Journal of Research in Science Teaching

(The TQCC of Journal of Research in Science Teaching is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Young children's translanguaging as emergent in and through open‐ended science pedagogies45
Bilingual, Black, Indigenous, and People of Color teacher candidates' translanguaging selves: Working with their multilingual assets and identities as future elementary science teachers41
Toward pedagogías entrenzadas: Braiding critical and asset‐based pedagogies of sciences, languages, and cultural responsiveness33
How do thinking styles and STEM attitudes have effects on computational thinking? A structural equation modeling analysis28
Qualitatively recognizing the dimensions of student environmental identity development within the classroom context28
“So, we kind of started from scratch, no pun intended”: What can students learn from designing games?26
A proficiency model for pre‐service physics teachers' pedagogical content knowledge (PCK)—What constitutes high‐level PCK?25
Guiding student transduction in elementary school astronomy24
Engaging the racist science of human intelligence: Towards a more just science education future23
High school students' out‐of‐school science participation: A latent class analysis and unique associations with science aspirations and achievement21
Preparing students for the modern information landscape and navigating science–technology–society issues19
Justice‐centered STEM education with multilingual learners to address societal challenges: A conceptual framework18
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Issue Information18
Toward decolonizingSTEM: Centering place and sense of place forcommunity‐based problem‐solving17
Unpacking the connections between 8th graders' climate literacy and epistemic cognition17
“I see myself as a STEM person”: Exploring high school students' self‐identification with STEM17
Equity analysis of an augmented reality‐mediated group activity in a college biochemistry classroom16
Issue Information16
The culturally responsive science teaching practices of undergraduate biology teaching assistants16
Using automated analysis to assess middle school students' competence with scientific argumentation15
Effectiveness of inquiry‐based science laboratories for improving teamwork and problem‐solving skills and attitudes15
To know about science is to love it? Unraveling cause–effect relationships between knowledge and attitudes toward science in citizen science on urban wildlife ecology15
Effectiveness of conceptual change strategies in science education: A meta‐analysis15
What affects the continued learning about energy? Evidence from a 4‐year longitudinal study15
“It is what it is”: Using Storied‐Identity and intersectionality lenses to understand the trajectory of a young Black woman's science and math identities14
Characterizing conceptual understanding during design‐based learning: Analyzing students' design talk and drawings using the chemical thinking framework13
Science education for and as resiliency through indoor agriculture13
Validity aspects in measuring evolution acceptance: Evidence from surveys of preservice biology teachers and creationists13
Open for whom? The need to define open science for science education13
Reasons for not/choosing chemistry: Why advanced level chemistry students in England do/not pursue chemistry undergraduate degrees13
Secondary science teachers' conceptualizations and modifications to support equitable participation in a co‐designed computational thinking lesson12
A review of literature that uses the lens of the next generation science crosscutting concepts: 2012–201912
“Well that's how the kids feel!”—Epistemic empathy as a driver of responsive teaching12
Are there any “science people” in undergraduate health science courses? Assessing science identity among pre‐nursing and pre‐allied health students in a community college setting12
Instructor recommendations for student learning strategies and metacognition: An analysis of undergraduate biology syllabi12
Designing a framework for teachers' integration of computational thinking into elementary science12
Asset and deficit discourses of student ideas in science formative assessment co‐design11
The interplay between students' motivational profiles and science learning11
Issue Information11
How stereotypes and relationships influence women and underrepresented minority students' fit in engineering11
Investigating the dimensions of modeling competence among preservice science teachers: Meta‐modeling knowledge, modeling practice, and modeling product11
Middle school students' use of the energy concept to engage in new learning: What ideas matter?11
Rebuilding relations and countering erasure through community‐driven and owned science: A key tool to Inuit self‐determination and social transformations11
A structural model of student experiences in a career‐forward chemistry laboratory curriculum11
Effect of design‐based learning on achievement in K‐12 education: A meta‐analysis10
Examining key capitals contributing to students' science‐related career expectations and their relationship patterns: A machine learning approach10
Promoting teachers' advocacy and agency for equity in STEM education through research and reflection10
Issue Information10
AI and formative assessment: The train has left the station10
Exploring new depths: Applying machine learning for the analysis of student argumentation in chemistry10
STEM Teacher Characteristics and Mobility: Longitudinal Evidence From the American Midwest, 2010 Through 202310
Preservice teachers' framing and noticing of elementary students' ways of communicating scientific ideas10
Students' situational engagement profiles in formal and informal science learning environments10
“Getting along” and “using evidence”: Elementary engineering as contentious practice10
Translanguaging in US K–12 science and engineering education: A review of the literature through the lens of equity10
Conceptual contamination: Investigating the impact of misinformation on conceptual change and inoculation strategies9
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Issue Information9
Understandings entrenzados: A commentary9
Including teachers in the social justice equation of project‐based learning: A response to Lee & Grapin9
Examining the interdependence in the growth of students' language and argument competencies in replicative and generative learning environments9
Multilingual learners' epistemologies in practice in the context of computational modeling in an elementary science classroom8
“We are sorry to inform you…”—The effects of early elimination on science competition participants’ career aspirations8
Science teachers' beliefs about teaching and learning related to content and procedural goals8
Artificial intelligence and the Journal of Research in Science Teaching8
Portraying secondary science teacher retention with the person‐position framework: An analysis of a state cohort of first‐year science teachers8
Prioritizing emotion objects in making sense of student learning of socioscientific issues8
Declining interest in science in lower secondary school classes: Quasi‐experimental and longitudinal evidence on the role of teaching and teaching quality8
Presenting domain information or self‐exploration to foster hypothesis generation in simulation‐based inquiry learning7
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Issue Information7
Syrian refugee youths' science learning in a “dialogic” third space: Pushing boundaries in the Lebanese educational system through translanguaging7
Infrastructural injustices in community‐driven afterschoolSTEAM7
Breaking down the STEM pathway: Utilizing neighborhood resources to improve Mexican‐origin adolescents' life chances7
Finding the variables that react: Relationships between ability beliefs and student achievement in an inquiry‐based introductory chemistry laboratory course7
TRANSforming language use in science education through trans and queer studies7
Issue Information7
Preservice elementary teachers' perceptions of their science laboratory instructors in a phenomena‐based laboratory and how it impacts their conceptual development7
The impact of Geospatial Inquiry lessons on student interest in science and technology careers7
African American Language in science education: A translanguaging perspective7
Making an impression: What do students who attended an informal evolution enrichment program in the sixth‐grade recall from the experience 3 years later?6
A (TRANS)formative approach to gender‐inclusive science education6
The Nature of Scientific Explanation: Examining the perceptions of the nature, quality, and “goodness” of explanation among college students, science teachers, and scientists6
Savviness of sixth graders: Student perspectives about translanguaging during science formative assessment6
“Why am I here?”: A phenomenological exploration of first‐generation college student experiences in STEM majors within a predominantly white institution6
Going beyond #RetireELL: A call for anti‐colonial approaches to languages in STEM education6
The sense that we're invisible: A longitudinal analysis of diverse women's experiences with structural violence in biomedical doctoral programs6
Exposing the hazards of teaching 19th century genetic science6
Belonging in science classrooms: Investigating its relation to students' contributions and influence in knowledge building6
Students' awareness and conceptions of science‐related communication mechanisms on social media6