Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications

(The TQCC of Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Editorial Board173
Editorial Board34
An averaging principle for nonlinear parabolic PDEs via FBSDEs driven by G-Brownian motion33
Favorite sites of a persistent random walk30
Editorial Board30
Matrix homomorphism equations on a class of monoids and non Abelian groupoids29
A Toeplitz-like operator with rational matrix symbol having poles on the unit circle: Invertibility and Riccati equations29
On the Cheeger inequality for convex sets27
Trace formulas for time periodic complex Hamiltonians on lattice27
Asymptotic analysis of the Wright function with a large parameter25
Coupled FBSDEs with measurable coefficients and its application to parabolic PDEs25
Clarke Jacobians, Bouligand Jacobians, and compact connected sets of matrices24
Asymptotic behavior of two-dimensional stochastic nematic liquid crystal flows with multiplicative noise24
Conglomerated filters and statistical measures23
Isoperimetric inequalities for eigenvalues by inverse mean curvature flow23
Hitting, mixing and tunneling asymptotics of Metropolis-Hastings reversiblizations in the low-temperature regime23
On the number of integral ideals in a number field22
Stability of viscous shock profile for convective porous-media flow with degenerate viscosity21
Metrics on doubles as an inverse semigroup II21
Critical logarithmic double phase equations with sign-changing potentials in 21
On the Einstein condition for Lorentzian 3-manifolds21
A partially diffusive cholera model based on a general second-order differential operator20
Gromov-Hausdorff stability of inertial manifolds under perturbations of the domain and equation20
Compactness criteria via Laguerre and Hankel transformations20
Editorial Board19
Ideal triangulation and minimal shearing of punctured hyperbolic surfaces19
Propagation of regularity of level sets for a class of active transport equations18
Markov semi-groups generated by elliptic operators with divergence-free drift18
Spatial dynamics of some modified Leslie-Gower prey-predator model with shifting habitat17
Nonuniqueness for fractional parabolic equations with sublinear power-type nonlinearity17
Generalized Gauss-Rys orthogonal polynomials17
Relative compactness of orbits and geometry of Banach spaces17
L boundedness of Fourier integral operators with rough symbols17
Existence and concentration of ground state solutions for an equation with steep potential well and exponential critical growth17
A multiplicity result for a double perturbed Schrödinger-Bopp-Podolsky-Proca system17
Editorial Board16
Online robust parameter design using sequential support vector regression based Bayesian optimization16
A characterization of spaces of homogeneous type induced by continuous ellipsoid covers of 16
Editorial Board16
Editorial Board15
Multiplicity results for double phase problems involving a new type of critical growth15
Logarithmic capacity under holomorphic motions in higher dimensions15
Canard phenomena for a slow-fast predator-prey system with group defense of the prey15
Efficient computation of the overpartition function and applications15
Topological groups of Lipschitz functions and Graev metrics15
Regularity of solutions for a class of quasilinear elliptic equations related to the Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequality15
Extension and factorization of Riesz n-morphisms on pre-Riesz spaces15
Infinite sum relations on universal C*-algebras15
Riemann–Hilbert theory without local parametrix problems: Applications to orthogonal polynomials15
On closed Lie ideals and center of generalized group algebras14
Finite-rank and compact defect operators of truncated Toeplitz operators14
Boundedness and finite-time blow-up in a quasilinear parabolic–elliptic chemotaxis system with logistic source and nonlinear production14
On solution sets of nonlinear equations with nonsmooth operators in Hilbert space and the quasi–solution method14
Grothendieck-type subsets of Banach lattices14
A compactness result of Janson type for bilinear operators14
Homogenization and solvability in a chemotaxis-convection angiogenesis model with leakage boundary conditions14
Large Weyl sums and Hausdorff dimension14
Global–in–time existence for liquid mixtures subject to a generalised incompressibility constraint14
Jacobi matrices with lacunary spectrum13
Positive definiteness and the Stolarsky invariance principle13
Ground state solutions for fourth order Schrödinger equations involving uΔ(u2) and variable potentials13
Compactification and decompactification by weights on Bergman spaces13
Finite-time blow-up in a higher-dimensional quasilinear parabolic-elliptic chemotaxis system with space dependent logistic source13
Some generalizations of the problem of positive definiteness of a piecewise linear function12
The borderline case of Bahri-Lions result and related problems12
Matrix integral solutions to the discrete and coupled Leznov lattice equations12
No dimension reduction for doubling subsets of ℓ when q > 2 revisited12
Huygens' principle for the Dirac equation in spacetime of non-constant curvature12
Multivariable sub-Hardy Hilbert spaces invariant under the action of n-tuple of finite Blaschke factors12
Minimization interchange theorem on posets12
Delta operators, power series distributions and recursions for compound sums12
The existence of least energy and high energy solutions to the Kirchhoff type problem in high dimensions12
Partial regularity for degenerate parabolic systems with nonstandard growth and discontinuous coefficients12
Editorial Board12
Segal-Bargmann transforms from hyperbolic Hamiltonians12
On the curvature estimates for the conformal Ricci flow12
Characteristic methods for thermal convection problems with infinite Prandtl number on nonuniform staggered grids11
A survey on the Kovalevskaya exponents and their applications11
Gram points in the theory of zeta-functions of certain cusp forms11
c-lineability: A general method and its application to Darboux-like maps11
Admissible solutions to augmented nonsymmetric k-Hessian type equations I. The d-concavity of the k-Hessian type functions11
Inverse problems for ergodicity of Markov chains11
Entropy spectrum of rotation classes11
On H(curl,Ω) estimates for a Maxwell type system in convex domains11
Local commutants and ultrainvariant subspaces11
Trace Hardy inequality for the Euclidean space with a cut and its applications11
Topological pressure and large deviations for multivariate potentials11
Explicit solving of the system of natural PDEs of minimal Lorentz surfaces in 10
Topological reflexivity of isometries on algebras of C(Y)-valued Lipschitz maps10
Asymptotics for a class of bi-harmonic coupled Schrödinger equations10
On the connected components of IFS fractals10
Nodal solutions for Schrödinger-Poisson systems with concave-convex nonlinearities10
The link on extraneous non-repelling cycles of Schröder's methods of the first and second kind10
Editorial Board10
Continuity and closedness of constraint and solution set mappings in unified parametric semi-infinite vector optimization10
On cleanness of von Neumann algebras10
Editorial Board10
A converse landing theorem in parameter spaces10
Stationary approximations of inertial manifolds for stochastic retarded semilinear parabolic equations10
Estimates for eigenvalues of the operator L10
A very general framework for fractal interpolation functions10
Order of approximation by partial Hausdorff integrals10
Lyapunov exponents and hyperbolic periodic orbits for endomorphisms10
Large time behavior of weak solutions to d-dimensional micropolar Rayleigh-Bénard problem10
A Riesz-Fejér type inequality for harmonic functions10
On the topology of some hyperspaces of convex bodies associated to tensor norms10
A supercritical variable exponent problem10
An efficient and accurate numerical scheme for long time statistical properties of the infinite Prandtl number model for convection10
A functional limit theorem for nested Karlin's occupancy scheme generated by discrete Weibull-like distributions10
Editorial Board10
The Burns-Krantz rigidity with an interior fixed point10
Some non-spectral DT-operators in finite von Neumann algebras, II: Measures with atoms9
Connectedness in asymmetric spaces9
On the exact rate of convergence of digits in Engel expansions9
A blow-up result for attraction-repulsion system with nonlinear signal production and generalized logistic source9
Weak monotonicity property of Korevaar-Schoen norms on nested fractals9
Editorial Board9
Editorial Board9
Teichmüller space of circle diffeomorphisms with Zygmund smooth9
Maximal graphs and harmonic mappings9
Relating Catlin and D'Angelo q-types9
Generalized parametric representation and extension operators9
On solutions of certain nonlinear delay-differential equations9
Upper bounds for the derivatives of the density associated to solutions of stochastic differential equations with jumps9
Reflexive extended locally convex spaces9
Geometry of infinite dimensional unitary groups: Convexity and fixed points9
Multiplicity and asymptotic behavior of solutions for quasilinear elliptic equations with small perturbations9
Gagliardo-Nirenberg, Trudinger-Moser and Morrey inequalities on Dirichlet spaces9
H-distributions on Hörmander spaces9
On smoothing properties of the Bergman projection9
The convergence rate of solutions in a class of chemotaxis systems with density-dependent motility and indirect signal absorption9
A nonsmooth variational approach to semipositone quasilinear problems in 9
Gradient bounds for non-uniformly quasilinear elliptic two-sided obstacle problems with variable exponents9
Non-linear approximation by 1-greedy bases9
Editorial Board9
Normalized solutions for Schrödinger-Poisson equation with prescribed mass: The Sobolev subcritical case and the Sobolev critical case with mixed dispersion9
Differential Marty-type inequalities which lead to quasi-normality9
Positive solutions for Kirchhoff-type elliptic system with critical exponent in 9
On the (dis)continuity of the Fourier transform of measures9
Decay properties for the Cauchy problem of the linear JMGT-viscoelastic plate with heat conduction9
Finite rank perturbations of complex symmetric operators9
On bounded variation solutions of quasi-linear 1-Laplacian problems with periodic potential in 9
McKean-Vlasov stochastic differential equations driven by the time-changed Brownian motion9
Turing pattern of a diffusive predator-prey model with nonlocal delay and herd behavior9
Determination of one unknown coefficient in a two-phase free boundary problem in an angular domain with variable thermal conductivity and specific heat9
Structural stability and optimal convergence rates of subsonic Euler flows with large vorticity in infinitely long nozzles9
Stationary distribution and ergodicity of a stochastic multi-species model with Holling type II response function8
Well-posedness of the modified dispersion-generalized Benjamin-Ono equations in modulation spaces8
Uniform upper estimates and the repeated averages hierarchy8
Scattering solutions to nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a long range potential8
Exponential bound of the integral of Hermite functions product with Gaussian weight8
Editorial Board8
A rescaled metric entropy of C1-vector field with singularities8
Tensor products of topological abelian groups and Pontryagin duality8
Local boundary representations of locally C⁎-algebras8
Harmonic sums from the Kummer theorem8
Upper and lower convergence rates for weak solutions of the 3D non-Newtonian flows8
Positively limited sets in Banach lattices8
A backstepping approach to adaptive error feedback regulator design for one-dimensional linear parabolic PIDEs8
Anisotropic regularity for elliptic problems with Dirac measures as data8
Editorial Board8
A horseshoe with a discontinuous entropy spectrum8
Univalence of horizontal shear of Cesàro type transforms8
Sobolev anisotropic inequalities with monomial weights8
Global boundedness and asymptotic behavior in a double haptotaxis model for oncolytic virotherapy8
Editorial Board8
Navier-Stokes equations on non-compact Einstein manifolds: Stability implies periodicity8
Decay rates of strongly damped infinite laminated beams8
A new class of non-injective polynomial local diffeomorphisms on the plane8
The restriction problem on the ellipsoid8
Local limit theorems for complex functions on Z8
Speed selection of wavefronts for lattice Lotka-Volterra competition system in a time periodic habitat8
Discrete frames forL28
A method of potential scaling in the study of pseudoconvex domains with noncompact automorphism group8
Takens' the last problem and Stein-Ulam spiral type maps8
Global classical solvability and stabilization in a two-dimensional chemotaxis-Navier-Stokes system involving Dirichlet boundary conditions for the signal8
On multivariate fractional random fields: Tempering and operator-stable laws8
Extending families of disjoint hypercyclic operators8
Boundedness of logarithmic Forelli-Rudin type operators between weighted Lebesgue spaces8
Inverse medium scattering for a nonlinear Helmholtz equation8
On a parametric family of distance measures that includes the Hellinger and the Bures distances8
Reproducing kernels and choices of associated feature spaces, in the form of L2-spaces8
Editorial Board8
Regularity properties of jump diffusions with irregular coefficients8
On quasilinear Schrödinger–Poisson system involving Berestycki–Lions type conditions8
Quasi-static diffusion model of complex heat transfer with reflection and refraction conditions8
The K-functional and reiteration theorems for Left and Right spaces, Part II8
Eigenfunctions expansion for discrete symplectic systems with general linear dependence on spectral parameter8
Generalized alternating hyperharmonic number sums with reciprocal binomial coefficients8
Instability of H1-stable periodic peakons for the higher-order μ-Camassa-Holm equation8
Quadratic variation along refining partitions: Constructions and examples8
A Yosida's parametrix approach to Varadhan's estimates for a degenerate diffusion under the weak Hörmander condition8
Muckenhoupt type weights and Berezin formulas for Bergman spaces8
On the Szegő transformation for some spectral perturbations of matrix measures7
Heteroclinic loop bifurcations by perturbing a class of Z2-equivariant quadratic switching Hamiltonian systems with nilpotent singular points7
Existence of solutions to modified nonlinear Schrödinger equations on non-compact Riemannian manifolds7
Smallest and largest generalized eigenvalues of large moment matrices and some applications7
Uncountably infinite algebraic genericity and spaceability for sequence spaces7
Fuzzy multiplier, sum and intersection rules in non-Lipschitzian settings: Decoupling approach revisited7
Zygmund graphs are thin for doubling measures7
ψ-Li-Yau inequality for the p-Laplacian on weighted graphs with the CD7
Editorial Board7
Ground state solutions for nonlinear Choquard equation with singular potential and critical exponents7
Existence and multiplicity of positive periodic solutions to Minkowski-curvature equations without coercivity condition7
Tessellation technique in solving the two-point boundary value problem in multidimensional billiard spaces7
Arbitrarily slow decay in the logarithmically averaged Sarnak conjecture7
Asymptotic analysis of two thermoelastic plates with dissipative histories7
Second order optimality conditions for minimization on a general set. Part 1: Applications to mathematical programming7
Localised structures in a virus-host model7
Editorial Board7
A priori estimates of the electrohydrodynamic waves with vorticity: Vertical electric field7
Interpolation by holomorphic maps from the disc to the tetrablock7
Infinite time blow-up of solutions for a plate equation with weak damping and logarithmic nonlinearity7
The lifespan estimates of classical solutions of one dimensional semilinear wave equations with characteristic weights7
On the colimits of certain Sobolev spaces7
An operator version of the Korovkin theorem revisited7
Approximation by exponential-type polynomials7
The Kermack-McKendrick epidemic model with variable infectivity modified7
Local null controllability of a free-boundary problem for the quasi-linear 1D parabolic equation7
Mean ergodic theorems for power bounded measures7
The long-term behavior of the p-adic Sigmoid Beverton-Holt dynamical systems in the projective line 7
Renault's j-map for Fell bundle C⁎-algebras7
On Cesàro and Copson type function spaces. Reflexivity7
Boundedness and stabilization in a two-species chemotaxis-competition system with signal-dependent sensitivities and indirect signal consumption7
Pointwise convergence over fractals for dispersive equations with homogeneous symbol7
Sphericalizations and applications in Gromov hyperbolic spaces7
Local boundary representations for local operator systems7
Revisiting Li-Yau type inequalities on Riemannian manifolds7
Analysis, state estimation and control of a malaria transmission model with semi-immune compartment for humans7
Editorial Board7
Hankel transform, K-Bessel functions and zeta distributions in the Dunkl sett7
Decay rates of the highest order spatial derivatives for solutions of compressible Hall MHD system with or without Coulomb force7
Nonlinear Birkhoff–James orthogonality preservers in smooth normed spaces7
Solutions for critical Kirchhoff-type problems with near resonance7
Editorial Board7
Oscillation and non-oscillation criteria for linear nonhomogeneous systems of two first-order ordinary differential equations7
Higher-order weak schemes for the Heston stochastic volatility model by extrapolation7
Intersections of ℓ spaces in the Borel hierarchy7
The conjugate operator on variable harmonic Bergman spaces7
A PDE model for unidirectional flows: Stationary profiles and asymptotic behaviour7
Editorial Board7
Formal Weierstrass integrability for a Liénard differential system7
On the divergence of subsequences of partial Walsh-Fourier sums7
Rational tetra-inner functions and the special variety of the tetrablock7
Inverse nodal problems for Sturm-Liouville equation with nonlocal boundary conditions6
Donsker-Varadhan large deviations for path-distribution dependent SPDEs6
New critical point theorem and infinitely many small-magnitude solutions of a nonlinear Iwatsuka model6
A complete characterization of Fujita's blow-up solutions for discrete p-Laplacian parabolic equations under the mixed boundary conditions on networks6
Star-shaped p-convex hypersurfaces with prescribed curvature in space forms6
Modelling and prevention of crime using age-structure and law enforcement6