Journal of Nuclear Materials

(The TQCC of Journal of Nuclear Materials is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Proton irradiation effects in Molybdenum-Carbide-Graphite composites122
Investigating the interactions between hydrotalcite and U(IV) nanoparticulates112
Mechanisms of plastic deformation and fracture of austenitic chromium-nickel steel irradiated during 45 years in WWER-44068
Deuterium transport and retention properties of representative fusion blanket structural materials64
Systematic experimental and model-based evaluation of the synergistic effects of alloy composition and damage rate on the formation of Cr-rich precipitates in Fe–Cr–Al alloys under ion irradiation52
Microstructural evolution in tungsten binary alloys under proton and self-ion irradiations at 800 °C50
Dose rate effects on damage accumulation and void growth in self-ion irradiated tungsten50
No ball milling needed: Alternative ODS steel manufacturing with gas atomization reaction synthesis (GARS) and friction-based processing50
Diffusion behavior of oxygen in the electro-deoxidation of uranium oxide in LiCl-rich melt49
Solubility of monoclinic and yttrium stabilized cubic ZrO2: Solution and surface thermodynamics guiding ultra-trace analytics in aqueous phase49
An improved model for the prediction of He bubbles driven W fuzz growth at different temperatures48
Parameterization of vacancy production rate in phase-field models of fission gas bubble evolution in nuclear fuel46
Self-ion irradiation response of (CoCrFeNi)94Ti2Al4 alloy containing coherent nanoprecipitates44
Effect of irradiation temperature on the fracture-mechanical behaviour of tungsten irradiated to 1 dpa43
Characterization of modeling and experimental data inconsistencies from burst testing for high-burnup commercial fuel rod applications42
Coupling effects in borosilicate glass leaching: A study on La/V doping40
Postirradiation characterization of palladium as an additive for fuel cladding chemical interaction mitigation in metallic fuel40
Deuterium permeation and retention in 316L Stainless Steel Manufactured by Laser Powder Bed Fusion40
Effect of soft-mould pressing method on anisotropy of the graphitic matrix spheres: Dry-bag isostatic vs. Quasi-isostatic39
Parametrization of embedded-atom method potential for liquid lithium and lead-lithium eutectic alloy39
Radiation-induced swelling and precipitation in Fe++ ion-irradiated ferritic/martensitic steels39
Editorial Board38
Characteristics of oxide-dispersion strengthened alloys produced by high-temperature severe deformation38
Manufacturing porous U10Zr fuels with controlled porosities by SPS and thermal properties35
Grain growth kinetics of the gamma phase metallic uranium34
The use of carbon to improve the pressureless sintering of uranium diboride33
Effect of irradiation swelling on the mechanical properties of unidirectional SiC/SiC composites: A numerical investigation at microstructural level33
Characterization and ion-irradiation studies of typical microstructures in nuclear graphite31
Electrochemical reduction behavior of vitrified nuclear waste simulant in molten CaCl231
Hardening behavior and deformation microstructure beneath indentation in heavy ion irradiated 12Cr-ODS steel at elevated temperature30
Austenitic transformation and influence of prior ferrite formation on martensite transformation characteristics of Al-added P91 ferritic-martensitic steel30
Mechanistic grain growth model for fresh and irradiated UO2 nuclear fuel30
An integrated statistical-thermodynamic model for fission gas release and swelling in nuclear fuels30
Xenon bubbles formed by ion implantation in zirconium alloy films29
Helium ion irradiation-induced damage of powder metallurgy-hot isostatic pressed Ni-based alloy GH3535 for molten salt reactor applications29
The effect of secondary phases on microstructure and irradiation damage in an as-built additively manufactured 316 L stainless steel with a hafnium compositional gradient29
Monitoring the gradual change in oxidation state during surface oxidation or reduction of uranium oxides by photoemission spectroscopy of the 5f states29
Microstructural characterization of U-20Pu-10Zr-4Sb and U-20Pu-10Zr-4Sb-4Ln28
A molecular dynamics study of a cascade induced irradiation creep mechanism in pure copper28
Precipitation of Cr-rich clusters in Fe-Cr alloys: Effects of irradiation from first principles modeling and experimental observations27
Collision cascade effects near an edge dislocation dipole in alpha-Fe: Induced dislocation mobility and enhanced defect clustering26
Assessing Li accommodation at amorphous ZrO2 grain boundaries26
Understanding radiation effects in friction stir welded MA956 using ion irradiation and a rate theory model26
Characterisation of nano-scale precipitates in BOR60 irradiated T91 steel using atom probe tomography26
Short communication: Spark plasma sintering as an innovative process for nuclear fuel plate manufacturing25
Predicting the particle-agglomeration effect on the equivalent mechanical properties of dispersion nuclear fuel by machine learning25
On the origin of the hydride precipitation-dissolution hysteresis in zirconium: Comments on Short Communication of G.A. McRae and C.E. Coleman published in Journal of Nuclear Materials 568 (2022) 153824
Analysis of erbium diffusion in zirconium-niobium alloys using neutron imaging and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy24
Evaluation of the delayed hydrogen cracking behavior and the hydrogen diffusion coefficient for different microstructures of the Zr-2.5%Nb alloy24
Additive manufacturing technologies for EUROFER97 components24
Editorial Board23
Editorial Board23
Evaluation of several conditioning matrices for the management of radioactive metal beryllium wastes23
Non-destructive analysis of swelling in the EMPIrE fuel test23
Stability of 100 dislocations formed in W23
Inelastic collision effects of high-energy neutrons in tungsten materials23
The incorporation of xenon at point defects and bubbles in uranium mononitride23
Formation of multicomponent alloy particles in doped ceria under I2+ ion irradiation and thermal annealing23
Effect of surface state of austenitic type 304L SS on oxide characteristics formed in high temperature high pressure water23
Effect of composition on the corrosion behavior of 24 statistically-designed alkali-borosilicate waste glasses23
Atomistic modelling of iodine-oxygen interactions in strained sub-oxides of zirconium22
The effect of radiolytic oxidation on the elastic properties of nuclear graphite measured by electronic speckle pattern interferometry22
Fission products at the fuel-cladding interface of PWR fuel rods: morphological and chemical study22
Editorial Board22
Determining the tensile strength of fuel surrogate TRISO-coated particle buffer, IPyC, and buffer-IPyC interlayer regions22
Short communication: The effects of ageing and storage environment on the oxidation response of uranium nitride (UN) powders22
Dose-dependent strain localization and embrittlement in ferritic materials: A predictive approach based on sub-grain plasticity modelling22
Microstructural analysis of tristructural isotropic particles in high-temperature steam mixed gas atmospheres22
Diffusion study of uranium mononitride/zirconium carbide composite for space nuclear propulsion22
Fission products speciation in nuclear fuel: Synthesis and characterisation of mixed oxide (U,Pu)O2 SIMfuel22
On the creep mechanisms and macroscopic creep rate modeling of high-uranium-density composite fuels22
A laboratory-scale process for producing dilithium beryllium tetrafluoride (FLiBe) with dissolved uranium tetrafluoride22
X-ray diffraction line profile analysis of defects in neutron-irradiated austenitic stainless steels at low displacement damage levels21
Deuterium retention in tungsten, tungsten carbide and tungsten-ditungsten carbide composites21
On the feasibility of duplex stainless steel 2205 as an accident tolerant fuel cladding material for light water reactors21
Micro-cantilever beam experiments and modeling in porous polycrystalline UO221
Anisotropy study of hydrogen diffusion along different directions of Zr-2.5%Nb alloy pressure tube using neutron imaging21
Formation and stability of the early stage solute and defect clusters in Cu-free ferritic steels during irradiation21
Behavior of FeCrAl-ODS cladding tube under loss-of-coolant accident conditions21
Hydrogen-enhanced oxidation of ferrite phase in stainless steel cladding and the contribution to stress corrosion cracking in deaerated high temperature water21
A novel type of core-shell structured secondary phase particles in Ge-addition modified Zircaloy-4 alloy subjected to β-phase region solution treatment21
Interaction of krypton and xenon with sodium and activated charcoal: Identification and modeling using gas chromatography and density functional theory21
Editorial Board20
Bonding properties evaluation for an EBW joint of RAFM steel by using notched small tensile specimens20
Defects evolution induced by Fe and He ions irradiation in Ti3AlC220
Analytical models for predicting the behavior of the Fukushima fuel debris during laboratory tests and long-term storage20
Development of geopolymer based sacrificial materials for GEN IV severe accident mitigation20
Dislocation loop coarsening and shape evolution upon annealing neutron-irradiated RAFM steel20
Controlled current-rate AC flash sintering of uranium dioxide20
A linked-scale coupled model of mass erosion and redistribution in plasma-exposed micro-foam surfaces20
Anisotropy in the elasticity of α-U from first-principles calculations and nanoindentation20
Effect of scratch depth on high cycle fatigue behavior of Alloy 690TT stream generator tube20
Editorial Board19
Projector augmented-wave pseudopotentials for the actinide elements (Ac–Bk)19
Nanopore graphene-tungsten composite with enhanced irradiated helium atoms storage capacity19
The Thermo-Elastic Properties and Damping of U-6wt%Nb19
Helium and deuterium retention in Eurofer97 under sequential irradiation at low fluxes19
Probabilistic failure assessment of an irradiated DEMO breeding blanket component under ferromagnetic loads: Impacts of material data scattering and uncertainty in local stress intensities19
In-situ ion irradiation study of alloy 709 stainless steels with different processing histories19
The infiltration behavior and chemical compatibility of molten lead-bismuth eutectic in nuclear graphite at elevated temperature19
Discussion on the presence condition of suboxide ZrO beneath the oxide in zirconium alloys19
Cavity evolution and void swelling in dual ion irradiated tempered martensitic steels19
Development of a U-19Pu-10Zr fuel performance benchmark case based on the IFR-1 experiment19
He nanobubble driven W surface growth during low-energy He ion irradiations19
The role of stress-state on the low cycle fatigue resistance of non-hydrided beta-treated Zircaloy-419
Magnetism and finite-temperature effects in UZr2: A density functional theory analysis19
A NMR and SANS study of alkali-borosilicate behaviour under thermal neutron irradiation18
First principles calculations of cohesive energy of fission-product-segregated grain boundary of UO218
Electron tomography of unirradiated and irradiated nuclear graphite18
Dose and compositional dependence of irradiation-induced property change in FeCr18
Oxide dispersoid coherency of a ferritic-martensitic 12Cr oxide-dispersion-strengthened alloy under self-ion irradiation18
Diffusion controlled hydrolysis in geopolymers under gamma irradiation18
Synthesis of U3O8 and UO2 microspheres using microfluidics18
First-principles investigation of the thermophysical properties of NaCl, PuCl3, and NaCl-PuCl3 Molten salts18
Modeling fission spikes in nuclear fuel using a multigroup model of electronic energy transport18
First-principles calculations of transition elements interaction with hydrogen in vanadium18
Effect of zeolite type, temperature, and pH on Stage III glass alteration behavior for two nuclear waste glasses18
Tungsten fiber-reinforced tungsten composites and their thermal stability18
Helium-bubble-assisted deformation twinning in irradiated graphene (reduced graphene oxide)-aluminum composite with a nanolaminated structure18
Critical comment to Letter to the Editor of G.A. McRae and C.E. Coleman published in Journal of Nuclear Materials 556 (2021) 15316918
Investigation of γ-18
Manufacturing porous U-10Zr metallic fuels with controllable microstructure by volume control spark plasma sintering18
Simulation of uranium mononitride spent fuel: A thermodynamic approach18
The critical influencing factors responsible for the particle cracking in UMo/Zr dispersion fuel plates during post-irradiation anneal tests17
A fusion relevant data-driven engineering void swelling model for 9Cr tempered martensitic steels17
Effects of different silicon content on irradiation defects and hardening in 9Cr ferritic/martensitic steel17
Oriented intra-granular bubble transport due to coupling of pinned bubble growth and dislocation climb17
Improved doping and densification of uranium oxide microspheres using starch as pore former17
Dose and dose rate dependence of precipitation in a series of surveillance RPV steels under ion and neutron irradiation17
MD simulation of interactions of atomic displacement cascades with β-Nb precipitates in a zirconium matrix17
Off-center positioning of helium in a vacancy in metals17
The microstructure effects on irradiation response of ferritic – martensitic steels17
Elucidating changes in thermal creep strain rate of Cr-coated Zr-Nb alloy Accident Tolerant Fuel (ATF) cladding via experiment and mechanical analysis17
Effect of Salt Composition and Microstructure on Stress Corrosion Cracking of 316L Austenitic Stainless Steel for Dry Storage Canisters17
Modelling of defective CANDU fuel phenomena17
Effect of concurrent grain growth on radiation-induced segregation in nanocrystalline Fe–Cr–Ni alloys17
Editorial Board17
Prior implantation of hydrogen as a mechanism to delay helium bubbles, blistering, and exfoliation in titanium17
Triple ion beam irradiation of glass-ceramic materials for nuclear fusion technology17
Editorial Board17
Modelling the brittle-to-ductile transition of high-purity tungsten under neutron irradiation17
Ab Initio molecular dynamics study of threshold displacement energy in Zirconium Nitride17
Embedded Cluster Study of the Co-Adsorption of HCl and H2O on PuO2 Surfaces17
Focused Ion Beam induced hydride formation does not affect Fe, Ni, Cr-clusters in irradiated Zircaloy-217
Tungsten-chromium coatings on reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steels prepared by laser melting deposition process17
Incorporation and migration of xenon in uranium-plutonium mixed nitride; A density functional theory study17
Characterization of multilayer coatings of aluminium, tungsten and molybdenum on steel substrate using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy17
Hydrogen diffusion and precipitation influenced by non-uniformly distributed stress in zirconium alloy with different textures16
Raman spectroscopy of uranium nitride kernels16
Effect of prior microstructure on carbide precipitation in a Cr-Mo-V pressure vessel steel at 650 °C16
Challenges and opportunities to alloyed and composite fuel architectures to mitigate high uranium density fuel oxidation: uranium silicide16
Use of combined linear and nonlinear ultrasound to examine microstructural and microchemical variations in highly irradiated 304 stainless steel16
The dynamic response of He bubble in bicrystal copper under uniaxial compression and tension16
Modeling fission gas release at the mesoscale using multiscale DenseNet regression with attention mechanism and inception blocks16
Solid state synthesis of Ce-doped zircon from the mechanically activated CeO2–ZrO2–SiO2 mixture16
Neutron irradiation tolerance of potassium-doped and rhenium-alloyed tungsten16
Characterization of oxide layers formed on type 316 stainless steel exposed to the simulated PWR primary water environment with varying dissolved hydrogen and zinc concentrations16
KCl-UCl3 molten salts investigated by Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics (AIMD) simulations: A comparative study with three dispersion models16
The SCIANTIX code for fission gas behaviour: Status, upgrades, separate-effect validation, and future developments16
Insight into the interfacial microstructure and chemistry of hot isostatically pressed AA6061-AA6061 bonds for U-10Mo fuel cladding application16
Ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations of NaCl, UCl3 and 16
Quantitative in-situ investigation of dislocation loop motion in Fe9Cr1.5W ferritic/martensitic steel under the coupling effects of constant stress and irradiation16
Helium bubble formation in nickel under in-situ krypton and helium ions dual-beam irradiation16
Effect of temperature on apparent crack arrest toughness of Eurofer97 measured by a newly developed small specimen test technique16
Suppression of helium migration in arc-melted and 3D-printed CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy16
Diffusion of H in Zircaloy-2 and Zr-2.5%Nb rolled plates between 250 °C and 350 °C by off-situ neutron imaging experiments16
Helium bubbles diffusion in aluminum: Influence of gas pressure16
Molecular dynamics investigation of dislocation-hydrogen/helium interactions in tungsten16
Impact of ion and neutron irradiation on the corrosion of the 6061-T6 aluminium alloy16
Application of machine learning in understanding the irradiation damage mechanism of high-entropy materials16
Nitriding model for zirconium based fuel cladding in severe accident codes16
Atomistic simulations of He bubbles in Beryllium16
Evolution of δ ferrite in a CF3 cast stainless steel upon neutron irradiation to 3, 5, 10, 20, and 40 dpa15
Ab-initio investigation of mechanical and fracture-related properties of W-Re σ and χ precipitates15
Metallothermic reduction of Cerium Chloride in molten Salt using Li, Na, and Ca Metal15
Correlation between impact angle and corrosion-erosion damage behavior of ferritic/martensitic steel exposed to flowing oxygen-saturated lead-bismuth eutectic15
Hydrogen isotope permeation and retention behavior in the RAFM steel manufactured by laser powder bed fusion15
Surface blistering and D desorption in high-energy-rate forging W, W-Y2O3, W-TiC exposed to deuterium plasma15
Effect of Irradiation on Ni-Inconel/Incoloy Heterostructures in Multimetallic Layered Composites15
Study of the volatilization of cesium and rhenium in the waste vitrification process15
Weldability of irradiated Stainless Steel 304 materials harvested from the National Research Universal (NRU) reactor15
Effect of initial microstructure on irradiation induced microstructure evolution in δ-ferrite in an austenitic stainless steel weld15
Structure of the pellet-cladding interaction layer of a high-burnup Zr-Nb-O nuclear fuel cladding15
Characteristics of Cs pollucite synthesized at various Cs loadings for immobilization of radioactive Cs15
Towards understanding the mechanism of titanium suppressing vacancy clustering/void nucleation in vanadium alloy15
A comprehensive review on decontamination of irradiated graphite waste15
Highly stable nanocrystalline oxide dispersion strengthened alloys with outstanding helium bubble suppression15
Microstructure evolution of magnetite layer on CLAM steel exposed to lead-bismuth eutectic containing 10−6 wt% oxygen at 500 °C15
Structural evolution features of the 42XNM alloy during neutron irradiation under VVER conditions15
Cluster dynamics simulation of Zr hydrides formation on grain boundaries in Zr15
Decontamination and solidification treatment on spent liquid scintillation cocktail15
A correlation-based approach for evaluating mechanical properties of nuclear fuel cladding tubes15
Cluster dynamics modeling of Mn-Ni-Si precipitates coupled with radiation-induced segregation in low-Cu reactor pressure vessel steels15
Influence of groundwater composition on the reductive precipitation of U(VI) on corroding iron foil surfaces15
Burst characteristics of advanced accident-tolerant FeCrAl cladding under temperature transient testing15
Development of metallic nuclear material purification process via simultaneous chlorination and volatilization15
Multi-objective optimization design of TRISO-based fully ceramic microencapsulated fuel15
Hafnium oxidation at high temperature in steam15
Radiation-induced amorphization of M23C6 in F82H steel: An atomic-scale observation15
Ion-irradiation-induced clustering in Fe-Mn-Ni-(Si) steels: Nucleation, growth and chemistry evolution15
XPS study of external α-radiolytic oxidation of UO2 in the presence of argon or hydrogen15
Effect of different Y components on optimization of dispersive Y2O3 particles in ODS-Cu15
Lithium/titanium ratio: A key factor on crystal structure and mechanical properties of lithium titanate pebbles for tritium breeder15
Predicting zeolites’ stability during the corrosion of nuclear waste immobilization glasses: Comparison with glass corrosion experiments14
Micromechanical modeling of single crystal and polycrystalline UO2 at elevated temperatures14
Combined evaluation of Young modulus and fracture toughness in small specimens of fine grained nuclear graphite using 3D image analysis14
A new interatomic potential of W-Ni-Fe systems for point defects and mechanical property studies14
A novel protocol to recycle zirconium from zirconium alloy cladding from used nuclear fuel rods14
Computational insights into the lattice dynamics of Pu(IV) oxalates14
Positron annihilation study of the reactor pressure vessel model steels irradiated in the high flux reactor14
Radial hydride fraction with various rod internal pressures and hydrogen contents for Zr-Nb alloy cladding tube14
Effect of hydrogen gas and leaching solution on the fast release of fission products from two PWR fuels14
First-principles analysis of intergranular fracture in UN by Σ5(210) grain boundary segregated Xe and vacancy14
Editorial Board14
Reply to S. Wang's comments (Journal of Nuclear Materials 570 (2022) 153952) on short communication of G.A. McRae and C.E. Coleman published in Journal of Nuclear Materials 568 (2022) 15388914
An ab initio molecular dynamics investigation of the thermophysical properties of molten NaCl-MgCl14
Uniform oxidation in steam and nodular corrosion in gas phase of Zr-2.5Nb pressure tube material - effect of nature of initial oxide14
Method for identification of redox control parameters for corrosion mitigation in molten fluoride salts14
Improving hydrogen isotope permeation resistance of (TiVAlCrZr)O multi-component metal oxide coating by O+ Ion implantation14
The evolution of helium-vacancy bubbles in austenitic steels under neutron irradiation14
Helium migration in Zr-Nb multilayers under electric field14
Chemisorption, diffusion and permeation of hydrogen isotopes in bcc bulk cr and cr(100) surface: First-principles dft simulations14
Hydrogen diffusion in zirconium cladding alloys with an inner liner as quantified by neutron radiography and nanoindentation14
Oxidation and carburization behaviour of two type 316H stainless steel casts in simulated AGR gas environment at 550 and 600 °C14
Influence of Ni-Mn contents on the embrittlement of PWR RPV model steels irradiated to high fluences relevant for LTO beyond 60 years14
Understanding the local thermal conductivity evolution of neutron irradiated U3Si2 dispersion fuel via state-of-the-art thermo-reflectance measurements14
Analysis of thermal fuel behaviour under steady-state irradiation using selected cases of the IAEA CRP FUMEX14
Zirconium based neutron absorption material with outstanding corrosion resistance and mechanical properties14
Raman spectroscopy coupled to principal component analysis for studying UO2 nuclear fuels with different grain sizes due to the chromia addition14
Interaction between <c> dislocation loop and {1014
Precipitation kinetics of radiation-induced Ni-Mn-Si phases in VVER-1000 reactor pressure vessel steels under low and high flux irradiation14
Transmission electron microscopy characterization of the fuel-cladding chemical interactions in HT9 cladded U-10Zr fuel14
Corrosion behavior of a series of combinatorial physical vapor deposition coatings on SiC in a simulated boiling water reactor environment14
Thermal stabilization of extraframework Cs+ in zeolite 13X14
Effect of Re aggregation doping configurations on the thermal and mechanical properties of W-Re alloys: A molecular dynamics study14
Development of an image analysis code for hydrided Zircaloy using Dijkstra's algorithm and sensitivity analysis of radial hydride continuous path14
Nodular corrosion of zirconium alloys in gaseous environment containing different contaminants14
Determination of the detrapping energy of tritium in tungsten14
Characterization of Li-rich Li2TiO3 ceramic pebbles prepared by rolling method sintered in air and vacuum14
Radiation damage accumulation mechanisms at iron grain boundaries revealed by coupled atomic and coarse-grained simulations via the parameter-passing and structural feedback14
Efficient atomistic simulations of radiation damage in W and W–Mo using machine-learning potentials14
Low cycle fatigue of EUROFER97 investigated for test blanket modules of ITER: An interlaboratory study13
Effect of the cycle number on fretting wear behavior of alloy 690TT tube in high-temperature pressurized water13
Thermodynamics modeling of ZrCo-H systems with biaxial compressive strain during desorption13
Impact of the microstructure on the swelling of aluminum alloys: Characterization and modelling bases13
Chloride-induced stress corrosion cracking in Austenitic steels for SNF storage canisters - Recent understanding and advances in mitigation and repair13
Highly efficient energy and mass transfer in bcc metals by supersonic 2-crowdions13
Studies on the spark plasma sintering of U3Si2: Processing parameters and interactions13
Fast densification of dense nano-grained Gd2Zr2O7 ceramic prepared by two-step microwave sintering13