Journal of Economic Theory

(The median citation count of Journal of Economic Theory is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Internal and external effects of social distancing in a pandemic129
The economics of data externalities36
Pairwise normalization: A neuroeconomic theory of multi-attribute choice28
Systemic risk shifting in financial networks28
A comparison of regret theory and salience theory for decisions under risk23
Disclosure, competition, and learning from asset prices23
Bayesian persuasion with costly messages22
Optimal test allocation19
Liquidity constraints and precautionary saving19
Partial strategyproofness: Relaxing strategyproofness for the random assignment problem18
Tournament rewards and heavy tails18
Information acquisition and provision in school choice: An experimental study17
Stochastic semi-orders16
Instability of defection in the prisoner's dilemma under best experienced payoff dynamics15
Matching with myopic and farsighted players15
Strategy-proof exchange under trichotomous preferences14
The anatomy of sentiment-driven fluctuations14
Public education expenditures, growth and income inequality13
The value of mediated communication13
Monetary policy rules in a non-rational world: A macroeconomic experiment13
Non-Bayesian updating in a social learning experiment13
Mandatory disclosure and financial contagion13
Stable sampling in repeated games13
Asymptotic behavior of Bayesian learners with misspecified models13
The strategy of conquest13
Confounding dynamics12
Generalized separability and integrability: Consumer demand with a price aggregator12
Structured ambiguity and model misspecification12
What matters in school choice tie-breaking? How competition guides design12
Information acquisition with heterogeneous valuations12
Consistent approval-based multi-winner rules11
Sober optimism and the formation of international environmental agreements11
Efficiency in search and matching models: A generalized Hosios condition11
Evaluating ambiguous random variables from Choquet to maxmin expected utility11
Belief hedges: Measuring ambiguity for all events and all models11
Lock-in through passive connections11
Intertemporal preference with loss aversion: Consumption and risk-attitude10
Continuous unimodal maps in economic dynamics: On easily verifiable conditions for topological chaos10
Multiple applications, competing mechanisms, and market power10
Objective rationality foundations for (dynamic) α-MEU10
Measuring preferences over the temporal resolution of consumption uncertainty10
Pareto efficient combinatorial auctions: Dichotomous preferences without quasilinearity10
Fully Bayesian aggregation10
Learning over the business cycle: Policy implications9
On equilibrium existence in generalized multi-prize nested lottery contests9
Beliefs, plans, and perceived intentions in dynamic games9
A theory of the saving rate of the rich9
Cultural transmission with incomplete information9
Vertical contracting with endogenous market structure9
Gradual college admission9
Interdistrict school choice: A theory of student assignment9
Organ donation with vouchers8
Information design in competitive insurance markets8
Foundations of ambiguity models under symmetry: α-MEU and smooth ambiguity8
Match length realization and cooperation in indefinitely repeated games8
Learning with misattribution of reference dependence8
Creating confusion8
Loss aversion in strategy-proof school-choice mechanisms8
A theory of housing demand shocks8
Mechanism design with level-k types: Theory and an application to bilateral trade8
A solution to the two-person implementation problem8
Ambiguity under growing awareness8
Mixed bundling in oligopoly markets8
Sequential vote buying7
Cross-ownership and portfolio choice7
Labor markets during pandemics7
Liquidity and private information in asset markets: To signal or not to signal7
Equal-quantile rules in resource allocation with uncertain needs7
Analytic policy function iteration7
Truthful aggregation of budget proposals7
Manipulability in school choice7
A characterization of Cesàro average utility7
Unforeseen evidence7
Ambiguity aversion and wealth effects7
Robust bidding and revenue in descending price auctions7
Childbearing postponement, its option value, and the biological clock7
Dynamic programming with state-dependent discounting7
Existence and uniqueness of recursive utilities without boundedness7
A canon of probabilistic rationality7
Belief-averaging and relative utilitarianism7
Assignment mechanisms: Common preferences and information acquisition6
Strategic interpretations6
The limits of meritocracy6
Ambiguity in dynamic contracts6
Robustly optimal monetary policy in a new Keynesian model with housing6
Bounded rationality is rare6
Stability of strict equilibria in best experienced payoff dynamics: Simple formulas and applications6
Bayesian persuasion with costly information acquisition6
Learning from failures: Optimal contracts for experimentation and production6
Fairness and efficiency for allocations with participation constraints6
Epidemics with behavior6
Discovery and equilibrium in games with unawareness6
Bayesian social aggregation with accumulating evidence6
Equilibrium social activity during an epidemic6
Plasticity of strategic sophistication in interactive decision-making6
Influencing waiting lists6
Identification in the random utility model6
Ambiguous information and dilation: An experiment6
Learning in two-dimensional beauty contest games: Theory and experimental evidence6
Strength of preference over complementary pairs axiomatizes alpha-MEU preferences6
Distributionally robust pricing in independent private value auctions6
Generalized perturbed best response dynamics with a continuum of strategies6
(Not) delegating decisions to experts: The effect of uncertainty6
Optimal contest design: Tuning the heat6
Equilibrium characterization and shock propagation in conflict networks6
Structural unemployment, underemployment, and secular stagnation5
On the existence of Pareto Efficient and envy-free allocations5
Bubbly bailout5
Pledge-and-review bargaining5
Disclosure, welfare and adverse selection5
Attentional role of quota implementation5
Informed speculation with k-level reasoning5
Constrained random matching5
Shadow links5
Markets for financial innovation5
Menu mechanisms5
A model of social welfare improving transfers5
Correlation-robust auction design5
Simple preference intensity comparisons5
A theory of dynamic contracting with financial constraints5
Distrust in experts and the origins of disagreement4
Speculative trade under ambiguity4
A random attention and utility model4
Rational quantitative trading in efficient markets4
A dynamic theory of bank lending, firm entry, and investment fluctuations4
Allocating positions fairly: Auctions and Shapley value4
The supply of hours worked and fluctuations between growth regimes4
Distributional consequences of surging housing rents4
Renegotiation and dynamic inconsistency: Contracting with non-exponential discounting4
Randomization is optimal in the robust principal-agent problem4
Social welfare in search games with asymmetric information4
Goodwill in communication4
Optimal epidemic control in equilibrium with imperfect testing and enforcement4
A game of hide and seek in networks4
Smooth aggregation of Bayesian experts4
Reverse Bayesianism and act independence4
Deterministic debt cycles in open economies with flow collateral constraints4
Sequential auctions with ambiguity4
Symmetry in n-player games4
Destabilizing effects of market size in the dynamics of innovation4
Virus dynamics with behavioral responses4
Farsighted manipulation and exploitation in networks4
Global manipulation by local obfuscation4
A general theory of risk apportionment4
Would you prefer your retirement income to depend on your life expectancy?4
Cost-sharing mechanism for excludable goods with generalized non-rivalry4
Efficiency in trading markets with multi-dimensional signals4
Player-compatible learning and player-compatible equilibrium4
Pooled testing for quarantine decisions4
Herding through booms and busts4
Lobbying and policy extremism in repeated elections4
Bayes and Hurwicz without Bernoulli4
Selling information in competitive environments4
Farsighted objections and maximality in one-to-one matching problems4
Approval voting under dichotomous preferences: A catalogue of characterizations3
Testing negative value of information and ambiguity aversion3
Two-dimensional information acquisition in social learning3
Decision-making with partial information3
In the basic auction model, the optimal reserve price may depend on the number of bidders3
Misallocation inefficiency in partially directed search3
Stochastic choice and rational inattention3
Updating confidence in beliefs3
Continuous implementation with direct revelation mechanisms3
Aggregation and design of information in asset markets with adverse selection3
Rational destabilization in a frictionless market3
Extended proper equilibrium3
Fiscal stimulus with imperfect expectations: Spending vs. tax policy3
Dead ends3
The effect of handicaps on turnout for large electorates with an application to assessment voting3
Aggregation of opinions and risk measures3
Frequent monitoring in dynamic contracts3
Efficient demands in a multi-product monopoly3
The measurement of the value of a language3
Stability of equilibrium asset pricing models: A necessary and sufficient condition3
Altruistic observational learning3
A central limit theorem, loss aversion and multi-armed bandits3
When voters like to be right: An analysis of the Condorcet Jury Theorem with mixed motives3
Stability and venture structures in multilateral matching3
Legislative informational lobbying3
Foundations of pseudomarkets: Walrasian equilibria for discrete resources3
Valuation monotonicity, fairness and stability in assignment problems3
Revealed reasoning3
Hidden testing and selective disclosure of evidence3
On the management of population immunity3
Asset bubbles, entrepreneurial risks, and economic growth3
Optimal market thickness3
Information aggregation with runoff voting3
Coase meets Bellman: Dynamic programming for production networks3
When is coarseness not a curse? Comparative statics of the coarse random utility model3
Insider trading with penalties3
The impact of network topology and market structure on pricing3
Repeated coordination with private learning3
Dutch vs. first-price auctions with expectations-based loss-averse bidders3
Allocating losses: Bail-ins, bailouts and bank regulation3
New formulations of ambiguous volatility with an application to optimal dynamic contracting3
When does centralization undermine adaptation?3
Story builders3
The crawler: Three equivalence results for object (re)allocation problems when preferences are single-peaked3
Combining forecasts in the presence of ambiguity over correlation structures3
An intertemporal model of growing awareness3
English versus Vickrey auctions with loss-averse bidders3
Sequential school choice: Theory and evidence from the field and lab3
The determination of public debt under both aggregate and idiosyncratic uncertainty3
Selling two identical objects2
Compromise is key in infinitely repeated bargaining with an Evergreen Clause2
On the voluntary disclosure of redundant information2
Value computation and modulation: A neuroeconomic theory of self-control as constrained optimization2
Portfolio concentration, portfolio inertia, and ambiguous correlation2
Estimating robustness2
Homophily and influence2
Rational inattention in the frequency domain2
Hyperadditive games and applications to networks or matching problems2
Learning when to say no2
Doubts about the model and optimal policy2
Opinion aggregation: Borda and Condorcet revisited2
Learning about profitability and dynamic cash management2
The envelope theorem, Euler and Bellman equations, without differentiability2
Strategic disaggregation in matching markets2
A lot of ambiguity2
Credit attribution and collaborative work2
Random utility models with ordered types and domains2
Rational inattention when decisions take time2
Dynamic banking with non-maturing deposits2
Intermediation in over-the-counter markets with price transparency2
Strategic investment and learning with private information2
Panics and prices2
Strategy-proof and envy-free random assignment2
Common priors under endogenous uncertainty2
Full surplus extraction from samples2
Games with coupled populations: An experiment in continuous time2
A population's feasible posterior beliefs2
Constructive decision theory2
The A/B testing problem with Gaussian priors2
Modeling players with random “data access”2
Strategic complements in two stage, 2 × 2 games2
A new approach to the uniqueness of equilibrium with CRRA preferences2
Wait or act now? Learning dynamics in stopping games2
Information design through scarcity and social learning2
Learning with limited memory: Bayesianism vs heuristics2
Rational inattention and the monotone likelihood ratio property2
Learning and selfconfirming equilibria in network games2
Designing communication hierarchies2
Relationship finance, informed liquidity, and monetary policy2
Twofold multiprior preferences and failures of contingent reasoning2
The probability of pluralistic ignorance2
Coherence without rationality at the zero lower bound2
Personal power dynamics in bargaining2
Semi-endogenous or fully endogenous growth? A unified theory2
Learning under ambiguity: An experiment in gradual information processing2
A unified characterization of the randomized strategy-proof rules2