Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology

(The TQCC of Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Validation of mechanistic dryout and rewetting model based on the three-field model with single-tube experiments168
Criticality evaluation considering nonuniformity effect using Monte Carlo perturbation method67
Numerical simulation of bubble hydrodynamics for pool scrubbing27
A membrane, pseudo-vertical p-i-n diamond detector23
Fuel cycle features of RFBB fast reactor with advanced fuel20
Early-phase core degradation interpretation by interaction between fuel cladding and fuel components in Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant Unit 216
Arsenazo III-spectrophotometry for the determination of thorium content15
Micro-mechanical investigation about degradation of grain boundary cohesive strength of neutron-irradiated stainless steels13
Experimental techniques for investigating thermal transport in nuclear materials12
Molecular dynamics simulation study of the effect of Ce 4+ incorporation at Zr site on the threshold displacement energy in Y 4 Zr11
Bayesian statistical model for cladding high-temperature burst under loss-of-coolant accident conditions11
Effects of azimuthal temperature distribution and rod internal gas energy on ballooning deformation and rupture opening formation of a 17 × 17 type PWR fuel cladding tube under LOCA-simulated burst co11
New JENDL-4.0/HE neutron and proton ACE files10
Applicability of differential die-away self-interrogation technique for quantification of spontaneous fission nuclides for fuel debris at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plants10
An estimation method for an unknown covariance in cross-section adjustment based on unbiased and consistent estimator9
Dose rate distribution measuring method using personal dosimeters and localization devices9
A surface cracks detection method for nuclear fuel pellets using an improved fully convolutional network9
Verification of human error traps in NPP procedures utilizing syntactic and semantic information extraction8
Ten years after the NPP accident at Fukushima : review on fuel debris behavior in contact with water8
Evaluation of the structural integrity of a BWR core shroud with non-regular locations of circumferential cracks. Part I fracture analysis8
Consideration of delayed neutron effect on Rossi-α analysis for a subcritical thermal reactor8
Transient heat transfer analysis of double-layer molten pool under severe accident8
Development of a critical heat flux correlation based on a mechanistic model under subcooled flow boiling conditions8
Double diffusive dissolution model of UO2 pellet in molten Zr cladding8
Reactivity estimation based on the linear equation of characteristic time profile of power in subcritical quasi-steady state7
Development of multiphysics particle method simulation code PHALSER and its application to various phenomena7
Effect of surface oxidation on the cesium chemisorption behavior of SS 304, Inconel 600 and X-7507
Nuclear data generation by machine learning (I) application to angular distributions for nucleon-nucleus scattering7
A review of efforts for volume reduction of contaminated soil in the ten years after the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant7
Incineration of trans-uranium elements using chlorides molten salt fast reactors – A proposal of incineration in three steps7
Improvements in the particle and heavy-ion transport code system (PHITS) for simulating neutron-response functions and detection efficiencies of a liquid organic scintillator7
Recovery and immobilization of cesium from aqueous solution after hydrothermal treatment using functional porous glass7
Role of solute titanium and oxidation in cesium chemisorption onto stainless steel6
Human reliability analysis of shared equipment in multi-unit site6
Benchmark simulation code for the thermal-hydraulics design tool of the accelerator-driven system: validation and benchmark simulation of flow behavior around the beam window6
Thermal-neutron capture cross-section measurement of Tantalum-181 using graphite thermal column at KUR6
Numerical analysis of flow-induced deflection of curved nuclear reactor fuel plates under high velocity flows6
Rare earth elements and radioactive elements in black sands from the Konkan and Malabar coasts of India6
Research on the design of a radiation biodevice based on a compact D-D neutron generator6
Degradation of nuclear fuel debris analog by siderophore-releasing microorganisms6
Investigation of random beam trips in a linear accelerator at the Japan proton accelerator research complex for the development of an accelerator-driven nuclear transmutation system6
Cryogenic distribution system design for cryomodules and cavities test in HIAF project6
A design study on a metal fuel fast reactor core for high efficiency minor actinide transmutation by loading silicon carbide composite material6
Study on coupled heat transfer model and enhanced heat transfer law of liquid metals and supercritical fluids6
Drag coefficient of circular cylinder in axial flow of water for a wide range of length to diameter ratios5
JENDL photonuclear data file 20165
Measurements of capture cross-section of 93 Nb by activation method and half-life of 94 Nb by mass analysis5
A preliminary site risk assessment5
Study on melting behavior of tungsten under high heat load including verification of simulation code using other metals5
Application of continuous Markov-chain Monte-Carlo method to multi-unit risk evaluations considering interdependence of accident progression among multiple units5
A study on the establishment of database for local government disaster response and decision support system in the nuclear accidents4
The effect of spacer grids on the stress applied to a post-LOCA cladding tube under horizontal vibrations4
Walking survey technique for ambient gamma dose rate measurement established in Fukushima Medical University4
Neutron capture and total cross-section measurements and resonance parameter analysis of niobium-93 below 400 eV4
Investigation into activation of accelerators at various synchrotron radiation facilities in Japan4
Novel concept for a filtered containment venting system with an ionic liquid to remove organic iodine (1)-proof of concept for organic iodine removal4
In-situ TEM observation of migration behavior of helium bubbles in F82H4
Low-dose energy-resolved X-ray computed tomography using a filter-changing two-dimensional transXend detector4
Dynamic probabilistic risk assessment of seismic-induced flooding in pressurized water reactor by seismic, flooding, and thermal-hydraulics simulations4
Steady-state thermal-structural analysis of high-temperature heat pipes based on thermal-fluid coupling4
Development of a water Cherenkov neutron detector for the active rotation method and demonstration of nuclear material detection4
Validation of LWR fuel depletion calculation module of reactor physics code system CBZ4
Evaluating the irradiation hardening of reactor pressure vessel steels by nanoindentation hardness test and micropillar compression test4
Cesium immobilization from aqueous solution by struvite synthesis4
A thermal-hydraulic analysis model of printed circuit heat exchangers for system simulation using Modelica4
Japanese evaluated nuclear data library version 5: JENDL-54
Design and actual performance of J-PARC 3 GeV rapid cycling synchrotron for high-intensity operation4
Development of glass gas electron multiplier-based pulse counting imaging system with FPD front-end electronics4
Stochastic estimation of radionuclide composition in wastes generated at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station using Bayesian inference4
Coupled chemo-hydro-mechanical effects on volume change behaviour of compacted bentonite used as buffer/backfill material in high-level radioactive waste repository4
Radiation field characterization with emphasis on the collimator configuration at the compact neutron source RANS-II facility4
A safety enhanced sodium-cooled MOX fueled fast reactor core concept4
Experimental study on mechanical properties of corroded steel used as containment liner in nuclear power plant4
Development of a dissolution method for analyzing the elemental composition of fuel debris using sodium peroxide fusion technique4
Localizing unknown radiation sources by unscented particle filtering based on divide-and-conquer sampling4
Uncertainty analysis for fission product inventories based on covariance data of fission product yields in JENDL-4.0 and ENDF/B-VIII.03
Measurements of neutron capture cross-section for nuclides of interest in decommissioning (II): 58 Fe(n,γ) 59 Fe3
Experience with valuation methods for the creation of real options enabling diversity of nuclear fuel supply3
Review of prediction models for tsunami-induced lateral fluid force for revision of engineering design code for nuclear power plant structures3
A new method of measuring ruthenium activity in ruthenium-containing alloys by using thermogravimetric analysis3
Condensation heat fluxes from mixed convection flows of steam and air mixtures on a vertical flat plate3
Quasi-Monte Carlo sampling method for simulation-based dynamic probabilistic risk assessment of nuclear power plants3
Evaluation of anisotropic elastic and plastic parameters of zircaloy-4 fuel cladding from biaxial stress test data and their application to a fracture mechanics analysis3
Experimental study of photoneutron spectra from tantalum, tungsten, and bismuth targets for 16.6 MeV polarized photons3
Thin cathode glass gas electron multiplier detector for carbon beam dose imaging3
Development of local-scale high-resolution atmospheric dispersion model using large-eddy simulation part 6: introduction of detailed dose calculation method3
Design and development of the machine protection system for HIAF3
Experimental investigation of spray cooling behavior in 4×4 simulated fuel bundle3
A new separation method of hydrogen isotope by dynamically created nonequilibrium state3
Enhancement of random sampling by a combined approach of control variates and Latin hypercube sampling for uncertainty quantification in light water reactor lattice calculations3
Using Lorentz force flowmeter to measure the narrow channel flow that mimics lead-bismuth cooled reactors3
Effect of fuel particle size on consequences of criticality accidents in water-moderated solid fuel particle dispersion system3
Passive fast neutron multiplicity counting system based on a symmetric spherical design3
Microstructure evolution formed during early liquefaction stage between pre-oxidized Zircaloy 4 with SUS316 stainless steel at 1573 K3
Radiation imaging of a highly contaminated filter train inside Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station unit 2 using an integrated Radiation Imaging System based on a Compton camera3
Radiation imaging using an integrated Radiation Imaging System based on a compact Compton camera under unit 1/2 exhaust stack of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station3
Calculations and analysis of n+ 52 Cr reactions below 20 MeV3
Measurement and simulations of high-energy neutrons through a various thickness of concrete and steel shields using activation detectors at CHARM and CSBF3
Cohesive/Adhesive strengths of CsOH-chemisorbed SS304 surfaces3
Analysis of work activities involved in clearance verification process of decommissioning Fugen Nuclear Power Plant3
Optimization of BP neural network for fault parameter prediction in nuclear power plants utilizing the firefly algorithm3
Evaluation of uncertainties derived from meteorological forecast inputs in plume directions predicted by atmospheric dispersion simulations3
Development of online performance evaluation system of nuclear power plant system3
The effectiveness of combining gadolinium and boron neutron capture therapy at the cellular level3
Reactor reactivity calculations with simplified-P3 and perturbation theories3
Depletion calculation of subcritical system with consideration of spontaneous fission reaction3
A numerical approach for inlet-outlet boundary conditions with least-square moving particle explicit (LSMPE) method on GPU3
Development of a multipoint liquid film sensor using an optical waveguide film on simulated fuel rod of BWRs3
Effects of correlations in uncertainties of total cross section and elastic angular distribution for a deep penetration of 14-MeV neutrons in Cu3
A Raman spectroscopy study of bicarbonate effects on UO 2+x3
Comparison and evaluation of resolved resonance region covariance representations3
Simulated performance evaluation of d-Be compact fast neutron source3
HHT-based investigation on the two-phase flow regime in the mixer for a nuclear-coupled liquid metal MHD power generation system3
The behaviors of dislocation loops punched by helium interstitials accumulation under the temperature gradient field in tungsten3
A dynamic probabilistic risk assessment platform for nuclear power plants under single and concurrent transients3
Proposal and applicability of estimated criticality lower-limit multiplication factor using the bootstrap method2
Mechanical failure of high-burnup fuel rods with stress-relieved annealed and recrystallized M-MDA cladding under reactivity-initiated accident conditions2
Preliminary study of the criticality monitoring method based on the simulation for the activity ratio of short half-life noble-gas fission products from fuel debris2
Status of the 226 Ra nuclear data library and its impact on the production amount of 225 Ac via the 226 2
High temperature corrosion of two superalloys in the impure helium environment2
Research on the powderization treatment of uranium-zirconium solid solution simulated nuclear fuel debris using thermochemical redox reaction2
Neutron total and capture cross-section measurements of 155Gd and 157Gd in the thermal energy region with the Li-glass detectors and NaI(Tl) spectrometer installed in J-PARC·MLF·2
Proposal of quantification method of dynamic system reliability model of digital RPS using Markov state-transition model2
Fretting wear behavior test and numerical simulation of Inconel 690 alloy2
Energy dependent calculations of fission product, prompt, and delayed neutron yields for neutron induced fission on 235U, 238U, and 239Pu2
Theoretical and experimental estimation of the relative optically stimulated luminescence efficiency of an optical-fiber-based BaFBr:Eu detector for swift ions2
A review on failure behavior and life prediction of circulation pumps in lead-bismuth eutectic cooled reactors2
Evaluation of the technical options of radioactive waste management for utilization of MOX fuel: thermal impact of minor actinide separation with geological disposal of high-level waste2
Measurement of the neutron capture cross section of 185 Re in the keV energy region2
Analysis of cyber nuclear terrorism by DTrack consequences in the civilian nuclear power plant2
Measurement of forced convection subcooled boiling flow through a vertical annular channel with high-speed video cameras and image reconstruction2
KeV-region analysis of the neutron capture cross-section of 237Np2
Connection of four-dimensional Langevin model and Hauser-Feshbach theory to describe statistical decay of fission fragments2
Numerical study of initiating phase of core disruptive accident in small sodium-cooled fast reactors with negative void reactivity2
Uncertainty quantification of unconfined spill fire data by coupling Monte Carlo and artificial neural networks2
Integral experiment of 129I(n, γ) reaction using fast neutron source in the ‘YAYOI’ reactor2
Two-dimensional elemental mapping of simulated fuel debris using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy2
Study on chemical interaction between UO2 and Zr at precisely controlled high temperatures2
High-temperature ex-vessel corium spreading. Part 1: experimental investigations on ceramic and sacrificial concrete substrates2
Nuclear data adjustment using a deterministic sampling method with unscented transformation2
Sorption of Cs + and Eu 3+ onto coherent and melange-type pre-neogene sedimentary rocks2
Study of magnetic fringe fields and interference effects on beam dynamics for proton facility gantry2
Feasibility study of reactor radiation photon spectroscopy in Fugen for nuclear decommissioning2
Effect of radiation and substitution of Ce4+ at Zr site in Y4Zr3O12 using collision cascades: a molecular dynamics simulation study2
Transfer of 137Cs to web-building spiders, Nephila clavata, and its pathways: a preliminary study using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses2
Radiation-induced amorphization behavior of thermally-aged M23C6 in F82H-BA12 steel2
The development of Petri net-based continuous Markov chain Monte Carlo methodology applying to dynamic probability risk assessment for multi-state resilience systems with repairable multi-component in2
Gamma-ray irradiation induced dislocation loops in hexagonal zirconium2
Redistribution of Nb and other alloying elements in Nb-doped Zr alloy under high dose ion irradiation2
Study on the drop impact acceleration of the radioactive package by new approximation method based on velocity obtained by integrating acceleration2
High temperature electrochemical reaction parameters affecting elecrochemical corrosion potential of type 316L stainless steel2
Comprehensive simulation study on CT isotope imaging beyond the experiment on the 208Pb based on nuclear resonance fluorescence2
EXFOR-based simultaneous evaluation for neutron-induced fission cross section of plutonium-2422
Solubility of FeSe2(cr) at 318 K in the presence of iron2
A simulation research on thermal-pressure coupling loading of a 1:3.2 containment model2
241 Am Neutron Capture Cross Section Measurement using the NaI(Tl) spectrometer of the ANNRI beamline of J-PARC2
Preface to a special issue of journal of nuclear science and Technology on “Nuclear Data and Code Systems as a Basis of Nuclear Technology”2
Integrating DeblurGAN and CNN to improve the accuracy of motion blur X-Ray image classification2
Limited linear source approximation with edge detection for convergence stability of method of characteristics2
Radio-tellurium released into the environment during the complete oxidation of fuel cladding, containment venting and reactor building failure of the Fukushima accident2
Numerical simulation method using a Cartesian grid for oxidation of core materials under steam-starved conditions2
Evaluation of shielding performance and light emission characteristics of luminescent radiation shields using Gd 2 O 2 S2
Tsunami flooding analysis graded-approach framework for tsunami probabilistic risk assessment2
Molten salt oxidation and process analysis of anionic exchange resin in Na2CO3-K2CO3 melt2
Diffusion behavior of cesium in graphite matrix for a high-temperature reactor pebble-bed module: a first-principles study2
Experimental investigations on flow-induced vibration characteristics of fuel rod with an independent channel for small lead-based reactor2
Differential parameters uncertainty estimation via a PCA-based monte carlo sampling approach: IRT-4M fuel type as a case study2
Monte Carlo burnup analysis of measured nuclide inventories on high-burnup PWR-UO 2 and BWR-MOX fuels in the RUBUS program2
Sensitivity analysis of waste resin agitation and extraction in a mock-up test2
Convergence behavior of statistical uncertainty in probability table for cross section in unresolved resonance region2
Thermodynamic analysis and optimization for steam methane reforming hydrogen production system using high temperature gas-cooled reactor pebble-bed module2
Sorption of Sn and Nb on montmorillonite at neutral to alkaline pH2
Evaluation of beamline subsystem performance during technical commissioning of an superconducting proton therapy facility2
Cross-section adjustment method based on Bayesian theory for specific cross-section set2
Improvement of the optimally-weighted predictor-corrector method for nuclear fuel burnup calculations2
Design of moderator and collimator based on compact D-T neutron source for neutron imaging2