Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis

(The median citation count of Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Climate Change News Risk and Corporate Bond Returns213
The Role of Corporate Culture in Bad Times: Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic130
Flattening the Illiquidity Curve: Retail Trading During the COVID-19 Lockdown124
Shadow Banking in a Crisis: Evidence from Fintech During COVID-1997
Investor Attention and Stock Returns94
Social Transmission Bias and Investor Behavior88
Board Reforms and Dividend Policy: International Evidence75
FinTechs and the Market for Financial Analysis62
Who Supplies PPP Loans (and Does It Matter)? Banks, Relationships, and the COVID Crisis59
Stakeholder Orientation and the Cost of Debt: Evidence from State-Level Adoption of Constituency Statutes56
The Macroeconomic Uncertainty Premium in the Corporate Bond Market54
Algorithmic Trading and Market Quality: International Evidence51
Why Do Mutual Funds Hold Lottery Stocks?50
The COVID-19 Pandemic and Corporate Dividend Policy48
Social Capital, Trusting, and Trustworthiness: Evidence from Peer-to-Peer Lending46
The Exploratory Mindset and Corporate Innovation45
Minimum Wage and Corporate Investment: Evidence from Manufacturing Firms in China44
Do Social Connections Mitigate Hold-up and Facilitate Cooperation? Evidence from Supply Chain Relationships39
Local, Regional, or Global Asset Pricing?36
The Geography of Information Acquisition35
Misvaluation and Corporate Inventiveness34
ESG Preference, Institutional Trading, and Stock Return Patterns32
Public Attention to Gender Equality and Board Gender Diversity31
Risk-Neutral Skewness, Informed Trading, and the Cross Section of Stock Returns31
Shareholder Litigation and Corporate Social Responsibility30
RQ Innovative Efficiency and Firm Value28
Zeroing In on the Expected Returns of Anomalies27
Searching for Gambles: Gambling Sentiment and Stock Market Outcomes27
Hometown Lending26
Venture Capitalists and COVID-1925
Benchmark Discrepancies and Mutual Fund Performance Evaluation24
The Capital Structure Puzzle: What Are We Missing?24
Common Analysts: Method for Defining Peer Firms21
Global Board Reforms and the Pricing of IPOs21
Sustainability Preferences Under Stress: Evidence from COVID-1921
Is Carbon Risk Priced in the Cross Section of Corporate Bond Returns?21
Initial Public Offerings Chinese Style21
Political Uncertainty and Household Stock Market Participation21
Exporting Uncertainty: The Impact of Brexit on Corporate America20
Where Does the Predictability from Sorting on Returns of Economically Linked Firms Come From?19
Buying the Vote? The Economics of Electoral Politics and Small-Business Loans19
How Does Forced-CEO-Turnover Experience Affect Directors?19
Flooded Through the Back Door: The Role of Bank Capital in Local Shock Spillovers19
Gender Gaps in Venture Capital Performance19
How Does Human Capital Matter? Evidence from Venture Capital19
Retail Attention, Institutional Attention19
The COVID-19 Crisis and the Allocation of Capital19
Competition and R&D Financing: Evidence From the Biopharmaceutical Industry19
Informed Trading in the Stock Market and Option-Price Discovery18
Words Matter: The Role of Readability, Tone, and Deception Cues in Online Credit Markets17
Shareholder Litigation Risk and Firms’ Choice of External Growth17
Machine Learning and the Stock Market17
Option-Based Estimation of the Price of Coskewness and Cokurtosis Risk17
Small-Business Survival Capabilities and Fiscal Programs: Evidence from Oakland16
Litigation Risk Management Through Corporate Payout Policy16
Granularity of Corporate Debt16
Does Government Spending Crowd Out R&D Investment? Evidence from Government-Dependent Firms and Their Peers16
Debtholder Monitoring Incentives and Bank Earnings Opacity15
A Global Macroeconomic Risk Model for Value, Momentum, and Other Asset Classes15
The Dark Side of Executive Compensation Duration: Evidence from Mergers and Acquisitions15
The Puzzle of Frequent and Large Issues of Debt and Equity15
The Bond-Pricing Implications of Rating-Based Capital Requirements14
Cultivating Self-Control in FinTech: Evidence from a Field Experiment on Online Consumer Borrowing14
Measuring Firm Complexity14
Housing Wealth as Precautionary Saving: Evidence from Urban China14
Crowding and Tail Risk in Momentum Returns14
Inferring Stock Duration Around FOMC Surprises: Estimates and Implications13
Do Cross-Sectional Predictors Contain Systematic Information?13
Vertical and Horizontal Agency Problems in Private Firms: Ownership Structure and Operating Performance13
Deleting Unreported Innovation13
Do Alpha Males Deliver Alpha? Facial Width-to-Height Ratio and Hedge Funds12
Better Kept in the Dark? Portfolio Disclosure and Agency Problems in Mutual Funds12
Natural Disaster Effects on Popular Sentiment Toward Finance12
Speculation Sentiment12
Hot-Stove Effects: The Impact of CEO Past Corporate Experiences on Dividend Policy12
Do Natural Disaster Experiences Limit Stock Market Participation?12
Corporate R&D and Stock Returns: International Evidence11
Do Private Equity Managers Have Superior Information on Public Markets?11
Institutional Debtholder Governance11
Resolving a Paradox: Retail Trades Positively Predict Returns but Are Not Profitable11
Expert Advice: Industry Expertise of M&A Advisors and Acquirer Shareholder Returns11
Internal Labor Markets, Wage Convergence, and Investment11
How Does Acquisition Experience Affect Managerial Career Outcomes?11
Does Securitization Weaken Screening Incentives?11
Where Do Shareholder Gains in Hedge Fund Activism Come From? Evidence From Employee Pension Plans11
Maturity Driven Mispricing of Options11
How Does Past Experience Impact Hedge Fund Activism?11
Economic Policy Uncertainty and Self-Control: Evidence from Unhealthy Choices10
Proactive Capital Structure Adjustments: Evidence from Corporate Filings10
Dynamics of Arbitrage10
The Impact of Stronger Shareholder Control on Bondholders10
The Economics of Supranational Bank Supervision10
Lender Forbearance10
Liability Structure and Risk Taking: Evidence from the Money Market Fund Industry10
Do Funding Conditions Explain the Relation Between Cash Holdings and Stock Returns?10
Selection Bias in Mutual Fund Fire Sales10
Gender, Credit, and Firm Outcomes10
Workforce Policies and Operational Risk: Evidence from U.S. Bank Holding Companies10
The Digital Credit Divide: Marketplace Lending and Entrepreneurship10
Investor Behavior at the 52-Week High10
Actively Keeping Secrets From Creditors: Evidence From the Uniform Trade Secrets Act9
Deposit-Lending Synergies: Evidence from Chinese Students at U.S. Universities9
Private Placements of Equity and Firm Value: Value Enhancing or Value Destroying?9
Short-Selling Equity Exchange Traded Funds and Its Effect on Stock Market Liquidity9
Do FinTech Mortgage Lenders Fill the Credit Gap? Evidence from Natural Disasters9
Political Uncertainty and Firm Investment: Project-Level Evidence from M&A Activity9
Creditor Rights and Bank Loan Losses9
The Informational Role of Ownership Networks in Bank Lending8
Investing in Low-Trust Countries: On the Role of Social Trust in the Global Mutual Fund Industry8
Eyes on the Prize: Do Industry Tournament Incentives Shape the Structure of Executive Compensation?8
Moment Risk Premia and Stock Return Predictability8
Ex Post Bargaining, Corporate Cash Holdings, and Executive Compensation8
Inter-Firm Inventor Collaboration and Path-Breaking Innovation: Evidence From Inventor Teams Post-Merger8
Media Partisanship and Fundamental Corporate Decisions8
Naïve Style-Level Feedback Trading in Passive Funds8
Options Trading and Stock Price Informativeness8
Corporate Hiring Under COVID-19: Financial Constraints and the Nature of New Jobs7
Recovery with Applications to Forecasting Equity Disaster Probability and Testing the Spanning Hypothesis in the Treasury Market7
Mining the Short Side: Institutional Investors and Stock Market Anomalies7
Skin in the Game: Operating Growth, Firm Performance, and Future Stock Returns7
Credit Ratings and Corporate Information Production: Evidence from Sovereign Downgrades7
Consolidating Product Lines via Mergers and Acquisitions: Evidence From the USPTO Trademark Data7
Do Capital Requirements Make Banks Safer? Evidence From a Quasinatural Experiment7
Cash Holdings, Capital Structure, and Financing Risk7
Why Did the Investment–Cash Flow Sensitivity Decline over Time?7
An Empirical Assessment of Empirical Corporate Finance7
Dividend Smoothing and Firm Valuation7
How Do Board Reforms Affect Debt Financing Costs Around the World?7
Indirect Insider Trading7
Does CEO Succession Planning (Disclosure) Create Shareholder Value?7
International Yield Comovements6
Funding Liquidity Risk and the Dynamics of Hedge Fund Lockups6
The Real Effects of Equity Markets on Innovation6
Active Technological Similarity and Mutual Fund Performance6
Deep Learning in Characteristics-Sorted Factor Models6
Do Private Equity Managers Raise Funds on (Sur)real Returns? Evidence from Deal-Level Data6
Quoting Activity and the Cost of Capital6
Maturity Clienteles and Corporate Bond Maturities6
To Securitize or to Price Credit Risk?6
Analyst Coverage and Corporate Environmental Policies6
Government Stock Purchase Undermines Price Informativeness: Evidence from China’s “National Team”6
Network Centrality and Managerial Market-Timing Ability6
State Controlling Shareholders and Payout Policy6
Does Industry Timing Ability of Hedge Funds Predict Their Future Performance, Survival, and Fund Flows?6
Market Return Around the Clock: A Puzzle6
Does Sunlight Kill Germs? Stock Market Listing and Workplace Safety6
Language Skills and Stock Market Participation: Evidence From Immigrants6
Measuring and Improving Stakeholder Welfare Is Easier Said than Done6
The Smart Beta Mirage6
Underwriter Reputation, Issuer–Underwriter Matching, and SEO Performance6
Do Social Networks Facilitate Informed Option Trading? Evidence from Alumni Reunion Networks6
The China Syndrome Affects Banks: The Credit Supply Channel of Foreign Import Competition5
The Role of Creditor Protection in Lending and Tax Avoidance5
Activist-Appointed Directors5
An American Call Is Worth More Than a European Call: The Value of American Exercise When the Market Is Not Perfectly Liquid5
Information Intermediaries: How Commercial Bankers Facilitate Strategic Alliances5
Do Large Gains Make Willing Sellers?5
The Demise of the NYSE and Nasdaq: Market Quality in the Age of Market Fragmentation5
Liquidity Regulation and Financial Intermediaries5
The Effect of Organization Capital on the Cost of Bank Loans5
From L.A. to Boise: How Migration Has Changed During the COVID-19 Pandemic5
Investor Heterogeneity and Liquidity5
Forward-Looking Policy Rules and Currency Premia5
Bringing Innovation to Fruition: Insights From New Trademarks5
Getting Back to the Source: A New Approach to Measuring Ex Ante Litigation Risk Using Plaintiff-Lawyer Views of SEC Filings5
FIEs and the Transmission of Global Financial Uncertainty: Evidence from China5
Counterparty Risk in Over-the-Counter Markets5
Supranational Rules, National Discretion: Increasing Versus Inflating Regulatory Bank Capital?5
Private Funds for Ordinary People: Fees, Flows, and Performance5
The Fragility of Organization Capital5
Dynamic Compensation Under Uncertainty Shocks and Limited Commitment5
Spillover Effects of the Opioid Epidemic on Consumer Finance5
Blockholder Disclosure Thresholds and Hedge Fund Activism4
Can Restructuring Gains Be Sustained Without Ownership Changes? Evidence from Withdrawn Privatizations4
Collateral Constraints, Financial Constraints, and Risk Management: Evidence From Anti-Recharacterization Laws4
Using Patent Capital to Estimate Tobin’s Q4
Financial Costs of Judicial Inexperience: Evidence From Corporate Bankruptcies4
Identifying the Effect of Stock Indexing: Impetus or Impediment to Arbitrage and Price Discovery?4
Does Corporate Investment Respond to the Time-Varying Cost of Capital? Empirical Evidence4
Does Industry Competition Influence Analyst Coverage Decisions and Career Outcomes?4
Heterogeneity of Beliefs and Trading Behavior: A Reexamination4
Shining a Light in a Dark Corner: Does EDGAR Search Activity Reveal the Strategically Leaked Plans of Activist Investors?4
Choosing Investment Managers4
Holding Horizon: A New Measure of Active Investment Management4
Online Reputation and Debt Capacity4
Taxing the Disposition Effect: The Impact of Tax Awareness on Investor Behavior4
CEO Marketability, Employment Opportunities, and Compensation: Evidence from Compensation Peer Citations4
Unintended Consequences of the Dodd–Frank Act on Credit Rating Risk and Corporate Finance4
Credit Default Swaps and Lender Incentives in Bank Debt Renegotiations4
Proprietary Knowledge Protection and Product Market Performance4
Population Aging and Bank Risk-Taking4
Stakeholder Value: A Convenient Excuse for Underperforming Managers?4
When Bigger is Better: The Impact of a Tiny Tick Size on Undercutting Behavior4
Uncovering Sparsity and Heterogeneity in Firm-Level Return Predictability Using Machine Learning4
Why Are Bidder Termination Provisions Included in Takeovers?4
Income Fluctuations and Firm Choice4
CEO Selection and Executive Appearance4
EPS Sensitivity and Mergers4
Safe-Asset Shortages: Evidence from the European Government Bond Lending Market4
Peer Effects in Equity Research4
The Effects of a U.S. Approach to Enforcement: Evidence from China4
Liquidation, Bailout, and Bail-In: Insolvency Resolution Mechanisms and Bank Lending4
Agency Costs of Debt in Conglomerate Firms4
Overlapping Ownership Along the Supply Chain4
Option-Implied Dependence and Correlation Risk Premium4
Speed and Expertise in Stock Picking: Older, Slower, and Wiser?4
Stress Testing Banks’ Digital Capabilities: Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic3
The Impact of Uncertainty on Investment: Empirical Challenges and a New Estimator3
Quadrophobia: Strategic Rounding of EPS Data3
Diseconomies of Scale in Quantitative and Fundamental Investment Styles3
Delegated Monitoring, Institutional Ownership, and Corporate Misconduct Spillovers3
Product Market Competition and FDI Decisions3
Public Disclosure and Consumer Financial Protection3
Market Development, Information Diffusion, and the Global Anomaly Puzzle3
Financial Globalization and Bank Lending: The Limits of Domestic Monetary Policy3
Foreign-Born Resident Networks and Stock Comovement: When Local Bias Meets Home (Country) Bias3
Board Governance and Investment Sensitivity to Stock Price: International Evidence3
Financial Development and Micro-Entrepreneurship3
TAXI! Do Mutual Funds Pursue and Exploit Information on Local Companies?3
Systemic Banking Crises, Institutional Environment, and Corporate Leverage3
Does Shareholder Litigation Risk Cause Public Firms to Delist? Evidence from Securities Class Action Lawsuits3
PEAD.txt: Post-Earnings-Announcement Drift Using Text3
Short-Sale Constraints and Corporate Investment3
Does Central Bank Tone Move Asset Prices?3
Standing Out from the Crowd via CSR Engagement: Evidence from Non-Fundamental-Driven Price Pressure3
The Only Constant Is Change: Nonconstant Volatility and Implied Volatility Spreads3
Fragmentation and Strategic Market-Making3
Short Squeezes and Their Consequences3
Trust and Debt Contracting: Evidence From the Backdating Scandal3
The Design and Welfare Implications of Mandatory Pension Plans3
Discounting Restricted Securities3
Labor Mobility and Loan Origination3
Minimum Wage Hikes and Technology Adoption: Evidence from U.S. Establishments3
Business Cycle Variation in Short Selling Strategies: Picking During Expansions and Timing During Recessions2
Discontinued Positive Feedback Trading and the Decline of Return Predictability2
Measuring “State-Level” Economic Policy Uncertainty2
Executive Partisanship and Corporate Investment2
Strategic CEO Activism in Polarized Markets2
Corporate Governance and Loan-Syndicate Structure2
The Role of the Discount Rate in Investment and Employment Decisions2
ETF Ownership and Seasoned Equity Offerings2
Corporate Patenting, Customer Capital, and Financial Market Outcomes2
Synthetic Options and Implied Volatility for the Corporate Bond Market2
The Predictive Power of the Dividend Risk Premium2
Can Corporate Income Tax Cuts Stimulate Innovation? - ERRATUM2
Taking Over the Size Effect: Asset Pricing Implications of Merger Activity2
The Downstream Impact of Upstream Tariffs: Evidence from Investment Decisions in Supply Chains2
Bank Lines of Credit as a Source of Long-Term Finance2
Uncovering Financial Constraints2
Assimilation Effects in Financial Markets2