Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology

(The TQCC of Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Japanese evaluated nuclear data library version 5: JENDL-5138
Recent improvements of the particle and heavy ion transport code system – PHITS version 3.3341
JENDL/DEU-2020: deuteron nuclear data library for design studies of accelerator-based neutron sources27
Ten years after the NPP accident at Fukushima : review on fuel debris behavior in contact with water23
Radiation imaging using an integrated Radiation Imaging System based on a compact Compton camera under unit 1/2 exhaust stack of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station19
Pressure drop in a prototypical 3D magnetohydrodynamic flow across contraction of a fusion blanket manifold15
Comparison of degradation behavior between soft and hard epoxy resins14
Comparison of the observed Fukushima Dai-Ichi Unit 2 debris with simulated debris from the CLADS-MADE-01 control blade degradation test13
Energy dependent calculations of fission product, prompt, and delayed neutron yields for neutron induced fission on 235U, 238U, and 239Pu13
Step-by-step challenge of debris characterization for the decommissioning of Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS)13
Benchmark study of particle and heavy-ion transport code system using shielding integral benchmark archive and database for accelerator-shielding experiments12
Radiation dose rate effects on the properties of a laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy system developed using a ceramics micro-laser for fiber-optic remote analysis12
Cross-domain fault diagnosis of rotating machinery in nuclear power plant based on improved domain adaptation method11
Molten salt oxidation and process analysis of anionic exchange resin in Na2CO3-K2CO3 melt11
Theoretical and experimental estimation of the relative optically stimulated luminescence efficiency of an optical-fiber-based BaFBr:Eu detector for swift ions10
Use of Bayesian networks and improved SPAR-H for quantitative analysis of human reliability during severe accidents mitigation process in nuclear power plant10
Estimation of the sugar content of fruit by energy-resolved computed tomography using a material decomposition method9
Neutron capture and total cross-section measurements and resonance parameter analysis of niobium-93 below 400 eV9
Implementation of surface crack detection method for nuclear fuel pellets guided by convolution neural network9
Radiation imaging of a highly contaminated filter train inside Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station unit 2 using an integrated Radiation Imaging System based on a Compton camera9
Multi-group neutron cross section generation capability for FRENDY nuclear data processing code9
Design and actual performance of J-PARC 3 GeV rapid cycling synchrotron for high-intensity operation9
New-designed in-situ measurement system for radon concentration in soil air and its application in vertical profile observation8
A review of efforts for volume reduction of contaminated soil in the ten years after the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant8
Evaluation of core material energy change during the in-vessel phase of Fukushima Daiichi Unit 3 based on observed pressure data utilizing GOTHIC code analysis8
Evaluation of the technical options of radioactive waste management for utilization of MOX fuel: thermal impact of minor actinide separation with geological disposal of high-level waste8
Improvements in the particle and heavy-ion transport code system (PHITS) for simulating neutron-response functions and detection efficiencies of a liquid organic scintillator8
EXFOR-based simultaneous evaluation of neutron-induced uranium and plutonium fission cross sections for JENDL-58
Development of local-scale high-resolution atmospheric dispersion model using large-eddy simulation part 6: introduction of detailed dose calculation method8
Application of dynamic mode decomposition to Rossi-α method in a critical state using file-by-file moving block bootstrap method8
Development of local-scale high-resolution atmospheric dispersion and dose assessment system7
Strontium adsorption characteristics of natural Zeolites for permeable reactive barrier in Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station7
Distribution of studtite and metastudtite generated on the surface of U3O8: application of Raman imaging technique to uranium compound7
Determination of 135Cs/137Cs isotopic ratio in soil collected near Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station through mass spectrometry7
Dynamic probabilistic risk assessment of seismic-induced flooding in pressurized water reactor by seismic, flooding, and thermal-hydraulics simulations7
Thermal-neutron capture cross-section measurement of Tantalum-181 using graphite thermal column at KUR7
JENDL-5 benchmark test for shielding applications7
Microparticles with diverse sizes and morphologies from mechanical and laser cutting of fuel debris simulants and geopolymer as a covering material7
A thermal-hydraulic analysis model of printed circuit heat exchangers for system simulation using Modelica7
Distribution, dynamics, and fate of radiocesium derived from FDNPP accident in the ocean6
Cesium Chemistry in the LWR severe accident and towards the decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station6
Revolatilization of iodine by bubbly flow in the suppression pool during an accident6
KeV-region analysis of the neutron capture cross-section of 237Np6
Designs and neutronic characteristics of an epithermal neutron moderator at ambient temperature for neutron time-of-flight measurements6
Experimental evaluation of Sr and Ba distribution in ex-vessel debris under a temperature gradient6
JENDL-5 benchmarking for fission reactor applications6
G-HyND: a hybrid nuclear data estimator with Gaussian processes6
Quasi-Monte Carlo sampling method for simulation-based dynamic probabilistic risk assessment of nuclear power plants6
Applicability of several Feynman-α formulae to a subcritical thermal reactor6
Recovery of the laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy system using a ceramic microchip deteriorated by radiation for the remote elemental analysis6
Air dose rates and cesium-137 in urban areas—deposition, migration, and time dependencies after nuclear power plant accidents6
High-temperature ex-vessel corium spreading. Part 1: experimental investigations on ceramic and sacrificial concrete substrates6
Development and validation of an agglomeration model for CFD simulations of aerosol dispersion in the frame of Fukushima fuel debris retrieval5
Iterative reconstruction algorithm comparison using Poisson noise distributed sinogram data in passive gamma emission tomography5
A preliminary site risk assessment5
Safety assessment of second-phase disposal facility in Gyeongju low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste (LILW) repository using RESRAD-OFFSITE code5
Seismic response of electrical cabinets considering primary-secondary structure interaction with contact nonlinearity of anchors5
Study on cesium compound formation by chemical interaction of CsOH and concrete at elevated temperatures5
H2 generation at metal oxide particle surfaces under γ-radiation in water5
In-situ TEM observation of migration behavior of helium bubbles in F82H5
Experimental and numerical study of a condensing steam jet4
Exact Monte Carlo calculation method for K-eigenvalue change using perturbation source method4
Modeling of distribution parameters for upward steam-water boiling flows in subchannels of a vertical rod bundle4
The dependence of pool scrubbing decontamination factor on particle number density: modeling based on bubble mass and energy balances4
High-temperature ex-vessel corium spreading. Part 2: scaling principles for gravity-viscous spreading with slip at the melt–substrate interface4
Measurements and Monte Carlo simulations of high-energy neutron streaming through the access maze using activation detectors at 24 GeV/c proton beam facility of CERN/CHARM4
Development of an evaluation method for planning of urgent protection strategies in a nuclear emergency using a level 3 probabilistic risk assessment4
Application of ensemble method to predict radiation doses from a radioactive release during hypothetical severe accidents at Russian NPP4
The development of Petri net-based continuous Markov chain Monte Carlo methodology applying to dynamic probability risk assessment for multi-state resilience systems with repairable multi-component in4
Walking survey technique for ambient gamma dose rate measurement established in Fukushima Medical University4
High-temperature creep properties of 9Cr-ODS tempered martensitic steel and quantitative correlation with its nanometer-scale structure4
Bayesian-estimation-based method for generating fragility curves for high-fidelity seismic probability risk assessment4
Seismic performance evaluation of base-isolated nuclear power plant reactor building considering aging effect of isolation device4
A Staged Evacuation Methodology for Emergency Preparedness Plan4
An improved theoretical method for determining the mean D-T neutron energies in large solid angle sample4
Measurements of the neutron capture cross section of 243Am around 23.5 keV4
Development of ACE file perturbation tool using FRENDY4
Technology options and cost estimates of nuclear powered desalination in the United Arab Emirates4
Cross-section adjustment method based on Bayesian theory for specific cross-section set4
Neutron yield calculation of thin and thick d-D targets by using PHITS with frag data table4
The buildup factor calculations of concrete with different proportions of CRT based on a BP neural network by MCNP4
Measurement of 107-MeV proton-induced double-differential thick target neutron yields for Fe, Pb, and Bi using a fixed-field alternating gradient accelerator at Kyoto University4
Ensuring a prudent combination of risk insights and a defense-in-depth philosophy through a reinterpretation of hierarchical safety goals4
Estimation of temporal variation of tritium inventory discharged from the port of Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant:analysis of the temporal variation and comparison with released tritium invento4
A BWR control blade degradation observed in situ during a CLADS-MADE-02 test under Fukushima Dai-Ichi Unit 3 postulated conditions4
Chemical species of iodine during sorption by activated carbon -Effects of original chemical species and fulvic acids4
Development of interaction model on the risk assessment method for nuclear facilities using a system model with a multi-layer structure4
Neutron total and capture cross-section measurements of 155Gd and 157Gd in the thermal energy region with the Li-glass detectors and NaI(Tl) spectrometer installed in J-PARC·MLF·4
Localizing unknown radiation sources by unscented particle filtering based on divide-and-conquer sampling3
Quantitative visualization of a radioactive plume with harmonizing gamma-ray imaging spectrometry and real-time atmospheric dispersion simulation based on 3D wind observation3
Investigation into activation of accelerators at various synchrotron radiation facilities in Japan3
Crystallographic orientation dependent of blisters formation on tungsten surface exposed to helium ions3
A surface cracks detection method for nuclear fuel pellets using an improved fully convolutional network3
Density functional modeling of Am3+/Eu3+ selectivity with diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid and its bisamide chelates.3
TRU oxide sample reactivity worths measured in the FCA-IX assemblies with systematically changed neutron energy spectra3
Validation of three-dimensional simulation method for two-phase flow in triangular-pitch tube bundle in secondary side of steam generators on porous two-fluid model3
Mutual separation of Am and Cm using ADAAM (Alkyl DiAmide AMine) and reduction of volumes for liquid waste generated via batch-wise multistage extractions3
Cost-reduced depletion calculation including short half-life nuclides for nuclear fuel cycle simulation3
Sintering and microstructural behaviors of mechanically blended Nd/Sm-doped MOX3
Raman identification and characterization of chemical components included in simulated nuclear fuel debris synthesized from uranium, stainless steel, and zirconium3
Multi-objective optimization based on economic analysis for a printed circuit heat exchanger with application to Brayton cycle3
Integrating DeblurGAN and CNN to improve the accuracy of motion blur X-Ray image classification3
Evaluation of uncertainties derived from meteorological forecast inputs in plume directions predicted by atmospheric dispersion simulations3
Experimental study and modeling of bubble lift-off diameter in subcooled flow boiling including the inclination effect of the heating surface3
Experimental study on mechanical properties of corroded steel used as containment liner in nuclear power plant3
Monte Carlo analyses of light-water-moderated and light-water-reflected cores with highly-enriched uranium fuel at Kyoto University Critical Assembly3
Development of a critical heat flux correlation based on a mechanistic model under subcooled flow boiling conditions3
Impact of nuclear data revised from JENDL-4.0 to JENDL-5 on PWR spent fuel nuclide composition3
Uranium dissolution and uranyl peroxide formation by immersion of simulated fuel debris in aqueous H2O2 solution3
241Am Neutron Capture Cross Section in the keV region using Si and Fe-filtered neutron beams3
Activity and weight ratios of cesium, uranium, plutonium, and curium isotopes based on elaborate inventory calculations of Fukushima Dai-ichi NPP units 1 to 33
Basic study on tritium monitor using plastic scintillator for treated water discharge at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power plant3
Evaluation of the production amount of 225 Ac and its uncertainty through the 226 Ra(n,2n) reaction in the experimental fast react3
Ten years of Fukushima Dai-Ichi post-accident research on the degradation phenomenology of the BWR core components3
Application of Bayesian machine learning for estimation of uncertainty in forecasted plume directions by atmospheric dispersion simulations3
Connection of four-dimensional Langevin model and Hauser-Feshbach theory to describe statistical decay of fission fragments3
Crucial importance of correlation between cross sections and angular distributions in nuclear data of 28Si on estimation of uncertainty of neutron dose penetrating a thick concrete3
Neutron capture cross sections of curium isotopes measured with ANNRI at J-PARC3
Degradation mechanism of stainless steel by U-Zr-O molten mixture during core degradation of BWR severe accident3
Validation of several sets of delayed-neutron group parameters for thermal fission of 235U by a Feynman-α analysis3
Stochastic estimation of radionuclide composition in wastes generated at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station using Bayesian inference3
Dosimetric effect of carbon fiber treatment couch in boron neutron capture therapy3
Dose rate distribution measuring method using personal dosimeters and localization devices3
Calculation of recoil nucleus spectrum in the presence of multi-particle emission in nuclear reaction with Monte Carlo method as an extension of CCONE code3
Corrosion behavior of zirconium alloys in the aqueous environment. Phenomenological aspects. Overview3
Improvement of thermal conductivity by adding tungsten and/or copper wire in F82H3
Composition optimization of radiation resistance ODS alloy with high strength and ductility for advanced reactor based on machine learning3
Dependency of the source term estimation method for radionuclides released into the atmosphere on the available environmental monitoring data and its applicability to real-time source term estimation3
Granular fuel debris shape modeling in MPS-DEM for the simulation of fuel debris bed formation in water3
Estimation of uncertainty in transmutation rates of LLFPs in a fast reactor transmutation system via an estimation of the cross-section covariances3
Test of 107Pd transmutation with macroscopic quantities3
High temperature electrochemical reaction parameters affecting elecrochemical corrosion potential of type 316L stainless steel3
Detailed visualization of radioactive hotspots inside the unit 1 reactor building of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station using an integrated Radiation Imaging System mounted on a Mecanum wheel3
Improvement of the optimally-weighted predictor-corrector method for nuclear fuel burnup calculations3