Journal of Ship Research

(The median citation count of Journal of Ship Research is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Optimization of Ship Propellers Under Consideration of the Acoustic Emission Based on Partitioned Fluid–Structure Interaction Simulations38
Effect of Ventilation on Cavity Formation on Stepped Planing Hulls23
Real-Time Identification of Parametric Roll14
Large Two-Stroke Marine Diesel Engine Operation with a High-Pressure SCR System in Heavy Weather Conditions14
Applicability of Current Statutory Rules for Stability Requirements of Bangladesh Inland Passenger Vessels12
Hydrodynamic Forces of DP Jack-Up Leg when Operating in Vicinity of Seabed11
The Effect of the Second-order Difference-frequency Wave Force on the Motions of an Underwater Vehicle Near the Surface8
Numerical and Experimental Study on Dynamic Response Mitigation of Tension Leg Platform Using Tuned Mass Damper8
Risk Assessment Based on KDE of Ship Collision Candidates for Ship Routing Waterway6
Effects of Hook, Interceptor, and Water Jets on LCS Resistance/Power, Sinkage, and Trim5
Experimental Investigation of Paint Roughness on the Resistance of a Flat Plate5
Optimal Design of Propulsion System Configuration for Electrically Propelled Unmanned Surface Vehicle4
Propeller and Engine Performance of Commercial Windships: Benefits and Trade-Offs4
Study on Torsional Vibration Response Characteristics of Marine Propulsion Shafting3
Developing a Spatial Framework for Ship Vulnerability Assessment Based on Category Theory3
The Effect of Surge on Extreme Wave Impacts and an Insight into Clustering3
The Modeling and Optimal Control of a Hybrid Propulsion System for an Ice-Capable Tanker3
Study on Dynamic Positioning Capacity Analysis Method Considering Wind Shielding Effect of Offshore Structure3
Marine Propulsion Shafting: A Study of Whirling Vibrations2
A Method for Optimizing the Hull Form of Fishing Vessels2
Analysis of Variational Autoencoders for Imputing Missing Values from Sensor Data of Marine Systems2
Hydroelastic Modeling of Wet Deck Slamming on Multihull Vessels2
A Vulnerability Criterion of Dynamic Instability for Ship Course-Keeping in Following Waves1
Theoretical Investigations on Slamming of Cone-Shaped Bodies1
Determination of Maneuvering Force Coefficients for a Destroyer Model with OpenFOAM1
Research on the Algorithm of Weighing Optimization System Based on Finite Element Analysis1
Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Effect of Hull Roughness on Ship Resistance1
Flow Visualization, Hydrodynamics, and Structural Response of a Flexible Wedge in Water Entry Experiments1
A New Function for Frequency Analysis in the Risk Assessment of Offshore Oil-Related Platforms1
Operation of T-Foils and Stern Tabs to Improve Passenger Comfort on High-Speed Ferries1
Algebraic Surfaces with Three Super Ellipses for Formation of Submarine Hull Surfaces1
Research on the Installation and Alignment Method of Ship Multi-support Bearings Based on Different Confidence-Level Training Samples1
Study on the Transition Process of Normal Shutdown of Large Vertical Submersible Mixed Flow Pump Unit1
Dynamic Hull Vane—A Solution for Active Pitch Motion Reduction and Resistance Reduction of Ships1