Journal of Social Psychology

(The median citation count of Journal of Social Psychology is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Comparing cyberbullying prevalence and process before and during the COVID-19 pandemic92
Cyberbullying perpetration in the COVID-19 era: An application of general strain theory46
Inclusive leadership and voice behavior: The role of psychological empowerment27
Will I speak up or remain silent? Workplace ostracism and employee performance based on self-control perspective18
What is your empathy scale not measuring? The convergent, discriminant, and predictive validity of five empathy scales14
Investigating mechanisms for recruiting and retaining volunteers: The role of habit strength and planning in volunteering engagement13
K-12, college/university, and mass shootings: similarities and differences13
Internal and external motivation to respond without prejudice: a person-centered approach13
When ostracism is mandated: COVID-19, social distancing, and psychological needs13
The onset of COVID-19, common identity, and intergroup prejudice13
Social psychology and COVID-19: What the field can tell us about behavior in a pandemic12
COVID-19 and prejudice against migrants: the mediating roles of need for cognitive closure and binding moral foundations. A comparative study12
Direct and displaced aggression after exclusion: role of gender differences12
The stereotype content model and disabilities12
The role of values in coping with health and economic threats of COVID-1911
Observer descriptions of the empathic person: a look at the Davis IRI and Hogan empathy scales11
Biological essentialism, gender ideologies, and the division of housework and childcare: comparing male carer/female breadwinner and traditional families11
Empathic accuracy and interpersonal coordination: behavior matching can enhance accuracy but interactional synchrony may not10
Work and well-being: collective and individual self-concept, job commitment, citizenship behavior, and autonomy as predictors of overall life satisfaction10
Emotional experiences of ghosting10
Pandemic threat and group cohesion: national identification in the wake of COVID-19 is associated with authoritarianism10
Impressing for popularity and influence among peers: The connection between employees’ upward impression management and peer-rated organizational influence10
The effects of COVID-19 on perceived intergroup competition and negative intergroup outcomes10
Empathic choices for animals versus humans: the role of choice context and perceived cost9
How cognitive and emotional empathy relate to rational thinking: empirical evidence and meta-analysis9
“Leave Britney alone!”: parasocial relationships and empathy9
Empathy, an important but problematic concept8
Implicit bias predicts less willingness and less frequent adoption of Black children more than explicit bias8
Understanding one’s character through the voice: Dimensions of personality perception from Chinese greeting word “Ni Hao”8
The necessity of data transparency to publish8
Parallel empathy and group attitudes in late childhood: The role of perceived peer group attitudes8
Changing attitudes toward redistribution: The role of perceived economic inequality in everyday life and intolerance of inequality8
Applying the volunteer process model to predict future intentions for civic and political participation: same antecedents, different experiences?8
Antecedents and outcomes of job embeddedness among nurses8
Effects of security on social trust among Chinese adults: Roles of life satisfaction and ostracism8
Dietary similarity of friends and lovers: Vegetarianism, omnivorism, and personal relationships8
The effectiveness of animal welfare-, environmental-, and health-focused video appeals on implicit and explicit wanting of meat and intentions to reduce meat consumption8
In defense of leader misconduct: the use of neutralization techniques by ingroup members8
A vicious circle? Longitudinal relationships between different modes of in-group identity and COVID-19 conspiracy thinking8
The role of beauty as currency belief in acceptance of cosmetic surgery and career aspirations among Chinese young women8
Further evidence for motivated helplessness in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak: the case of Argentina before and during the pandemic8
Men and women who want epistemic certainty are at-risk for hostility towards women leaders7
Empathy, friend or foe? Untangling the relationship between empathy and burnout in helping professions7
Let’s just do it: sexual arousal’s effects on attitudes regarding sexual consent7
Ethnic and gender-based prejudice towards medical doctors? The relationship between physicians’ ethnicity, gender, and ratings on a physician rating website7
The effect of leader and follower extraversion on leader-member exchange: An interpersonal perspective incorporating power distance orientation7
Making data meaningful: guidelines for good quality open data7
Does personality “Trump” ideology? narcissism predicts support for Trump via ideological tendencies6
Latent profiles of multidimensional prosocial behaviors: An examination of prosocial personality groups6
Masking our risky behavior: how licensing and fear reduction reduce social distancing behavior6
The relationship between empathic concern and perceived personal costs for helping and how it is affected by similarity perceptions6
Differences among vegans, non-vegan vegetarians, pescatarians, and omnivores in perceived social disapproval and approval as a function of diet and source of treatment6
Attitudes towards favoring the fall of Tall Poppies: The role of Social Dominance Orientation, Authoritarianism, Political Ideologies, and Self-Esteem6
Social dominance orientation, belief in a just world and intergroup contact as predictors of homeless stigmatisation6
Violent media use and aggression: Two longitudinal network studies6
Proactive champions: how personal and organizational resources enable proactive personalities to become idea champions6
Evidence for a gender stereotype about psychology and its effect on perceptions of men’s and women’s fit in the field5
The ACME shop: A paradigm to investigate working (self-) objectification5
Feeling you, when you feel me: attachment, empathic concern, and interpersonal emotion regulation5
Biased perception of the environmental impact of everyday behaviors5
Multiracial individuals’ experiences of rejection and acceptance from different racial groups and implications for life satisfaction5
Criminalization as a justification for violence against the homeless in Hungary5
Toward whom does intergroup contact reduce prejudice? Exploring national majorities’ prejudice toward ethnic and migrant minorities5
Geographic distribution of prejudice toward African Americans: Applying the two-dimensional model5
I share because of who I am: values, identities, norms, and attitudes explain sharing intentions5
Assessing politicized gender identity: Validating the Feminist Consciousness Scale for men and women5
Vegan stereotypes and person perception in a job application situation – differences depending on the type of job and the gender of the candidate5
Regulatory focus and social reconnection following social exclusion5
A social exchange examination of upper-level management and supervisor organizational embodiment: the roles of supervisor psychological contract fulfillment and conscientiousness5
Traditionalism and victim blaming4
How do generalized reciprocity and negative reciprocity influence employees’ task performance differently? the mediating role of social exchange and the moderating role of emotional labor4
Gender differences in the physiological effects of emotional regulation4
The socio-psychological predictors of support for post-truth collective action4
“Meating halfway”: Exploring the attitudes of meat eaters, veg*ns, and occasional meat eaters toward those who eat meat and those who do not eat meat4
Multilevel homology and discontinuity of person–group fit on individual and team creativity4
How anxiety relates to blood donation intention of non-donors: the roles of moral disengagement and mindfulness4
Selecting the special or choosing the common? A high-powered conceptual replication of Kim and Markus’ (1999) pen study4
Identity fusion predicts violent pro-group behavior when it is morally justifiable4
Institutional trust and prosocial behavior in China: an experimental approach4
Workplace ostracism and organizational deviance: A self-regulatory perspective4
Genetic attributions and perceptions of naturalness are shaped by evaluative valence3
The broken trust: how exploitative leadership damages employee work passion3
Contact-implicit preference relationships: Two large sample tests3
The relationship between attitudes to human rights and to animal rights is partially mediated by empathy3
Factors impacting the experience of empathic distress in social anxiety: a path analysis approach3
But I have no time to read this article! A meta-analytic review of the consequences of employee time management behaviors3
Perceived proprietary right to resources and its role in reciprocal prejudices between Black and Asian Americans3
Millennials as organizational citizens: Conceptualization and measurement development3
Influence of Confucianism and Taoism on self-construal and thinking style: an intervention study3
Identity processes and food choice: predictors of dietary lapses among ethical and health vegans3
Bigger isn’t always better: an exploration of social perception bias against high levels of muscularity in women3
What black people value when white people confront prejudice3
Methods and measures in social and personality psychology: a comparison of JPSP publications in 1982 and 20163
Would that it were so simple: Dimensions of context diversity differentially relate to four implicit interethnic associations3
When and how to share? The role of inspiration3
Perceived economic inequality enlarges the perceived humanity gap between low- and high-socioeconomic status groups3
Psychological effects of reading: the role of nostalgia in re-reading favorite books3
Is intergroup discrimination triggered by vaccination status? Exploring some social aspects of vaccinations during the COVID-19 pandemic3
The influence of emotional salience on gaze behavior in low and high trait empathy: an exploratory eye-tracking study3
Receptivity to casual sexual requests3
Stress communication, communication satisfaction, and relationship satisfaction: an actor-partner interdependence mediation model3
From conservatism to support for gay conversion therapy: the role of prejudice and beliefs about same-sex sexuality3
No need to take what you already have: perspective taking’s effect on empathic concern for low-need targets3
When the going gets tough: Power affects the process of making tough decisions2
Perceived value threats are related to fear of health impairments2
Does diversity foster individualism? The relation of racial-ethnic diversity to individualism-collectivism across the 50 American States2
Indigenous Alaskan and mainstream identification explain the link between perceived discrimination and acculturative stress2
Autonomous motivation promotes goal attainment through the conscious investment of effort, but mental contrasting with implementation intentions makes goal striving easier2
More identified so less envious? On the links between different types of national identity and in-group envy2
A cautionary note on interpreting research findings in the presence of statistical suppression2
We only know that we don’t know: attachment patterns and psychological coping during the COVID-19 pandemic – the mediation role of intolerance of uncertainty2
Neighborhood ethnic composition and social identity threat: the mediating role of perceived discrimination2
The effects of listening with “time-sharing” on psychological safety and social anxiety: the moderating role of narcissism and depression2
Intuitive thinking impedes cooperation by decreasing cooperative expectations for pro-self but not for pro-social individuals2
The shame of implicit racial bias2
When the sun goes down: low political knowledge and high national narcissism predict climate change conspiracy beliefs2
Social exclusion enhances affiliative signaling2
Who is more willing to engage in social rejection? The roles of self-esteem, rejection sensitivity, and negative affect in social rejection decisions2
When a refusal turns into donation: the moderating effect of the initial position toward blood donation in the door-in-the-face effectiveness2
Getting the message across: flexitarians as messengers for meat reduction2
Toxic leadership as a predictor of physical and psychological withdrawal behaviours in the healthcare sector2
Meat and interpersonal motives: the case of self-enhancement2
Group membership moderates the process of making trust judgments based on facial cues2
Contingencies of self-worth and the strength of deontological and utilitarian inclinations2
Communicating beyond the information given can make the communicator’s attitudes toward a social group more extreme2
Time for you and for me: compassionate goals predict greater psychological well-being via the perception of time as nonzero-sum resources1
Expectations and experiences of screen time, social interaction, and solitude1
No evidence for modulation of facial mimicry by attachment tendencies in adulthood: an EMG investigation1
Self-protection predicts lower willingness to apologize1
Could directly shifting self-doubt mind-set reduce the negative effects of chronic self-doubt?1
Home alone yet optimistic: social identity management amidst comparative pessimism1
Are proactive employees proactive performers? the moderating role of supervisor-subordinate marital status similarity1
Gender ideology and fertility: evidence for a curvilinear hypothesis1
The nature of racial superhumanization bias1
The racial stereotype about mental illness1
Crying the pain away: the nature, measurement, and function of benign masochism1
Gender-based in-group social influence can lead women to view a hostile sexist attitude as less prejudiced and more true1
Power and the confrontation of sexism: the impact of measured and manipulated power on confronting behavior1
Romantic attachment and support adequacy in new mothers1
From an identity process theory perspective: a daily investigation of why and when ostracism triggers ingratiation1
How epidemic information and policy information impact anti-infection behaviors: a cross-cultural study under social influence framing1
The ways to avoid abusive supervision: the moderating effects of the characteristics of supervisors and subordinates on abusive supervision1
Supervisor–subordinate fit need for autonomy and subordinate job crafting: a moderated mediation model1
Factors that contribute to accurately perceiving anti-black racism and sexism overlap1
The satisfaction is mine: revenge seeking following extrinsic reward1
I hope my partner can make me change: expected relational self-changes and relational outcomes1
The traditional vegetarians – improving attitudes toward vegetarians through emphasizing similarities between vegetarianism and traditional fasting1
Factors influencing the update of beliefs regarding controversial political issues1
Risk-facing or risk-avoiding? Group loyalty encourages subordinates to tell the truth1
Causal Beliefs for Socioeconomic Status Attainment Scale: Development and Validation1
The guilt that guides me: religiosity, sex guilt, and the demonization of sex workers1
Please and no, thank you: politeness norms alter compliance more when refusing than when making or acquiescing to a request1
Rewarding valuable services and altruistic motives: gratitude and pay for essential workers during the Covid-19 pandemic1
Holding on & letting go: romantic attachment and fading affect bias1
Perceptions of women who confront hostile and benevolent sexism1
Women do not shy away from competition: Competition in same-gender and cross-gender friendship dyads1
The coping strategies of individuals in multiple jeopardy settings: the case of unemployed older women1
Anti-old and anti-youth attitudes among older adults: focusing on middle-aged and old age identity1
Asymmetric genetic attributions for one’s own prosocial versus antisocial behavior1
Individualistic powerfulness and collectivistic powerlessness corrupts: how power and cultural orientation influence corruption1
Autonomous communication with normative information facilitates positive spillover: promoting pro-environmental behaviors in a local setting1
Is your own team against you? Implicit bias and interpersonal regard in criminal defense1
Masking the truth: the impact of face masks on deception detection1
Perceptions of narcissism in college professors1
Are you advocating for me? Social penalties toward teachers that (dis)confirm gender stereotypes during the COVID-19 pandemic1