Journal of Engineering Mathematics

(The TQCC of Journal of Engineering Mathematics is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Approximate solution of plane problems about stress concentrations in elastic bodies with voids19
Gravity–capillary wave interactions generated by moving disturbances: Euler equations framework19
Green’s analysis of conducting lattices18
Thermal stresses in an orthotropic hollow sphere under thermal shock: a unified generalized thermoelasticity17
Axisymmetric plumes due to fluid injection through a small source in a wet porous medium16
Effect of low-frequency AC forcing on the morphological instability arising in electrodeposition16
A two-fluid arrangement with bounded van der Waals body forces. Part 1. The Young-Laplace equilibria. Differences from comparable gravity systems15
On the acoustic trapped modes and their symmetry properties in a circular cylindrical waveguide with a cavity15
Half-plane diffraction problems on a triangular lattice15
Rayleigh–Taylor instability of classical diffusive density profiles for miscible fluids in porous media: a linear stability analysis14
Effectiveness of the stress solutions of 3-D V-notched/cracked structures by using extended boundary element method13
Effects of turbulence at the ingress into landfill gas wells13
Buoyancy-driven algebraic (localised) boundary-layer disturbances11
Nonlinear analytical solution of a slender reinforced concrete element under axial tension11
Singularity analysis for the V-notch in functionally graded piezoelectric/piezomagnetic material10
Diffusion-based degeneration of the collagen reinforcement in the pathologic human cornea10
Translating and pulsating Green function with an ice cover9
Linear and energy stable schemes for the Swift–Hohenberg equation with quadratic-cubic nonlinearity based on a modified scalar auxiliary variable approach9
Extraction of density-layered fluid from a porous medium9
A mixed spectral treatment for the stochastic models with random parameters9
A new Petrov–Galerkin immersed finite element method for elliptic interface problems with non-homogeneous jump conditions8
Assessment of stresses and strains accompanying the degradation of the surface layer composition of a coated cylindrical part under operating conditions8
Modelling the reduction of quartz in a quartz–carbon pellet8
Analytical treatment of the transient motion of inertial beams attached to coupling inertial resonators7
Effect of oscillatory flow on columnar crystal growth in undercooled melt7
Exact solutions for the formation of stagnant caps of insoluble surfactant on a planar free surface7
Surface energy minimizing configurations for axisymmetric microparticles7
Analytic solution and numerical validation of the transient regime in dry surface grinding7
Thick film flowing down a non-isothermal vertical cylinder7
Modelling of droplet impacts on dry and wet surfaces using depth-averaged form7
Nonlinear rate-dependent spectral constitutive equation for viscoelastic solids with residual stresses6
Melting, Soret and Dufour effect on MHD Casson fluid flow over a stretching sheet with slip conditions6
Energetic analysis of spreading of impacting drops on cold surfaces6
Effective diffusivity for a mixed-matrix membrane6
Non-steady pressure-driven flow of a Bingham fluid through a channel filled with a Darcy–Brinkman medium6
Approximate phase speed of Lamb waves in a composite plate reinforced with strong fibres6
Droplet impact onto a porous substrate: a Wagner theory for early-stage spreading6
Vertically integrated unconfined groundwater flow on sloping base6
The identification of obstacles immersed in a steady incompressible viscous fluid6
Padé-type high-order absorbing boundary condition for a coupled hydrodynamic wave model with surface tension effect6
A generalized approach to solving the mixed boundary value problem governing self-diffusiophoresis6
Similarity solutions for magnetogasdynamic cylindrical shock wave in rotating non-ideal gas using Lie group theoretic method5
A Nusselt number correlation for a superhydrophobic solid sphere encapsulated in a perfect plastron5
Acceleration of a projected gradient algorithm for the Bingham flow problem by rigidity enforcement with penalty5
Stabilizing an adverse density difference in the presence of phase change5
On the thermal flow through a porous annular region5
Gradient dynamics approach to reactive thin-film hydrodynamics5
Bounded absorbing sets for compressible non-Newtonian fluids5
Extended finite similitude and dimensional analysis for scaling5
Lubrication flow in grinding5
An asymptotic investigation of the dynamics and dispersion of an elastic five-layered plate for anti-plane shear vibration5
Convergence of martingale solutions to the hybrid slow-fast system4
Simple closed-form expressions for the effective properties of multilaminated flexoelectric composites4
Advanced computational technique based on kriging and Polynomial Chaos Expansion for structural stability of mechanical systems with uncertainties4
The impact of imposed Couette flow on the stability of pressure-driven flows over porous surfaces4
Retraction Note: Thermodynamic effect in Darchy–Forchheimer nanofluid flow of a single-wall carbon nanotube/multi-wall carbon nanotube suspension due to a stretching/shrinking rotating disk: Buongiorn4
Cole–Hopf linearization of the thermocapillary Marangoni dynamics of a two-dimensional bubble with insoluble surfactant4
Self-diffusiophoresis of Janus particles at large Damköhler numbers4
A novel asymptotically consistent approximation for integral evaporation from a spherical cap droplet4
Bulging initiation and propagation in fiber-reinforced swellable Mooney–Rivlin membranes4
A model of an inflatable elastic aerofoil4
Evaluation of exciting force and moment by a vertical floating cylinder in appearance of a coaxial cylindrical obstacle in two-layer fluid4
Analysis of water wave interaction with multiple submerged porous reef balls4
An enhanced flux continuity three-dimensional finite element method for heterogeneous and anisotropic diffusion problems on general meshes4
An immersed boundary method for mass transport applications in multiphase systems with discontinuous species concentration fields4
Fiber-reinforced composites: nonlinear elasticity and beyond4
A coated circular inhomogeneity in nonlinearly coupled thermoelectric materials3
A simplified model for hydroelasticity of containerships3
Analytical and numerical temperature distribution in a 3-D triple-layer skin tissue subjected to a multi-point laser beam3
Dynamic and static stability of a drop attached to an inhomogeneous plane wall3
Final epidemic size and optimal control of socio-economic multi-group influenza model3
On icicle ripples3
Numerical validation of analytical formulas for channel flows over liquid-infused surfaces3
Airy stress function for proposed thermoelastic triangular elements3
The transient mixed problem for an elastic semi-strip3
Fully dispersive Boussinesq models with uneven bathymetry3
Modeling doppler ultrasound blood flow signals in vessels with various stenosis degrees3
Wave energy reflection induced by the combined effect of two submerged breakwaters of wavy surfaces and a non-uniform seabed3
Fluid inflow from a source on the base of a channel3
Dynamic sloshing in a rectangular vessel with porous baffles3
Structural stability of a porous channel of electrical flow affected by periodic velocities3
Dissimilar nonhomogeneous magnetoelectroelastic layers with moving crack at the interface3
Properties of the pressure field in highly nonlinear free surface flows with critical jet3
Selective withdrawal of a three-layer viscous fluid3
The triple-deck stage of marginal separation3
Instabilities at a sheared interface over a liquid laden with soluble surfactant3
Anti-plane surface waves of an elastic half-space coated with a metacomposite layer3
Stagnant peaked free surface released at a sloping beach3
Concentration of mass in the vanishing adiabatic exponent limit of Aw–Rascle traffic model with relaxation3
A SFBEM–FEM coupling method for solving crack problems based on Erdogan fundamental solutions3
Gravity waves generated by an oscillatory surface pressure in a two-layer fluid with a porous bottom3
A model for fibre–matrix interaction in non-linearly elastic incompressible orthotropic materials3
Bounding pandemic spread by heat spread3