Journal of Educational Psychology

(The TQCC of Journal of Educational Psychology is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Immersive virtual reality increases liking but not learning with a science simulation and generative learning strategies promote learning in immersive virtual reality.151
A classification system for teachers’ motivational behaviors recommended in self-determination theory interventions.97
Peer social acceptance and academic achievement: A meta-analytic study.95
Cognitive appraisals, achievement emotions, and students’ math achievement: A longitudinal analysis.60
The role of STEM professors’ mindset beliefs on students’ anticipated psychological experiences and course interest.58
Lateral reading on the open Internet: A district-wide field study in high school government classes.56
Improving reading comprehension, science domain knowledge, and reading engagement through a first-grade content literacy intervention.50
Grit and academic achievement: A comparative cross-cultural meta-analysis.50
Some stress is good stress: The challenge-hindrance framework, academic self-efficacy, and academic outcomes.49
Achievement emotions and academic achievement: Reciprocal relations and the moderating influence of academic buoyancy.48
Closing the word-problem achievement gap in first grade: Schema-based word-problem intervention with embedded language comprehension instruction.48
Expanding the Direct and Indirect Effects Model of Writing (DIEW): Reading–writing relations, and dynamic relations as a function of measurement/dimensions of written composition.47
School innovativeness is associated with enhanced teacher collaboration, innovative classroom practices, and job satisfaction.47
Teacher self-efficacy and burnout: Determining the directions of prediction through an autoregressive cross-lagged panel model.47
Women—particularly underrepresented minority women—and early-career academics feel like impostors in fields that value brilliance.46
Learning loss during the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact of emergency remote instruction on first grade students’ writing: A natural experiment.43
Effectiveness of resilience interventions for higher education students: A meta-analysis and metaregression.43
Engaging caregivers and children in picture books: A family-implemented mathematical language intervention.41
A growth mindset lowers perceived cognitive load and improves learning: Integrating motivation to cognitive load.41
Does instructional quality mediate the link between teachers’ emotional exhaustion and student outcomes? A large-scale study using teacher and student reports.39
Black–White achievement gaps differ by family socioeconomic status from early childhood through early adolescence.38
Effects of spatial training on mathematics in first and sixth grade children.35
Students’ motivational trajectories and academic success in math-intensive study programs: Why short-term motivational assessments matter.33
Putting fractions together.32
Mindfulness training improves middle school teachers’ occupational health, well-being, and interactions with students in their most stressful classrooms.32
Grit: The long and short of it.31
Co-occurring trajectories of internalizing and externalizing problems from grades 1 to 12: Longitudinal associations with teacher-child relationship quality and academic performance.30
Parent–child number application activities predict children’s math trajectories from preschool to primary school.30
Emotional labor profiles among teachers: Associations with positive affective, motivational, and well-being factors.30
Cognitive dimensions of learning in children with problems in attention, learning, and memory.29
Does motivation predict changes in academic achievement beyond intelligence and personality? A multitheoretical perspective.29
Burning passion, burning out: The passionate school principal, burnout, job satisfaction, and extending the dualistic model of passion.28
The “situative nature” of competence and value beliefs and the predictive power of autonomy support: A multilevel investigation of repeated observations.27
A learning method for all: The testing effect is independent of cognitive ability.27
The case for embodied instruction: The instructor as a source of attentional and social cues in video lectures.26
Can effective classroom behavior management increase student achievement in middle school? Findings from a group randomized trial.25
Do children with reading difficulties experience writing difficulties? A meta-analysis.25
A randomized controlled trial of a smartphone-based well-being training in public school system employees during the COVID-19 pandemic.25
Trajectories of self-determined motivation during the secondary school: A growth mixture analysis.25
Relations of epistemic beliefs with motivation, achievement, and aspirations in science: Generalizability across 72 societies.24
A cross-lagged study of students’ motivation, academic achievement, and relationships with teachers from kindergarten to 6th grade.24
Academic acceleration in gifted youth and fruitless concerns regarding psychological well-being: A 35-year longitudinal study.24
Differential benefits of explicit failure-driven and success-driven scaffolding in problem-solving prior to instruction.23
Unraveling the links between rapid automatized naming (RAN), phonological awareness, and reading.23
Teachers “finding peace in a frantic world”: An experimental study of self-taught and instructor-led mindfulness program formats on acceptability, effectiveness, and mechanisms.22
Instructor–learner neural synchronization during elaborated feedback predicts learning transfer.22
The reciprocal 2I/E model: An investigation of mutual relations between achievement and self-concept levels and changes in the math and verbal domain across three countries.22
Math anxiety interferes with learning novel mathematics contents in early elementary school.22
Alternative paths to improved word-problem performance: An advantage for embedding prealgebraic reasoning instruction within word-problem intervention.22
In-class attention, spatial ability, and mathematics anxiety predict across-grade gains in adolescents’ mathematics achievement.22
Why do students use strategies that hurt their chances of academic success? A meta-analysis of antecedents of academic self-handicapping.22
Executive function, learning-related behaviors, and science growth from kindergarten to fourth grade.22
The effect of epistemic cognition interventions on academic achievement: A meta-analysis.21
When academic achievement (also) reflects personality: Using the personality-achievement saturation hypothesis (PASH) to explain differential associations between achievement measures and personality 21
Load reduction instruction in science and students’ science engagement and science achievement.21
Argumentation skills mediate the effect of peer argumentation on content knowledge in middle-school students.20
Relations among phonological processing skills and mathematics in children: A meta-analysis.20
The potential of relevance interventions for scaling up: A cluster-randomized trial testing the effectiveness of a relevance intervention in math classrooms.20
Greater income inequality, lower school belonging: Multilevel and cross-temporal analyses of 65 countries.19
Academic buoyancy in high school: A cross-lagged multilevel modeling approach exploring reciprocal effects with perceived school support, motivation, and engagement.19
Effects of computer-based feedback on lower- and higher-order learning outcomes: A network meta-analysis.19
Embodied geometric reasoning: Dynamic gestures during intuition, insight, and proof.19
The componential model of reading in bilingual learners.19
Effective intervention for adolescents with reading disabilities: Combining reading and motivational remediation to improve outcomes.18
Comparing and combining retrieval practice and concept mapping.18
Disentangling different sources of stability and change in students’ academic self-concepts: An integrative data analysis using the STARTS model.18
Achievement emotions and elementary school children’s academic performance: Longitudinal models of developmental ordering.18
Effects of digital learning skill training on the academic performance of undergraduates in science and mathematics.17
Revealing dynamic relations between mathematics self-concept and perceived achievement from lesson to lesson: An experience-sampling study.17
Examining high-school students' motivation change through a person-centered approach.17
Working memory and numeracy training for children with math learning difficulties: Evidence from a large-scale implementation in the classroom.17
How much do students’ scores in PISA reflect general intelligence and how much do they reflect specific abilities?17
A meta-analysis of writing treatments for students in grades 6–12.17
Identifying reciprocities in school motivation research: A review of issues and solutions associated with cross-lagged effects models.17
The role of mathematical language skills in arithmetic fluency and word-problem solving for first- and second-language learners.17
The effects of historical reading and writing strategy instruction with fourth- through sixth-grade students.16
Learning to read in environments with high risk of illiteracy: The role of bilingualism and bilingual education in supporting reading.16
Language ability in the development of externalizing behavior problems in childhood.16
Dimensional comparison effects on (gendered) educational choices.16
Top-performing math students in 82 countries: An integrative data analysis of gender differences in achievement, achievement profiles, and achievement motivation.16
How can the blow of math difficulty on elementary school children’s motivational, cognitive, and affective experiences be dampened? The critical role of autonomy-supportive instructions.16
Elementary students’ cognitive and affective responses to impasses during mathematics problem solving.16
Using process data to explain group differences in complex problem solving.16
Development of early childhood teachers’ knowledge and emotions in mathematics during transition from teacher training to practice.16
College students’ reasons for leaving biomedical fields: Disenchantment with biomedicine or attraction to other fields?15
A comparative analysis of instructional coaching approaches: Face-to-face versus remote coaching in preschool classrooms.15
Growth goal setting in high school: A large-scale study of perceived instructional support, personal background attributes, and engagement outcomes.15
Prevention of reading difficulties in children with and without familial risk: Short- and long-term effects of an early intervention.15
Calibrating calibration: A meta-analysis of learning strategy instruction interventions to improve metacognitive monitoring accuracy.15
The role of mothers in supporting adaptation in school: A psychological needs perspective.15
Academic help-seeking and achievement of postsecondary students: A meta-analytic investigation.15
Class-average achievement and individual achievement development: Testing achievement composition and peer spillover effects using five German longitudinal studies.15
Stability and change in student classroom composition and its impact on peer victimization.14
Student engagement and its association with academic achievement and subjective well-being: A systematic review and meta-analysis.14
Fraction ball: Playful and physically active fraction and decimal learning.14
Effectiveness of forgiveness education with adolescents in reducing anger and ethnic prejudice in Iran.14
A self-regulated learning analytics prediction-and-intervention design: Detecting and supporting struggling biology students.14
From Here to There! A dynamic algebraic notation system improves understanding of equivalence in middle-school students.14
The impact of mathematics anxiety on stress appraisals, neuroendocrine responses, and academic performance in a community college sample.14
Learning goal orientation in high-ability and average-ability students: Developmental trajectories, contextual predictors, and long-term educational outcomes.13
Does perceived cohesion mediate the student personality–engagement relationship in the university setting?13
Numerical magnitude understanding in kindergartners: A specific and sensitive predictor of later mathematical difficulties?13
A longitudinal randomized trial of a sustained content literacy intervention from first to second grade: Transfer effects on students’ reading comprehension.13
Taking a free ride: How team learning affects social loafing.12
Social, dimensional, and temporal comparisons by students and parents: An investigation of the 2I/E model at the transition from elementary to junior high school.12
Supporting climate change understanding with novel data, estimation instruction, and epistemic prompts.12
Distributions of textbook problems predict student learning: Data from decimal arithmetic.12
Helping preschoolers learn math: The impact of emphasizing the patterns in objects and numbers.12
Are the relations of rapid automatized naming with reading and mathematics accuracy and fluency bidirectional? Evidence from a 5-year longitudinal study with Chinese children.12
Relational reasoning’s contributions to mathematical thinking and performance in Chinese elementary and middle-school students.12
Pathways to word reading and calculation skills in young Chinese children: From biologically primary skills to biologically secondary skills.12
The benefits of successive relearning on multiple learning outcomes.12
Sex differences in developmental pathways to mathematical competence.12
Building word-problem solving and working memory capacity: A randomized controlled trial comparing three intervention approaches.11
Earlier understanding of mathematical equivalence in elementary school predicts greater algebra readiness in middle school.11
Data-based decision-making in schools: Examining the process and effects of teacher support.11
Teacher judgments predict developments in adolescents’ school performance, motivation, and life satisfaction.11
Silver linings and storm clouds: Divergent profiles of student momentary engagement emerge in response to the same task.11
Connections between mathematics and reading development: Numerical cognition mediates relations between foundational competencies and later academic outcomes.11
Gender differences in early literacy: Boys’ response to formal instruction.11
Students’ beliefs about agentic engagement: A phenomenological study in urban high school physical science and engineering classes.11
The individual stem student in context: Idiographic methods for understanding self-knowledge and intraindividual patterns of self-efficacy appraisal.11
Does triggering learners’ interest make them overconfident?11
Promoting positive attitudes toward peers with disabilities: The role of information and imagined contact.11
Intrapersonal and interpersonal psychosocial adjustment resources and achievement: A multilevel latent profile analysis of students and schools.11
Patterns of preschool teachers’ use of discourse strategies with individual Spanish-speaking dual language learners.10
Comparing the efficacy of early arithmetic instruction based on a learning trajectory and teaching-to-a-target.10
Academic self-concept formation and peer-group contagion: Development of the big-fish-little-pond effect in primary-school classrooms and peer groups.10
Using machine learning to predict children’s reading comprehension from linguistic features extracted from speech and writing.10
Unpacking the unique relationship between set for variability and word reading development: Examining word- and child-level predictors of performance.10
The impacts of a brief middle-school self-affirmation intervention help propel African American and Latino students through high school.10
Income inequality predicts competitiveness and cooperativeness at school.10
How students perform synthesis tasks: An empirical study into dynamic process configurations.10
Mere plausibility enhances comprehension: The role of plausibility in comprehending an unfamiliar scientific debate.10
Too anxious to be confident? A panel longitudinal study into the interplay of mathematics anxiety and metacognitive monitoring in arithmetic achievement.9
Does the interleaving effect extend to unrelated concepts? Learners’ beliefs versus empirical evidence.9
Parental math input is not uniformly beneficial for young children: The moderating role of inhibitory control.9
Benefits of interactive graphic organizers in online learning: Evidence for generative learning theory.9
A metacognitive retrieval practice intervention to improve undergraduates’ monitoring and control processes and use of performance feedback for classroom learning.9
Reading prosody unpacked: A longitudinal investigation of its dimensionality and relation with word reading and listening comprehension for children in primary grades.9
Differential patterns of growth in reading and math skills during elementary school.9
Does being defended relate to decreases in victimization and improved psychosocial adjustment among victims?9
How students’ perceptions of teaching quality in one subject are impacted by the grades they receive in another subject: Dimensional comparisons in student evaluations of teaching quality.9
Moderators of dimensional comparison effects: A comprehensive replication study putting prior findings on five moderators to the test and going beyond.9
School belonging predicts whether an emerging adult will be not in education, employment, or training (NEET) after school.9
Promoting an agentic orientation: An intervention in university psychology and physical science courses.9