Journal of Statistical Physics

(The median citation count of Journal of Statistical Physics is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Stability of Global Maxwellian for Fully Nonlinear Fokker–Planck Equations26
Asymptotics of Bordered Toeplitz Determinants and Next-to-Diagonal Ising Correlations24
Hydrodynamic Limit for the Bak–Sneppen Branching Diffusions19
Asymptotics for Cliques in Scale-Free Random Graphs18
Eigenvalue Fluctuations for Random Elliptic Operators in Homogenization Regime17
Unified Framework for Generalized Statistics: Canonical Partition Function, Maximum Occupation Number, and Permutation Phase of Wave Function16
A Drainage Network with Dependence and the Brownian Web15
On Bose–Einstein Condensation in One-Dimensional Noninteracting Bose Gases in the Presence of Soft Poisson Obstacles15
Non-equilibrium Stationary Properties of the Boundary Driven Zero-Range Process with Long Jumps14
Dynamics of a Single Particle Moving on a Random Lorentz Lattice-Gas12
Cluster Expansions: Necessary and Sufficient Convergence Conditions12
Boundary CFT and Tensor Network Approach to Surface Critical Phenomena of the Tricritical 3-State Potts model12
Steady-State Dynamics of Exclusion Process with Local Reversible Association of Particles12
The Persistence Exponents of Gaussian Random Fields Connected by the Lamperti Transform12
Gibbs Distribution from Sequentially Predictive Form of the Second Law11
Knudsen Layer Behaviour and Momentum Accommodation from Surface Roughness Modelling11
Extracting Governing Laws from Sample Path Data of Non-Gaussian Stochastic Dynamical Systems11
Weak Coupling Limits for Directed Polymers in Tube Environments10
On Sinaĭ Billiards on Flat Surfaces with Horns10
Thermo-mechanical Transport in Rotor Chains10
Convergence of the Free Energy for Spherical Spin Glasses10
Perturbation of Systems with a First Integral: Motion on the Reeb Graph10
A Theory of Quantum (Statistical) Measurement9
Symmetry-Resolved Entanglement Entropy in Critical Free-Fermion Chains9
Dynamical Fractional and Multifractal Fields9
Quantifying Decoherence of Gaussian Noise Channels9
The de Almeida–Thouless Line in Hierarchical Quantum Spin Glasses9
PDMP Characterisation of Event-Chain Monte Carlo Algorithms for Particle Systems9
Time-Non-Local Pearson Diffusions9
Spherical Sherrington–Kirkpatrick Model for Deformed Wigner Matrix with Fast Decaying Edges9
Violation of the Second Fluctuation-dissipation Relation and Entropy Production in Nonequilibrium Medium9
SRB Entropy of Markov Transformations8
Punctures and p-Spin Curves from Matrix Models II8
Local Central Limit Theorem for Long-Range Two-Body Potentials at Sufficiently High Temperatures8
Stationary Measure Induced by the Eigenvalue Problem of the One-Dimensional Hadamard Walk8
Fluctuations of the Magnetization in the Block Potts Model8
Temperature Dependence of Non-uniformity in Energy of Systems with Holonomic Constraints8
Linear Response Theory for Nonlinear Stochastic Differential Equations with $$\alpha $$-Stable Lévy Noises7
Fluctuations for the Bipartite Sherrington–Kirkpatrick Model7
The Behavior of the Three-Dimensional Askin–Teller Model at the Mixed Phase Region by a New Monte Carlo Approach7
Stochastic Limit-Cycle Oscillations of a Nonlinear System Under Random Perturbations7
A lattice Gas Model for Generic One-Dimensional Hamiltonian Systems7
Global Existence of Non-Cutoff Boltzmann Equation in Weighted Sobolev Space7
Strategies for an Efficient Official Publicity Campaign7
Condensation of SIP Particles and Sticky Brownian Motion7
$$\text {L}^2$$-Hypocoercivity and Large Time Asymptotics of the Linearized Vlasov–Poisson–Fokker–Planck System7
Martingale Structure for General Thermodynamic Functionals of Diffusion Processes Under Second-Order Averaging7
Correction to: PDE/Statistical Mechanics Duality: Relation Between Guerra’s Interpolated p-Spin Ferromagnets and the Burgers Hierarchy6
A Velocity Alignment Collision Model for Spatially Homogeneous Kinetic Collective Dynamics6
Nonstationary Generalized TASEP in KPZ and Jamming Regimes6
Geometric Percolation of Spherically Symmetric Fractal Aggregates6
Polaron Models with Regular Interactions at Strong Coupling6
A Spin Glass Model for the Loss Surfaces of Generative Adversarial Networks6
Stability of Clusters in the Second-Order Kuramoto Model on Random Graphs6
Dissecting a Resonance Wedge on Heteroclinic Bifurcations6
Variance of Voltages in a Lattice Coulomb Gas6
Shortcuts to Thermodynamic Computing: The Cost of Fast and Faithful Information Processing6
Shock Propagation in the Hard Sphere Gas in Two Dimensions: Comparison Between Simulations and Hydrodynamics6
Limit Shapes for Gibbs Partitions of Sets6
Phase Growth with Heat Diffusion in a Stochastic Lattice Model6
Entropy Minimization for Many-Body Quantum Systems6
Entropy of Irregular Points for Some Dynamical Systems6
Metastability for Kawasaki Dynamics on the Hexagonal Lattice6
Fermionic Walkers Driven Out of Equilibrium6
Fluctuation Results for Multi-species Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Model in the Replica Symmetric Regime6
Large Time Asymptotic of Heavy Tailed Renewal Processes6
Photon Frequency Diffusion Process6
The BCS Energy Gap at High Density6
Algorithmic Pure States for the Negative Spherical Perceptron5
Stationary BGK Models for Chemically Reacting Gas in a Slab5
Multiple Phase Transitions for an Infinite System of Spiking Neurons5
Quasi-static Decomposition and the Gibbs Factorial in Small Thermodynamic Systems5
Critical Droplets and Sharp Asymptotics for Kawasaki Dynamics with Strongly Anisotropic Interactions5
Displacement Correlations in Disordered Athermal Networks5
Stochastic Resonance in a Fractional Oscillator with Cross-Correlation Noise5
Moderate Deviations for the SSEP with a Slow Bond5
Fluctuations of Linear Statistics for Gaussian Perturbations of the Lattice $${\mathbb {Z}}^d$$5
Piecewise-Tunneled Captive Processes and Corridored Random Particle Systems5
Entropy Points and Applications for Free Semigroup Actions5
Non-parametric Estimation of Stochastic Differential Equations from Stationary Time-Series5
Thermodynamics of Nonequilibrium Driven Diffusive Systems in Mild Contact with Boundary Reservoirs5
The 3D Vlasov–Poisson–Landau System Near 1D Local Maxwellians5
Almost Sure Recovery in Quasi-periodic Structures5
CLT for Non-Hermitian Random Band Matrices with Variance Profiles5
Non-intersecting Brownian Bridges in the Flat-to-Flat Geometry5
The Scaling Limit of the $$(\nabla +\Delta )$$-Model5
From Boltzmann Equation for Granular Gases to a Modified Navier–Stokes–Fourier System5
Complete Phase Synchronization of Nonidentical High-Dimensional Kuramoto Model5
Tracy-Widom Distributions for the Gaussian Orthogonal and Symplectic Ensembles Revisited: A Skew-Orthogonal Polynomials Approach5
Nonequilibrium Enhanced Classical Measurement and Estimation4
On the Statistical Stability of Families of Attracting Sets and the Contracting Lorenz Attractor4
A Kinetic Description of Individual Wealth Growth and Control4
On Some Properties of Generalized Burnett Equations of Hydrodynamics4
Mass Scaling of the Near-Critical 2D Ising Model Using Random Currents4
Interface Roughening in Two Dimensions4
On the Local Eigenvalue Statistics for Random Band Matrices in the Localization Regime4
Correction to: Marked Gibbs Point Processes with Unbounded Interaction: An Existence Result4
On the Derivation of Mean-Field Percolation Critical Exponents from the Triangle Condition4
Flooding dynamics of diffusive dispersion in a random potential4
Formal Expansions in Stochastic Model for Wave Turbulence 2: Method of Diagram Decomposition4
Some Remarks on Replicated Simulated Annealing4
Localization in the Discrete Non-linear Schrödinger Equation and Geometric Properties of the Microcanonical Surface4
LTE and Non-LTE Solutions in Gases Interacting with Radiation4
Effect of Energy Degeneracy on the Transition Time for a Series of Metastable States4
On the Long Time Dynamics of the Landau-De Gennes Gradient Flow4
Correction to: Predictive Rate-Distortion for Infinite-Order Markov Processes4
PDE/Statistical Mechanics Duality: Relation Between Guerra’s Interpolated p-Spin Ferromagnets and the Burgers Hierarchy4
The Least Singular Value of the General Deformed Ginibre Ensemble4
The Condensed Fraction of a Homogeneous Dilute Bose Gas Within the Improved Hartree–Fock Approximation4
K-Averaging Agent-Based Model: Propagation of Chaos and Convergence to Equilibrium4
Macroscopic Behaviour in a Two-Species Exclusion Process Via the Method of Matched Asymptotics4
Adsorption of Lattice Polymers with Quenched Topologies4
Vanishing of Drude Weight in Interacting Fermions on $${\mathbb Z}^d$$ with Quasi-Periodic Disorder4
Large Deviation Principle of Nonconventional Ergodic Averages4
Transient Behavior of Damage Spreading in the Two-Dimensional Blume–Capel Ferromagnet4
NoBLE for Lattice Trees and Lattice Animals4
Zeros of Gaussian Weyl–Heisenberg Functions and Hyperuniformity of Charge4
Dynamical Large Deviations for Plasmas Below the Debye Length and the Landau Equation4
The $$\Phi _3^4$$ Measure Has Sub-Gaussian Tails4
Anderson Localization in Discrete Random Displacements Models3
Grand Canonical Evolution for the Kac Model3
Singular Behavior of the Macroscopic Quantity Near the Boundary for a Lorentz-Gas Model with the Infinite-Range Potential3
The Fourth Virial Coefficient for Hard Spheres in Even Dimension3
Supersymmetric Hyperbolic $$\sigma $$-Models and Bounds on Correlations in Two Dimensions3
Time Series Path Integral Expansions for Stochastic Processes3
Maximum of the Membrane Model on Regular Trees3
The Number of Optimal Matchings for Euclidean Assignment on the Line3
Some Counterexamples to the Central Limit Theorem for Random Rotations3
The Manhattan and Lorentz Mirror Models: A Result on the Cylinder with Low Density of Mirrors3
Hydrodynamics for One-Dimensional ASEP in Contact with a Class of Reservoirs3
Renormalization of Symmetric Bimodal Maps with Low Smoothness3
Strong Spatial Mixing for Repulsive Point Processes3
Distinguishing Power-Law Uniform Random Graphs from Inhomogeneous Random Graphs Through Small Subgraphs3
Crosscap States in Integrable Field Theories and Spin Chains3
Averaging Principles for Stochastic 2D Navier–Stokes Equations3
Energy Landscape of the Two-Component Curie–Weiss–Potts Model with Three Spins3
Response of a Canonical Ensemble of Quantum Oscillators to a Random Metric3
Comment on “Non-intersecting Brownian Bridges in the Flat-to-Flat Geometry”3
Large Deviations at Level 2.5 for Markovian Open Quantum Systems: Quantum Jumps and Quantum State Diffusion3
Homogenization of Coupled Fast-Slow Systems via Intermediate Stochastic Regularization3
A Relation of Thermodynamic Relevance Between the Superadditivity, Concavity and Homogeneity Properties of Real-Valued Functions3
Relaxation Dynamics in a Long-Range System with Mixed Hamiltonian and Non-Hamiltonian Interactions3
Gaussian Fluctuation for Smoothed Local Correlations in CUE3
New Insights on the Reinforced Elephant Random Walk Using a Martingale Approach3
Discrete Integrable Systems and Random Lax Matrices3
On the Moments of the Partition Function of the C$$\beta $$E Field3
Diffusion Approximation for Noise-Induced Evolution of First Integrals in Multifrequency Systems3
Non-reversible Metastable Diffusions with Gibbs Invariant Measure II: Markov Chain Convergence3
Scaling Limit of a Generalized Contact Process3
A Numerical Method to Find the Optimal Thermodynamic Cycle in Microscopic Heat Engine3
Finding the Jump Rate for Fastest Decay in the Goldstein–Taylor Model3
On the Infinite Dimension Limit of Invariant Measures and Solutions of Zeitlin’s 2D Euler Equations3
On a Generalized Central Limit Theorem and Large Deviations for Homogeneous Open Quantum Walks3
Predictability and Scaling in a BTW Sandpile on a Self-similar Lattice2
Universality of the Number Variance in Rotational Invariant Two-Dimensional Coulomb Gases2
Perturbation Analysis of Quantum Reset Models2
Comments on Wave-Like Propagation with Binary Disorder2
Modelling inelastic Granular Media Using Dynamical Density Functional Theory2
Correction: To Each His Own2
On the Measure Valued Solution to the Inelastic Boltzmann Equation with Soft Potentials2
Joint Invariance Principles for Random Walks with Positively and Negatively Reinforced Steps2
On the Completely Separable State for the Lohe Tensor Model2
Large Deviation Estimates for Weakly Interacting Bosons2
Dynamical Approach to the TAP Equations for the Sherrington–Kirkpatrick Model2
Dynamical Gibbs–non-Gibbs Transitions in the Curie–Weiss Potts Model in the Regime$$\beta <3$$2
Stability of Logarithmic Sobolev Inequalities Under a Noncommutative Change of Measure2
Metastability in a Stochastic System of Spiking Neurons with Leakage2
Stochastic Eight-Vertex Model, its Invariant Measures and KPZ Limit2
Multilayer Random Sequential Adsorption2
How Does Noise Induce Order?2
Reinforced Random Walks Under Memory Lapses2
Shaken Dynamics: An Easy Way to Parallel Markov Chain Monte Carlo2
Tensor RG Approach to High-Temperature Fixed Point2
Shock Propagation Following an Intense Explosion: Comparison Between Hydrodynamics and Simulations2
Evaluating Dispersion Strategies in Growth Models Subject to Geometric Catastrophes2
On the Cauchy Problem for the Cutoff Boltzmann Equation with Small Initial Data2
Surveying Structural Complexity in Quantum Many-Body Systems2
Galton–Watson Trees with First Ancestor Interaction2
Supersymmetric Quantum Spin Chains and Modified Universal Characters2
Monte Carlo Evaluation of the Continuum Limit of the Two-Point Function of the Euclidean Free Real Scalar Field Subject to Affine Quantization2
Record Statistics of Integrated Random Walks and the Random Acceleration Process2
Dissipative Properties of Degenerate Relativistic Gases: The Complete Kernel Calculation in a $$\left( d+1\right) $$ Flat Space-Time2
Infinite Volume Gibbs States and Metastates of the Random Field Mean-Field Spherical Model2
Correction to: Thermodynamics of a Hierarchical Mixture of Cubes2
Large Deviations for Subcritical Bootstrap Percolation on the Erdős–Rényi Graph2
Macroscopic Dynamical Fluctuations in Kac Ring Model2
Lévy Walk Dynamics in an External Constant Force Field in Non-Static Media2
Critical Parameter of the Frog Model on Homogeneous Trees with Geometric Lifetime2
Higher-Dimensional Nonlinear Thermodynamic Formalism2
Partially Phase-Locked Solutions to the Kuramoto Model2
Effective Hamiltonians and Lagrangians for Conditioned Markov Processes at Large Volume2
Computational Analysis of Topological Index-Based Entropies of Carbon Nanotube Y-Junctions2
The Magnetized Vlasov–Ampère System and the Bernstein–Landau Paradox2
Relaxation Dynamics of Non-Brownian Spheres Below Jamming2
Motion of Lee–Yang Zeros2
Self-similar Profiles for Homoenergetic Solutions of the Boltzmann Equation for Non-cutoff Maxwell Molecules2
DNA Melting in Poor Solvent2
Correction to: Nonequilibrium Electrical, Thermal and Spin Transport in Open Quantum Systems of Topological Superconductors, Semiconductors and Metals2
Symmetries and Zero Modes in Sample Path Large Deviations2
On Some Finite-Velocity Random Motions Driven by the Geometric Counting Process2
Learning and Retrieval Operational Modes for Three-Layer Restricted Boltzmann Machines2
Phases of Small Worlds: A Mean Field Formulation2
Energy Landscape and Metastability of Curie–Weiss–Potts Model2
Balancing Conservative and Disruptive Growth in the Voter Model2
Nonequilibrium Electrical, Thermal and Spin Transport in Open Quantum Systems of Topological Superconductors, Semiconductors and Metals2
Propagation of Correlations in a Hard-Sphere System2
Studying Viral Populations with Tools from Quantum Spin Chains2
Integrability and Braided Tensor Categories2
Local Moderate and Precise Large Deviations via Cluster Expansions2
Switching Interacting Particle Systems: Scaling Limits, Uphill Diffusion and Boundary Layer2
Triviality of the Geometry of Mixed p-Spin Spherical Hamiltonians with External Field2
About the Use of Entropy Production for the Landau–Fermi–Dirac Equation2