Journal of Small Animal Practice

(The TQCC of Journal of Small Animal Practice is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Retrospective evaluation of the ST segment electrocardiographic features in 180 healthy dogs60
Issue Information32
Placement, management and complications associated with peripheral intravenous catheter use in UK small animal practice28
Successful clinical management of canine intestinal lipogranulomatous lymphangitis through exclusive medical and nutritional treatment: four cases (2018‐2023)25
Clinical presentation, management and outcome of maxillofacial fractures in pet rabbits: 27 cases (2008‐2022)22
Frequency, breed predisposition and demographic risk factors for overweight status in dogs in theUK22
Issue Information19
A comparison of harmonic and traditional sharp staphylectomy techniques in 15 brachycephalic dogs19
Issue Information19
Multiplate platelet aggregometry in dogs undergoing laparoscopic liver biopsy for diagnosis of chronic hepatopathy17
Syringomyelia fluid flow on time‐spatial labeling inversion pulse (Time‐SLIP) images in a dog17
Adrenocortical hypoperfusion detected by contrast‐enhanced ultrasound in a dog with trilostane‐induced hypoadrenocorticism16
Evaluation of sources cited by an exotic animal formulary for supporting drug dosages and reference intervals in mammals16
Percutaneous shunt vessel embolisation with Amplatzer vascular plugs II and IV in the treatment of dogs with splenophrenic shunts: four cases (2019‐2022)14
Increased 18F‐fluorodeoxyglucose uptake mimicking malignant lung tumour in a cat with lipid pneumonia13
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Issue Information12
Migrating grass awn within the intraconal part of the retrobulbar space in a dog12
Response to “Further studies are needed to confirm that a cut‐off value for DGGR lipase that is significantly below the upper limit of the reference interval will achieve acceptable specificity”12
Placenta‐derived mesenchymal stromal cells as a treatment for refractory chronic gingivostomatitis in cats: eight cases (2018)11
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First report of suspected glycogen storage disease type 1a occurring in an adult dog10
Simple ectopic left kidney in the pelvic cavity in a cat10
Ultrasound‐guided transurethral urinary bladder biopsy using an endoscopic biopsy forceps in dogs: 27 cases (2016–2019)10
Atypical azygos continuation of the caudal vena cava in a dog10
Transversus abdominis muscle as a gastric or intestinal on‐lay flap in two dogs and one cat10
Two doses of subcutaneous methadone for postoperative analgesia in dogs undergoing tibial plateau levelling osteotomies10
Current evidence for non‐pharmaceutical, non‐surgical treatments of canine osteoarthritis9
Inverted V‐shaped extracapsular stabilisation technique and arthroscopic findings in six dogs with medial shoulder instability9
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Application of preputial tube‐flap urethroplasty to establish a neourethra in a male dog with complications after preputial urethrostomy8
A comparison of cytologic quality in fine‐needle specimens obtained with and without aspiration from superficial lymph nodes in the dog8
Feline cholangitis/cholangiohepatitis complex8
Evaluation of the quick sequential organ failure assessment score plus lactate in critically ill dogs8
One hundred years of insulin: Is it time for smart?8
Effect of hospitalisation on the rate of surgical site infection in dogs with Penrose drains8
Outcome of surgical treatment of perineal hernia in cats: 36 cases (2013‐2019)8
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Insights into the clinical presentation, diagnostics and outcome in dogs presenting with neurological signs secondary to infection with Neospora caninum: 41 cases (2014‐2023)7
The effect of myxomatous mitral valve disease severity on packed cell volume in dogs7
Congenital portopulmonary shunt in a cat7
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The 2023 World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA)6
Canine gastrointestinal stromal tumours treated with surgery and imatinib mesylate: three cases (2018‐2020)6
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Issue Information6
Response to “Limits to relying solely on pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic studies for an exotic animal formulary”6
Treatment of advanced‐stage canine nasal carcinomas with toceranib phosphate: 23 cases (2015–2020)6
Antibiotic therapy in dogs and cats in general practice in the United Kingdom before referral6
Successful management of aspiration pneumopathy without antimicrobial agents: 14 dogs (2014‐2021)6
Comparison of outcomes in dogs undergoing hiatal hernia repair with and without use of a gastropexy: 41 cases (2012‐2022)6
Clinical characterisation and long‐term survival of paediatric and juvenile lymphoma in cats: 33 cases (2008‐2022)6
Prevalence, association with systemic inflammatory response syndrome and outcome of stress hyperglycaemia in sick cats6
A retrospective study on bone metastasis in dogs with advanced‐stage solid cancer6
Diagnostic findings in sinonasal aspergillosis in dogs in the United Kingdom: 475 cases (2011–2021)5
Hemihydranencephaly in a cat5
Effect of intra‐articular platelet‐rich plasma or hyaluronic acid on limb function recovery in dogs withTPLOfor cranial cruciate ligament rupture: a randomised controlled trial5
Comparative accuracy of two veterinary‐calibrated point‐of‐care glucometers for measurement of blood glucose concentration in dogs5
Hypoadrenocorticism in dogs underUKprimary veterinary care: frequency, clinical approaches and risk factors5
Incidence and type of peripheral intravenous catheter complications documented in hospitalised dogs5
Prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility profile of uropathogens in dogs and cats with signs of urinary tract infection5
Suspected tick‐borne flavivirus meningoencephalomyelitis in dogs from the UK: six cases (2021)5
Adrenalectomy for the treatment of hypotension in a cat with phaeochromocytoma associated with caudal vena cava syndrome5
Prevalence of subclinical bactibilia in apparently healthy shelter dogs5
Prevalence of portal vein thrombosis detected by computed tomography angiography in dogs5
Desire for information and alternative therapies of pet owners is associated with empathy and partnership‐building of veterinarians5
Quality of amoxicillin/clavulanic acid oral formulations for intended veterinary use in the UK, Malaysia, Serbia and Thailand5
Prevalence of iatrogenic heart murmurs in a population of apparently healthy cats5
Feline pyothorax caused by tooth aspiration5
Epidemiology of Angiostrongylus vasorum and Crenosoma vulpis infection in dogs in Denmark4
Results of urinary bacterial cultures and antibiotic susceptibility testing of dogs and cats in the UK4
Clinical, imaging and rhinoscopy findings of dogs and cats with nasal foreign bodies presenting to a UK referral hospital: 71 cases (2010‐2022)4
Delayed post‐traumatic alopecia of the dorso‐lumbar area following a road accident in a cat without pelvic fracture4
British Small Animal Veterinary Association Annual General Meeting4
Diffuse muscular metastasis in a dog with a cutaneous mast cell tumour4
Surgical management of a cervical oesophageal duplication cyst with tracheal communication in a dog4
Feline chronic enteropathy4
Low serum adiponectin levels are associated with an increased risk of diabetes in obese dogs4
Diagnostic utility of canine cerebrospinal fluid preserved by 10% buffered formalin4
Fungal dysbiosis following antibacterial monotherapy in canine otitis externa4
Split staphylectomy to address soft palate thickness in brachycephalic dogs: 75 cases (2016‐2018)4
Artificial urethral sphincter in male dogs with urethral sphincter mechanism incompetence: 19 cases (2010–2017)4
Diagnosis, treatment and outcome of pheochromocytoma in a cat4
Long‐term clinical outcomes of healthy dogs with increased alanine aminotransferase4
Urinary extracellular vesicles as a source of protein‐based biomarkers in feline chronic kidney disease and hypertension4
Diagnosis and surgical management of an extraskeletal osteosarcoma of the brachial plexus in a Belgian shepherd dog4
Hypertrophic osteodystrophy in dogs4
Angiotensin‐converting enzyme inhibitors in preclinical myxomatous mitral valve disease in dogs: systematic review and meta‐analysis4
Histological and immunohistochemical features suggesting aetiological differences in lymph node and (muco)cutaneous feline tuberculosis lesions4
Clinical bleeding diathesis, laboratory haemostatic aberrations and survival in dogs infected with Angiostrongylus vasorum: 180 cases (2005‐2019)4
Further studies are needed to confirm that a cut‐off value for DGGR lipase that is significantly below the upper limit of the reference interval will achieve acceptable specificity4
Histologic findings of gastrointestinal biopsies and clinical outcome in dogs undergoing cholecystectomy for gallbladder mucoceles: 71 cases (2014‐2021)4
Post‐operative outcomes in canine eyes receiving a rhexis‐fixated prosthetic intra‐ocular lens: 30 cases (2014‐2020)4
Issue Information3
Healing of a large skin defect in a dog with concurrent ozonated olive oil application3
Infection rate treating radial and ulnar fractures using bone plate fixation without antibiotic prophylaxis3
Descriptive assessment of adverse events associated with midazolam‐etomidate versus saline‐etomidate in healthy hydromorphone premedicated dogs3
Diagnostic accuracy of ultrasonography to detect hepatic and splenic lymphomatous infiltration in dogs and cats3
Branchial cleft cyst‐like anomaly of the external auditory canal in a dog3
Endoscopic treatment of acute oropharyngeal stick injuries in dogs: 46 cases (2010‐2020)3
Evaluation of quick sequential organ failure scores in dogs with severe sepsis and septic shock3
Author Index3
2024 guidelines for the vaccination of dogs and cats – compiled by the Vaccination Guidelines Group (VGG) of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA)3
Time to treat the climate and nature crisis as one indivisible global health emergency3
Short‐ and long‐term outcomes of polyethylene band attenuation of congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunts in dogs: 60 cases (2010‐2020)3
Dietary management of chronic enteropathy in dogs3
Comparison of incidence of medial meniscal injury in small dogs (≤15 kg) and medium‐to‐large dogs (>15 kg) with naturally occurring cranial cruciate ligament disease undergoing tibial plateau level3
Standard tests of haemostasis do not predict elevated thromboelastographic maximum amplitude, an index of hypercoagulability, in sick dogs3
The efficacy of vapocoolant spray for the improved tolerance of catheter pain in emergency patients3
Short‐ and long‐term outcome in cats diagnosed with pyothorax: 47 cases (2009‐2018)3
Issue Information3
Clinical characteristics and long‐term outcome of E. coli‐associated granulomatous ileocolitis in dogs: five cases (2010‐2014)3
Comparison of sedation with dexmedetomidine/atipamezole administered subcutaneously at GV20 acupuncture point with usual routes of administration in dogs presented for orthopaedic radiograp3
Evaluation of haem dipstick pad, urine protein, urinepHand urine protein:creatinine ratio results as a marker of bacteriuria in dogs and cats with inactive urine sediment3
Meningeal null cell lymphoma causing diffuse pachymeningeal contrast enhancement in a dog3
Intravesical urinary bladder duplication in a dog3
Surgical removal of a jugular aneurysm in a spaniel cross dog3
Cutaneous Serratia marcescens infection in two dogs3
Auricular myoclonus associated with intra‐abdominal botryomycosis in a dog3
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Penetrating needle injury in the orbit of a Shiba Inu3
The indications, complications and outcomes of dogs undergoing partial penile amputation: 10 cases (2014‐2021)3
Pseudomembranous cystitis in a cat3
Issue Information2
Bronchoscopic findings in dogs with bronchial vegetal foreign bodies: 84 cases (2010‐2020)2
Generalised neuromuscular blockade after intraurethral administration of atracurium besilate in a male cat with urethral obstruction2
Myofascial pain syndrome in small animal practice2
Inverted supracondylar femoral dynamic compression plates for revision of construct failure following tibial cranial closing wedge ostectomy in three dogs2
Assessment of left atrial function using tissue motion annular displacement in healthy dogs2
Outcome of superficial brachial axial pattern flaps used to close skin defects in dogs: 16 cases (1996‐2019)2
Use of human intravenous immunoglobulin for the treatment of 12 dogs with newly diagnosed malignant disease and presumed secondary immune‐mediated thrombocytopenia2
Hypercalcaemia in association with Sertoli cell tumour in a dog2
Transient myocardial thickening after routine ovariohysterectomy in a 15‐month‐old Ragdoll cat2
Efficacy and tolerance of oral versus parenteral cyanocobalamin supplement in hypocobalaminaemic dogs with chronic enteropathy: a controlled randomised open‐label trial2
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Titanium mesh osteosynthesis for the treatment of severely comminuted maxillofacial fractures in four dogs2
Dorsal mediastinal haemorrhage in dogs: 4 cases (2010–2018)2
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Bone hemangiosarcoma in the calvarium of a dog2
Comparison of CPAP and oxygen therapy for treatment of postoperative hypoxaemia in dogs2
Minimally invasive technique to facilitate ultrasound‐guided removal of migrating foreign bodies: eight cases (2022)2
Combined transposition of internal obturator and superficial gluteal muscles for perineal hernia treatment in dogs: 17 cases (2017‐2020)2
Clinical use of a new frameless optical neuronavigation system for brain biopsies: 10 cases (2013–2020)2
The use of pain scales in small animal veterinary practices in the USA2
Lumbar traumatic hematomyelia in a young French bulldog2
Recurrence of signs consistent with cervical intervertebral disc extrusion in dogs2
Near‐infrared fluorescent image‐guided lymph node dissection compared with locoregional lymphadenectomies in dogs with mast cell tumours2
Ethmoidal and maxillary nerve block versus systemic opioid administration during rhinoscopy in dogs: a non‐randomised clinical trial2
Assessment of gastrointestinal health in racing Alaskan sled dogs using capsule endoscopy and inflammatory cytokines2
A survey on Shar Pei autoinflammatory disease in the United Kingdom2
Bronchocutaneous fistula in a dog2
Radiographic and MRI findings of a complex cervical vertebral malformation in a French bulldog2
Investigation of the association between gall bladder wall thickness and hypoalbuminaemia in dogs2
Outcome of chronic inflammatory enteropathy in cats: 65 cases (2011‐2021)2
Prevalence and risk factors for gingivitis in a cohort of UK companion cats aged up to 6 years2
Hypocobalaminaemia in dogs with acute gastrointestinal diseases2
Finney and Jaboulay pyloroplasties for the treatment of benign gastric outlet lesions in dogs and cats: technique and outcome in 13 cases (2015‐2024)2
Diagnostic validation of vertebral heart score machine learning algorithm for canine lateral chest radiographs2
Acquired partial lower urinary tract obstruction caused by intravesical ureterocele in an adult dog2
Outcome of dogs and cats with benign oesophageal strictures after balloon dilatation or stenting: 27 cases (2002–2019)2
Retrospective analysis of the incidence and clinicopathological findings associated with ammonium urate urolithiasis in dogs with congenital portosystemic shunts: 363 cases (2010‐2023)2
Magnetic resonance imaging findings in dogs with steroid‐responsive meningitis‐arteritis in the UK and their clinical significance: 53 cases (2013‐2021)2
Prescribing habits for the use of omeprazole as a gastroprotectant in dogs in a veterinary teaching hospital2
Treatment of sacro‐coccygeal intervertebral disc extrusion causing tail paresis and faecal incontinence in a dog2
Evaluation of owners’ attitudes towards veterinary insurance in a specialty hospital2
Issue Information2
Diagnostic imaging findings in a referral population of dogs diagnosed with immune‐mediated haemolytic anaemia: 50 cases (2015‐2018)2
Histopathological frequency of canine hepatobiliary disease in the United Kingdom2