Journal of Industrial Economics

(The median citation count of Journal of Industrial Economics is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Platforms, Power, and Promotion: Evidence from Spotify Playlists*39
Competing with Big Data*36
Platform Encroachment and Own‐Content Bias*27
Self‐Preferencing in Markets with Vertically Integrated Gatekeeper Platforms*18
Technology Protectionism and the Patent System: Evidence from China14
The Herfindahl‐Hirschman Index and the Distribution of Social Surplus*13
Estimating Consumer Inertia in Repeated Choices of Smartphones*13
Why is Distance Important for Hospital Choice? Separating Home Bias From Transport Costs*11
Downstream Cross‐Holdings and Upstream R&D*11
Local News Online: Aggregators, Geo‐Targeting and the Market for Local News*11
Price Leadership and Uncertainty About Future Costs*11
Manipulation Through Biased Product Reviews*10
The only Dance in Town: Unique Equilibrium in a Generalized Model of Price Competition*9
Single Bidders and Tacit Collusion in Highway Procurement Auctions9
Demand for Rarity: Evidence from a Collectible Good*8
Welfare Consequence of Common Ownership in a Vertically Related Market*7
Pricing Patterns in Wholesale Electricity Markets: Unilateral Market Power or Coordinated Behavior?*7
The Impact of Environmental Fraud on the Used Car Market: Evidence from Dieselgate*7
The Strategic Industry Supply Curve*7
Delegation of Regulation*6
Productivity Decomposition in Heterogeneous Industries*5
Subcontracting Network Formation Among U.S. Airline Carriers*5
Controlling Sellers Who Provide Advice: Regulation and Competition*5
Local Network Effects in the Adoption of a Digital Platform*5
Local Market Structure and Consumer Prices: Evidence from a Retail Merger*5
Strategic Complementarities in Bank Branching Decisions*5
Choice of Policy Instruments with Endogenous Quality: Per‐Passenger and Per‐Flight Airport Charges in Japan*5
Input Price Discrimination, Demand Forms, And Welfare*5
A New Approach to Estimating State Dependence in Consumers’ Brand Choices Applied to 762 Pharmaceutical Markets*4
A Structural Empirical Model of R&D, Firm Heterogeneity, and Industry Evolution*4
Patent Licensing, Non‐Practising Entities, and Investment in R&D*4
Platform Investment and price parity clauses*4
Input Price Discrimination, Two‐Part Tariffs and Bargaining*4
Welfare Improving Horizontal Mergers in Successive Oligopoly*4
Market Power and Joint Ownership: Evidence from Nuclear Plants in Sweden*4
Vertical Price Restraints and Free Entry Under Asymmetric Information*3
How Do Start‐up Acquisitions Affect the Direction of Innovation?*3
Organizational Structure and Technological Investment*3
A War of Attrition with Experimenting Players*3
Defending Home against Giants: Exclusive Dealing as a Survival Strategy for Local Firms*3
Simulating Hospital Merger Simulations*3
Welfare analysis of the subsidies in the Chinese electric vehicle industry*3
Multimarket Contact in Health Insurance: Evidence from Medicare Advantage*3
Is the Patent System an Even Playing Field? The Effect of Patent Attorney Firms3
Platform Mergers: Lessons from a Case in the Digital TV Market*3
Comparison Between Uniform Tariff and Progressive Consumption Tax in the Chinese Automobile Industry*3
Corporate Leniency in a Dynamic World: The Preemptive Push of an Uncertain Future*3
A Price Theory of Vertical and Lateral Integration Under Productivity Heterogeneity*2
New Product Introduction and Slotting Fees*2
Antitrust Limits on Patent Settlements: A New Approach*2
Timing Assumptions and Efficiency: Empirical Evidence in a Production Function Context2
Competition, Collusion, and Spatial Sales Patterns: Theory and Evidence*2
User Data and Endogenous Entry in Online Markets*2
Profitability of Noisy Certification in the Presence of Loss Averse Buyers*2
On Multitasking and Job Design in Relational Contracts*2
Consumer Information and Price Transmission: Empirical Evidence*2
Win/Loss Data and Consumer Switching Costs: Measuring Diversion Ratios and the Impact of Mergers*2
Capping Bundle Discounts: Two Regulatory Rationales*2
No Beer No Friends: Quantifying the Effect of the Beer Boycott*2
The Impact of Competition on Investment: Evidence From California Hospitals*2
Country Image and Consumer Choice: The Case of the Beer Market during the COVID‐19 Pandemic*1
Firm Matching in the Market for Technology: Business Stealing and Business Creation*1
Platform Oligopoly with Endogenous Homing: Implications for Mergers and Free Entry*1
Firm Competition and Cooperation with Norm‐Based Preferences for Sustainability1
Proportional Fee vs. Unit Fee: Competition, Welfare, and Incentives*1
Asymmetric Cost Pass‐Through in Multi‐Unit Procurement Auctions: An Experimental Approach*1
Obfuscation and Rational Inattention*1
Resale Price Maintenance in a Successive Monopoly Model*1
Profitable Horizontal Mergers Without Efficiencies Can Increase Consumer Surplus*1
Horizontal Partial Cross Ownership and Innovation*1
Downstream Cross‐Holdings and Upstream R&D: A Comment*1
Product Repositioning by Merging Firms*1
Vertical Mergers in Ecosystems with Consumer Hold‐Up*1
Vertical Contract Disclosure in Three‐Tier Industries*1
Uniform Pricing as a Barrier to Entry1
Missing Price Information and Its Impact on Equilibrium Price Dispersion: Evidence From Gasoline Signboards*1
Incentivized Mergers and Cost Efficiency: Evidence from the Electricity Distribution Industry*1
Market Structure, Risk Preferences, and Forward Contracting Incentives*1
Customer‐Based Customization and Price Competition*1
What Determines Heterogeneous Merger Effects on Competitive Outcomes?*1
Supply‐ vs. Demand‐Side Transparency: The Collusive Effects Under Imperfect Public Monitoring*1
Regulating Data Privacy and Cybersecurity1
Bundling Sequentially Released Durable Goods*1
Optimal Exit Policy with Uncertain Demand*1
Common‐Ownership Versus Cross‐Ownership: Evidence from the Automobile Industry*1
Wholesale Pricing with Asymmetric Information about a Private Label*1
Industry Structure, Segmentation, and Quality Competition in the U.S. Hotel Industry*1
Aggregate Information and Organizational Structures*1
Vertical Collusion to Exclude Product Improvement*1
Bid Coordination in Sponsored Search Auctions: Detection Methodology and Empirical Analysis*1
Modeling Competition over Multiple Variables under Limited Consumer Awareness*1
Cursed Consumers and the Effectiveness of Consumer Protection Policies*1
Bertrand under Uncertainty: Private and Common Costs*1