Journal of Heat Transfer-Transactions of the Asme

(The TQCC of Journal of Heat Transfer-Transactions of the Asme is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Comparative Assessment of Different Turbulence Models to Estimate Thermo-Fluid Characteristics of an Infrared Suppression (IRS) Device473
Generalized Lévêque Solution for Ducts of Arbitrary Cross Section91
Electrowetting Induced Droplet Generation in T-Junctions78
Thermal-Hydraulic Optimization of Open-Cell Metallic Foams Used as Extended Surfaces50
A Comparative Study of Thermoconvective Flows of a Newtonian Fluid Over Three Horizontal Undulated Surfaces in a Porous Medium50
A Numerical Investigation Into the Heat Transfer Performance and Particle Dynamics of a Compressible, Highly Mass Loaded, High Reynolds Number, Particle Laden Flow42
Effect of Bath Agitation on the Transient Cooling by Quenching Process40
Transient Heat Conduction in a Planar Slab With Convection and Radiation Effects39
On the Determination of Thermal Conductivity From Frequency Domain Thermoreflectance Experiments30
A Conservation-Based Transitional Boundary Layer Model25
Wetting and Capillarity Effects on Bubble Formation From Orifice Plates Submerged in Pools of Water20
Numerical Simulation of Thermal Conductivity of Stainless Steel and Al-12Si Powders for Additive Manufacturing20
Numerical Computation on Natural Convection Heat Transfer From an Isothermal Sphere With Semicircular Ribs19
Heat Transfer Enhancement of Ionic Wind Assisted Slot Jet Reattachment Nozzle: A Numerical Study19
Role of Three-Dimensional Swirl in Forced Convection Heat Transfer Enhancement in Wavy-Plate-Fin Channels19
Mathematical Model of Macromolecular Drug Transport in a Partially Liquefied Vitreous Humor18
Evolutionary Design Method for a Conducting Solid Cooled by Combined Free Convection and Radiation17
5 μm Level Long Photon Tunneling Distance in Near Field Thermal Radiation Through Metallic Patterns With/Without Dielectric Structures16
Visualization of Flow Boiling Experiments on Micro/Nanoscale Structured Surfaces in Microchannel16
The Nonlinear Diffusion Model of Recrystallization15
Insight to Innovation- an Overview of Research Journey of Dr. Satish Kandlikar15
A Numerical Study of Heat Transfer From an Array of Jets Impinging on a Flat Moving Surface14
New Improved Method for Heat Transfer Calculation Inside Rough Pipes14
Two-Dimensional Flow Boiling Characteristics With Wettability Surface in Microgap Heat Sink and Heat Transfer Prediction Using Artificial Neural Network14
Parameter Optimization and Experimental Study on Effect of Rounding Off Edge Radius on Heat and Mass Transfer Between Gas Layers and Thermal Performance of Vortex Tube14
Forced Convection in a Transpired Passage With a Porous Medium Insert14
Review on Solar Thermochemical Processing for Lunar Applications and Their Heat Transfer Modeling Methods13
Natural Convection Heat Transfer From a Vertical Hollow Cylinder With Surface Holes12
Structural, Dielectric, Electrical, and Thermal Properties of the Ce-Doped Ba2TiMoO6 Double Perovskite12
Floating Oil On Seawater, in Situ Thermal Structure, Thickness, and Remote Sensing: Part 1. Laboratory Study11
Comparative Study on the Numerical Methods for View Factor Computation for Packed Pebble Beds: Back Propagation Neural Network Methods Versus Monte Carlo Methods11
Pool Boiling of R514A, R1224 yd(Z), and R1336mzz(E) on a Reentrant Cavity Surface11
Relationship Between the Nonlocal Effect and Lagging Behavior in Bioheat Transfer11
Revisiting the Schrage Equation for Kinetically Limited Evaporation and Condensation11
Magnetic Nanoparticle-Mediated Heating for Biomedical Applications11
MTPS Analytical Temperature and Heat Flux Solution With Thermal Contact Resistance11
Interfacial Heat Flux Estimation in a Funnel-Shaped Mould and Analysis of Solidification Characteristics in Thin Slab Continuous Casting11
Effect of Ultralow Concentrated Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanofluid on Radiator Performance11
Perspectives on Molecular-Level Understanding of Thermophysics of Liquids and Future Research Directions10
Analytical and Computational Modeling of Sustained-Release Drug Implants in the Vitreous Humor10
Computational Investigation on the Thermal and Flow Characteristics of a Turbulent Dual Jet Impinging on a Heated Moving Surface10
An Expert Model Based on Physics-Aware Neural Network for the Prediction of Thermal Conductivity of Nanofluids10
Water Thermodynamic Behavior Under Influence of Electric Field: A Molecular Dynamics Study10
Optimization of the Thermal Performance of Three-Dimensional Integrated Circuits Utilizing Rectangular-Shaped and Disk-Shaped Heat Pipes10
Effect of Wave Instabilities in Thermal and Solutal Mixing of Double-Diffusive Opposed Jets Impinging in a Passive-Mixer9
Pulsating Film-Cooling Flow Over Smooth Cutback Surface at Airfoil Trailing Edge Measured by 2D3C-PTV9
Investigation on the Impact of Angle Dependency and Polarization on Radiation Heat Transfer9
Experimental Study of the Effect of Intermittent Electromagnetic Stirring on the Columnar-Equiaxed Transition in Sn–10 wt % Pb Alloy Solidification9
Relationship Between Pressure Drop and Heat Transfer of Fully Developed Flow in Smooth Horizontal Circular Tubes and Spiral-Coiled Tubes in the Laminar Flow Regime9
Computational Fluid Dynamics-Based Analysis of Entropy Generation on Laminar Natural Convection in Enclosures With Partitioned Walls and for Different Heating Positions9
Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Nucleation Site Density and Heat Transfer During Dropwise Condensation on Thin Hydrophobic Coatings9
The Influence of Real Gas Radiation on the Stability and Development of Benard Convection in a Two-Dimensional Layer9
Application of Superposition Principle for Solving a Nonlinear Energy Equation9
Convective Cooling of Compact Electronic Devices Via Liquid Metals With Low Melting Points9
Application of Planar Laser Rayleigh Scattering for Measurement of Gas Temperature Distributions in Effusion Jet Cooled Panels Exposed to High Temperatures9
Projection-Based Model Reduction for Coupled Conduction—Enclosure Radiation Systems9
Unsteady Magnetohydrodynamics Stagnation-Point Flow of Fractional Oldroyd-B Fluid Over a Stretching Sheet With Modified Fractional Fourier's Law9
Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer of a Gas Stream Containing Dust Particles in a Parallel-Plates Duct8
A Comparative Modeling Study of Thermal Mitigation Strategies in Irreversible Electroporation Treatments8
Theoretical Modeling of Levitated Clusters of Water Droplets Stabilized by Infrared Irradiation8
A Nonfield Analytical Method for Solving Some Nonlinear Problems in Heat Transfer8
Analytical Solution of Heat Exchange in Typical Electrocaloric Devices8
A Comprehensive Model for Single Bubble Nucleate Flow Boiling8
Heat Transfer Enhancement of Impingement Cooling by Different Crossflow Diverters8
A Modular Three-Dimensional Bioprinter for Printing Porous Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering8
Improved Wake Velocity Distribution Behind a Rising Bubble for Isothermal and Thermally Stratified Liquid Layers8
Pool Boiling Heat Transfer Augmentation in a Novel Aqueous Binary Mixture of Surfactants8
Deep Learning of Forced Convection Heat Transfer8
Mechanism Analysis of Falling Film Evaporation Two-Phase Flow in Narrow Channels8
Sensitivity of the Non-Equilibrium Approach for Mixture Condensation to Heat and Mass Transfer Correlations and Thermophysical Properties8
Efficient Simulation of Convective Ovens in Automotive Paintshops7
Thermal Convection for an Oldroyd-B Fluid in an Anisotropic Porous Medium Underlying a Fluid Layer7
Experimental Study on the Frosting and Heat Transfer Performance of Three Rows of Variable Pitch Finned Coils7
Some Reflections on Sparrow's Work on Similarity Solutions for Laminar Film Condensation on a Vertical Plate7
Study the Effect of Acoustical Fuel Enhancement on the Flame Characteristics7
Temperature Profiles During Cryolipolysis7
Heat Transfer From a Concentrated Tip Source in Falkner–Skan Flow7
Transient Film Condensation on a Vertical Plate in an Anisotropic Permeability Porous Medium With Oblique Principal Axes7
Turbulent Heat Transfer Characteristics of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide for a Vertically Upward Flow in a Pipe Using Computational Fluid Dynamics and Artificial Neural Network7
Particle Scale Investigation of Influencing Factors on Heat Transfer in Nonspherical Particle–Fluid System7
Impact of Thermal Source-Sink Arrangements on Buoyant Convection in a Nanofluid-Filled Annular Enclosure7