks5
Cellular communication among smooth muscle cells: The role of membrane potential via connexins5
Editorial Board5
Lockhart with a twist: Modelling cellulose microfibril deposition and reorientation reveals twisting plant cell growth mechanisms5
Adaptive network modeling of social distancing interventions5
Editorial Board5
Tumor microenvironment as a metapopulation model: The effects of angiogenesis, emigration and treatment modalities5
Editorial Board5
Editorial Board5
Phenomenological-based model of glucose transport from liver to abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue5
Spatial distribution of gut microbes along the intestinal duct5