Journal of Regional Science

(The H4-Index of Journal of Regional Science is 17. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The geography of COVID‐19 and the structure of local economies: The case of Italy99
Understanding socioeconomic disparities in travel behavior during the COVID‐19 pandemic87
Institutions and the uneven geography of the first wave of the COVID‐19 pandemic82
Urbanization and firm access to credit52
Financial development and growth in European regions49
The Covid‐19 containment effects of public health measures: A spatial difference‐in‐differences approach42
One policy, different effects: Estimating the region‐specific impacts of EU cohesion policy32
Bayesian spatiotemporal forecasting and mapping of COVID‐19 risk with application to West Java Province, Indonesia28
Learning from deregulation: The asymmetric impact of lockdown and reopening on risky behavior during COVID‐1928
Stronger together? Assessing the causal effect of inter‐municipal cooperation on the efficiency of small Italian municipalities27
Regional growth and disparities in a post‐COVID Europe: A new normality scenario25
Where did it hit harder? Understanding the geography of excess mortality during the COVID‐19 pandemic23
International trade and Covid‐19: City‐level evidence from China's lockdown policy22
Natural disasters, firm survival, and growth: Evidence from the Ise Bay Typhoon, Japan22
Too close for comfort? Microgeography of agglomeration economies in the United Kingdom20
The contingent nature of broadband as an engine for business startups in rural areas19
Natural disasters, public housing, and the role of disaster aid19