Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra

(The TQCC of Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
On multiplication formulas of affine q-Schur algebras16
Associated primes and integral closure of Noetherian rings16
Base independent algebraic cobordism15
Characterizations of modalities and lex modalities15
Combinatorial model categories are equivalent to presentable quasicategories13
Characteristic modules and Gorenstein (co-)homological dimension of groups11
Abelian ideals and the variety of Lagrangian subalgebras11
The second homology group of the commutative case of Kontsevich's symplectic derivation Lie algebra10
Corrigendum to “Gerstenhaber brackets on Hochschild cohomology of general twisted tensor products” [J. Pure Appl. Algebra 225 (2021) 106597]10
Generalized NS-algebras10
Graded algebras with cyclotomic Hilbert series9
On sum of squares certificates of non-negativity on a strip9
On the rational relationships among pseudo-roots of a non-commutative polynomial9
Rouquier dimension versus global dimension9
On the universal completion of pointfree function spaces9
On the Hochschild homology of smash biproducts8
On finiteness of verbal subgroups8
Applications of Swan's Bertini theorem to unimodular rows8
Editorial Board8
Two questions on semi-clean group rings8
On group actions on Riemann-Roch spaces of curves8
Dimensions of Betti cones on edge ideals8
Algebraic models of change of groups functors in (co)free rational equivariant spectra8
A note on parabolic Verma module homomorphisms over Kac-Moody algebras7
Up-to-homotopy algebras with strict units7
Another proof of the almost purity theorem for perfectoid valuation rings7
Higher codimension cycles on the Hilbert scheme of three points on the projective plane7
Homological independence of infinite syzygies7
Complete objects in categories7
Transfer for Kato-Milne cohomology over purely inseparable extensions7
Inequalities of invariants on Stanley–Reisner rings of Cohen–Macaulay simplicial complexes7
Algebraic cycles and Gushel–Mukai fivefolds6
Weak cotorsion, τ-tilting and two-term categories6
Infinite dimensional families of Calabi–Yau threefolds and moduli of vector bundles6
Contravariant forms and extremal projectors6
Finite-dimensional Hopf algebras over the Hopf algebra H:−1,1 of Kashina6
Editorial Board6
Toric degenerations of flag varieties from matching field tableaux6
Editorial Board6
Unitary transformations of fibre functors6
Local Gorenstein duality for cochains on spaces6
Integrable modules for graded Lie tori with finite-dimensional weight spaces6
Partial actions and proper extensions of two-sided restriction semigroups6
Hopf modules, Frobenius functors and (one-sided) Hopf algebras6
Higher level affine Schur and Hecke algebras6
On signed p-Kostka matrices6
Editorial Board6
On properly stratified Gorenstein algebras6
Homotopical inverse diagrams in categories with attributes6
Telescope conjecture for homotopically smashing t-structures over commutative noetherian rings6
On the tensor product of well generated dg categories5
Moduli of lattice polarized K3 surfaces via relative canonical resolutions5
Complete set of pure gaps in function fields5
Preservation of Loewy diagrams under exact functors5
Weak Z-structures for some combinatorial group constructions5
Non-abelian simple groups act with almost all signatures5
On families of Riemann surfaces with automorphisms5
Weak Z-structures and one-relator groups5
A note on mediated simplices5
On an instance of the small Cohen-Macaulay conjecture5
Socle equivalences of weighted surface algebras5
Residual coordinates over one-dimensional rings5
Representation theory and the diagonal coinvariant ring of the type B Weyl group5
Type and conductor of simplicial affine semigroups5
Regularity of powers of squarefree monomial ideals5
Cohomology and deformation theory for operad with higher derivation5
Integrable bounded weight modules of classical Lie superalgebras at infinity5
Unbounded derived categories of small and big modules: Is the natural functor fully faithful?5
An SOS counterexample to an inequality of symmetric functions5
Cellular resolutions of monomial ideals and their Artinian reductions5
A refined scissors congruence group and the third homology of SL25
Hecke algebras and edge contractions5
Number of generators of ideals in Jordan cells of the family of graded Artinian algebras of height two5
Editorial Board5
Algebras with finite relative dominant dimension and almost n-precluster tilting modules4
Critical and injective modules over skew polynomial rings4
Hilbert spaces and C⁎-algebras are not finitely concrete4
Presenting affine infinitesimal Schur algebras4
Nonstandard quadratic forms over rational function fields4
On the category of quotient Banach spaces after Wegner4
Biquaternion division algebras and fourth power-central elements4
Rigidity degrees of indecomposable modules over representation-finite self-injective algebras4
The Scarf complex and betti numbers of powers of extremal ideals4
On the smoothness of lexicographic points on Hilbert schemes4
Stability spaces of string and band modules4
Rank 2 Ulrich bundles on general double plane covers4
Linear source invertible bimodules and Green correspondence4
Relation between balanced pairs and TTF triples4
Non-symplectic automorphisms of order multiple of seven on K3 surfaces4
Hitchin fibration under ramified coverings4
Barr-exact categories and soft sheaf representations4
Pivotal structures of the Drinfeld center of a finite tensor category4
Primary decomposition of modules: A computational differential approach4
The adjoint braid arrangement as a combinatorial Lie algebra via the Steinmann relations4
The essential 2-rank of general linear and unitary groups4
Virtually Gorenstein rings and relative homology of complexes4
On the central geometry of nonnoetherian dimer algebras4
Small pairs of abelian p-groups4
The finitely presented torsion-free SG-projective modules are not necessarily projective4
Finite groups defined by presentations in which each defining relator involves exactly two generators4
The stable category of preorders in a pretopos I: General theory4
On some combinatorial properties of generalized cluster algebras4
Editorial Board4
Computation of residual polynomial operators of inductive valuations4
Degree divisibility in Alperin–McKay correspondences4
Lengths of involutions in finite Coxeter groups4
A general insertion theorem for uniform locales4
On the behavior of F-signatures, splitting primes, and test modules under finite covers4
Applications of Hochschild cohomology to the moduli of subalgebras of the full matrix ring4
Duality between injective envelopes and flat covers4
The lattice coordinatized by a ring4
On Schur multiplier and projective representations of Heisenberg groups4
Vertex algebraic construction of modules for twisted affine Lie algebras of type A4
Invariant smooth quartic surfaces by all finite primitive subgroups of PGL4
The cyclotomic double shuffle torsor in terms of Betti and de Rham coproducts4
Intersections, sums, and the Jordan-Hölder property for exact categories4
On some Ringel-Hall polynomials associated to tame indecomposable modules4
Reducibility of generalized Verma modules for Hermitian symmetric pairs4
Compactification of the moduli space of minimal instantons on the Fano 3-fold V53
On pyramidal groups of prime power degree3
Conic programming: Infeasibility certificates and projective geometry3
Corrigendum to “From Lie algebra crossed modules to tensor hierarchies” [J. Pure Appl. Algebra 227 (6) (2023) 107311]3
The hyperconnected maps that are local3
GT-shadows for the gentle version 3
On MacLane-Vaquié key polynomials3
Some remarks on spin-orbits of unit vectors3
A Rickard equivalence for hopfological homotopy categories3
Basic Hopf algebras and symmetric bimodules3
Monic modules and semi-Gorenstein-projective modules3
Seshadri constants and AG codes of vector bundles3
On the antipode of Hopf algebras with the dual Chevalley property3
Formal proofs of operator identities by a single formal computation3
Representations of the cyclotomic oriented Brauer-Clifford supercategory3
Open loci results for commutative DG-rings3
New perspectives on semi-primal varieties3
Rational Reidemeister trace of an outer automorphism of finite order3
Inducing braces and Hopf Galois structures3
On quotients of Rees algebras3
Common divisor graphs for skew braces3
Semi-clean group rings3
Corrigendum to “Minimal models for graph-related (hyper)operads” [J. Pure Appl. Algebra 227 (7) (2023) 107329]3
Instanton sheaves on projective schemes3
Editorial Board3
Irreducible modules for super-Virasoro algebras from algebraic D-modules3
Locally nilpotent derivations on A3
Injectivity and projectivity domains of a simple module over a commutative ring3
Period integrals of smooth projective complete intersections as exponential periods3
Relative unimodular rows over polynomial rings3
Galois G-covering of quotients of linear categories3
Two criteria for locally noetherian Grothendieck categories3
Some remarks on algebraic fundamental groups3
Cohomologies of regular lattices over the Kleinian 4-group3
Decorated one-dimensional cobordisms and tensor envelopes of noncommutative recognizable power series3
Injectives over Leavitt path algebras of graphs with disjoint cycles3
On various types of nilpotency of the structure monoid and group of a set-theoretic solution of the Yang–Baxter equation3
Gelfand-type duality for commutative von Neumann algebras3
Non-abelian and ε-curved homological algebra with arrow categories3
An explicit deformation of a plane branch with constant δ-invariant3
On the geometry of elliptic pairs3
Cotorsion classes in higher homological algebra3
Generalizations of noncommutative Noether's problem3
Groups of p-absolute Galois type that are not absolute Galois groups3
Corrigendum to “Logarithmic intertwining operators and associative algebras” [J. Pure Appl. Algebra 216 (2012) 1467–1492]3
Algebraic groups as difference Galois groups of linear differential equations3
Colimits in 2-dimensional slices3
Hilbert curves of scrolls over threefolds3
Decomposing tensor spaces via path signatures3
Codimension one distributions of degree 2 on the three-dimensional projective space3
Matrix invertible extensions over commutative rings. Part I: General theory3
Amplitudes in persistence theory3
Modular invariants for some finite modular pseudo-reflection groups3
A homogeneous presentation of symmetric quandles3
A pasting theorem for iterated Segal spaces3
fp-Projective periodicity3
Levelness versus nearly Gorensteinness of homogeneous rings3
Local derivations and automorphisms of Cayley algebras3
Towards the generalized purely wild inertia conjecture for product of alternating and symmetric groups3
On the degree of varieties of sum of squares3
Editorial Board3
Universal localization of certain matrix rings3
2-Step nilpotent L∞-algebras and hypergraphs3
Affine Kac-Moody groups and Lie algebras in the language of SGA33
On the Hartshorne–Hirschowitz theorem3
Free and co-free constructions for Hopf categories3
Seshadri constants and Okounkov bodies revisited2
The stable Picard group of finite Adams Hopf algebroids with an application to the R2
Brauer groups of 1-motives2
Quantum diagrammatics for F42
A new realisation of the i-quantum group U(n)2
Morse inequalities for the Koszul complex of multi-persistence2
Computads for generalised signatures2
The freeness and trace conjectures for parabolic Hecke subalgebras2
Betti numbers of curves and multiple-point loci2
Projective discrete modules over profinite groups2
On the Chow theory of Quot schemes of locally free quotients2
Convex topological algebras via linear vector fields and Cuntz algebras2
On the nilpotency index of the radical of a module category2
Self-orthogonal τ-tilting modules and tilting modules2
On intersections of symmetric determinantal varieties and theta characteristics of canonical curves2
Characterization of affine Gm2
Derived categories of coherent sheaves on some zero-dimensional schemes2
Automorphisms of modular lattices2
Fano manifolds whose Chern characters satisfy some positivity conditions2
Axiomatizing subcategories of Abelian categories2
Seshadri constants for vector bundles2
Automorphisms of finitely generated relatively free bicommutative algebras2
A categorical characterization of strong Steiner ω-categories2
Editorial Board2
Symmetry classes of quantum quasigroups2
On functors between categories of modules over trusses2
Foliations with persistent singularities2
Integral closure, basically full closure, and duals of nonresidual closure operations2
n-Cotorsion pairs2
Lattice theoretic properties of approximating ideals2
Dominating real algebraic morphisms2
The two-sorted algebraic theory of states, and the universal states of MV-algebras2
Generalized imaginary Verma and Wakimoto modules2
Frobenius and quasi-Frobenius left Hopf algebroids2
Editorial Board2
A note on Ratliff-Rush filtration, reduction number and postulation number of m2
Editorial Board2
Geproci sets on skew lines in P32
Editorial Board2
A certain twisted Jacquet module of GL(4) over a finite field2
Semi-galois Categories I: The classical Eilenberg variety theory2
On the sum of character degrees coprime to p and p-nilpotency of finite groups2
Homology of categories via polygraphic resolutions2
A characterization of algebras generated by idempotents2
A semi-strictly generated closed structure on Gray-Cat2
Gorenstein duality and universal coefficient theorems2
Core of an ideal in Prüfer domains2
2-Representations and associated coalgebra 1-morphisms for locally wide finitary 2-categories2
Polarizations and hook partitions2
Virtual resolutions of points in P2
On good morphisms of exact triangles2
Descent conditions for generation in derived categories2
Configurations of eigenpoints2
On lax epimorphisms and the associated factorization2
Generation of jets and Fujita's jet ampleness conjecture on toric varieties2
Extensions representing Nori-Srinivas obstruction2
Graded-division algebras and Galois extensions2
G-connections on principal bundles over complete G-varieties2
The Auslander-Reiten quiver of the category of m−periodic complexes2
On the vanishing of (co)homology for modules admitting certain filtrations2
Compact Schur-Weyl duality: Real Lie groups and the cyclotomic Brauer algebra2
Disguised toric dynamical systems2
Laumon parahoric local models via quiver Grassmannians2
Semilinear idempotent distributive ℓ-monoids2
Exponentiation and Fourier transform of tensor modules of sl2