Journal of Experimental Child Psychology

(The median citation count of Journal of Experimental Child Psychology is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
The development of grit and growth mindset during adolescence73
Why do early mathematics skills predict later mathematics and reading achievement? The role of executive function31
Long-term effects of the home literacy environment on reading development: Familial risk for dyslexia as a moderator30
Emotion expression and regulation in three cultures: Chinese, Japanese, and American preschoolers’ reactions to disappointment29
Language difficulties are a shared risk factor for both reading disorder and mathematics disorder28
Infants’ intention-based evaluations of distributive actions27
Children’s recognition of happy, sad, and angry facial expressions across emotive intensities22
Museum program design supports parent–child engineering talk during tinkering and reminiscing22
Math anxiety affects females’ vocational interests21
“Sure I’ll help—I’ve just been sitting around doing nothing at school all day”: Cognitive flexibility and child irony interpretation20
The mediating effect of language on the development of cognitive and affective theory of mind19
Mathematics, executive functioning, and visual–spatial skills in Chinese kindergarten children: Examining the bidirectionality19
Parents’ math anxiety and mathematics performance of pre-kindergarten children19
When beliefs matter most: Examining children’s math achievement in the context of parental math anxiety19
Facilitating young children’s numeracy talk in play: The role of parent prompts19
Pretending with realistic and fantastical stories facilitates executive function in 3-year-old children18
Why do children punish? Fair outcomes matter more than intent in children’s second- and third-party punishment18
Parental listening when adolescents self-disclose: A preregistered experimental study18
The continuous impact of cognitive flexibility on the development of emotion understanding in children aged 4 and 5 years: A longitudinal study18
Bilingual children’s visual attention while reading digital picture books and story retelling17
The effect of face mask wearing on language processing and emotion recognition in young children17
Tracking the evolution of orthographic expectancies over building visual experience17
Masked identity priming reflects an encoding advantage in developing readers16
Morphological awareness and reading comprehension: Differential mediation mechanisms in native English speakers, fluent English learners, and limited English learners16
Human children, but not great apes, become socially closer by sharing an experience in common ground16
Minority- and majority-status bystander reactions to, and reasoning about, intergroup social exclusion16
Listening effort and fatigue in native and non-native primary school children16
The development of grit and growth mindset in Chinese children15
Development of the bodily self: Effects of visuomotor synchrony and visual appearance on virtual embodiment in children and adults15
The Magic School Bus dilemma: How fantasy affects children’s learning from stories15
Examining the impact of children’s exploration behaviors on creativity15
An East–West contrast in executive function: Measurement invariance of computerized tasks in school-aged children and adolescents15
Visual-spatial skills contribute to Chinese reading and arithmetic for different reasons: A three-wave longitudinal study15
Finding patterns in objects and numbers: Repeating patterning in pre-K predicts kindergarten mathematics knowledge15
Fostering early numerical competencies by playing conventional board games15
Measuring children’s auditory statistical learning via serial recall15
Development of motor planning in children: Disentangling elements of the planning process15
Reciprocal effects of morphological awareness, vocabulary knowledge, and word reading: A cross-lagged panel analysis in Chinese14
The importance of visuospatial abilities for verbal number skills in preschool: Adding spatial language to the equation14
A daytime nap combined with nighttime sleep promotes learning in toddlers14
Cognition in context: Validating group-based executive function assessments in young children14
Toddlers' expectations of corporal third-party punishments against the non-defender puppet14
Children’s discrete proportional reasoning is related to inhibitory control and enhanced by priming continuous representations14
Common knowledge that help is needed increases helping behavior in children14
Theory of mind, mental state talk, and discourse comprehension: Theory of mind process is more important for narrative comprehension than for informational text comprehension13
The benefits of immature cognitive control: How distributed attention guards against learning traps13
The influence of friendship and merit on children’s resource allocation in three societies13
Prosocial lying in children between 4 and 11 years of age: The role of emotional understanding and empathy13
Preverbal infants’ reactions to third-party punishments and rewards delivered toward fair and unfair agents13
Working memory is a core executive function supporting dual-task locomotor performance across childhood and adolescence13
Rhythm in the blood: The influence of rhythm skills on literacy development in third graders13
How do phonological awareness, rapid automatized naming, and vocabulary contribute to early numeracy and print knowledge of Filipino children?13
Measurement of aggressive behavior in early childhood: A critical analysis using five informants13
Patterns of growth in executive functioning during school years: Contributions of early mother–child attachment security and maternal autonomy support13
Self-referent encoding facilitates memory binding in young children: New insights into the self-reference effect in memory development13
Separable effects of the approximate number system, symbolic number knowledge, and number ordering ability on early arithmetic development13
Rhythmic priming of grammaticality judgments in children: Duration matters12
Stressful life events and children’s socioemotional difficulties: Conditional indirect effects of resilience and executive function12
Friendship is more than strategic reciprocity: Preschoolers’ selective sharing with friends cannot be reduced to strategic concerns12
How children and adults value different animal lives12
Approximate multiplication in young children prior to multiplication instruction12
Promoting prosocial behavior in toddlerhood: A conversation-based intervention at nursery12
Young children’s metacognitive awareness of confounded evidence12
Ire and punishment: Incidental anger and costly punishment in children, adolescents, and adults12
Investigating the effectiveness of fantasy stories for teaching scientific principles12
Young children update their trust in an informant’s claim when experience tells them otherwise11
Associations among response inhibition, motivational beliefs, and task persistence in early elementary school11
Young children’s developing ability to integrate gestural and emotional cues11
Children’s spatial–numerical associations on horizontal, vertical, and sagittal axes11
The effect of object similarity and alignment of examples on children’s learning and transfer from picture books11
Orthographic learning via self-teaching in Chinese: The roles of phonological recoding, context, and phonetic and semantic radicals11
The relationship of working memory and inhibition with different number knowledge skills in preschool children11
The cognitive profiles for different samples of mathematical learning difficulties and their similarity to typical development: Evidence from a longitudinal study11
Developmental changes in size effects for simple tie and non-tie addition problems in 6- to 12-year-old children and adults11
Hand size representation in healthy children and young adults11
Material and relational asymmetry: The role of receivers’ wealth and power status in children’s resource allocation11
(Peer) Group influence on children’s prosocial and antisocial behavior11
Improving prospective memory in school-aged children: Effects of future thinking and performance predictions11
Boys’ visuospatial abilities compensate for their relatively poor in-class attentive behavior in learning mathematics11
Age differences in foraging and executive functions: A cross-sectional study10
Proud to help when i should: Children’s positive emotions following sharing decisions with a needy versus not-needy other10
The temporal structure of naming events differentially affects children’s and adults’ cross-situational word learning10
Why do children show racial biases in their resource allocation decisions?10
The dynamics of morphological processing in developing readers: A cross-linguistic masked priming study10
Helping as prosocial practice: Longitudinal relations among children’s shyness, helping behavior, and empathic response10
Children cannot ignore what they hear: Incongruent emotional information leads to an auditory dominance in children10
Preschoolers agree to and enforce prosocial, but not selfish, sharing norms10
Visual attention and reading: A test of their relation across paradigms10
Fairness takes time: Development of cooperative decision making in fairness context10
Reading ability in children relates to rhythm perception across modalities10
Longitudinal relations between the approximate number system and symbolic number skills in preschool children10
Walking another pathway: The inclusion of patterning in the pathways to mathematics model10
Cross-notation knowledge of fractions and decimals10
Sensitivity to race in language comprehension in monolingual and bilingual infants10
Poor conceptual knowledge in the food domain and food rejection dispositions in 3- to 7-year-old children10
The relation of visual attention span with serial and discrete rapid automatized naming and reading10
Out of the empirical box: A mixed-methods study of tool innovation among Congolese BaYaka forager and Bondongo fisher–farmer children10
Young children and adults associate social power with indifference to others’ needs10
Executive functions in deaf and hearing children: The mediating role of language skills in inhibitory control10
Detailed bugs or bugging details? The influence of perceptual richness across elementary school years9
The man and the machine: Do children learn from and transmit tool-use knowledge acquired from a robot in ways that are comparable to a human model?9
Toddlers exploit referential and syntactic cues to flexibly adapt their interpretation of novel verb meanings9
Relations between fantasy and transfer of learning from storybooks9
Power grabbed or granted: Children’s allocation of resources in social power situations9
Competence-based helping: Children’s consideration of need when providing others with help9
Curiosity enhances incidental object encoding in 8-month-old infants9
Emotional awareness, empathy, and generosity in high-risk youths9
The number line estimation task is a valid tool for assessing mathematical achievement: A population-level study with 6484 Luxembourgish ninth-graders9
How does rapid automatized naming influence orthographic knowledge?9
What’s in a question? Parents’ question use in dyadic interactions and the relation to preschool-aged children’s math abilities9
Effects of violent video games on players’ and observers’ aggressive cognitions and aggressive behaviors9
The home numeracy environment and children’s math skills: The moderating role of parents’ math anxiety9
Children are more forgiving of accidental harms across development9
Receptive and expressive language ability differentially support symbolic understanding over time: Picture comprehension in late talking and typically developing children9
Young children’s prosocial responses toward peers and adults in two social contexts9
Early implicit–explicit discrepancies in self-esteem as correlates of childhood depressive symptoms9
Space modulates cross-domain transfer of abstract rules in infants9
Categories convey prescriptive information across domains and development9
Preschoolers’ learning of information from fantastical narrative versus expository books9
Contextual diversity favors the learning of new words in children regardless of their comprehension skills9
Intraindividual reaction time variability as an index of attentional control acts as a moderator of the longitudinal relationships between marital quality and children’s externalizing problems8
Two-year-olds use past memories to accomplish novel goals8
Paying it back and forward: The impact of experiencing and observing others’ sharing and stinginess on preschoolers’ own sharing behavior and expectations8
Individual differences in gesture interpretation predict children’s propensity to pick a gesturer as a good informant8
Predicting mathematics achievement from subdomains of early number competence: Differences by grade and achievement level8
Bidirectional effects between expressive regulatory abilities and peer acceptance among Chinese adolescents8
Timing storytime to maximize children’s ability to retain new vocabulary8
Working memory growth predicts mathematical problem-solving growth among emergent bilingual children8
Developmental trajectories of global motion and global form perception from 4 years to adulthood8
Social context shapes neural processing of others’ actions in 9-month-old infants8
Do I know what they know? Linking metacognition, theory of mind, and selective social learning8
Prephonological spelling and its connections with later word reading and spelling performance8
Who’s more generous than me? Children’s self-evaluation of their prosociality in normative social comparisons8
Infants’ use of motion cues in object individuation processes8
The link between mind wandering and learning in children8
When correlation equals causation: A behavioral and computational account of second-order correlation learning in children8
Preschoolers learn new moral and conventional norms from direct experiences8
Preschoolers’ choices of television characters as sources of information: Effects of character type, format, and topic domain8
First impressions of child faces: Facial trustworthiness influences adults’ interpretations of children’s behavior in ambiguous situations8
“I’ll remember everything no matter what!”: The role of metacognitive abilities in the development of young children’s prospective memory8
A developmental investigation of the other-race categorization advantage in a multiracial population: Contrasting social categorization and perceptual expertise accounts8
Individual differences in executive function and learning: The role of knowledge type and conflict with prior knowledge7
Disentangling language status and country-of-origin explanations of the bilingual advantage in preschoolers7
Parenting style and the cognitive development of preschool-aged children: Evidence from rural China7
Preschoolers are capable of fine-grained implicit cognitive control: Evidence from development of the context-specific proportion congruency effect7
When novelty prevails on familiarity: Visual biases for child versus infant faces in 3.5- to 12-month-olds7
The role of speaker eye gaze and mutual exclusivity in novel word learning by monolingual and bilingual children7
How economic inequality affects prosocial behavior in children across development7
Subtraction by addition in young multi-digit subtraction learners: A choice/no-choice study7
Executive function and mathematics in preschool children: Training and transfer effects7
Preschool children’s evaluations of their own unjustified requests7
Four- and 5-year-old children adapt to the reliability of conflicting sources of information to learn novel words7
Relations among spatial skills, number line estimation, and exact and approximate calculation in young children7
The role of working memory updating, inhibition, fluid intelligence, and reading comprehension in explaining differences between consistent and inconsistent arithmetic word-problem-solving performance7
Effects of “we”-framing on young children’s commitment, sharing, and helping7
Extended difficulties with counterfactuals persist in reasoning with false beliefs: Evidence for teleology-in-perspective7
The world within: Children are sensitive to internal complexity cues7
Twenty-four or four-and-twenty: Language modulates cross-modal matching for multidigit numbers in children and adults7
Alice in Wonderland: The effects of body size and movement on children’s size perception and body representation in virtual reality7
Effects of stress on 6- and 7-year-old children’s emotional memory differs by gender7
Five-month-old infants attribute inferences based on general knowledge to agents7
When one size does not fit all: A latent profile analysis of low-income preschoolers’ math skills7
Mediated semantic priming interference in toddlers as seen through pupil dynamics6
Cognitive flexibility and parental education differentially predict implicit and explicit racial biases in bilingual children6
Cognitive prerequisites for cumulative culture are context-dependent: Children’s potential for ratcheting depends on cue longevity6
Priming third-party ostracism does not lead to increased affiliation in three Serbian communities6
Collaboration increases children’s normative concern for fairness6
Can a robot teach me that? Children’s ability to imitate robots6
Children’s understanding of friendship formation caused by gossip6
Effects of test difficulty messaging on academic cheating among middle school children6
Shaping children’s racial bias through interpersonal movement6
The baby schema effect in adolescence and its difference from that in adulthood6
Hearts, flowers, and fruits: All children need to reveal their post-error slowing6
Expressions of positive and negative shyness in preschool-age children: Temperamental correlates and visual attention to emotions6
Revisiting the talker recognition advantage in bilingual infants6
Lumping and splitting: Developmental changes in the structure of children’s semantic networks6
Children use race to infer who is “in charge”6
Moms know best?: Children’s evaluations of mothers’ unfair responses to peer conflicts6
How do children with developmental language disorder extend novel nouns?6
Two birds in the hand: Concurrent and switching cognitive flexibility in preschoolers6
Social identity and contamination: Young children are more willing to eat native contaminated foods6
Executive functioning skills and (low) math achievement in primary and secondary school6
Young children’s future-oriented reasoning for self and other: Effects of conflict and perspective6
Multisensory integration and maternal sensitivity are related to each other and predictive of expressive vocabulary in 24-month-olds6
The effect of character similarity on children’s learning from fictional stories: The roles of race and gender6
Comparing motor imagery and verbal rehearsal strategies in children’s ability to follow spoken instructions6
Infant walking experience is related to the development of selective attention6
The friendly fossa: The effect of anthropomorphic language on learning about unfamiliar animals through both storybooks and live animal experiences6
Age-related changes in children’s cognitive–motor dual tasking: Evidence from a large cross-sectional sample6
The link between parental mental state talk and children’s lying: An indirect effect via false belief understanding6
The relationship between math anxiety and math performance: The moderating role of visuospatial working memory6
2.5-year-olds succeed in identity and location elicited-response false-belief tasks with adequate response practice6
Neural correlates of familiar and unfamiliar action in infancy6
Trajectories of behavioral avoidance in real time: Associations with temperament and physiological dysregulation in preschoolers6
Development of evaluative and incidental self-reference effects in childhood6
Fair sharing is just caring: Links between justice sensitivity and distributive behavior in middle childhood6
Parent–child attachment security is associated with preschoolers’ memory accuracy for emotional life events through sensitive parental reminiscing6
Mind wandering and executive dysfunction predict children’s performance in the metronome response task6
Self-regulation and early writing: A longitudinal examination from preschool through first grade6
Intuitive biological thinking in Chinese 8th graders6
The animals in moral tales: Does character realism influence children’s prosocial response to stories?6
Science with Duplo: Multilevel goal management in preschoolers’ toy house constructions6
Visual and haptic responses as measures of word comprehension and speed of processing in toddlers: Relative predictive utility6
Practice schedule and testing per se affect children’s transfer abilities in a grapho-motor task6
Associations among socioeconomic status and preschool-aged children’s, number skills, and spatial skills: The role of executive function6
Influence of causal language on causal understanding: A comparison between Swiss German and Turkish6
Lie-telling for personal gain in children with and without externalizing behavior problems6
The role of metalinguistic awareness and character properties in early Chinese reading6
Multifaceted assessment of children’s inversion understanding6
Rapport building with adolescents to enhance reporting and disclosure6
Neural processing of self-produced and externally generated events in 3-month-old infants6
Shyness and perceived monitoring by peers affect children’s performance in a divided attention task6
Number line development of Chilean children from preschool to the end of kindergarten6
Children’s reasoning about the efficiency of others’ actions: The development of rational action prediction6
Developmental improvements in talker recognition are specific to the native language6
A longitudinal study of theory of mind and listening comprehension: Is preschool theory of mind important?5
The effect of working memory capacity and training on intertemporal decision making in children from low-socioeconomic-status families5
Cognitive stimulation of executive functions through computational thinking5
Children overclaim more knowledge than adults do, but for different reasons5
Linking young children’s teaching to their reasoning of mental states: Evidence from Singapore5
Conscience and theory of mind in children aged 4 to 7 years5
Problem solving flexibility across early development5
Infants’ representation of asymmetric social influence5
Cascaded processing in naming and reading: Evidence from Chinese and Korean5
The ontogeny of selective social learning: Young children flexibly adopt majority- or payoff-based biases depending on task uncertainty5
A multidimensional evaluation of the benefits of an ecologically realistic training based on pretend play for preschoolers’ cognitive control and self-regulation: From behavior to the underlying theta5
Race and early face-sensitive event-related potentials in children and adults5
Do embodiment and fictionality affect young children’s learning?5
Five-year-old children show cooperative preferences for faces with white sclera5
Does preschool children’s self-regulation moderate the impacts of instructional activities? Evidence from a randomized intervention study5
Talking about emotions: Effects of emotion-focused interviewing on children’s physiological regulation of stress and discussion of the subjective elements of a stressful experience5
Putting the pieces together: Cognitive correlates of self-derivation of new knowledge in elementary school classrooms5
Inhibitory control and the understanding of buoyancy from childhood to adulthood5
The effects of spacing and massing on children’s orthographic learning5
How popularity goal and popularity status are related to observed and peer-nominated aggressive and prosocial behaviors in elementary school students5
Optimizing imitation: Examining cognitive factors leading to imitation, overimitation, and goal emulation in preschoolers5
Individual and socioenvironmental differences in autobiographical emotional appraisal of preschoolers5
Moving beyond executive functions: Challenge preference as a predictor of academic achievement in elementary school5
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test reveals a monitoring advantage but not a switching advantage in multilingual children5
But they weren’t being careful! Role of theory of mind in moral judgments about victim and transgressor negligence5
Longitudinal development of cognitive mapping from childhood to adolescence5
Cool and hot effortful control moderate how parenting predicts child internalization in Chinese families5
When does it pay to follow the crowd? Children optimize imitation of causally irrelevant actions performed by a majority5
Sustained selective attention in adolescence: Cognitive development and predictors of distractibility at school5
Child and caregiver executive function in trauma-exposed families: Relations with children’s behavioral and cognitive functioning5
“But the poor needed it more”: Children’s judgments on procedural justice to allocate resources between two candidates equal in merit, different in need5
Beyond accidents: Young children’s forgiveness of third-party intentional transgressors5
The role of context in verbal humor processing in autism5
Two-year-old children’s processing of two-word sequences occurring 19 or more times per million and their influence on subsequent word learning5
Children’s gesture use provides insight into proportional reasoning strategies5