Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences

(The TQCC of Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
The Jamesian mindSarinMarchetti (Ed.) Routledge, 2022. 568 pp. $250.00 (cloth). ISBN‐13: 978‐0‐367‐14000‐719
Society News7
Issue Information6
The power within: Mass media, scientific entertainment, and the introduction of psychical research into China, 1900–19205
Technoscientific control of nature: The ultimate paradox5
Remedies for the housewife's nervousness: Life advice in Abraham Myerson's popular self‐help texts, 1920–19304
The first resort: The history of social psychiatry in the United StatesMatthewSmith. New York: Columbia University Press, 2023. 424pp. $30 (paper); $120 (cloth); $29.99 (ebook). ISBN: 9780231203937 (p4
Society News3
Returning to the sources: An interview with Saulo de Freitas Araujo about the book series Clássicos da Psicologia (Classics of Psychology)3
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Issue Information3
The distance cure: A history of teletherapyHannah ZeavinMIT Press, 2021. 301 pp. $35.00 (cloth). ISBN: 97802620459263
Unconscious inferences in perception in early experimental psychology: From Wundt to Peirce3
Intelligent love: The story of Clara Park, her autistic daughter, and the myth of the refrigerator motherMargaVicedoBoston: Beacon Press, 2021. 269 pp. $22.69 (hardcover). ISBN: 978‐0807025628.2
The soul in soulless psychology By RobertKugelmann: Cambridge University Press. 2023. pp. 314. $125.00 (cloth). ISBN‐13: 978‐1‐009‐30121‐32
Issue Information2
The uncanny rise of medical hypnotism 1888–1914. Between imagination and suggestion by Gordon David LyleBates, Bristol, England: Palgrave Macmillan. 2023. pp. 265. $59.99 (cloth); $44.99 (ebook). ISBN2
Issue Information2
Madness and enterprise: Psychiatry, economic reason, and the emergence of pathological value By NimaBassiri, University of Chicago Press. 2024. pp. 344. $35 (paper). ISBN: 97802268308962
An all‐embracing science: The anthropological conception of Paolo Mantegazza2
Bedlam in the New World: A Mexican Madhouse in the Age of EnlightenmentChristinaRamosUniversity of North Carolina Press, 2022. 266 pp. $34.95 (paper). ISBN 978‐1‐4696‐6657‐0; 978‐1‐4696‐6656‐3 (cloth)2
Issue Information2
Informational media review: The pluralization of the history of anthropology: BEROSE International Encyclopaedia of the Histories of Anthropology2
A Joyfully Serious Man: The Life of Robert Bellah Matteo Bortolini Princeton University Press, 2021. 528 pp. $35.00 (cloth). ISBN 9780691204406; 9780691204390 (ebook)2
Participant observers: Anthropology, colonial development, and the reinvention of society in Britain By FreddyFoks : University of California Press. 2023. pp. 280. $34.95 (soft/ebook); $85.00 (cloth).2
Erich Fromm and Global Public Sociology Neil McLaughlin Series: Public Sociology. Bristol University Press, 2021. 310 pp. $96.00 (cloth). ISBN 978‐1529214581; 978‐1529214604 (epub)2
Issue Information1
Committed: Remembering native kinship in and beyond institutions SusanBurch University of North Carolina Press, 2021. 240pp. Open access (ebook). ISBN 978‐1‐4696‐6336‐4; 978‐1‐4696‐6161‐2 (cloth); 9781
Bonds of time and space: Divination and the psychiatric encounter1
Racism and the making of gay rights: A sexologist, his student, and the empire of queer loveLaurieMarhoefer, University of Toronto Press. 2022. pp. 334. $34.95 (soft/ebook). ISBN: 97814875239781
MADNESS IN THE CITY OF MAGNIFICENT INTENTIONS: A HISTORY OF RACE AND MENTAL ILLNESS IN THE NATION'S CAPITALMartinSummersOxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2019. 408 pp. $41.95 (hardcover). ISBN: 9781
Turning archival: The life of the historical in queer studies, DanielMarshall, ZebTortorici (Eds.), Durham: Duke University Press. 2022. 392 pages. $29.95 (paperback). ISBN: 978‐1‐4780‐1797‐41
Rudolph Hermann Lotze's philosophically informed psychology1
Castration fever: On trans, China, and psychoanalysis1
From Melancholia to Depression: Disordered Mood in Nineteenth‐Century British Psychiatry Åsa Jansson Series: Mental Health in Historical Perspective. Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. 234 pp. Open access (ebo1
THE DOCTOR AND MRS. ASarahPintoNew York: Fordham University Press, 2019. 242 pp. $28.00 (paper). ISBN: 978‐0823286669.1
Paul Ekman and the search for the isolated face in the 1960s1
California and the politics of disability, 1850–1970 By Eileen V.Wallis. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. 2023. pp. 353. $119.99 (cloth); $89 (ebook). ISBN: 9783031217135 (cloth); 9783031271142 1
Cold War social science: Transnational entanglements. Mark Solovey and Christian Dayé (Eds.) Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. 400 pp. 124,79 € (cloth). ISBN‐13: 978‐3‐030‐70245‐8; 978‐3‐030‐70246‐5 (ebook)1
A History of Data Visualization and Graphic Communication Michael Friendly and Howard Wainer Harvard University Press, 2021. 320 pp. $49.95 (cloth). ISBN 97806749752311
Frontier Struggles: Rollo May and the Little Band of Psychologists Who Saved Humanism James Schlett Series: Center for the History of Psychology. University of Akron Press, 2021. 228 pp. $59.95 (paper1
Society News1
Possessing Polynesians: The Science of Settler Colonial Whiteness in Hawai'i and OceaniaMaileArvinDuke University Press, 2019. 328 pp. $27.95 (paper). ISBN 978‐1‐4780‐0633‐6; 978‐1‐4780‐0502‐5 (cloth)1
The empire of depression: A new historyJonathanSadowskyPolity, 2020. 224 pp. $35.00 (cloth). ISBN 978‐1‐509‐53164‐6; 978‐1‐509‐53166‐0 (ebook)1
Epistemics of the soul: Epistemic logics in German 18th‐century empirical psychology1
Laws of transgression: The return of Judge SchreberPeterGoodrich, KatrinTrustedt. University of Toronto Press. 2022. pp. 232. $75 (cloth). ISBN: 97814875091561
Viktor Frankl and the Shoah: Advancing the DebateAlexanderBatthynány Series: Springer Briefs in Psychology. Springer, 2021. 127 pp. $69.99 (paper). ISBN 978‐3‐030‐83062‐5; 978‐3‐030‐83063‐2 (ebook)1
The crying boss: Activating “human resources” through sensitivity training in 1970s Sweden1
Excursions in Rorschachlandia: Surveying the scientific and philosophical landscape of Hermann Rorschach's Psychodiagnostics1
Les Synesthésies: Une histoire de leur découverte et des premières études scientifiques au cours du XIXe siècle; Synesthesias: A story of their discovery and the first scientific studies in the 19th C1
The reeducation of race: Jewishness and the politics of antiracism in postcolonial thought BySonaliThakkar,Stanford University Press. 2024. pp. 288. $30.00 (cloth). ISBN: 97815036364461
Boris Parygin' Social Psychology: History and Perspectives1
Communist psychology in Argentina: Transnational politics, scientific culture, and psychotherapy (1935‐1991)Luciano NicolásGarcíaSpringer. 2022. pp. 208. $109 (cloth). ISBN: 978‐3‐031‐15620‐51
Habit forming: Drug addiction in America, 1776–1914 By Elizabeth KellyGray: Oxford University Press. 2023. $35.00 (paper). ISBN: 97801976466941
TRACES OF MIND CONTROL FROM COLD WAR AMERICAUllman, S.Martschukat, J.Stieglitz, O.Arzouni, N.Fischer, R.Mackert, N. & Taubitz, J.2011. Retrieved from
A misinterpreted psychoanalyst: Herbert Silberer and his theory of symbol‐formation1
Harry Harlow's pit of despair: Depression in monkeys and men1
Darcia F. Narvaez: Rejoinder to Buchanan's response1
Kiær and the rebirth of the representative method: A case‐study in controversy management at the International Statistical Institute (1895–1903)1
CORNERSTONES OF ATTACHMENT RESEARCHRobbie DuschinskyOxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2020. 640pp. $65.00 (hardcover). ISBN: 978‐0‐19‐884206‐4.1
Engaging with the unknown: How Judaism enabled Freud's psychological discoveries1
Battling coronavirus and mental illness in South Korea1
‘Aṣfūriyyeh: A History of Madness, Modernity, and War in the Middle EastJoelle M.Abi‐Rached. Series: Culture and Psychiatry. MIT Press, 2020. 344 pp. $45.00 (cloth). ISBN 9780262044745.1
Making A Grade: Victorian Examinations and the Rise of Standardized Testing James Elwick University of Toronto Press, 2021. 234 pp. $70.00 (cloth). ISBN 9781487508937; 9781487539351 (ebook)1
Economic Knowledge in Socialism, 1945‐89 Till Düppe & Ivan Boldyrev (Eds.)  (2019). A special issue of History of Political Economy, 51(6). 328pp. ISBN 978‐1‐4780‐0937‐5 (paperback)1
Freud and Said: Contrapuntal psychoanalysis as liberation praxisRobert K. BesharaPalgrave Macmillan, 2021. 208 pp. $24.99 (eBook). ISBN 978‐3‐030‐56743‐9.1
Psychological Knowledge and Practices in Brazilian Colonial CultureMarinaMassimiSeries: Latin American Voices. Springer Nature, 2021. 238 pp. $119.99 (cloth). ISBN 978‐3‐030‐60644‐2; 978‐3‐030‐60647‐31
In the Public Good: Eugenics and Law in OntarioC.Elizabeth KoesterSeries: McGill‐Queen's/Associated Medical Services Studies in the History of Medicine, Health, and Society. McGill‐Queen's University 1
Mentalizing and Epistemic Trust: The Work of Peter Fonagy and Colleagues at the Anna Freud Centre Robbie Duschinsky and Sarah Foster Oxford University Press, 2021. 304 pp. £50.00 (cloth & open acc1
The (d)evolution of a technological species: A history and critique of ecopsychology's constructions of science and technology1
Society News1
Psyche and Soul in America: The Spiritual Odyssey of Rollo May Robert H. Abzug Oxford University Press, 2021. 432 pp. $34.95 (cloth). ISBN: 978‐0‐19‐975437‐31
Diagnosing Dissent: Hysterics, Deserters, and Conscientious Objectors in Germany during World War One. Rebecca AyakoBennette. Cornell University Press, 2020. 228 pp. $39.95 (cloth). ISBN‐13: 978‐150171
Commitment, Cold War, and the battles of the self: Thomas Schelling on behavior control1
Development: The History of a Psychological Concept Christopher Goodey Cambridge University Press, 2021. 300 pp. £85.00 (cloth). ISBN 97811088334791
Reconsidering Max Weber's journey to the United States: Sociological connections between race relations and American capitalism1
Social protest photography and public history: “Whose streets? Our streets!”: New York City, 1980–20001
Common phantoms: An American history of psychic scienceAlicia PuglionesiSeries: Spiritual Phenomena. Stanford University Press, 2020, 336 pp. $28.00 (paper). ISBN 9781503612778; 9781503608375 (cloth);1
Psychoanalysis and Society's Neglect of Sexual Abuse of Children and Young Adults: Re‐addressing Freud's Original Theory of Sexual Abuse and TraumaArnold Wm.RachmanRoutledge, 2022. 376 pp. $39.95 (clo1
Language as social action: Gertrude Buck, the “Michigan School” of rhetoric, and pragmatist philosophy1
Spitting on my sources: Depression, DNA, and the ambivalent historian1
Reappraisal Review: Rudolph Hermann Lotze: Medicinische Psychologie oder Physiologie der SeeleNikolayMilkov (Ed.) Series: Klassische Texte der Wissenschaft. Springer, 2021. 708 pp. $69.99 (paper). ISB1
Entre médicos y médiums: Saberes, tensiones y límites en el espiritismo argentino (1880–1959). [Between doctors and mediums: Boundary work and Influences in a Spiritualism in Argentina (1880–1959).] B1
“That future age of which we can only dream”: Exploring the origins of the climate crisis in the Story of Progress1
Issue Information1
The settler colonial roots and neoliberal afterlife of Problem Behavior Theory1
Ever not quite: Pluralism(s) in William James and contemporary psychologyBy Saulo de FreitasAraujo and Lisa M.Osbeck, Cambridge University Press. 2023. pp. 150. $125 (cloth/ebook). ISBN: 97811088450211
The Mirror and the Mind: A History of Self‐Recognition in the Human SciencesKatjaGuentherPrinceton University Press, 2022. 312 pp. $39.95 (soft). ISBN: 9780691237251.1
Une histoire comparée de la psychiatrie: Henri Ellenberger (1905‐1993)EmmanuelDelilleÉditions Rue d'Ulm/Presses de l'École Normale Supérieure, 2021. 400 pp. 25.00 €. ISBN 978‐2‐7288‐0749‐91
Trauma, protest, and therapeutic culture in Algeria since the 1980s1
Society on the edge: Social science and public policy in the postwar United States Phillipe Fontaine and JeffersonPooley (Eds.) Cambridge University Press, 2021. 280pp. £74.99 (cloth). ISBN 97811084871
Schizophrenia: An unfinished historyOrnaOphir, Polity, 2022. 224 pp. $42 (cloth). ISBN: 9781509536474.1
If Then: How the Simulmatics Corporation Invented the Future Jill Lepore Liveright, 2020. 432 pp. $28.95 (cloth). ISBN‐13: 978‐1‐63149‐610‐3; 978‐1‐324‐09112‐7 (paper)1
Breaking point: The ironic evolution of psychiatry in World War II, RebeccaSchwartz Greene, (Foreword by NoahTsika.: Fordham University Press. 2023. 368 pp. $30 (paper). ISBN: 9781531500269.1
Out of the madhouse: From asylums to caring community?MargaretLeggatt and SandyJeffsNorth Melbourne, VIC: Arcadia, 2020. 255 pp. ‎$A34.95. ISBN 978‐1‐925984‐26‐2.1
Psychoanalysizing science itself: Psychoanalysis, philosophy of science and scientific research in the institutionalization of Argentinian psychology (1962–1983)1
The Joint Commission on the Mental Health of Children, 1965–1970: Emotional disturbance, race and paths not taken in child psychiatry1
The man who organized nature: The life of Linnaeus ByGunnarBroberg,AnnaPaterson (Trans.):Princeton University Press.2023. pp.484. $39.95 (cloth). ISBN: 97806912134221
Unnerved: Anxiety, social change, and the transformation of modern mental health Jason Schnittker Columbia University Press, 2021. 272 pp. $35 (paper). ISBN: 97802312003561
Kinaesthesia in the psychology, philosophy, and culture of human experience By RogerSmith, London: Routledge. 2023. pp. 156. $51.96 (cloth); 19.96 (ebook). ISBN: 9781032435909 (cloth); 9781003368021 (1
Julian Ochorowicz's experiments with Eusapia Palladino 1894: The temporality of mass media and the crisis of local credibility1
The urge: Our history of addictionCarl ErikFisherPenguin Press, 2022. 400 pp. $30.00 (cloth). ISBN 9780525561446.1
Voices in the history of madness: Personal and professional perspectives on mental health and illness RobertEllis, SarahKendal, & Steven J.Taylor, (Eds.) Series: Mental Health in Historical Perspe1
Jim Crow Sociology: The Black and Southern Roots of American Sociology Earl Wright II University of Cincinnati Press, 2020 250 pp. $50.00 (cloth). ISBN 97819476025711
CITIZENS OF BEAUTY: DRAWING DEMOCRATIC DREAMS IN REPUBLICAN CHINALouiseEdwardsSeattle: University of Washington Press, 2020, 232pp., $30.00 (paper). ISBN 0295747013.1
Franz Joseph Gall on God and religion: “Dieu et Cerveau, rien que Dieu et cerveau!”1
A Silvan Tomkins handbook: Foundations for affect theory Adam J.Frank and Elizabeth A.Wilson University of Minnesota Press, 2020. 203 pp. $20 (paper). ISBN: 978‐0‐8166‐8000‐91
Constructing economic science: The invention of a discipline 1850–1950 By KeithTribe, Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2021. pp. 440. £74.00 (hbk). ISBN: 97801904917411
Völkerpsychologie as a field science: José Miguel de Barandiarán and Basque ethnology1
Teaching machines: The history of personalized learningAudreyWatters. The MIT Press, 2021. 328 pp. $34.95 (cloth). ISBN: 9780262045698; 9780262363747 (ebook)1
Ideological and political bias in psychology: Nature, scope, and solutions By Craig L.Frisby, Richard E.Redding, William T.O'Donohue, & Scott O.Lilienfeld (Eds.), Springer. 2023. pp. 948. $159.99 1
The Revised Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud Edited by MarkSolms in Collaboration With Ilse Gubrich‐SimitisRowman and Littlefield and the Institute of Psychoanalys1
Black Identity Viewed from a Barber's Chair: Nigrescence and EudaimoniaWilliam E.Cross, Jr. Temple University Press, 2021. 200 pp. $27.95 (paper). ISBN 978‐1‐4399‐2106‐7; 978‐1‐4399‐2105‐0 (cloth); 971
An ordinary future: Margaret Mead, the problem of disability, and a child born different ByThomas W.Pearson,Oakland:University of California Press.2023. pp.208. $27.95 (paper). ISBN: 97805203882911
States of childhood: From the junior republic to the American republic, 1895–1945Jennifer S.LightCambridge: The MIT Press, 2020. 480pp. $40.00 (paperback). ISBN: 978‐0262539012.1
Harold Garfinkel and Edward Rose in the early years of ethnomethodology1
Histories and cultures of mental health in Modern East Asia: New directions1
Professional opportunities, gender obstacles, and narrowed progression: The case of the first Social Science Research Council female fellows (1925–1934)1
How We Became Sensorimotor: Movement, Measurement, Sensation Mark Paterson University of Minnesota Press, 2021. 320 pp. $35.00 (paper). ISBN 978‐1‐5179‐0999‐4; 978‐1‐5179‐1000‐6 (cloth)1
Dance becomes therapeutic in the mid to late 20th century1
We are all monsters: How deviant organisms came to define us By AndrewMangham, Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. 2023. pp. 329. $32.95 (hardcover). ISBN: 978‐0‐262‐04752‐41
‘The Machine Takes Our Jobs Away’: The problem of technological unemployment in the work of Chicago sociologist William F. Ogburn1