Journal of Lipid Research

(The TQCC of Journal of Lipid Research is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Cholesterol affects the binding of proteins to phosphatidic acid without influencing its ionization properties95
Plasma S1P and Sphingosine are not Different Prior to Pre-Eclampsia in Women at High Risk of Developing the Disease39
Damage response protein 1 (Dap1) functions in the synthesis of carotenoids and sterols in Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous39
ANGPTL3 deficiency impairs lipoprotein production and produces adaptive changes in hepatic lipid metabolism37
A simplified method for preventing postmortem alterations of brain prostanoids for true in situ level quantification36
APOA5 deficiency causes hypertriglyceridemia by reducing amounts of lipoprotein lipase in capillaries34
Four-dimensional lipidomics profiling in X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy using trapped ion mobility mass spectrometry30
De(C1P)hering the role of ceramide-1-phosphate levels in skin wound healing28
Magnetic resonance imaging detects white adipose tissue beiging in mice following PDE10A inhibitor treatment27
Phosphoethanolamine cytidylyltransferase ameliorates mitochondrial function and apoptosis in hepatocytes in T2DM in vitro24
Generation of hepatoma cell lines deficient in microsomal triglyceride transfer protein21
Pulmonary surfactant protein B carried by HDL predicts incident CVD in patients with type 1 diabetes19
Sorting through the extensive and confusing roles of sortilin in metabolic disease18
Elevated lipoprotein(a) as a predictor for coronary events in older men17
Lipidomic and metabolomic changes in community-acquired and COVID-19 pneumonia16
Unraveling the genetic background of individuals with a clinical familial hypercholesterolemia phenotype15
Characteristic fragmentation of polyunsaturated fatty acids with allylic vicinal diols in positive-ion LC/ESI-MS/MS15
Direct anabolic metabolism of three-carbon propionate to a six-carbon metabolite occurs in vivo across tissues and species14
TMEM241 is a UDP-N-acetylglucosamine transporter required for M6P modification of NPC2 and cholesterol transport14
Loss of function and reduced levels of sphingolipid desaturase DEGS1 variants are both relevant in disease mechanism12
Puncturing lipid membranes: onset of pore formation and the role of hydrogen bonding in the presence of flavonoids12
Bacterial lipopolysaccharide forms aggregates with apolipoproteins in male and female rat brains after ethanol binges12
Nuclear SphK2/S1P signaling is a key regulator of ApoE production and Aβ uptake in astrocytes12
Lipoprotein(a), family history of cardiovascular disease, and incidence of heart failure12
The small GTPase RAB10 regulates endosomal recycling of the LDL receptor and transferrin receptor in hepatocytes12
NanoSIMS imaging of lipid absorption by intestinal enterocytes12
Strategies for consistent and automated quantification of HDL proteome using data-independent acquisition11
Resolvin D2/GPR 18 axis ameliorates pressure overload-induced heart failure by inhibiting pro-inflammatory macrophage polarization11
Nuclear lipid droplets in Caco2 cells originate from nascent precursors and in situ at the nuclear envelope11
Human HDL subclasses modulate energy metabolism in skeletal muscle cells11
Prophages divert Staphylococcus aureus defenses against host lipids11
Development of a novel spatiotemporal depletion system for cellular cholesterol11
Quantifying acyl-chain diversity in isobaric compound lipids containing monomethyl branched-chain fatty acids11
Inhibition of MAP4K4 signaling initiates metabolic reprogramming to protect hepatocytes from lipotoxic damage11
Modeling enzyme competition in eicosanoid metabolism in macrophage cells using a cybernetic framework11
Development of oxaalkyne and alkyne fatty acids as novel tracers to study fatty acid beta-oxidation pathways and intermediates11
Differential expression patterns of phospholipase D isoforms 1 and 2 in the mammalian brain and retina11
Apolipoprotein C3: form begets function11
Skin fibroblast metabolomic profiling reveals that lipid dysfunction predicts the severity of Friedreich’s ataxia10
The SARS-CoV2 envelope differs from host cells, exposes procoagulant lipids, and is disrupted in vivo by oral rinses10
Ceramide Analysis in Combination With Genetic Testing May Provide a Precise Diagnosis for Self-Healing Collodion Babies10
HDL Isolated by Immunoaffinity, Ultracentrifugation, or Precipitation is Compositionally and Functionally Distinct10
Bioorthogonal azido-S1P works as substrate for S1PR110
SREBP2 regulates the endothelial response to cytokines via direct transcriptional activation of KLF610
Comparison between genetic and pharmaceutical disruption of Ldlr expression for the development of atherosclerosis10
A comprehensive measure of Golgi sphingolipid flux using NBD C6-ceramide: evaluation of sphingolipid inhibitors10
Specific approaches and limitations in (multi)-omic Mendelian randomization9
Hormone-sensitive lipase protects adipose triglyceride lipase-deficient mice from lethal lipotoxic cardiomyopathy9
Setting the curve: the biophysical properties of lipids in mitochondrial form and function9
The circadian clock is required for rhythmic lipid transport in Drosophila in interaction with diet and photic condition9
Modification in mitochondrial function is associated with the FADS1 variant and its interaction with alpha-linolenic acid-enriched diet—An exploratory study9
Novel insights into the modulation of the voltage-gated potassium channel KV1.3 activation gating by membrane ceramides9
Mechanistic insights into metabolic function of dynamin-related protein 18
Is reverse cholesterol transport regulated by active cholesterol?8
Effects of ketone bodies on energy expenditure, substrate utilization, and energy intake in humans8
Lipid clearance and amyloid formation by serum amyloid A: exploring the links between beneficial and pathologic actions of an enigmatic protein8
Dietary modulation of lung lipids influences inflammatory responses to inhaled ozone8
Serum opacity factor normalizes erythrocyte morphology in Scarb1−/− mice in an HDL-free cholesterol-dependent way8
Altered hepatic lipid droplet morphology and lipid metabolism in fasted Plin2-null mice8
Dietary docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) downregulates liver DHA synthesis by inhibiting eicosapentaenoic acid elongation8
The role of lysosomal phospholipase A2 in the catabolism of bis(monoacylglycerol)phosphate and association with phospholipidosis8
Development of LC-FAIMS-MS and its application to lipidomics study of Acinetobacter baumannii infection8
Identification and characterization of 3-ketosphinganine reductase activity encoded at the BT_0972 locus in Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron8
Cholesterol trafficking to the ER leads to the activation of CaMKII/JNK/NLRP3 and promotes atherosclerosis8
A fatty acid-ordered plasma membrane environment is critical for Ebola virus matrix protein assembly and budding8
Imaging the ANGPTL3/8-mediated regulation of lipoprotein lipase in the heart7
Hsp90α promotes lipogenesis by stabilizing FASN and promoting FASN transcription via LXRα in hepatocellular carcinoma7
Lipidomics and mass spectrometry imaging unveil alterations in mice hippocampus lipid composition exposed to hypoxia7
Brown adipocyte mineralocorticoid receptor deficiency impairs metabolic regulation in diet-induced obese mice7
Blocking Lipid Uptake Pathways Does not Prevent Toxicity in Adipose Triglyceride Lipase (ATGL) Deficiency7
Metabolic changes and propensity for inflammation, fibrosis, and cancer in livers of mice lacking lysosomal acid lipase7
The role of lipid second messengers in aldosterone synthesis and secretion7
Effects of age and diet on triglyceride metabolism in mice7
Small molecule-driven LKB1 deacetylation is responsible for the inhibition of hepatic lipid response in NAFLD7
Highly flexible cell membranes are the key to efficient production of lipophilic compounds7
Mfsd2a-mediated lysolipid transport is important for renal recovery after acute kidney injury7
PI(4,5)P2 binding sites in the Ebola virus matrix protein VP40 modulate assembly and budding7
MicroRNA-206 as a potential cholesterol-lowering drug is superior to statins in mice7
Staying sane in the membrane: Neutral sphingomyelinase 2 as a master regulator of plasma membrane ceramide7
Peridroplet mitochondria are associated with the severity of MASLD and the prevention of MASLD by diethyldithiocarbamate7
Measuring Lp(a) particles with a novel isoform-insensitive immunoassay illustrates efficacy of muvalaplin7
Insulin dysregulation drives mitochondrial cholesterol metabolite accumulation: initiating hepatic toxicity in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease7
Dietary modulation of Lp(a): more questions than answers7
Dysregulated ceramide metabolism in mouse progressive dermatitis resulting from constitutive activation of Jak17
Effects of exercise training on ANGPTL3/8 and ANGPTL4/8 and their associations with cardiometabolic traits7
A sterol panel for rare lipid disorders: sitosterolemia, cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis and Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome7
Enoyl-CoA hydratase/3-hydroxyacyl CoA dehydrogenase is essential for the production of DHA in zebrafish7
Uterine prostaglandin DP receptor-induced upon implantation contributes to decidualization together with EP4 receptor6
Novel eicosanoid signature in plasma provides diagnostic for metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease6
Dalcetrapib and anacetrapib increase apolipoprotein E-containing HDL in rabbits and humans6
In Memoriam: William L. Smith, PhD6
Novel odd-chain cyclopropane fatty acids: detection in a mammalian lipidome and uptake by hepatosplanchnic tissues6
Corrigendum to: [Activation of JNK/c-Jun is required for the proliferation, survival, and angiogenesis induced by EET in pulmonary artery endothelial cells]6
Phosphatidylthreonine is a procoagulant lipid detected in human blood and elevated in coronary artery disease6
FASN inhibitor TVB-3166 prevents S-acylation of the spike protein of human coronaviruses6
The adipocyte apolipoprotein M is negatively associated with inflammation6
Fads2 knockout mice reveal that ALA prevention of hepatic steatosis is dependent on delta-6 desaturase activity6
In memoriam: Ana Jonas, PhD6
Histone demethylase KDM1A promotes hepatic steatosis and inflammation by increasing chromatin accessibility in NAFLD6
The importance of choosing the appropriate cholesterol quantification method: enzymatic assay versus gas chromatography5
Characterization of sexual dimorphism in ANGPTL4 levels and function5
Loss of ABCA8B decreases myelination by reducing oligodendrocyte precursor cells in mice5
Unbiased insights into the multiplicity of the CYP46A1 brain effects in 5XFAD mice treated with low dose-efavirenz5
Maternal DHA intake in mice increased DHA metabolites in the pup brain and ameliorated MeHg-induced behavioral disorder5
siRNA nanoparticle targeting Usp20 lowers lipid levels and ameliorates metabolic syndrome in mice5
KIAA1363 affects retinyl ester turnover in cultured murine and human hepatic stellate cells5
Transgelin: a new gene involved in LDL endocytosis identified by a genome-wide CRISPR-Cas9 screen5
Effect of IL-6R blockade on plasma lipids and clinical outcomes among hospitalized patients with COVID-19 infection5
The SGLT2 inhibitor dapagliflozin promotes systemic FFA mobilization, enhances hepatic β-oxidation, and induces ketosis5
CrrAB regulates PagP-mediated glycerophosphoglycerol palmitoylation in the outer membrane of Klebsiella pneumoniae5
Hepatocytes Deficient in Nuclear Envelope Protein Lamina-associated Polypeptide 1 are an Ideal Mammalian System to Study Intranuclear Lipid Droplets5
An Updated Perspective on the Dual-Track Model of Enterocyte Fat Metabolism5
Oxidized phospholipids cause changes in jejunum mucus that induce dysbiosis and systemic inflammation5
Matrix stiffness regulates the triad communication of adipocytes/macrophages/endothelial cells through CXCL135
A fluorogenic substrate for the detection of lipid amidases in intact cells5
Liver-specific FGFR4 knockdown in mice on an HFD increases bile acid synthesis and improves hepatic steatosis5
Effects of apolipoprotein H downregulation on lipid metabolism, fatty liver disease, and gut microbiota dysbiosis5
Etomoxir-carnitine, a novel pharmaco-metabolite of etomoxir, inhibits phospholipases A2 and mitochondrial respiration5
Brown adipose tissue facilitates the fever response following infection with Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium in mice5
Characteristic distribution of eicosapentaenoic acid in human abdominal aortic aneurysm wall5
The Non Catalytic Protein ERG28 has a Functional Role in Cholesterol Synthesis and is Coregulated Transcriptionally5
In memoriam: Judith A. Berliner, Ph.D.5
Eicosapentaenoic acid reduces the proportion of IL-17A–producing T cells in a 3D psoriatic skin model4
Identification of a Feed-Forward Loop Between 15(S)-HETE and PGE2 in Human Amnion at Parturition4
A (cholesterol) crystal clear path to inflammasome activation in atherosclerosis4
SCD4 deficiency decreases cardiac steatosis and prevents cardiac remodeling in mice fed a high-fat diet4
Gut microbiome-derived glycine lipids are diet-dependent modulators of hepatic injury and atherosclerosis4
Deletion of hepatic small heterodimer partner ameliorates development of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in mice4
Choline kinase inhibition promotes ER-phagy4
Stromal cell-derived NGF controls sympathetic innervation in subcutaneous fat4
Regulation of astrocyte lipid metabolism and ApoE secretion by the microglial oxysterol, 25-hydroxycholesterol4
Development and application of an LC-MS/MS method for the combined quantification of oxysterols and bile acids4
Brown fat fuels the fire in fever4
Identification of plasma proteins binding oxidized phospholipids using pull-down proteomics and OxLDL masking assay4
A high-throughput platform for the rapid screening of vitamin D status by direct infusion-MS/MS4
Adipose Tissue, Bile Acids, and Gut Microbiome Species Associated With Gallstones After Bariatric Surgery4
Eicosapentaenoic Acid Ameliorates Cardiac Fibrosis and Tissue Inflammation in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats4
Low LCAT activity is linked to acute decompensated heart failure and mortality in patients with CKD4
Exogenous oxygen is required for prostanoid induction under brain ischemia as evidence for a novel regulatory mechanism4
Deep-lipidotyping by mass spectrometry: recent technical advances and applications4
Relationship between hepatic and mitochondrial ceramides: a novel in vivo method to track ceramide synthesis4
Rosiglitazone Reverses Inflammation in Epididymal White Adipose Tissue in Hormone-Sensitive Lipase-Knockout Mice4
Ceramide kinase regulates acute wound healing by suppressing 5-oxo-ETE biosynthesis and signaling via its receptor OXER14
Cadmium-cardiolipin disruption of respirasome assembly and redox balance through mitochondrial membrane rigidification4
6-O-alkyl 4-methylumbelliferyl-β-D-glucosides as selective substrates for GBA1 in the discovery of glycosylated sterols4
Sterol interactions influence the function of Wsc sensors4
Neutral ceramidase deficiency protects against cisplatin-induced acute kidney injury4
Pitavastatin treatment remodels the HDL subclass lipidome and proteome in hypertriglyceridemia4
Natriuretic peptide receptor-C perturbs mitochondrial respiration in white adipose tissue4
The lipidomics reporting checklist a framework for transparency of lipidomic experiments and repurposing resource data4
Selective measurement of NAPE-PLD activity via a PLA1/2-resistant fluorogenic N-acyl-phosphatidylethanolamine analog4
LDL-C calculated by Friedewald, Martin-Hopkins, or NIH equation 2 versus beta-quantification: pooled alirocumab trials4
Targeted removal of the FA2 site on human albumin prevents fatty acid–mediated inhibition of Zn2+ binding4
ABHD4 regulates adipocyte differentiation in vitro but does not affect adipose tissue lipid metabolism in mice4
Validation of a multiplexed and targeted lipidomics assay for accurate quantification of lipidomes4
Creation of a novel zebrafish model with low DHA status to study the role of maternal nutrition during neurodevelopment4
Identification of two lipid phosphatases that regulate sphingosine-1-phosphate cellular uptake and recycling4
sEV-mediated lipid droplets transferred from bone marrow adipocytes promote ferroptosis and impair osteoblast function4