Journal of Experimental Social Psychology

(The median citation count of Journal of Experimental Social Psychology is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
To be, or not to be…Black: The effects of racial codeswitching on perceived professionalism in the workplace78
Using anchor-based methods to determine the smallest effect size of interest76
The impact of economic inequality on conspiracy beliefs50
Moral tribalism: Moral judgments of actions supporting ingroup interests depend on collective narcissism44
Believing in hidden plots is associated with decreased behavioral trust: Conspiracy belief as greater sensitivity to social threat or insensitivity towards its absence?44
How economic inequality shapes social class stereotyping37
Misplaced trust: When trust in science fosters belief in pseudoscience and the benefits of critical evaluation37
Moralization of Covid-19 health response: Asymmetry in tolerance for human costs36
Persuading republicans and democrats to comply with mask wearing: An intervention tournament34
From deficit to benefit: Highlighting lower-SES students' background-specific strengths reinforces their academic persistence33
Nostalgia confers psychological wellbeing by increasing authenticity33
Ripple effects: Can information about the collective impact of individual actions boost perceived efficacy about climate change?32
Can high quality listening predict lower speakers' prejudiced attitudes?27
Perceived prototypicality of Asian subgroups in the United States and the United Kingdom26
When your boss is a robot: Workers are more spiteful to robot supervisors that seem more human26
Recognizing the Impact of COVID-19 on the Poor Alters Attitudes Towards Poverty and Inequality26
Poverty and pain: Low-SES people are believed to be insensitive to pain25
Black Americans' perspectives on ally confrontations of racial prejudice24
Disadvantaged group activists' attitudes toward advantaged group allies in social movements24
Structuring local environments to avoid racial diversity: Anxiety drives Whites' geographical and institutional self-segregation preferences22
White and minority demographic shifts, intergroup threat, and right-wing extremism22
What's in a pronoun: Exploring gender pronouns as an organizational identity-safety cue among sexual and gender minorities22
Reducing defensive responding to implicit bias feedback: On the role of perceived moral threat and efficacy to change21
Longing is in the memory of the beholder: Collective nostalgia content determines the method members will support to make their group great again21
Attending live theatre improves empathy, changes attitudes, and leads to pro-social behavior21
A creative destruction approach to replication: Implicit work and sex morality across cultures21
Beyond belief: How social engagement motives influence the spread of conspiracy theories20
Does deliberation decrease belief in conspiracies?20
Censoring political opposition online: Who does it and why20
The search for predictable moral partners: Predictability and moral (character) preferences20
Investigating the identification-prejudice link through the lens of national narcissism: The role of defensive group beliefs19
Gender representation cues labels of hard and soft sciences19
Re-examining the role of family relationships in structuring perceived helping obligations, and their impact on moral evaluation19
The influence of emotions on information processing and persuasion: A differential appraisals perspective19
Climate change threats increase modern racism as a function of social dominance orientation and ingroup identification17
Do it for others! The role of family and national group social belongingness in engaging with COVID-19 preventive health behaviors17
The affective consequences of threats to masculinity17
Consequences, Norms, or Willingness to Interfere: A proCNI Model Analysis of the Foreign Language Effect in Moral Dilemma Judgment17
Sensitivity to ingroup and outgroup norms in the association between commonality and morality17
Talking to strangers: A week-long intervention reduces psychological barriers to social connection17
Making an impression: The effects of sharing conspiracy theories17
The impact of classroom diversity philosophies on the STEM performance of undergraduate students of color16
Scientific skepticism and inequality: Political and ideological roots16
Violent and non-violent virtual reality video games: Influences on affect, aggressive cognition, and aggressive behavior. Two pre-registered experiments16
Tears evoke the intention to offer social support: A systematic investigation of the interpersonal effects of emotional crying across 41 countries15
Defending one's worldview under mortality salience: Testing the validity of an established idea15
Exposure to opposing reasons reduces negative impressions of ideological opponents15
To whom should I turn? Intergroup social connections moderate social exclusion's short- and long-term psychological impact on immigrants15
Honestly hungry: Acute hunger does not increase unethical economic behaviour15
Moral elevation increases support for humanitarian policies, but not political concessions, in intractable conflict15
Dominant groups support digressive victimhood claims to counter accusations of discrimination14
Faith and science mindsets as predictors of COVID-19 concern: A three-wave longitudinal study14
Nostalgia relieves the disillusioned mind14
On prospect theory, making choices for others, and the affective psychology of risk14
The effects of sexualized video game characters and character personalization on women's self-objectification and body satisfaction14
Christian no more: Christian Americans are threatened by their impending minority status14
A fluctuating sense of power is associated with reduced well-being13
Being a tough person in a tight world: Cultural tightness leads to a desire for muscularity13
Wise teamwork: Collective confidence calibration predicts the effectiveness of group discussion13
Applying insights from magic to improve deception in research: The Swiss cheese model13
Artificial intelligence and moral dilemmas: Perception of ethical decision-making in AI12
Fluency in the in-out effect: The role of structural mere exposure effects12
Different punishment systems in a public goods game with asymmetric endowments12
Mix is different from nix: Mouse tracking differentiates ambivalence from neutrality12
The role of holistic processing in simultaneous consumption12
The true “me”—Mind or body?12
Stay out of our office (vs. our pub): Target personality and situational context affect ostracism intentions12
Conformity to group norms: How group-affirmation shapes collective action11
How resistant are implicit impressions of facial trustworthiness? When new evidence leads to durable updating11
Malevolent intentions and secret coordination. Dissecting cognitive processes in conspiracy beliefs via diffusion modeling11
Reexamining the role of intent in moral judgements of purity violations11
Facial trustworthiness predicts ingroup inclusion decisions11
Reflexive or reflective? Group bias in third-party punishment in Chinese and Western cultures11
Making inferential leaps: Manipulation checks and the road towards strong inference11
A conflict of values: When perceived compassion decreases trust11
Overcoming negative reactions to prosocial intergroup behaviors in post-conflict societies: The power of intergroup apology11
The Passionate Pygmalion Effect: Passionate employees attain better outcomes in part because of more preferential treatment by others11
Feeling empathy for organizations: Moral consequences, mechanisms, and the power of framing11
War exposure, altruism and the recalibration of welfare tradeoffs towards threatening social categories11
Group value learned through interactions with members: A reinforcement learning account11
Conceptual metaphors, processing fluency, and aesthetic preference11
Concealment stigma: The social costs of concealing11
Economic inequality and socioeconomic ranking inform attitudes toward redistribution10
Maximal positive controls: A method for estimating the largest plausible effect size10
How relationships bias moral reasoning: Neural and self-report evidence10
Counterfactual thinking as a prebunking strategy to contrast misinformation on COVID-199
A threat-based hate model: How symbolic and realistic threats underlie hate and aggression9
The developmental origins and behavioral consequences of attributions for inequality9
The primacy of communality in humanization9
Inclusion reduces political prejudice9
Biases left unattended: People are surprised at racial bias feedback until they pay attention to their biased reactions9
Learning to judge a book by its cover: Rapid acquisition of facial stereotypes9
The dark side of gratitude: Gratitude could lead to moral violation9
The AI Effect: People rate distinctively human attributes as more essential to being human after learning about artificial intelligence advances9
European Americans' intentions to confront racial bias: Considering who, what (kind), and why9
The role of task similarity for ego depletion: A registered report9
Did you hear what she did to me? Female friendship victimization disclosures offer reputational advantages8
Experimentally manipulating mediating processes: Why and how to examine mediation using statistical moderation analyses8
The dynamic interactive pattern of assimilation and contrast: Accounting for standard extremity in comparative evaluations8
Support for leaders who use conspiratorial rhetoric: The role of personal control and political identity8
The effect of gender identity and gender threat on self-image8
Moral impressions and presumed moral choices: Perceptions of how moral exemplars resolve moral dilemmas8
Situational materialism increases climate change scepticism in men compared to women8
Menstrual cycle and hormonal contraception effects on self-efficacy, assertiveness, regulatory focus, optimism, impulsiveness, and risk-taking8
Effects of fear on donations to climate change mitigation8
Belief system networks can be used to predict where to expect dynamic constraint8
Better the two devils you know, than the one you don't: Predictability influences moral judgments of immoral actors8
Falling on deaf ears: The effects of sender identity and feedback dimension on how people process and respond to negative feedback − An ERP study8
Are actions better than inactions? Positivity, outcome, and intentionality biases in judgments of action and inaction8
When intergroup helping helps intergroup relations: The moderating role of trust in the outgroup8
Hey Siri, I love you: People feel more attached to gendered technology7
Does observability amplify sensitivity to moral frames? Evaluating a reputation-based account of moral preferences7
Allocating moral responsibility to multiple agents7
Financial self-control strategy use: Generating personal strategies reduces spending more than learning expert strategies7
Gaming for peace: Virtual contact through cooperative video gaming increases children's intergroup tolerance in the context of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict7
To build efficacy, eat the frog first: People misunderstand how the difficulty-ordering of tasks influences efficacy7
Mitigating welfare-related prejudice and partisanship among U.S. conservatives with moral reframing of a universal basic income policy7
Increasing social support for women with postpartum depression through attribution theory guided vignettes and video messages: The understudied role of effort7
Assessing implicit attitudes about androgyny7
Acquiring favorable attitudes based on aversive affective cues: Examining the spontaneity and efficiency of propositional evaluative conditioning7
Social pain and the role of imagined social consequences: Why personal adverse experiences elicit social pain, with or without explicit relational devaluation7
Hadza hunter-gatherers are not deontologists and do not prefer deontologists as social partners7
Viewing leisure as wasteful undermines enjoyment7
The threat of a majority-minority U.S. alters white Americans' perception of race7
Revisiting dissociation hypotheses with a structural fit approach: The case of the prepared reflex framework6
When photos backfire: Truthiness and falsiness effects in comparative judgments6
The mitigating effect of desiring status on social backlash against ambitious women6
Cheap talk? Follower sarcasm reduces leader overpay by increasing accountability6
The power of the Ingroup for promoting collective action: How distinctive treatment from fellow minority members motivates collective action6
Economic scarcity increases racial stereotyping in beliefs and face representation6
Fairness decision-making of opportunity equity in gain and loss contexts6
Has social psychology lost touch with reality? Exploring public perceptions of the realism and consequentiality of social psychological research6
Untested assumptions perpetuate stereotyping: Learning in the absence of evidence6
Evidence against subliminal anchoring: Two close, highly powered, preregistered, and failed replication attempts6
Dealbreakers, or dealbenders? Capturing the cumulative effects of partner information on mate choice6
Stereotyping at the intersection of race and weight: Diluted threat stereotyping of obese Black men6
When group members dissent: A direct comparison of the black sheep and intergroup sensitivity effects6
Belief in divine moral authority satisfies the psychological need for structure and increases in the face of perceived injustice6
Perceptual tuning through contact? Contact interacts with perceptual (not memory-based) face-processing ability to predict cross-race recognition6
Women exaggerate, men downplay: Gendered endorsement of emotional dramatization stereotypes contributes to gender bias in pain expectations6
Social identity switching: How effective is it?6
Effects of aggregation on implicit bias measurement6
Evidence for bidirectional causation between trait and mental state inferences6
Changing impressions in competence-oriented domains: The primacy of morality endures6
Hate and meaning in life: How collective, but not personal, hate quells threat and spurs meaning in life6
Does power increase attention to rewards? Examining the brain and behavior6
The impact of uncertainty induced by the COVID-19 pandemic on intertemporal choice6
Variability and abstraction in evaluative conditioning: Consequences for the generalization of likes and dislikes6
The partisan trade-off bias: When political polarization meets policy trade-offs6
Engaging with conspiracy theories: Causes and consequences6
Public perceptions of prejudice research: The double-edged sword faced by marginalized group researchers5
Beyond doubt in a dangerous world: The effect of existential threats on the certitude of societal discourse5
The role of gender and safety concerns in romantic rejection decisions5
Assessing the speed and spontaneity of racial bias in pain perception5
How did it feel? Affect as a feedback system in repeated donation decisions5
Repeated exposure to success harshens reactions to failure5
Cultural differences in perceiving transitions in emotional facial expressions: Easterners show greater contrast effects than westerners5
Are implicit attitudes toward dishonesty associated with self-serving dishonesty? Implications for the reliability of the IAT5
The way they look: Phenotypic prototypicality shapes the perceived intergroup attitudes of in- and out-group members5
Understanding mechanisms behind discrimination using diffusion decision modeling5
Resource scarcity compromises explore-exploit decision-making5
Attitude similarity and interpersonal liking: A dominance of positive over negative attitudes5
Attention allocation is a possible mediator of cultural variations in spontaneous trait and situation inferences: Eye-tracking evidence5
Misprediction of affective outcomes due to different evaluation modes: Replication and extension of two distinction bias experiments by Hsee and Zhang (2004)5
The unexpected social consequences of diverting attention to our phones5
Treatments approved, boosts eschewed: Moral limits of neurotechnological enhancement5
Are we at all liberal at heart? High-powered tests find no effect of intuitive thinking on moral foundations5
Do you get us? A multi-experiment, meta-analytic test of the effect of felt understanding in intergroup relations5
The effect of face masks on the stereotype effect in emotion perception5
Large-scale field experiment shows null effects of team demographic diversity on outsiders' willingness to support the team5
The social psychology of a selective national inferiority complex: Reconciling positive distinctiveness and system justification4
Computational and motivational mechanisms of human social decision making involving close others4
Understanding the role of faces in person perception: Increased reliance on facial appearance when judging sociability4
The articulatory in-out effect: Driven by articulation fluency?4
Providing support is easier done than said: Support providers' perceptions of touch and verbal support provision requests4
Acting collectively against air pollution: When does control threat mobilize environmental activism? Registered report4
Examining selective migration as attitudinal fit versus gay migration4
From critical to hypocritical: Counterfactual thinking increases partisan disagreement about media hypocrisy4
Empirical test of a general process model of threat and defense: A systematic examination of the affective-motivational processes underlying proximal and distal reactions to threat4
Advice-giving under conflict of interest: Context enhances self-serving behavior4
Interdependence and reflected failure: Cultural differences in stigma by association4
People believe sexual harassment and domestic violence are less harmful for women in poverty4
Sex differences in threat sensitivity: Evidence from two experimental paradigms4
How prosocial actors use power hierarchies to build moral reputation4
Schadenfreude for undeserved misfortunes: The unexpected consequences of endorsing a strong belief in a just world4
Familiarity breeds overconfidence: Group membership and shared experience in the closeness-communication bias4
How race influences perceptions of objectivity and hiring preferences4
Higher power dynamics: How meaning search and self-transcendence inspire approach motivation and magnanimity4
Moral credentials and the 2020 democratic presidential primary: No evidence that endorsing female candidates licenses people to favor men4
Cognitive processes behind the shooter bias: Dissecting response bias, motor preparation and information accumulation4
Loyal workers are selectively and ironically targeted for exploitation4
Does competence or morality mainly drive self-esteem? It depends on general system justification4
‘Sharing in need’: How allocator and recipient's hunger shape food distributions in a dictator game4
Agents' moral character shapes people's moral evaluations of accidental harm transgressions4
Comparing cross-classified mixed effects and Bayesian structural equations modeling for stimulus sampling designs: A simulation study4
Sociocultural engagement in a colorblind racism framework moderates perceptions of cultural appropriation4
It's no longer “me”: Low past-self-continuity reduces the sunk-cost bias4
Algorithmic management diminishes status: An unintended consequence of using machines to perform social roles4
Safe here, but unsafe there? Institutional signals of identity safety also signal prejudice in the broader environment4
Power, constraint, and cooperation in groups: The role of communication4
Cue competition in mental state inference: Blocking effects in learning to interpret the behaviors of others4
Bolstering biculturals: Self-affirmation reduces contrastive responses to identity primes4
Biased, but expert: Trade-offs in how stigmatized versus non-stigmatized advocates are perceived and consequences for persuasion4
Do voting and election outcomes predict changes in conspiracy beliefs? Evidence from two high-profile U.S. elections4
No laughing matter: Why humor mistakes are more damaging for men than women3
The role of attitude features in the reliability of IAT scores3
Harnessing dehumanization theory, modern media, and an intervention tournament to reduce support for retributive war crimes3
Who's on first? People asymmetrically attend to higher-ranked (vs. lower-ranked) competitors3
Work engagement and burnout in anticipation of physically returning to work: The interactive effect of imminence of return and self-affirmation3
The mind's “aye”? Investigating overlap in findings produced by reverse correlation versus self-report3
The myth of the extra mile: Psychological processes and neural mechanisms underlying overcompensation effects3
Social deliberation systematically shifts resource allocation decisions by focusing on the fate of the least well-off3
A normative perspective of discrimination in the minimal group paradigm: Does it apply to both Ingroup love and outgroup hate?3
What does being hard on yourself communicate to others? The role of symbolic implications of self-punishment in attributions of remorse3
Moral thin-slicing: Forming moral impressions from a brief glance3
The protective effect of agency on victims of humiliation3
Building bonds: A pre-registered secondary data analysis examining linear and curvilinear relations between socio-economic status and communal attitudes3
Social class predicts preference for competent politicians3
Playing the field or locking down a partner?: Perceptions of available romantic partners and commitment readiness3
One for me, two for you: Agency increases children's satisfaction with disadvantageous inequity3
Simulation induces durable, extensive changes to self-knowledge3
Hierarchy profiling: How and why a job's perceived impact on inequality affects racial hiring evaluations3
Do individuation instructions reduce the cross-race effect? A registered replication of3
What motivates avoidance in paranoia? Three failures to find a betrayal aversion effect3
Sequential decision-making impacts moral judgment: How iterative dilemmas can expand our perspective on sacrificial harm3
Blinded by guilt: Short-term relational focus and lying3
Egocentric projection is a rational strategy for accurate emotion prediction3
The relationship between power and secrecy3
Application of sentence-level text analysis: The role of emotion in an experimental learning intervention3
Not lie detection but stereotypes: Response priming reveals a gender bias in facial trustworthiness evaluations3
Is it all about appearance? Limited cognitive control and information advantage reveal self-serving reciprocity3
The cost of freedom: Creative ideation boosts both feelings of autonomy and the fear of judgment3
When more is less: Self-control strategies are seen as less indicative of self-control than just willpower3
Morals for the sake of movement: Locomotion and sensitivity to norms in moral dilemmas3
When my wrongs are worse than yours: Behavioral and neural asymmetries in first-person and third-person perspectives of accidental harms3
Qualified support for normative vs. non-normative protest: Less invested members of advantaged groups are most supportive when the protest fits the opportunity for status improvement3
‘The best is yet to come’: Examining the affective and motivational implications of reflective and evaluative thinking about a brighter future life3
When and how refusing to help decreases one's influence3
Can identity fusion foster social harmony? Strongly fused individuals embrace familiar outgroup members unless threatened3
Agency through hierarchy? A group-based account of increased approval of social hierarchies under conditions of threatened control3
Attributions of emotion and reduced attitude openness prevent people from engaging others with opposing views3
Out of sight, out of mind: The emotional determinant of “harmful inaction” intergroup conflict3
Lower social class, better social skills? A registered report testing diverging predictions from the rank and cultural approaches to social class3
Helping the ingroup versus harming the outgroup: Evidence from morality-based groups3