Studies in Applied Mathematics

(The median citation count of Studies in Applied Mathematics is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Completely resonant collision of lumps and line solitons in the Kadomtsev–Petviashvili I equation71
Riemann–Hilbert problem and interactions of solitons in the ‐component nonlinear Schrödinger equations48
Lump chains in the KP‐I equation44
Spatiotemporal dynamics of a diffusive consumer‐resource model with explicit spatial memory38
Bifurcation analysis of an extended Klausmeier–Gray–Scott model with infiltration delay33
The Fokas–Lenells equations: Bilinear approach29
Spatiotemporal patterns in a diffusive predator–prey system with nonlocal intraspecific prey competition28
Exotic wave patterns in Riemann problem of the high‐order Jaulent–Miodek equation: Whitham modulation theory25
Rogue waves and lumps on the nonzero background in the ‐symmetric nonlocal Maccari system23
Darboux transformations and solutions of nonlocal Hirota and Maxwell–Bloch equations22
Dynamic analysis of a stochastic eco‐epidemiological model with disease in predators20
Dynamics of the predator–prey model with the Sigmoid functional response19
Linking bifurcation analysis of Holling–Tanner model with generalist predator to a changing environment19
Riemann–Hilbert approach for discrete sine‐Gordon equation with simple and double poles18
Dbar‐approach to coupled nonlocal NLS equation and general nonlocal reduction18
Stability of smooth periodic travelling waves in the Camassa–Holm equation18
High‐order exceptional points and enhanced sensing in subwavelength resonator arrays17
Improved finite‐time zeroing neural network for time‐varying division16
New finite volume approach for multidimensional Smoluchowski equation on nonuniform grids16
Long‐time asymptotic behavior of the fifth‐order modified KdV equation in low regularity spaces15
Inverse scattering transform for the complex coupled short‐pulse equation13
Existence, uniqueness and stability of forced waves to the Lotka‐Volterra competition system in a shifting environment13
Dispersive Riemann problems for the Benjamin–Bona–Mahony equation13
Vector breathers in the Manakov system12
Exact solutions and internal waves for the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in spherical coordinates12
Consensus‐based sampling12
Optimal quarantine‐related strategies for COVID‐19 control models12
Local symmetry structure and potential symmetries of time‐fractional partial differential equations11
Differential, difference, and asymptotic relations for Pollaczek–Jacobi type orthogonal polynomials and their Hankel determinants11
Infinite time blow‐up of solutions to a class of wave equations with weak and strong damping terms and logarithmic nonlinearity10
On the existence and regularity of solutions of semihyperbolic patches to 2‐D Euler equations with van der Waals gas10
Cauchy matrix approach to the SU(2) self‐dual Yang–Mills equation10
Multiple orthogonal polynomials with respect to Gauss' hypergeometric function10
General higher—order breathers and rogue waves in the two‐component long‐wave–short‐wave resonance interaction model10
Inverse scattering transform for the focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation with counterpropagating flows10
Molecular dynamics simulations to explore the structure and rheological properties of normal and hyperconcentrated airway mucus9
Properties of given and detected unbounded solutions to a class of chemotaxis models9
Invasion analysis of a two‐species Lotka–Volterra competition model in an advective patchy environment9
Stability in distribution for age‐structured HIV model with delay and driven by Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process9
Dispersive shock waves for the Boussinesq Benjamin–Ono equation9
Analyticity of rotational traveling gravity two‐layer waves9
Dissipative models of swell propagation across the Pacific8
Hölder stability and uniqueness for the mean field games system via Carleman estimates8
Tau‐function formulation for bright, dark soliton and breather solutions to the massive Thirring model8
A novel fractional‐order reaction diffusion system for the multiplicative noise removal8
Spot patterns in the 2‐D Schnakenberg model with localized heterogeneities8
Boundary behavior of the solution to the linear Korteweg‐De Vries equation on the half line8
The multi elliptic‐localized solutions and their asymptotic behaviors for the mKdV equation8
Bifurcations of thresholds in essential spectra of elliptic operators under localized non‐Hermitian perturbations7
Modal decompositions and point scatterer approximations near the Minnaert resonance frequencies7
On an averaged model for immiscible two‐phase flow with surface tension and dynamic contact angle in a thin strip7
Three‐dimensional elastic beam frames: Rigid joint conditions in variational and differential formulation7
Analytical construction of soliton families in one‐ and two‐dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger equations with nonparity‐time‐symmetric complex potentials7
Soliton–mean field interaction in Korteweg–de Vries dispersive hydrodynamics7
On the existence, uniqueness, and stability of periodic waves for the fractional Benjamin–Bona–Mahony equation7
Rogue waves in the massive Thirring model7
Depleting the signal: Analysis of chemotaxis‐consumption models—A survey7
Dependence of eigenvalues of Dirac system on the parameters7
Accuracy of slender body theory in approximating force exerted by thin fiber on viscous fluid7
A simplified monotone model of Wolbachia invasion encompassing Aedes aegypti mosquitoes6
Electromagnetic interactions of dipole distributions with a stratified medium: Power fluxes and scattering cross sections6
The linearized classical Boussinesq system on the half‐line6
An SIS epidemic model with mass action infection mechanism in a patchy environment6
Measures to assess a warning vaccination level in a stochastic SIV model with imperfect vaccine6
Traveling capillary waves on the boundary of a fluid disc6
Squared eigenfunction symmetry of the DmKP hierarchy and its constraint6
On the almost‐circular symplectic induced Ginibre ensemble6
Spatial propagation in a within‐host viral infection model6
Exponential asymptotics of woodpile chain nanoptera using numerical analytic continuation6
New revival phenomena for linear integro–differential equations6
Pearson equations for discrete orthogonal polynomials: I. Generalized hypergeometric functions and Toda equations5
Rogue waves arising on the standing periodic waves in the Ablowitz–Ladik equation5
Whitham modulation theory for generalized Whitham equations and a general criterion for modulational instability5
Traveling waves, blow‐up, and extinction in the Fisher–Stefan model5
Solitary waves in a Whitham equation with small surface tension5
Conservative invariant finite‐difference schemes for the modified shallow water equations in Lagrangian coordinates5
Scattering and inverse scattering for the AKNS system: A rational function approach5
Superharmonic instability of stokes waves5
Rogue wave patterns associated with Okamoto polynomial hierarchies5
Curved wedges in the long‐time asymptotics for the integrable nonlocal nonlinear Schrödinger equation5
Nonlinear mirror image method for nonlinear Schrödinger equation: Absorption/emission of one soliton by a boundary5
An invariant for colored bonded knots5
Elastodynamical resonances and cloaking of negative material structures beyond quasistatic approximation5
Uniform error estimates for the random batch method to the first‐order consensus models with antisymmetric interaction kernels5
Distance distributions and inverse problems for metric measure spaces5
On the Whitham system for the (2+1)‐dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger equation4
The 2D magnetohydrodynamic system with Euler‐like velocity equation and partial magnetic diffusion4
Ocean‐depth measurement using shallow‐water wave models4
Dynamical analysis of an age‐structured SIRE epidemic model with two routes of infection in environment4
The binary Darboux transformation revisited and KdV solitons on arbitrary short‐range backgrounds4
Integrable symplectic maps associated with discrete Korteweg‐de Vries‐type equations4
Solutions and continuum limits to nonlocal discrete sine‐Gordon equations: Bilinearization reduction method4
Impact of nonlocal dispersal and time periodicity on the global exponential stability of bistable traveling waves4
Traveling waves and transverse instability for the fractional Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation4
Exact analytical solution of a novel modified nonlinear Schrödinger equation: Solitary quantum waves on a lattice4
Essential spectra of singular Hamiltonian differential operators of arbitrary order under a class of perturbations4
Ladder relations for a class of matrix valued orthogonal polynomials4
Energy thresholds of blow‐up for the Hartree equation with a focusing subcritical perturbation4
On nonexistence of continuous families of stationary nonlinear modes for a class of complex potentials4
Three‐dimensional lattice ground states for Riesz and Lennard‐Jones–type energies4
A Novikov equation describing pseudo‐spherical surfaces, its pseudo‐potentials, and local isometric immersions4
Capillary‐gravity solitary waves on water of finite depth interacting with a linear shear current4
The unified transform for evolution equations on the half‐line with time‐periodic boundary conditions*4
A catalogue of semigroup properties for integral operators with Fox–Wright kernel functions4
Two‐dimensional Riemann problem of the Euler equations to the Van der Waals gas around a sharp corner3
Asymptotic behavior of the porous elastic system with dual phase lag model: Classical versus second spectrum perspectives3
Wave–current interaction on a free surface3
Asymptotics of the deformed Fredholm determinant of the confluent hypergeometric kernel3
Direct and inverse scattering problems for the first‐order discrete system associated with the derivative NLS system3
Traveling waves in a coarse‐grained model of volume‐filling cell invasion: Simulations and comparisons3
Transmission properties of space‐time modulated metamaterials3
The numerical solutions of linear semidiscrete evolution problems on the half‐line using the Unified Transform Method3
Nonlinearizable solutions in an eigenvalue problem for Maxwell's equations with nonhomogeneous nonlinear permittivity in a layer3
On the stochastic robustness of complete clustering predictability for a first‐order consensus model3
Dynamics of the rogue lump in the asymmetric Nizhnik–Novikov–Veselov system3
On nonstandard chemotactic dynamics with logistic growth induced by a modified complex Ginzburg–Landau equation3
Orthogonal polynomials on a class of planar algebraic curves3
Radiation of waves by a submerged nearly circular rough plate in ice‐covered ocean3
On a coupled Kadomtsev–Petviashvili system associated with an elliptic curve3
Local well‐posedness of the higher‐order nonlinear Schrödinger equation on the half‐line: Single‐boundary condition case3
The evolution of traveling waves in a KPP reaction–diffusion model with cut‐off reaction rate. II. Evolution of traveling waves3
Canonical conformal variables based method for stability of Stokes waves3
Breather solutions for a quasi‐linear ‐dimensional wave equation3
On the three‐dimensional consistency of Hirota's discrete Korteweg‐de Vries equation3
Higher dimensional generalization of the Benjamin‐Ono equation: 2D case3
Rigorous justification of the Whitham modulation theory for equations of NLS type3
Systematic construction of nonautonomous Hamiltonian equations of Painlevé type. I. Frobenius integrability3
Spatiotemporal dynamics in a twisted, circular waveguide array3
New asymptotic representations of the noncentral t‐distribution3
Riemann problem for isentropic magnetogasdynamics in a variable cross‐section duct3
Laguerre–Freud equations for three families of hypergeometric discrete orthogonal polynomials3
Uniform (very) sharp bounds for ratios of parabolic cylinder functions2
An integrable semidiscretization of the modified Camassa–Holm equation with linear dispersion term2
Nonuniform laminated beam of Lord–Shulman type2
Miura transformation for the “good” Boussinesq equation2
Large‐time asymptotics to the focusing nonlocal modified Kortweg‐de Vries equation with step‐like boundary conditions2
Subharmonic dynamics of wave trains in the Korteweg‐de Vries/Kuramoto‐Sivashinsky equation2
The classical Neumann problem for a class of mixed Hessian equations2
Resurgent aspects of applied exponential asymptotics2
Rigorous justification of the Whitham modulation equations for equations of Whitham type2
A Riemann–Hilbert approach to computing the inverse spectral map for measures supported on disjoint intervals2
Singular Sturm–Liouville operators with extreme properties that generate black holes2
Dynamics of a nonlocal dispersal in‐host viral model with humoral immunity2
On the Su–Schrieffer–Heeger model of electron transport: Low‐temperature optical conductivity by the Mellin transform2
Exceptional Gegenbauer polynomials via isospectral deformation2
Systematic construction of nonautonomous Hamiltonian equations of Painlevé‐type. II. Isomonodromic Lax representation2
On the dynamics of an epidemic patch model with mass‐action transmission mechanism and asymmetric dispersal patterns2
Traveling wave solutions in a model for social outbursts in a tension‐inhibitive regime2
Stochastic flocking dynamics of the inertial spin model with state‐dependent noises2
Integrability and solvability of polynomial Liénard differential systems2
Dynamics for a quantum parliament2
Polynomial ergodicity of an SIRS epidemic model with density‐dependent demographics2
Rigorous estimates on mechanical balance laws in the Boussinesq–Peregrine equations2
Oscillations in three‐reaction quadratic mass‐action systems2
Near‐optimal control of a stochastic model for mountain pine beetles with pesticide application2
Random dynamics and limiting behaviors for 3D globally modified Navier–Stokes equations driven by colored noise2
Macroscopic wave propagation for 2D lattice with random masses2
On analyticity of scattered fields in layered structures with interfacial graphene2
Global‐phase portrait and large‐degree asymptotics for the Kissing polynomials2
Landscape of wave focusing and localization at low frequencies2
Differential equations for the recurrence coefficients of semiclassical orthogonal polynomials and their relation to the Painlevé equations via the geometric approach2
Solutions to a phase‐field model for martensitic phase transformations driven by configurational forces2
Stability of 3D perturbations near a special 2D solution to the rotating Boussinesq equations2
Well‐posedness and control in a hyperbolic–parabolic parasitoid–parasite system2
Bifurcation analysis for axisymmetric capillary water waves with vorticity and swirl2
Soliton interactions and Yang–Baxter maps for the complex coupled short‐pulse equation2
Symmetries of the DΔmKP hierarchy and their continuum limits2
A Markov chain model to investigate the spread of antibiotic‐resistant bacteria in hospitals2
KP reductions and various soliton solutions to the Fokas–Lenells equation under nonzero boundary condition2
Exploring the interplay between memory effects and vesicle dynamics: A five‐dimensional analysis using rigid sphere models and mapping techniques2
On ground states for the 2D Schrödinger equation with combined nonlinearities and harmonic potential2
Linear integral equations and two‐dimensional Toda systems2
Rational solutions of the fifth Painlevé equation. Generalized Laguerre polynomials2
Well‐posedness of solutions for a class of quasilinear wave equations with strong damping and logarithmic nonlinearity2
The elliptical vortices, integrable Ermakov structure, Schrödinger connection, and Lax pair in the compressible Navier–Stokes equation2
Doubly localized two‐dimensional rogue waves generated by resonant collision in Maccari system2
Complete classification of local conservation laws for generalized Cahn–Hilliard–Kuramoto–Sivashinsky equation2
Mathematical topics in compressible flows from single‐phase systems to two‐phase averaged systems2
Windowed Green function method for wave scattering by periodic arrays of 2D obstacles1
Exceptional Hahn and Jacobi polynomials with an arbitrary number of continuous parameters1
The Riemann problem for a generalized Burgers equation with spatially decaying sound speed. I Large‐time asymptotics1
Higher‐order symmetries of underdetermined systems of partial differential equations and Noether's Second Theorem1
Multidimensional conservation laws and integrable systems II1
Transverse spectral instabilities in Konopelchenko–Dubrovsky equation1
On the linearized system of equations for the condensate–normal fluid interaction at very low temperature1
New and simple mathematical description of epidemics including consecutive waves1
On blowups of vorticity for the homogeneous Euler equation1
Spectral and linear stability of peakons in the Novikov equation1
Long‐time asymptotics and the radiation condition with time‐periodic boundary conditions for linear evolution equations on the half‐line and experiment1
Some exact and approximate solutions to a generalized Maxwell–Cattaneo equation1
Isentropic approximation of the compressible Euler equations in Besov spaces1
Multiple orthogonal polynomials associated with the exponential integral1
Linearizable Abel equations and the Gurevich–Pitaevskii problem1
Nonintegrability of the Painlevé IV equation in the Liouville–Arnold sense and Stokes phenomena1
The essential spectrum of periodically stationary pulses in lumped models of short‐pulse fiber lasers1
The Airy equation with nonlocal conditions1
Spatiotemporal propagation of a time‐periodic reaction–diffusion SI epidemic model with treatment1
Spatial dynamics for an SIRE epidemic model with diffusion and prevention in contaminated environments1
Two‐phase magma flow with phase exchange: Part I. Physical modeling of a volcanic conduit1
On the emergent behavior of the swarming models on the complex sphere1
Radial spiky steady states of a flux‐limited Keller–Segel model: Existence, asymptotics, and stability1
Self‐contained two‐layer shallow‐water theory of strong internal bores1
Numerical study of Davey–Stewartson I systems1
Asymptotic profiles of a spatial vector‐borne disease model with Fokker–Planck‐type diffusion1
Bifurcations and global dynamics of a predator–prey mite model of Leslie type1
Can a ground‐based vehicle hear the shape of a room?1
Spectral analysis of a viscoelastic tube conveying fluid with generalized boundary conditions1
A note about the invariance of the basic reproduction number for stochastically perturbed SIS models1
On the variation of bi‐periodic waves in the transverse direction1
Existence of global solutions to the nonlocal Schrödinger equation on the line1
Riemann problems for generalized gas dynamics1
On mixed problem of Chaplygin's hodograph equation in hyperbolic domain near the parabolic degenerate line1
Mass and spring dimer Fermi–Pasta–Ulam–Tsingou nanopterons with exponentially small, nonvanishing ripples1
Epidemic dynamics and spatial segregation driven by cognitive diffusion and nonlinear incidence1
Green's functions, linear second‐order differential equations, and one‐dimensional diffusion advection models1
Threshold dynamics and bifurcation analysis of an SIS patch model with delayed media impact1
A particle method for 1‐D compressible fluid flow1
Forest fire spreading: A nonlinear stochastic model continuous in space and time1
Asymptotics of solutions to periodic problem for the Korteweg–de Vries–Burgers equation1
Group classification and analytical solutions of a radially symmetric avascular cancer model1
Asymptotic spatial behavior for the heat equation on noncompact regions1
A continuous analog of the binary Darboux transformation for the Korteweg–de Vries equation1
Geometrical correspondence of the Miura transformation induced from affine Kac–Moody algebras1
Multidomain spectral approach to rational‐order fractional derivatives1
A mean‐field approach for the asymptotic tracking problem of moving continuum target clouds1
Language competition on lattices1
Study of optimal subalgebras, invariant solutions, and conservation laws for a Verhulst biological population model1
Multisoliton interactions approximating the dynamics of breather solutions1
Monodromy in prolate spheroidal harmonics1
From the AKNS system to the matrix Schrödinger equation with vanishing potentials: Direct and inverse problems1
Isomonodromy sets of accessory parameters for Heun class equations1
Stability of the inverse scattering problem for the self‐adjoint matrix Schrödinger operator on the half line1
Initial boundary value problem for a class of wave equations of Hartree type1
Freezing limits for Calogero–Moser–Sutherland particle models1
Convergence rates of vanishing diffusion limit on conservative form of Hsieh's equation1
Multiphase solutions and their reductions for a nonlocal nonlinear Schrödinger equation with focusing nonlinearity1
Whitham modulation theory for the Zakharov–Kuznetsov equation and stability analysis of its periodic traveling wave solutions1