Journal of Religion & Health

(The TQCC of Journal of Religion & Health is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Taking the Divinity from the Divine: The Interaction Between Death Concerns and Religiosity on the Evaluation of a Human Jesus71
Healthcare Chaplaincy and District Health Board Spiritual Care Policy in Aotearoa NZ: Review and Recommendations62
Transmission Analysis of COVID-19 Outbreaks Associated with Places of Worship, Arkansas, May 2020–December 202054
The Development of a Novel Suicide Postvention Healing Model for Muslim Communities in the United States of America43
A Framework for Examining Bioethical Issues from a Sunni Perspective: Maslaha38
Faith Activities in the Home Scale: A Validity and Reliability Study in Turkey36
Spirituality in Parkinson’s Disease within a Sample from the USA32
Equipping Faith-Based Communities for Cancer Support Ministry: A Pilot Study of Cancer Support Training for Members of African-American Churches in the USA32
Implementation of a Faith Community Nursing Transition of Care Program in the USA: A Propensity Score Matching Analysis30
Retraction Note: Spirituality in Indian University Students and Its Associations with Socioeconomic Status, Religious Background, Social Support, and Mental Health29
Correction to: Spirituality, Spiritual Distress and Experiences of Joy, Meaning and Growth Among Parkinson’s Disease Caregivers in the United States27
Intercessory Rote Prayer, Life Longevity and the Mortality of Roman Catholic Bishops: An Exploratory Study27
The Association Between Individualised Religiosity and Health Behaviour in Denmark: Are Social Networks a Mediating Factor?26
Determining the Effects of Ramadan Fasting on Risky Behaviors of Turkish Nursing Students26
The Relationship Between Religious Coping, Spirituality, and Disease Self-Management Among Parkinson’s Patients in Turkey24
The Relationship Between Religious Attitude, Compassion and Spiritual Care in Nursing Students: The Case of Türkiye24
Association between Religiousness and Quality of Life among Patients in Brazil diagnosed with Idiopathic Parkinson's Disease23
“There for The Right Reasons”: New Zealand Early Childhood Professionals’ Sense of Calling, Life Goals, Personal and Spiritual Values23
The Effect of Religious–Spiritual Education and Care on the Quality of Life of Iranian Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis23
Clergy-Perpetrated Sexual Abuse in Ghana: A Media Content Analysis of Survivors, Offenders, and Offence Characteristics22
Dyadic Peer Support to Improve Diet and Physical Activity Among African American Church Members: An Exploratory Study22
Effect of Perceived Social Support on Self-care Agency and Loneliness Among Elderly Muslim People22
Spirituality and Well-Being of Children, Adolescent, and Adult Students: A Scientific Mapping of the Literature21
Theravada Buddhism and Roman Catholicism on the Moral Permissibility of Palliative Sedation: A Blurred Demarcation Line21
Factors Influencing Military Personnel Utilizing Chaplains: A Literature Scoping Review21
Family Planning Attitudes, Religious Orientation and Fatalistic Tendency Levels: A Descriptive-Correlational Study in Turkey21
Spirituality and Spiritual Distress in Parkinson’s Disease Caregivers: A Scoping Review20
Childhood Maltreatment and Spiritual Well-Being: Intolerance of Uncertainty and Emotion Regulation as Mediators in Turkish Sample19
Does Religion Matter to Employment Protection? Evidence from Chinese Private Firms19
Spirituality Influences Emotion Regulation During Grief Talk: The Moderating Role of Prolonged Grief Symptomatology19
Beneficial Effects of Spiritual Experiences and Existential Aspects of Life Satisfaction of Breast and Lung Cancer Patients in Poland: A Pilot Study18
Striving for Personal Perfection: Rudolf Allers’s Psycho-Ethic-Metaphysical Approach to Character and Self-Improvement18
Medicine in Between: Thomas Wolfe, Spirituality, and the Meaning of Life18
Explaining US Adolescent Depressive Symptom Trends Through Declines in Religious Beliefs and Service Attendance18
Religiosity and Spirituality in Latinx Individuals with Substance Use Disorders: Association with Treatment Outcomes in a Randomized Clinical Trial17
Effect of Spiritual Care Based on the Sound Heart Model on Spiritual Experiences of Hemodialysis Patients17
Religious Belief Among Women in Australia: Characteristics and Role in Influencing Children’s Health-Related Quality of Life and Lifestyle17
Anxiety Reactions and Coping Modalities with the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study Comparing a Population of Religious Patients with Mental Illness and their Health Caregivers17
Religious and Spiritual Practices: Association with Dispositional Optimism in an Underprivileged Population in Lascano, Uruguay16
Religion and the Risks of Sexually Transmissible Infections: Evidence from Britain16
The Relationship Between Religiousness/Spirituality and Psychometric Intelligence in the United States16
Spirituality, Intolerance and Fear of COVID-19: Psychological Distress Among Older Adults in Pakistan15
The Effects of Spiritual Care with and Without Aromatherapy on the Sleep Quality of Prisoners Referred to the Emergency Department of the Prison Clinic in Iran: A Randomized Clinical Trial15
Developing a Suicide Crisis Response Team in America: An Islamic Perspective15
Psychometric Properties of the Haitian Creole Brief Religious Coping Scale (RCOPE) with a Sample of Adult Haitians Impacted by the 2010 Earthquake15
Spiritual Experiences of Portuguese Women Who had a Water Birth15
Health, Religiosity and Hatred: A Study of the Impacts of COVID-19 on World Jewry15
Existential meaning, spiritual unconscious and spirituality in Viktor Frankl15
Religiosity and Religious Coping in Patients with COPD: A Cross-Sectional Comparison Between Brazil and the Netherlands and Associations with Physical and Psychological Health15
Assessment of Compassion Fatigue and Empathy Levels in Nurses During the COVID-19 Outbreak: Turkey’s Case15
The Relationship Between Turkish Nursing Students' Perceptions of Spiritual Care and their Attitudes Towards Death15
Religious Identity and its Relation to Health-Related Quality of Life and COVID-Related Stress of Refugee Children and Adolescents in Germany15
Reflection on Ramadan Fasting Research Related to Sustainable Development Goal 3 (Good Health and Well-Being): A Bibliometric Analysis14
Throw BABE Out With the Bathwater? Canadian Atheists are No Less Healthy than the Religious14
Development and Preliminary Validation of the Divine Connectedness Scale in the USA14
Cross-Cultural Validation and the Psychometric Properties of the Korean Version of the Brief Religious Coping Scale14
Suicide Across Buddhism, American Indian–Alaskan Native, and African Traditional Religions, Atheism and Agnosticism: An Updated Systematic Review14
The Role of Spirituality in Stroke Survivors and Their Caregivers: A Systematic Review14
The Experience Sampling Method: A New Way of Assessing Variability of the Emotional Dimensions of Religiosity and Spirituality in a Dutch Psychiatric Population14
COVID-19, Religious Coping, and Weight Change in the Orthodox Jewish Community13
“Embracing The Faith”: The Contribution of Islamic Beliefs on the Provision of Care for People with Parkinson’s Disease in New Zealand and Indonesia13
A Rejoinder to Otaiku: Religiosity and Risk of Parkinson’s Disease in England and the USA—The Health Determinants of Spirituality, Religiosity and the Need for State of the Art Research13
A Dutch Study of Remarkable Recoveries After Prayer: How to Deal with Uncertainties of Explanation13
Examining Nursing Students’ Perspectives on Cancer through Metaphors in Turkey13
The Association Between Personal, Affective, and Cognitive Factors and Suicide Risk Among Muslims in Turkey13
Examining the Psychological and Spiritual Well-Being of Older Adult Individuals with Rheumatoid Arthritis in Turkey13
Religious Beliefs, Trust In Public Figures, And Adherence to COVID-19 Health Guidelines among American Orthodox and Non-Orthodox Jews13
Moral Injury and its Correlates among Iranian Nurses in the Second Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multicenter Cross-Sectional Study13
Spiritual Intelligence as a Coping Strategy to Manage Job Stress for Midwives in Northern Iran: A Cross-Sectional Study12
The Interplay Between Workplace Incivility, Religiosity and Well-Being: Insights from Jordan and the United Arab Emirates12
Strength of Religious Faith and Attitude Towards Euthanasia Among Medical Professionals and Opinion Makers12
An Online Survey of Australian Medical Students’ Perspectives on Spiritual History Taking and Spiritual Care12
Spiritually Well, Mentally Well? Examining the Early Life Religious Antecedents of the Impact of Spiritual Well-Being on Mental Health Among United Methodist Clergy in North Carolina12
Servant Leadership and Spirituality Among Undergraduate and Graduate Nursing Students12
Reimagining a Healthcare Ethics for Persons with Parkinson’s Disease: Fostering Compassionate Care Through a Culture of Encounter12
Development and Validation of Tawakkul Scale for Muslim Adults in Pakistan12
Geographies of Care: The Catholic Church in Poland’s Assistance to Refugees from Ukraine During Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine12
Australian Catholics’ Lived Experiences of COVID-19 Church Closures12
Why Chaplaincy at Asylum Centers is a Good Idea: A Care Ethics Perspective on Spiritual Care for Refugees12
Prayers and Mindfulness in Relation to Mental Health among First-Generation Immigrant and Refugee Muslim Women in the USA: An Exploratory Study11
Theophrastus Bombastus Von Hohenheim: Theological Reformer, Philosopher and Physician11
The Spiritual and Religious Coping of Mothers with Disabled Children in Turkey: Correlation Between Stress Coping Styles and Self-Efficacy11
Spiritual Caregiving and Assessments for America’s Religious ‘Nones’: A Chaplaincy Perspective11
“We Need a Song of Hope”: Responding to the COVID-19 Informational and Psychospiritual Needs of Residents of a Gated Community in the Philippines11
Impact of Religious Activities on Quality of Life and Cognitive Function Among Elderly11
Religious Experience as a Predictor of the Meaning in Life and Life Satisfaction in the Lives of Polish Women after a Stillbirth11
Knowledge and Attitude of Society Concerning Organ Donation in Turkey11
Theory and Meditation of Confucian Mindfulness: Analysis Based on the Concept of Vigilance in Solitude in Chinese Confucianism11
Death Be Not Proud: A Commentary on Muslim Acceptance of Death in the Intensive Care Unit11
Post-traumatic Growth in Cancer Patients: A Correlational Study in Turkey11
COVID-19, Moral Injury and the Bhagvad Gita10
Addressing Accessibility Within the Church: Perspectives of People with Disabilities10
Understanding and Addressing Morally Injurious Events of Healthcare Chaplains in Texas: Insights for Health and Well-Being10
Human Dignity and Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: A Basis for a Catholic Ethics on AI10
Depression in the African American Christian Community: Examining Denominational and Gender Differences10
Health Professionals’ Approaches to Spirituality and Religiosity in Brazil: A Study Based on Item Response Theory10
Emotions, Religious Faith, and Coping Strategies of Ukrainians at the Beginning of the 2022 Russo–Ukraine War: A Qualitative Study10
Religious and Medical Pluralism Among Traditional Healers in Johannesburg, South Africa10
The Relationship Between Religious Orientation and Death Anxiety in Iranian Muslim Patients with Cancer: The Mediating Role of Hope10
The Effect of an Islamic-Based Intervention on Depression and Anxiety in Malaysia10
Religion, Spirituality, and Health Revisited: Bringing Mainline Western Protestant Perspectives Back into the Discourse—Theology’s “Seat at the Table”10
Religion, Religiosity, and Smoking Among Older Adults: Results from the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Aging (ELSI-Brazil), 2019–202110
Religion, Spirituality, Well-Being and Praying the Rosary: Results of a Cross-Sectional Study from Germany10
Nonordinary Experiences, Well-being and Mental Health: A Systematic Review of the Evidence and Recommendations for Future Research9
Take Me to (the Empty) Church? Social Networks, Loneliness and Religious Attendance in Young Polish Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic9
Complementary, Traditional and Spiritual Practices Used by Cancer Patients in Turkey When Coping with Pain: An Exploratory Case Study9
Spiritual Well-being, Diabetes Burden, Self-management, and Glycemic Control Among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes in Turkey: A Descriptive and Correlational Study9
Black Pastors’ Experiences of Occupational and Life Stress During COVID-19 in the USA9
Healthcare Chaplaincy for Geriatric Patients: A Quasi-Experimental Study into the Outcomes of Catholic Chaplaincy Interventions in Belgium9
“Everything is Either Sent by God or Used by God”: An Exploratory Study on the Impact of COVID-19 Upon the Religious Lives of Black Families Living with Dementia9
The Relationship Between Spirituality and Hopelessness Among Cancer Patients in Turkey9
The Association of Religion and Spirituality with Obesity and Weight Change in the USA: A Large-Scale Cohort Study9
The Effect of Calligraphy as an Art Therapy Intervention Containing Religious Motifs, on the Anxiety and Depression in Adolescent Psychiatric Patients9
Needs Analysis for The Development of a Manual in Palliative Care for Malaysia: An Islamic Psychospiritual Approach9
Adolescent Gender and Age Differences in Religiously and Spiritually Motivated Types of Forgiveness and the Relationship to Depressive Symptoms9
Spiritual Well-Being and Hopelessness Levels in Individuals Who Have Experienced Myocardial Infarction in Turkey8
Investigation of Hope and Spiritual Well-Being Levels among Relatives of Intensive Care Patients in Turkey8
Breast Cancer Worry in U.S. Female First-degree Relatives: Moderating Role of Daily Spiritual Experiences8
Religious Coping and Fatalism on Perception of Care Burden in Caregivers of Patients with Cerebral Palsy in Turkey: A Cross-Sectional and Correlational Study8
Exploring Women’s Religious Coping Strategies and Psychological Impact After the 2023 Earthquake in Syria8
Experiences of Awe and Gratitude and Related Triggers Among Religious Brothers and Sisters: Findings from a Cross-Sectional Study in Germany8
Beyond Belief and Practice: An Exploratory Literature Review and Discussion of the Differential Impact of Spirituality and Religiosity on Mental Health Disorders8
Silent Mourning: Infant Death and Caring for Iranian Parents Under the Influence of Religious and Socio-cultural Factors8
Religious Doctrine and Attitudes Toward Vaccination in Jewish Law8
Do Ultra-Orthodox Israeli Jews Suffer more than Secular Israeli Jews from Obesity? Gender, Cohort Effect and the Yule–Simpson Paradox8
Sin in the Digital Flesh? Religiosity and the Sexting Behavior of Women and Men in the United States8
Care of the Aged, Women’s Health, and Measuring Religion, Spirituality and Health8
Role of Religious Leaders in COVID-19 Prevention: A Community-Level Prevention Model in Sri Lanka8
Divine Forgiveness and Well-being Among Emerging Adults in the USA8
The Relationship Between Preparedness for Caregiving and Spiritual Well-Being in the Carers of Stroke Patients: A Case Study in Türkiye8
The Effect of Spiritual Well-being on Hope in Immobile Patients Suffering From Paralysis Due to Spinal Cord Injuries8
Attachment to God, Contingent Self-Worth, and Mental Health Outcomes in U.S. Collegiate Athletes8
Trait Courage, Attachment to God, and Mental Well-Being Among U.S. Collegiate Athletes8
The Forgiveness Interview Protocol: A Narrative Therapy Writing-Process Model for the Treatment of Moral Injury8
Divine Control Beliefs, Health Locus of Control, and Subjective Life Expectancy in the United States8
Not Only Coping: Resilience and Its Sources from a Thomistic Perspective7
A Bibliometric Analysis of the Journal of Religion and Health: Sixty Years of Publication (1961–2021)7
Religious Beliefs Shaping Health Care and Transforming Health Concepts: The Case of Shanghai7
Moral Injury and the Absurd: The suffering of moral paradox7
Experiences Related to Patients and Families’ Expression of Spiritual Needs or Spiritual Support Within Healthcare Settings During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Scoping Review7
Contending with Spiritual Reductionism: Demons, Shame, and Dividualising Experiences Among Evangelical Christians with Mental Distress7
The Moral Injury Experience Wheel: An Instrument for Identifying Moral Emotions and Conceptualizing the Mechanisms of Moral Injury7
The Effect of Spiritual Well-Being on Self-care Agency in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Patients in Turkey: The Mediating Role of Psychological Resilience7
Breast Cancer in Two Ex-Votos, A Millennia Apart: Patients' Hope and Faith Expressed Through the Centuries in Votive Offerings7
The Relationship Between Religious/Spiritual Beliefs and Subjective Well-Being: A Case-Based Comparative Cross-National Study7
Postsecular, Christian, or Humanistic Spirituality in Social Work within Secular Europe7
A State of Grace: Community, Self-Consciousness, and Faith in W.H. Auden’s “The Age of Anxiety”7
The Impact of COVID-19 on Pilgrimages and Religious Tourism in Europe During the First Six Months of the Pandemic7
Experiences and Perceived Effects of Rosary Praying: A Qualitative Study7
Religiosity, Religious Coping and Distress Among Outpatients with Psychosis in Singapore7
The Effect of Spiritual Care on Anxiety and Depression Level in Patients Receiving Hemodialysis Treatment: a Randomized Controlled Trial7
Dungaw: Re-imagined Religious Expression in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic7
Light Personality Style and Moral Injury Among Chinese Health Professionals7
Down but Never Out! Narratives on Mental Health Challenges of Selected College Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Philippines: God, Self, Anxiety, and Depression7
Turning to Religion During COVID-19 (Part I): A Systematic Review, Meta-analysis and Meta-regression of Studies on the Relationship Between Religious Coping and Mental Health Throughout COVID-197
Exploring the Physiological and Psychological Effects of Group Chanting in Australia: Reduced Stress, Cortisol and Enhanced Social Connection7
The Top 100 Most-Cited Articles on Religion from 2010 to 2023: A Bibliometric and Altmetric Analysis7
The Effect of Religious–Spiritual Psychotherapy on Illness Perception and Inner Strength among Patients with Breast Cancer in Iran7
Spiritual Needs of the Muslim Elderly Living in Nursing Homes: A Qualitative Study7
The Pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago and Its Impacts on Marital and Familial Relationships: An Exploratory Study7
Sad Eyes, Crooked Crosses: Religious Struggles, Psychological Distress and the Mediating Role of Psychosocial Resources7
Tribal Healing, Suicide, Ethical Issues, Cancer and Measuring Religiosity and Spirituality7
Intensive Care Nurses’ Pain Management Experiences within the Framework of the Biopsychosocial-Spiritual Model in Türkiye: A Qualitative Approach6
Living Arrangements and Subjective Well-Being of Elderly Chinese Tibetan People: The Mediating Role of Religion6
Methodological Exclusion of the Transcendent? Implications for Theory and Research in Religion, Spirituality and Health6
The Impact of Negative Moral Character on Health and the Role of Spirituality: A Narrative Literature Review6
Reincarnation Beliefs and Suicidality: Social, Individual and Theological Factors6
Correction: The Impact of Faith‑Based Pastoral Care in Decreasingly Religious Contexts: The Australian Chaplaincy Advantage in Critical Environments6
An Exploratory Qualitative Analysis of the Stanford-Templeton Convenings on Islam and Suicide6
Correction to: Black Male Mental Health and the Black Church: Advancing a Collaborative Partnership and Research Agenda6
Who do you Prefer to Take Care of you: A Jewish or an Arab Nurse? Nationality and Religion Preferences in Israeli Hospitals6
Correction to: Who do you Prefer to Take Care of you: A Jewish or an Arab Nurse? Nationality and Religion Preferences in Israeli Hospitals6
Moral Injury, Betrayal and Retribution: Australian Veterans and the Role of Chaplains6
The study of a Christian 12-Step Program for Christian Smartphone-Addicted Adolescents: A Biblical Perspective6
Psychometric Evaluation of the Spiritual Perspective Scale in Palliative Care Nurses in China6
Psychometric Properties of the Spiritual Care Needs Scale for the 9–18 Age Group in Turkey6
The Effect of Listening to the Recitation of the Surah Al-Inshirah on Labor Pain, Anxiety and Comfort in Muslim Women: A Randomized Controlled Study6
Religious and Spiritual Practices Used by Children and Adolescents to Cope with Cancer6
The REBOOT First Responders Program: Insights of U.S. Graduates6
The Dropsy of Popes (1555–1978): A Bad Prognostic Sign Foreboding of Death6
Correction: Schizophrenia or possession6
Interfaith Collaboration: Boundary Crossing in a Participatory Action Research Project with Health Care Chaplains in The Netherlands6
“Religious Coping Fosters Mental Health”: Does Psychological Capital Enable Pakistani Engineers to Translate Religious Coping into Mental Wellbeing?6
ACTing Spiritually: Integrating Spiritual Care and Mental Health Care within a US Department of Veterans Affairs Inpatient Psychiatric Unit6
Initial Development and Validation of a Brief Scale to Measure Genuine Happiness in the USA6
Coping with Anxiety During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of Academics in the Muslim World6
Spirituality and the Use of Psychoactive Substances: The Perspective of Polish Students 6
The Ignatian Examen in Medical Practice: A Model for Clinicians6
The Effect of Spiritual Orientations and Religious Attitudes on Coping with the Difficulties Encountered by Family Caregivers of People with Parkinson’s Disease in Türkiye6
Religion, Islam, and Compliance with COVID-19 Best Practices6
Faith-Based Organizations’ Support of Veteran Congregants at Risk for Mental Health Conditions and Suicide: A Qualitative Study of Clergy Experiences in Los Angeles County6
Guidelines for Caring for Incapacitated Teachers and Students at Former Jesuit Colleges in Europe6
The Spiritual Well-Being Scale in the Polish Catholic Setting: Construct, Structure, and Relationships with Psychological Well-Being6
An Exploratory Study of the Associations Between Epstein–Barr Virus Antibodies and Forgiveness Among Recipients of Relational Transgressions in the USA6
Global Citizenship: Cultural, Religious and Spiritual—An Exploratory Scoping Review6
How are the Spiritual Resources and Needs of Mental Health Consumers Identified and Documented by Staff upon Admission to an Australian Mental Health Service? A Mixed Methods Study6
Eliciting the Concept of Cancer in Nursing Students in Turkey: an Exploratory Metaphor Analysis5
Development and Evaluation of the Atheist Identity Concealment Scale (AICS)5
Ramadan Fasting as a Religious Obligation: A Qualitative Study on Opinions and Experiences of Muslim Pregnant Women about Fasting in Turkey5
Suicide, Moral Injury, Parkinson’s Disease, Diabetes and Dialysis5
Attitudes of Married Muslim Women Regarding Family Planning Methods During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Western Turkey5
Correction: Religion, Islam, and Compliance with COVID-19 Best Practices5
Developing Faith-Based Health Promotion Programs that Target Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer Risk Factors5
The Use of Islamic Patterned Art Therapy: Healing of Psychological Problems Among University Students5
Listening to Transgender and Gender Diverse Students on Christian College Campuses5
Investigating the Relationship Between Spiritual Health, Meaning in Life, and Death Attitudes among COVID-19 Patients Discharged from ICUs: A Cross-Sectional Study in Iran5
A Response to the Paal et al. Rejoinder: Religiosity and Risk of Parkinson’s Disease in England and the USA5
PTSD as a Moderator of the Relationship Between the Distribution of Personal Resources and Spiritual Change Among Participants of Hostilities in Ukraine5
Do Religion and Spirituality Buffer the Effect of Childhood Trauma on Depressive Symptoms? Examination of a South Asian Cohort from the USA5
Religious Belief and Workplace Safety Behavior Among the Informal Automobile Workers in Nigeria5
Fit with Faith: An Exploratory Study Examining a Behavior Change Intervention for African-American Clergy and Their Spouses5
Painful Dream of Motherhood: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study of Married Women with Ectopic Pregnancy in the Islamic Republic of Iran5
Do Divine Struggles Moderate the Association Between Interpersonal Conflict at Work and Worker Well-Being in Singapore?5
Halal or Haram? The COVID-19 Vaccine Discussion Among Twitter users in Malaysia5
Religiosity and Overall Life Satisfaction: Muslim Arabs in Israel5
Unconscious Spirituality: Toward a Contemporary Conceptualization5
Relationship Between the Psychological Distress and Spiritual Well-Being in Pregnant Women Exposed to Domestic Violence: A Cross-Sectional Study in Iran5
The Forgotten Knowledge: Pandemics in Islamic Manuscripts5
Physicians Disclosing Religion in Online Biographies: Patient Perceptions and Decision-Making in the United States5
God Attachment: Resource or Complication in Women’s and Their Partners’ Adjustment to the Threat of Breast Cancer5
Spirituality, Religiosity and Coping Strategies Among Spanish People Diagnosed with Cancer5
Spirituality in Addiction Recovery: A Narrative Review5
“It wasn’t Luck: God Wants me Here for a Reason”: Perceptions of Luck Among US Patients and Its Relationships to Other Factors Among US Patients5
Religious Differences in Physical and Mental Health among Israeli Jews: Findings from the Global Flourishing Study5
The Association Between Spirituality and Hope Among Turkish Women Undergoing Infertility Treatment5
Forgiveness Mediates the Protective Role of Religiosity on Psychological Distress: Findings from Inmates in Eswatini Correctional Centres5
Nurses’ Perspectives and Experiences Regarding Organ Transplantation in Turkey: A Qualitative Study5
Coping with Stress During the COVID-19 Outbreak: The Contribution of Self-Control Skills and Religiosity in Arab Israeli-Palestinian Students in Israel5
Conceptualizing the Biopsychosocial-Spiritual Health Influences of Adverse Childhood Experiences and the Application of Primary Care Behavioral Health for Their Treatment5
Principal Accompaniment in Australian Faith-Based Schools: A Salutogenesis Approach5
Bibliometric Analysis and Visualization of Catholic Health Care Research: 1973–20195
An Ethical Roadmap for Prioritizing Medical Resources Within Muslim Societies During the COVID-19 Pandemic5
Moral Injury: An Increasingly Recognized and Widespread Syndrome5
“You Think We are in the Stone Age, but We Have Already Made Progress—Where are You?”: A Qualitative Study of Ultra-orthodox Women’s Telemedicine Service Usage in Israel5
COVID-19 and the Sikh Community in the UK: A Qualitative Study5
Nurturing Socioculturally and Medically Appropriate Palliative Care Delivery: Lessons Learned by Israeli Medical Faculty5
Factors Associated with Support for Adolescent Access to Contraception Among Mexican Catholic Parents5
Tawakkul Mediates Between Personality Traits, Depression, and Anxiety in Pakistani Muslim Adults5
Exploring the Religious Practice of Langar as a Route to Health Promotion in the Sikh Community in Northern England: A Qualitative Study5
Examining Audiences’ Psychological Reactance to Christian-Sourced Excessive Alcohol Consumption Messages in the United States5
Women Who Perform Social Egg Freezing as Moral Pioneers: The Case of Ultra-Orthodox Communities in Israel5
Influence of Religiosity on Youths’ Attitudes Towards People with Disabilities in the United Arab Emirates5
COVID-19, Mental Health and Cancer4
The Relationship Between Religious Health Fatalism and Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors of Earthquake Victims: The Example of Türkiye4
A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the Relationship Between Sabbath Practices and US, Canadian, Indonesian, and Paraguayan Teachers’ Burnout4
The Role of Religion and Religiosity in Health-Promoting Care for the Body During the Lockdowns caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic in Egypt, Poland and Romania4
The Relationship of Religious Coping with Psychological Well-being, Psychological Resilience, and Grief Severity in Women Who Had Experienced Perinatal Loss in Türkiye4
Islam and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Between Religious Practice and Health Protection4
Cancer, Religious Philosophy, Death and Dying4
School Influences on Adolescent Depression: A 6-Year Longitudinal Study Amongst Catholic, Government and Independent Schools, in Victoria, Australia4