Journal of Sound and Vibration

(The TQCC of Journal of Sound and Vibration is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Efficient CUF-based method for the vibrations of thin-walled open cross-section beams under compression138
Quantification of rattle noise generations from automotive compartments by variational mode decomposition129
Microleakage Acoustic Emission Monitoring of Pipeline Weld Cracks under Complex Noise Interference: A Feasible Framework97
Nonlinear dynamics of coupled waves in Kresling origami metamaterials96
A simple active adaptive control method for mitigating and isolating mechanical vibrations of the pyramid-core lattice sandwich structures94
Model-free finite frequency H control for active chatter suppression in turning93
A hybrid multi-scale/finite element method in arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian framework for predicting nonlinear structural-acoustic responses of a large-deformable beam in fluid87
Traveling Wave Controllers on beams and plates using piezoelectric actuators85
Dynamic analysis method of cable structures based on coupled integration algorithm82
A study on the hydroacoustic characterisation of a cavitating propeller by dynamic adaptive mesh refinement technique78
Using a rhythmic human shaker to identify modal properties of a stationary human body on a footbridge78
Auxiliary harmonic excitation generalized method for higher-order analysis of linear structure under multiple non-stationary non-Gaussian excitations75
Experimental investigation of propeller noise in ground effect62
Vibroacoustic topology optimization for sound transmission minimization through sandwich structures62
Valley-protected topological interface state of the elastic wave: From discrete model to multistable mechanical metamaterials59
Identification of multi-axle vehicle loads on beam type bridge based on minimal residual norm steepest descent method59
Analytical and experimental study of a clamped-clamped, bistable buckled beam low-frequency PVDF vibration energy harvester58
Dynamic analysis of turbochargers with thermo-hydrodynamic lubrication bearings58
Multistage damage detection method based on the defect mode for periodically stiffened panels57
Dynamics of heavy beams: Closed-form vibrations of gravity-loaded Rayleigh–Timoshenko columns56
Local vibration mode pairs for damage identification in axisymmetric tubular structures55
Spiral Bevel Gears: nonlinear dynamic model based on accurate static stiffness evaluation54
Damage precise localization under varying operating conditions via the vibration-data-based Functional Model method: Formulation and experimental validation52
A multiple scattering formulation to design meta-trenches for mitigating low-frequency ground-borne vibrations induced by surface railways and subways50
Aeroacoustics of sawtooth trailing-edge serrations under aerodynamic loading49
Active control of combustion oscillation with active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) method49
Effects of rotation on the rolling noise radiated by wheelsets in high-speed railways48
Dynamics of plates resting on layered transversely isotropic poroelastic media under moving loads48
On the dynamic stability and efficiency of centrifugal pendulum vibration absorbers with rotating pendulums47
Extension of a hybrid FE-SEA approach for vibro-acoustic analysis with prescribed displacements47
An analogue twin for piezoelectric vibration damping of multiple nonlinear resonances46
Probabilistic damage detection and identification of coupled structural parameters using Bayesian model updating with added mass45
Experiments on aerothermoelastic fluid–structure interaction in hypersonic flow44
A novel output-only time-domain nonlinear subspace approach for identifying vibrating structures with clearance nonlinearity44
Stability prediction via parameter estimation from milling time series44
Editorial Board44
Wave propagation in random media, parameter estimation and damage detection via stochastic Fourier integral operators43
Approximation of potential function in the problem of forced escape43
Vibro-acoustic modulation baseline-free non-destructive testing43
Accurate coupled vibration analysis of a piezoelectric array element by the superposition method43
Joint identification through hybrid models improved by correlations42
Modeling the acoustic radiation of plates using circular pistons41
A poroelastic model for near-field underwater noise caused by offshore monopile driving41
Modeling method and dynamic analysis of blade with double friction damping structure considering time-varying pressure distribution40
Accuracy and robustness of sparse reconstruction techniques for azimuthal mode analysis of in-duct sound fields40
Exact solutions for the vibration of finite granular beam using discrete and gradient elasticity cosserat models40
Identification of the dynamic parameters of bridge elements using unmanned aerial vehicle40
Receptance of a semi-infinite periodic railway track and an equivalent multi-rigid body system for use in truncated track models40
Localization of electro-elastic shear waves in a periodically stratified piezoelectric structure40
The harmonic balance method with arc-length continuation in blade-tip/casing contact problems39
Assessing the dissipative capacity of particle impact dampers based on nonlinear bandwidth characteristics39
Model updating for a large multi-span quasi-periodic viaduct based on free wave characteristics39
Joint 3D coordinate and wave-speed estimation with nonuniform planar array: Multi-leak localization in gas pipe buried in sandy soil39
A two-stage Polynomial Chaos Expansion application for bound estimation of uncertain FRFs38
A reduced-plate model transmission method for fast dynamic analysis of vehicle–pavement interaction38
Editorial Board37
Model order reduction based on low-rank approximation for parameterized eigenvalue problems in structural dynamics37
A low frequency model for the aeroacoustic scattering of cylindrical tube rows in cross-flow36
Editorial Board36
Acoustic characteristics of impingement cooling sheets; effect of bias-grazing flow interaction on the liner impedance in a thin annulus36
A hybrid sub-structuring method for prediction of air inlet sound transmission35
Acoustics interaction in a complex piping network with multiple pulsatile sources35
An exact closed-form explicit solution of free transverse vibration for non-uniform multi-cracked beam35
Experimental analysis of liquid vertical slosh damping at vacuum and atmospheric pressures35
Surrogate recycling for structures with spatially uncertain stiffness35
Development of a Frequency-Adapted Virtual Fields Method as an alternative to the Corrected Force Analysis Technique for dynamic forces and structural parameter identification34
A non-contact inspection method of tile debonding using tuned acoustic wave and laser doppler vibrometer34
Investigation of a new magnetorheological elastomer metamaterial plate with continuous programmable properties for vibration manipulation34
Fiber-steered acoustic black hole beam with low cut-on frequency and high stiffness34
Natural frequency analysis of gear system with interval shaft misalignment in multidimensions34
Direct estimation of residues from rational-fraction polynomials as a single-step modal identification approach33
Maximum likelihood estimators and Cramér–Rao bounds for the localization of an acoustical source with asynchronous arrays33
Multizone sound field reproduction using pressure matching with sparse equivalent source33
An acoustic-wave preserved artificial compressibility method for low-Mach-number aeroacoustic simulations33
Effect of magnet position in an electromagnetic transducer for the middle ear implant33
Ultrasonic horn contact-induced transient anharmonic resonance effect on vibro-thermography33
Nonlinear free vibration analysis of internal thickness-tapered multi-layered composite rectangular plates undergoing moderately large deflections32
Single-tone Aerodynamic Noise Source Separation for Gas Turbines32
Calibration of inverted pendulum pedestrian model for laterally oscillating bridges based on stepping behaviour32
Influence of blades’ shape and cutters’ arrangement of PDC drill bit on nonlinear vibration of deep drilling system31
Optimal damping of vibrating systems: Dependence on initial conditions31
Application of a spectral method to simulate quasi-three-dimensional underwater acoustic fields31
Topological localized modes in moiré lattices of bilayer elastic plates with resonators31
A class of cylindrically symmetric exact solutions of the wave equation31
Editorial Board31
On the condensation of thick symmetric multilayer panels including dilatational motion31
Editorial Board30
Evaluation of effectiveness of pneumatic suspensions: Application to liquid sloshing problems30
Editorial Board30
Describing function method with pointwise balancing in two-dimensional regularized time domain for quasi-periodic responses30
Axisymmetric acoustic oscillations of a rigid spherical shell with two symmetric circular apertures30
Degenerate normal-mode states above the cutoff frequency as analogs of the thickness-shear mode for finite Timoshenko–Ehrenfest beams with free ends30
Equivalent oscillator approach to model vortex induced vibrations on a circular cylinder29
Editorial Board29
Moving internal node element method for dynamic analysis of beam structure under moving vehicle29
Preserving transfer-behavior in Model Order Reduction for thermoacoustic stability analysis29
Editorial Board29
Tonal optimization of bells utilizing evolutionary shape optimization28
Modelling of sound-vortex interaction for the flow through an annular aperture28
Parametric exploration of a simple model of human jumping on an oscillating structure28
Dynamics and phase-based vibration suppression of rotating flexible shaft with unstressed initial deformation under several parametric excitations28
Retrospective cost adaptive harmonic disturbance rejection using dereverberated target models28
Acoustic absorption and generation in ducts of smoothly varying area sustaining a mean flow and a mean temperature gradient27
Damping in stay cable with damper: Practical universal damping curve and full-scale measurement27
Three dimensional vibroacoustic topology optimization of hearing instruments using cut elements27
Experimental investigations of indirect noise due to modulation of axial vorticity and entropy upstream of a choked nozzle27
Acoustic scattering from spherical shells and its active control26
Sound radiation of a vibrating circular plate set in a hemispherical enclosure26
Lock-in in the vortex-induced vibrations of a long tensioned riser in internal fluid flow and external uniform and shear flows: A prediction based on models26
Coupling coefficient analysis of composite bar: A new idea for the design of multi-resonant longitudinal transducer26
Editorial Board26
Editorial Board26
Flow-induced noise from a seal-vibrissa-shaped cylinder26
Prediction of modal deflections and frequency response functions from experimental data: The longest vector approach26
Tailoring of interface modes in topologically protected edge states with hourglass lattice metamaterials26
An application of the multiple-scales theory to acoustic double transition in ducts with flow25
Modeling and experimental validation of electrodynamic maglev systems25
Editorial Board25
A modal method for detection and exclusion of interactions25
PID-like active impedance control for electroacoustic resonators to design tunable single-degree-of-freedom sound absorbers25
Editorial Board25
Numerical study of bladed structures with geometric and contact nonlinearities25
Towards a remote inspection of jet engine blades using time reversal25
Free vibration of thick rectangular orthotropic plates with clamped edges- using asymptotic analysis of infinite systems24
A semi-analytical solution for acoustic wave propagation in varying area ducts with mean flow24
Numerical investigation of a mistuned industrial bladed disk dynamics with structural contacts using time and frequency methods24
Equation-free bifurcation analysis of a stochastically excited Duffing oscillator24
The bar-resonator interaction in mallet percussion instruments: A multi-modal model and experimental validation24
Modeling and analysis of a geometrically nonlinear joined wing under thrust force24
Including connecting elements into the Lagrange multiplier state-space substructuring formulation24
Return time approximation in planar nonlinear systems24
Editorial Board24
Perturbation theory of nonlinear, non-self-adjoint eigenvalue problems: Semisimple eigenvalues24
Nonlinear reduced order modeling for nonlinear response simulation of panels via Large Eddy Simulation24
Flutter prediction of its occurrence, amplitude and nonlinear behaviour23
A self-consistent approach for the acoustical modeling of vegetal wools23
On the use of negative thermal expansion engineered structures in flexural-mode solid-state thermoacoustics23
Energy flow analysis of poroelastic media23
Extension of the fixed point theory to tuned mass dampers with piezoelectric stack energy harvester23
Linear and nonlinear modelling of far-field propagation of broadband shock-associated noise23
Optimized creasing pattern for maximizing natural frequencies of a thin elastic plate23
On the spectral shape and a second component of broadband shock-cell noise23
Editorial Board23
Hybrid geometrical full waveform inversion for ultrasonic defect characterisation23
Acoustic scattering in a small centrifugal compressor based on the use of linearized equations in a rotating frame23
On the inclusion of structural loading and damping in piezoelectric shunt tuning23
A multi-scale model order reduction scheme for transient modelling of periodic structures22
Multichannel narrowband active noise control system with a frequency estimator based on DFT coefficients22
Dynamics of axially moving viscoelastic panels immersed in fluid22
Tilt errors of translational accelerometers attached to dynamic systems with tilt motion caused by the system response22
Analytical prediction of the dynamics of beams under traveling loads and external resonance phenomena22
Complete sub-wavelength flexural wave band gaps in plates with periodic acoustic black holes22
Physical explanation for vibro-acoustic modulation due to local and global nonlinearities in a structure and its experimental and numerical validation22
Multiple internal resonances in nonlinear vibrations of rotating thin-walled cylindrical shells22
Analytical, numerical and experimental observation of isolated branches of periodic orbits in 1DOF mechanical parametric oscillator22
Stockwell transform for estimating decay time at low frequencies22
An elastodynamic reciprocity theorem-based closed-form solution to second harmonic generation of lamb waves by a fatigue crack: Theory & experimental validation22
Ordinary state-based peri‑ultrasound modeling for monitoring crack propagation in plate structures using sideband peak count-index technique22
Effective and robust rocking centrifugal pendulum vibration absorbers22
Dynamic response of pile embedded in unsaturated soil under SH waves considering effect of superstructure21
Flexural–flexural internal resonances 3:1 in initially straight, extensible Timoshenko beams with an axial spring21
Feasibility of physical implementation of rate-independent linear damping to protect multistory low-frequency structures21
Parametric Reduced Order Models for wave propagation in 1D media containing defects21
Subspace identification of bridge dynamics via traversing vehicle measurements21
Modeling of rotating machinery: A novel frequency sweep system identification approach21
Effect of the fit clearance between ceramic outer ring and steel pedestal on the sound radiation of full ceramic ball bearing system21
Extended component mode synthesis method for dynamic analysis of mechanical systems with local nonlinearities21
Comparative analysis of fixed-pitch and variable-pitch control systems for multirotor drones: Acoustic characteristics and rotor phase control20
Experimental validation and numerical investigation of virtual strain sensing methods for steel railway bridges20
Vehicle road noise prediction using component-based transfer path analysis from tire test-rig measurements on a rolling tire20
Passive vibration suppression using 2-degree-of-freedom vibration absorber consisting of a beam and piezoelectric elements20
One novel dynamical calibration method to identify two-dimensional distributed load20
Ranking of sound transmission paths by wave and finite element analysis20
Hybrid lattice Boltzmann method using Cartesian and body-fitted grids for turbomachinery aeroacoustic simulations20
Impact of non-synchronous whirl on post-resonance backward whirl in vertical cracked rotors20
Vibration prediction of rotating composite fan blades comprising viscoelastic damping treatments20
Analysis of phase data from ground vibration measurements above a leaking plastic water pipe20
Frequency entrainment and suppression of stick–slip vibrations in a 3 DoF discontinuous disc brake model20
Long-term solutions of calibrated and generalised Macdonald’s model for pedestrian-induced lateral forces20
Vibration responses of rotor systems in diesel multiple units under dynamic spatial misalignments and base motions20
Analysis of the forced response of coupled panels using a hybrid finite element/wave and finite element method20
Continuous model applied to multi-disk and multi-bearing rotors20
An improved phenomenological model of vibrations for planetary gearboxes20
Post-grazing dynamics of a vibro-impacting energy generator20
Membrane smart metamaterials for unidirectional wave propagation problems20
Analysis of three-dimensional dynamic behavior in rigid frame structures20
Structural intensity in thin plates and beams under transient and stationary forces using time-resolved, full-field optical slope measurements20
Contactless control of suspended loads for offshore installations: Proof of concept using magnetic interaction20
Anomalous wave control by an adaptive elastic metasurface shunted with negative capacitance circuit19
An INverse COnvolution MEthod for wavenumber extraction (INCOME): Formulations and applications19
Multiple zero-group velocity resonances in elastic layered structures19
Investigating the effect of dry-friction on damage detection tests19
An equivalent shape-preserving clipping method for the control spectrum to avoid over-testing of triaxial random vibration19
Bursting oscillations with multiple modes in a vector field with triple Hopf bifurcation at origin19
Investigation of the do minant Rossiter modal tones at the locked-on state19
Design of vibration isolators by using the Bragg scattering and local resonance band gaps in a layered honeycomb meta-structure19
Relationships between vibrations of main device and mechanical network in a classical vibration control system19
Multi-frequency synchronous two-dimensional off-grid compressive beamforming19
An improved NOFRFs-based fault feature extraction method and its application to quantitative diagnosis in rotor rub-impact19
Flexural vibrations of anisotropic thin rotating rings19
Enhanced modeling of nonlinear restoring force in multi-stable energy harvesters19
Generic frequency equation for one-dimensional waveguides with incipient cracks based on the phase closure principle19
A comprehensive study on natural characteristics and dynamic responses of a dual-rotor system with inter-shaft bearing under non-random uncertainty19
A stochastic model for the speed of leak noise propagation in plastic water pipes18
Subwavelength path-switchable wave routing and topological corner states for a higher-order topological insulator18
Acoustic scattering by a finite plate with a poroelastic extension using the unified transform method18
Green’s function analysis of nonlinear thermoacoustic effects under the influence of noise in a combustion chamber18
Effects of serration angle on noise reduction mechanism of trailing edge serration18
Resonance reduction for linked train cars moving on multiple simply supported bridges18
Experimental near-field analysis for flow induced noise of a structured porous-coated cylinder18
An adjoint Green’s function approach for thermoacoustic instabilities in a duct with mean flow18
Component-wise damage detection by neural networks and refined FEs training18
Geometrically nonlinear vibration analysis of rotating pre-twisted shell-type blades with a high rotating speed18
Three-dimensional vibration analysis of rotating pre-twisted cylindrical isotropic and functionally graded shell panels18
Numerical and experimental evidence of topological interface state in a periodic acoustic black hole18
A programmable macro-fiber-composite meta-ring with digital shunting circuits18
A variational domain decomposition scheme for the natural sloshing modes in the baffled tanks18
Investigation of robotic milling chatter stability prediction under different cutter orientations by an updated full-discretization method18
A quasi-3D dynamic model for free vibration analysis of rotating pre-twisted functionally graded blades18
Monitoring abnormal vibration and structural health conditions of an in-service structure from its SHM data18
Dynamic modeling and analysis of discontinuous wave propagation in a rod18
Nonreciprocal propagation of bending waves in spatiotemporally modulated prestressed beam17
Memoriam: Alan Cummings DEng FIOA FIMechE (1943–2024)17
Harnessing bulging or sloshing modes to design locally resonant liquid-solid metamaterials17
Aerodynamic noise analysis of tilting rotor in edgewise flow conditions17
Nonlinear broadband time-domain admittance boundary condition for duct acoustics. Application to perforated plate liners17
Turbulent inflow noise produced by a shrouded propeller17
Robust identification of flame frequency response via multi-fidelity Gaussian process approach17
A graph-theory approach to optimisation of an acoustic absorber targeting a specific noise spectrum that approaches the causal optimum minimum depth17
The energy extraction potential from pitch-heave coupled flutter17
Structural health monitoring under environmental and operational variations using MCD prediction error17
Kron's substructuring method to the calculation of structural responses and response sensitivities of nonlinear systems17
Inferring empirical wall pressure spectral models with Gene Expression Programming17
Dynamic properties investigation of an acoustic black hole beam with dynamic vibration absorber based on analytical method17
Reliability evaluation method of vibration isolation performance of nonlinear isolator17
Experimental methodology to assess the dynamic equivalent stiffness properties of elliptical orthotropic plates17
Modeling and experimental study on free vibration of plates with curved edges17
Investigation on the dynamic characteristics of a rotor-damper-casing coupling system under diving-climbing maneuver17
Effect of time delay on the impedance control of a pressure-based, current-driven Electroacoustic Absorber17
Investigation of a novel MRE metamaterial sandwich beam with real-time tunable band gap characteristics17
Reflective vortex focusing for acoustic contact-free object rotation17
A metasurface radar for steering ultrasonic guided waves17
Experimental study of the dynamic stall noise on an oscillating airfoil17
Coherence of wall pressure fluctuations in zero and adverse pressure gradients17
Modeling analysis of combustion instability in an annular combustor equipped with circumferentially segmented perforated liner17
Markov Chain Monte Carlo-based Bayesian method for nonlinear stochastic model updating17
Strongly coupled phononic crystals resonator with high energy density for acoustic enhancement and directional sensing17
A hybrid computational aeroacoustic model with application to turbulent flows over foil and bluff bodies17
Editorial Board17
Broadband noise prediction for aerofoils with a serrated trailing edge based on Amiet’s theory17