Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry

(The TQCC of Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Hyperspectral Raman Imaging for Automated Recognition of Human Renal Amyloid55
Current Perspectives on the Immunosuppressive Niche and Role of Fibrosis in Hepatocellular Carcinoma and the Development of Antitumor Immunity36
Comparison of Fixation Methods for the Detection of Claudin 1 and E-Cadherin in Breast Cancer Cell Lines by Immunofluorescence28
Absence of E-Cadherin and β-Catenin in the Basal Plasma Membrane of Collecting Duct Cells During NDI Development and Recovery17
Correlation of TRPA1 RNAscope and Agonist Responses16
Phosphotungstic Acid–treated Picrosirius Red Staining Improves Whole-slide Quantitative Analysis of Collagen in Histological Specimens15
Expression of JCAD and EGFR in Perineurial Cell–Cell Junctions of Human Inferior Alveolar Nerve15
Morphology of Schwann Cell Processes Supports Renal Sympathetic Nerve Terminals With Local Distribution of Adrenoceptors15
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Scientific Community13
Defining a (Cancer Stem Cell) Niche11
AmotL2, IQGAP1, and FKBP51 Scaffold Proteins in Glioblastoma Stem Cell Niches11
The Graham and Karnovsky Horseradish Peroxidase Ultrastructural Method: A Premier JHC Citation Classic10
The Role of the Renin–Angiotensin System in the Cancer Stem Cell Niche10
Epitope Lability of Phosphorylated Biomarkers of the DNA Damage Response Pathway Results in Increased Vulnerability to Effects of Delayed or Incomplete Formalin Fixation10
Immunofluorescence Detection of Plasma Membranous PTEN in Cultured Cells10
Prognostic Value of the Immunohistochemical Expression of RAD51 and BRCA2 in Gastric Adenocarcinoma10
Immunohistochemical Comparative Study of Aggressive and Non-aggressive Central Giant Cell Lesions of the Jaws Based on the Tenascin-C Expression Profile10
Relevance of Comet Assay and Phosphorylated-Hsp90α in Cancer Patients’ Peripheral Blood Leukocytes as Tools to Assess Cisplatin-based Chemotherapy Clinical Response and Disease Outcome9
Two Transient Receptor Potential Channels at Focal Adhesions9
Short-Term Treatment of Melatonin Improves the Expression of Cell Adhesion Molecules in the Testis of the Mouse Cryptorchidism Model9
Expression Pattern of the LacZ Reporter in Secretogranin III Gene-trapped Mice8
High M2/M1 Macrophage Ratio Observed in Nasal Polyps Formed in Allergic Fungal Rhinosinusitis8
Differential Expression of Secretogranins II and III in Canine Adrenal Chromaffin Cells and Pheochromocytomas8
Commentary on a Classic JHC Article on the Development of Highly Sensitive Fluorochrome-labeled Tyramides for Immunocytochemistry8
Immunohistochemical Expression of VDR in Myocardium: Postmortem Evaluation of COVID-19 Patients7
Optimizing Re-staining Techniques for the Restoration of Faded Hematoxylin and Eosin–stained Histopathology Slides: A Comparative Study7
Trop-2 Is Highly Expressed in Early Luminal-Like Breast Cancer7
Inhibition of RANKL Expression in Osteocyte-like Differentiated Tumor Cells in Giant Cell Tumor of Bone After Denosumab Treatment7
Renal Mast Cell-Specific Proteases in the Pathogenesis of Tubulointerstitial Fibrosis7
Increased ER Stress and Unfolded Protein Response Activation in Epithelial and Inflammatory Cells in Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis7
Morphometric and Immunohistochemical Characteristics of the Adult Human Soft Palate Muscles7
Making Multiplexed Imaging Flexible: Combining Essential Markers With Established Antibody Panels7
Expression of FAM159B in Humans, Rats, and Mice: A Cross-species Examination7
Vascular E-selectin Expression Detected in Formalin-fixed, Paraffin-embedded Sections With an E-selectin Monoclonal Antibody Correlates With Ulcerative Colitis Activity7
Multiplex Immunofluorescence Image Quality Checking Using DAPI Channel–referenced Evaluation6
Effects of Alendronate and Dexamethasone on Osteoclast Gene Expression and Bone Resorption in Mouse Marrow Cultures6
Effective Predictor of Colorectal Cancer Survival Based on Exclusive Expression Pattern Among Different Immune Cell Infiltration5
Relationship of Notch Signal, Surfactant Protein A, and Indomethacin in Cervix During Preterm Birth: Mast Cell and Jagged-2 May Be Key in Understanding Infection-mediated Preterm Birth5
Large- and Medium-sized Arteries Remaining in Transmural Scar Distal to Permanent Coronary Ligation Undergo Neointimal Hyperplasia and Inward Remodeling5
Intestinal Tuft Cells Are Enriched With Protocadherins5
Independent of Calorie Intake, Short-term Alternate-day Fasting Alleviates NASH, With Modulation of Markers of Lipogenesis, Autophagy, Apoptosis, and Inflammation in Rats4
The Relationship Between the Tumor Cell Expression of Hypoxic Markers and Survival in Patients With ER-positive Invasive Ductal Breast Cancer4
Commentary on “Application of Photoshop-based Image Analysis to Quantification of Hormone Receptor Expression in Breast Cancer”4
AI Is Just Another Tool4
Immunohistochemical Expression and Clinical Significance of WWP1 Protein in Nasopharyngeal Cancer4
Improvement in Double Staining With Fluoro-Jade C and Fluorescent Immunostaining: FJC Staining Is Not Specific to Degenerating Mature Neurons4
Immunohistochemical and Morphometric Assessment on the Biological Function and Vascular Endothelial Cells in the Initial Process of Cortical Porosity in Mice With PTH Administration4
Corrigendum to JHC 71:7 July 2023 Front Cover’s Tagline4
Spatial Distribution of SARS-CoV-2 Receptors and Proteases in Testicular Cells4