Journal of Paleontology

(The TQCC of Journal of Paleontology is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Trilobites of the Cranbrook Lagerstätte (Eager Formation, Cambrian Stage 4), British Columbia21
A possible erect coralline alga from the Ediacaran Dengying Formation in the Zhenba area of South China19
Response by Linda McCall for the presentation of the 2020 Strimple Award of the Paleontological Society16
A juvenile pterosaur vertebra with putative crocodilian bite from the Campanian of Alberta, Canada15
JPA volume 95 S82 Cover and Front matter15
Presentation of the 2021 Harrell L. Strimple Award of the Paleontological Society to Daniel Phelps15
JPA volume 95 issue 5 Cover and Back matter14
Drilling predation on spatangoid echinoids from the Miocene of Sardinia: a taphonomic and paleoecological perspective14
The Miocene fossil lizards from Kutch (Gujarat), India: a rare window to the past diversity of this subcontinent13
JPA volume 95 issue 5 Cover and Front matter12
Benthic foraminifera from the Albian shallow-marine limestones in the Geyik Dağı area (Central Taurides), southern Turkey11
Response by Lee Hsiang Liow for the presentation of the 2020 Schuchert Award of the Paleontological Society10
Geometric morphometric analysis for the systematic elucidation of new Hylicellidae from the Jurassic of China (Hemiptera: Cicadomorpha)10
New soft-bodied panarthropods from diverse Spence Shale (Cambrian; Miaolingian; Wuliuan) depositional environments9
Paleobiological implications of the bone histology of the extinct Australian marsupial Nimbadon lavarackorum9
JPA volume 95 issue 2 Cover and Front matter9
What's behind a name: The taxonomic status of Helicancylus Gabb, 1869 and Hamiticeras Anderson, 1938 (Ammonoidea, Lower Cretaceous)8
Rare stromatoporoids from the Lower Devonian (Emsian) of Nevada, and their biostratigraphic and paleobiogeographic significance8
Triassic Foraminifera from the Great Bank of Guizhou, Nanpanjiang Basin, south China: taxonomic account, biostratigraphy, and implications for recovery from end-Permian mass extinction7
Systematics of the Early Ordovician (late Tremadocian; Stairsian) trilobiteGonioteloidesKobayashi, with species from the Great Basin, western USA7
The first canid from the Gray Fossil Site in Tennessee: new perspective on the distribution and ecology ofBorophagus7
Response by Joseph Koniecki for the presentation of the 2022 Strimple Award of the Paleontological Society7
JPA volume 97 S92 Cover and Front matter7
Response by Gabriel-Philip Santos for the presentation of the 2022 Pojeta Award of the Paleontological Society7
First Report of Sphenothallus Hall (Cnidaria, Medusozoa) from the Mesozoic Erathem (Upper Triassic, Slovenia)7
Earliest western Atlantic staghorn corals (Acropora) from the lower Oligocene Suwannee Limestone of Florida, USA, and their significance for modern coral distribution7
A new Cambrian (Jiangshanian, Sunwaptan) trilobite fauna from Oklahoma and its biostratigraphic significance.7
Middle Ordovician (Whiterockian) gastropods from central Sonora, Mexico: affinities with Laurentia and the Precordillera7
Pleurocystites?scylla, a new species of pleurocystitid rhombiferan, and comments on early echinoderm teratologies7
New paromomyids (Mammalia, Primates) from the Paleocene of southwestern Alberta, Canada, and an analysis of paromomyid interrelationships6
A remarkable spiny arachnid from the Pennsylvanian Mazon Creek Lagerstätte, Illinois6
A new faunistic component of the Lower Triassic Panchet Formation of India increases the continental non-archosauromorph neodiapsid record in the aftermath of the end-Permian mass extinction6
New material of Lophiparamys debequensis from the Willwood Formation (early Eocene) of Wyoming, including the first postcrania of the genus6
Revision ofEothinocerasand the status of the Eothinoceratidae (Cyrtocerinida, Multiceratoidea, Cephalopoda)6
Distribution of the Silurian brachiopod genusAtrypoidea, and its first report in the Chejiaba Formation (upper Ludlow), Guangyuan, South China5
The choanal anatomy of theSebecus icaeorhinusSimpson, 1937 and the variation of the palatine shape in notosuchians (Crocodyliformes, Mesoeucrocodylia)5
HirnantiaFauna from the Condroz Inlier, Belgium: another case of a relict Ordovician shelly fauna in the Silurian?5
Shale-hosted biota from the Dismal Lakes Group in Arctic Canada supports an early Mesoproterozoic diversification of eukaryotes5
First trigonotarbid arachnids from the Pennsylvanian of Indiana and Oklahoma5
Identification of the Oligocene to early Miocene loricariid catfish †Taubateia paraiba as a member of the Rhinelepinae5
New Middle Ordovician hyoliths from the Ossa Morena Zone, southwestern Spain5
Taxonomy and paleobiogeography of rudist bivalves from Upper Cretaceous strata, Gulf Coastal Plain and Puerto Rico, USA5
The late Miocene Erinaceidae and Dimylidae (Eulipotyphla, Mammalia) from the Pannonian region, Slovakia5
A possible Laurentian volchoviid ophiocistioid from the Katian of southwestern Ohio5
A novel antennal form in trilobites5
Saetaspongia sponges from the Cambrian (Stage 4) Balang Formation of Guizhou, China5
A new cheilostome bryozoan from a dinosaur site in the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Judith River Formation of Montana5
Variation in eye lenses of two new Late Devonian phacopid trilobites from western Junggar, NW China – CORRIGENDUM4
Crinoid calyx origin from stem radial echinoderms4
A new marrellomorph arthropod from southern Ontario: a rare case of soft-tissue preservation on a Late Ordovician open marine shelf4
Ectoparasite borings, mesoparasite borings, and scavenging traces in early Miocene turtle and tortoise shell: Moghra Formation, Wadi Moghra, Egypt4
JPA volume 98 S94 Cover and Front matter4
Shell and associated operculum inTeiichispira(Macluritidae: Gastropoda) from the Early/Middle Ordovician of the Argentine Precordillera4
Unusual assemblage of conulariids (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa) from the Taddrist Formation (Middle Ordovician, Darriwilian) of southern Morocco4
A new genus of treeshrew and other micromammals from the middle Miocene hominoid locality of Ramnagar, Udhampur District, Jammu and Kashmir, India – Corrigendum4
Ediacaran metazoan fossils with siliceous skeletons from the Digermulen Peninsula of Arctic Norway4
Late Cretaceous sturgeons (Acipenseridae) from North America, with two new species from the Tanis site in the Hell Creek Formation of North Dakota4
Gigantic scaphopods (Mollusca) from the Permian Akasaka Limestone, central Japan4
One name to rule them all:Belinurus trilobitoides(Buckland, ) is senior synonym to fourteen named species4
Late CambrianPywackiais a cnidarian, not a bryozoan: Insights from skeletal microstructure4
Cephalopods of the San José Formation of Peru (Floian, Early Ordovician) and their paleogeographic significance4
A new marrellomorph arthropod from southern Ontario: a rare case of soft-tissue preservation on a Late Ordovician open marine shelf – ERRATUM4
Two Asian cricetodontine-like muroid rodents from the Neogene of western North America4
Largest-known fossil penguin provides insight into the early evolution of sphenisciform body size and flipper anatomy4
Two new eurypterids (Arthropoda, Chelicerata) from the upper Silurian Yulongsi Formation of south-west China4
Cornulitid tubeworms and other calcareous tubicolous organisms from the Hirmuse Formation (Katian, Upper Ordovician) of northern Estonia4
Presentation of the 2022 Strimple Award to Joseph Koniecki3
A new species ofHirnantia(Orthida, Brachiopoda) and its implications for the Hirnantian age of the Ellis Bay Formation, Anticosti Island, eastern Canada3
Quaternary equatorial Atlantic deep-sea ostracodes: evidence for a distinct tropical fauna in the deep sea3
JPA volume 95 S85 Cover and Front matter3
JPA volume 96 issue 6 Cover and Front matter3
Nonmineralized triradial conulariids from the lowermost Cambrian Stage 2 of the Olenek Uplift, Siberian Platform3
Cambrian Age 3 small shelly fossils from the Terrades inlier, southern Pyrenees, Spain: Biostratigraphic and paleobiogeographic implications3
Deciphering voids in Dasycladales, the case of Dragastanella transylvanica, a new Lower Cretaceous triploporellacean genus and species from Romania3
Middle Visean (Mississippian) conodonts from shallow-water deposits in the Yashui section, Guizhou, South China, and their stratigraphic significance3
Needmorella, a new trilobite genus of the Synphoriinae (Dalmanitidae) from the Lower–Middle Devonian of West Virginia3
New fossil remains of the commensal barnacleCryptolepas rhachianectiprovide evidence of gray whales in the prehistoric South Pacific3
Ediacaran pithy macroalgaLanceaphytonn. gen. from South China3
Revision of Jurassic Protobranch Bivalves from Gebel Maghara, northern Sinai, Egypt3
JPA volume 96 S87 Cover and Back matter3
Presentation of the 2020 Paleontological Society Medal to Susan M. Kidwell3
New paddlefishes (Acipenseriformes, Polyodontidae) from the Late Cretaceous Tanis Site of the Hell Creek Formation in North Dakota, USA3
A new Early Triassic brachiopod fauna from southern Tibet, China: Implications on brachiopod recovery and the late Smithian extinction in southern Tethys3
JPA volume 95 S84 Cover and Front matter3
Response by Matt Friedman for the presentation of the 2022 Schuchert Award of the Paleontological Society3
Reassessing the diversity, affinity, and construction of terminal Ediacaran tubiform fossils from the La Ciénega Formation, Sonora, Mexico3
Presentation of the 2022 Paleontological Society Medal to Conrad C. Labandeira3
Gennaeocrinus tariatensis, a new Emsian (Devonian) monobathrid crinoid from the Tarvagatay Terrane of Mongolia3
New records of injured Cambrian and Ordovician trilobites3
Biogeography of northeastern Atlantic Neogene chitons (Mollusca, Polyplacophora): New data from the Pliocene of Portugal3
Response by Susan M. Kidwell for the presentation of the 2020 Paleontological Society Medal3
Revision of two Devonian cupressocrinitids from the Schultze collection (Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University) and description of a newHalocrinites(Crinoidea, Eucladida)3
Early Eocene fossils elucidate the evolutionary history of the Charadriiformes (shorebirds and allies)3
The first record of Hirnantian Ostracoda in South America: implications for the biostratigraphy and paleozoogeography of the Paraná basin3