Journal of Mathematical Sociology

(The median citation count of Journal of Mathematical Sociology is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Law Enforcement: The key to a Crime-free Society32
Friend or Foe: A Review and Synthesis of Computational Models of the Identity Labeling Problem9
Everybody herds, sometimes: cumulative advantage as a product of rational learning8
Red Queen and Red King Effects in cultural agent-based modeling: Hawk Dove Binary and Systemic Discrimination8
Trusting: Alone and together4
A local convergent ecological inference algorithm for RxC tables2
Sociophysics of income distributions modeled by deformed fermi-dirac distributions2
A relative approach to opinion formation2
Escalation to conflict as an ongoing process: the case of July 19141
A measure of centrality based on a reciprocally perturbed Markov chainfor asymmetric relations1
Stochastic evolutionary dynamics in the Volunteer’s Dilemma1
Turning relative deprivation into a performance incentive device1
Eigenvector centralization as a measure of structural bias in information aggregation1
Antecedents of generative thinking in analytical sociology: the contribution of Tom Fararo 11
Generalizing the Inequality Process’ gamma model of particle wealth statistics1
Hiding opinions by minimizing disclosed information: an obfuscation-based opinion dynamics model1
Cultural and opinion dynamics in small-world “social” networks1
A model of income evaluation: income comparison on subjective reference income distribution1
Continuous time graph processes with known ERGM equilibria: contextual review, extensions, and synthesis0
Opinion dynamics of online social network users: a micro-level analysis0
The life cycle model of chinese empire dynamics (221 BC–1912 AD)0
A data-driven agent-based model of primary school segregation in Amsterdam0
California Exodus? A network model of population redistribution in the United States0
Contrarian effect in opinion forming: Insights from Greta Thunberg phenomenon0
Influence, inertia, and independence: a diffusion model for temporal social networks0
Attachment preferences in diverse collective problem-solving networks and systemic performance0
Latent class analysis of multigroup heterogeneity in propensity for academic dishonesty0
An empirically based just linear income tax system0
A new agent-based model offers insight into population-wide adoption of prosocial common-pool behavior0
Extremism, segregation and oscillatory states emerge through collective opinion dynamics in a novel agent-based model0
Theoretical unification and sociological theory: An appreciation of the contributions of T.J. Fararo0
A workflow for analyzing cultural schemas in texts0
Semicooperation under curved strategy spacetime0
Hurdle-QAP models overcome dependency and sparsity in scientific collaboration count networks0
Two notions of social capital0
Can altruism lead to a willingness to take risks?0
Social balance - a signed detour distance analysis0
Drifting to the top? Disentangling mechanisms influencing the turnover rate of popular music0
A return to biased nets: new specifications and approximate Bayesian Inference*0
Advancing knowledge in the spirit of Fararo: Generativity and unification0
Study of the unemployment problem by mathematical modeling: Predictions and controls0
Dynamical systems of self-organized segregation0