Journal of Economic Theory

(The median citation count of Journal of Economic Theory is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Compromise is key in infinitely repeated bargaining with an Evergreen Clause129
Value computation and modulation: A neuroeconomic theory of self-control as constrained optimization40
Efficient demands in a multi-product monopoly28
Contagion and equilibria in diversified financial networks23
Games with coupled populations: An experiment in continuous time23
Evolutionarily rational mutations in structured populations22
Regulating oligopolistic competition19
Equality in legislative bargaining19
Testing negative value of information and ambiguity aversion17
Linear Riley equilibria in quadratic signaling games16
Delegating trial and error15
Editorial Board14
Credit attribution and collaborative work14
Stability of equilibrium asset pricing models: A necessary and sufficient condition14
Bargaining under almost complete information13
Bounded rationality is rare13
Preference for Knowledge13
Cultural transmission with incomplete information13
Sequential Bayesian persuasion13
A theory of international unions with exits13
Reverse Bayesianism and act independence13
The limit of targeting in networks12
Implications of uncertainty for optimal policies12
Modeling players with random “data access”12
Intermediation and price volatility12
Robust pricing under strategic trading11
Plasticity of strategic sophistication in interactive decision-making11
Price skimming: Commitment and delay in bargaining with outside option11
A model of approval with an application to list design11
Maxmin expected utility in Savage's framework10
Continuous implementation with payoff knowledge10
Information transmission in voluntary disclosure games10
Optimal contingent delegation10
Capability accumulation and conglomeratization in the information age10
A unified characterization of the randomized strategy-proof rules10
Efficiency and surplus distribution in majoritarian reputational bargaining9
Strategic disaggregation in matching markets9
Smooth aggregation of Bayesian experts9
Marital preferences and stable matching in cultural evolution9
Stock-based pay, liquidity, and the role of market making9
Consistency of the doctor-optimal equilibrium price vector in job-matching markets9
Repeated communication with private lying costs9
Disclosure, welfare and adverse selection9
A new approach to the uniqueness of equilibrium with CRRA preferences9
Bayesian social aggregation with accumulating evidence8
When is coarseness not a curse? Comparative statics of the coarse random utility model8
Search theory of imperfect competition with decreasing returns to scale8
The perils of fiscal feedback rules8
Heterogeneous overreaction in expectation formation: Evidence and theory8
Semi-endogenous or fully endogenous growth? A unified theory8
Coherence without rationality at the zero lower bound8
Editorial Board8
Misallocation inefficiency in partially directed search7
Cost-sharing mechanism for excludable goods with generalized non-rivalry7
Foundations of ambiguity models under symmetry: α-MEU and smooth ambiguity7
The anatomy of sentiment-driven fluctuations7
A central limit theorem, loss aversion and multi-armed bandits7
Data-driven contract design7
Benefiting from bias: Delegating to encourage information acquisition7
Beliefs, plans, and perceived intentions in dynamic games7
Analytic policy function iteration7
A dynamic theory of bank lending, firm entry, and investment fluctuations7
Comment on “A theoretical foundation of ambiguity measurement” [J. Econ. Theory 187 (2020) 105001]7
Information design through scarcity and social learning7
A microfounded approach to currency substitution and government policy7
Evaluating ambiguous random variables from Choquet to maxmin expected utility7
Learning about profitability and dynamic cash management7
Editorial Board7
Stability and venture structures in multilateral matching6
The paradox of search intensity6
Instability of defection in the prisoner's dilemma under best experienced payoff dynamics6
Behavioral implementation under incomplete information6
Generalized perturbed best response dynamics with a continuum of strategies6
The impact of network topology and market structure on pricing6
Random quasi-linear utility6
Ambiguity aversion and wealth effects6
CCP auction design6
Decision-making with partial information6
Risk aversion with nothing to lose6
Information design for selling search goods and the effect of competition6
Belief-averaging and relative utilitarianism6
Interdistrict school choice: A theory of student assignment6
Ambiguity in dynamic contracts6
Talent, basic research and growth6
Stochastic semi-orders6
Measuring preferences over the temporal resolution of consumption uncertainty6
Learning from a black box6
Rational inattention when decisions take time6
Constructive decision theory6
Monetary policy rules in a non-rational world: A macroeconomic experiment6
Optimal influence design in networks6
Starting small in project choice: A discrete-time setting with a continuum of types6
Corrigendum to “Role of linking mechanisms in multitask agency with hidden information” [J. Econ. Theory 145 (2010) 2241–2259]5
Strength of preference over complementary pairs axiomatizes alpha-MEU preferences5
Corrigendum to “Adverse selection without single crossing: Monotone solutions” [J. Econ. Theory 158 (2015) 127–164]5
Dutch vs. first-price auctions with expectations-based loss-averse bidders5
Monetary policy and sentiment-driven fluctuations5
Commitment and investment distortions under limited liability5
A simple and general axiomatization of average utility maximization for infinite streams5
Fully Bayesian aggregation5
The economics of data externalities5
Corrigendum to “Dynamic analysis of patent policy in an endogenous growth model” [J. Econ. Theory 132 (2007) 306–334]5
Interest rate dynamics and commodity prices5
Foundations of market power in monetary economies5
Continuous unimodal maps in economic dynamics: On easily verifiable conditions for topological chaos5
Unforeseen evidence5
Loss aversion in strategy-proof school-choice mechanisms5
Inequality, openness, and growth through creative destruction5
Diffusion and targeting centrality5
Communication in the shadow of catastrophe4
Mandatory disclosure and financial contagion4
Growing attention4
Evolutionary foundation for heterogeneity in risk aversion4
Disentangling strict and weak choice in random expected utility models4
When (not) to publicize inspection results4
Bargaining in small dynamic markets4
Moral hazard and subjective evaluation4
Sober optimism and the formation of international environmental agreements4
There is no known nonlinear Markov perfect equilibrium strategies for the infinite horizon linear quadratic differential game4
Never stop or never start? Optimal stopping under a mixture of CPT and EUT preferences4
On equilibrium existence in generalized multi-prize nested lottery contests4
Segmentation and beliefs: A theory of self-fulfilling idiosyncratic risk4
Competition in costly talk4
Redistribution with labor market frictions4
Strategy-proof and envy-free mechanisms for house allocation4
Redistributive fiscal policy and marginal propensities to consume4
On the management of population immunity4
The epistemic spirit of divinity4
Nested replicator dynamics, nested logit choice, and similarity-based learning4
A dynamic analysis of criminal networks4
An intertemporal model of growing awareness4
Granular DeGroot dynamics – A model for robust naive learning in social networks4
Editorial Board4
Optimal orchestration of rewards and punishments in rank-order contests4
Homophily and influence4
Contagion management through information disclosure4
Delegated recruitment and statistical discrimination4
Informed principal problems in bilateral trading3
Task allocation and on-the-job training3
Contracting and search with heterogeneous principals and agents3
Fomenting conflict3
Markets for financial innovation3
Structured ambiguity and model misspecification3
Discontinuous and continuous stochastic choice and coordination in the lab3
Relationship finance, informed liquidity, and monetary policy3
Sequential school choice: Theory and evidence from the field and lab3
Learning (to disagree?) in large worlds3
Coase meets Bellman: Dynamic programming for production networks3
Regret, responsibility, and randomization: A theory of stochastic choice3
Common priors under endogenous uncertainty3
Approval voting under dichotomous preferences: A catalogue of characterizations3
Observability, dominance, and induction in learning models3
Optimal market thickness3
Contagion in graphons3
Doubts about the model and optimal policy3
Strategy-proof and envy-free random assignment3
Editorial Board3
Liquidity constraints and precautionary saving3
Symposium Issue on Ambiguity, Robustness, and Model Uncertainty3
Information, market power and welfare3
Strategic interpretations3
Snowballing private information3
Communication on networks and strong reliability3
The perils of friendly oversight3
Rational inattention in the frequency domain3
A noncooperative foundation of the competitive divisions for bads3
Wealth, endogenous collateral quality, and financial crises3
Pareto-improving structural reforms3
On existence of Berk-Nash equilibria in misspecified Markov decision processes with infinite spaces3
The evolution of risk attitudes with fertility thresholds3
Twofold multiprior preferences and failures of contingent reasoning3
Preference manipulations lead to the uniform rule3
Hiding and herding in market entry3
A theory of dynamic contracting with financial constraints3
Security design without verifiable retention3
Matching with peer monitoring3
Aggregation of opinions and risk measures3
Economic distributions, primitive distributions, and demand recovery in monopolistic competition3
Ambiguity under growing awareness3
Tie-breaking and efficiency in the laboratory school choice3
Editorial Board2
Informational separability and entropy2
Editorial Board2
Endogenous liquidity and volatility2
Prudence versus predation and the gains from trade2
Portfolio concentration, portfolio inertia, and ambiguous correlation2
Learning under ambiguity: An experiment in gradual information processing2
Close-knit neighborhoods: Stability of cooperation in networks2
Mediated talk: An experiment2
Editorial Board2
Rational inattention and the monotone likelihood ratio property2
Intertemporal preference with loss aversion: Consumption and risk-attitude2
Time-consistent equilibria in dynamic models with recursive payoffs and behavioral discounting2
Distrust in experts and the origins of disagreement2
Panics and prices2
Lock-in through passive connections2
Equal-quantile rules in resource allocation with uncertain needs2
Implementing randomized allocation rules with outcome-contingent transfers2
A random attention and utility model2
A revelation principle for correlated equilibrium under trembling-hand perfection2
The negative value of private information in illiquid markets2
Editorial Board2
Corrigendum to “Simple preference intensity comparisons” [J. Econ. Theory 192 (2021) 105199]2
Selling to consumers who cannot detect small differences2
Learning with limited memory: Bayesianism vs heuristics2
Editorial Board2
Fostering collusion through action revision in duopolies2
Epidemics with behavior2
Editorial Board2
Editorial Board2
Monitoring and incentives under multiple-bank lending: The role of collusive threats2
The crawler: Three equivalence results for object (re)allocation problems when preferences are single-peaked2
Editorial Board2
Extended proper equilibrium2
Aggregation of opinions in networks of individuals and collectives2
Existence and uniqueness of recursive utilities without boundedness2
Endogenous criteria for success2
A characterization of Cesàro average utility2
Committee formation under constraints through randomized voting rules on separable domains2
Cognitive hierarchies for games in extensive form2
Learning and selfconfirming equilibria in network games2
Frequent monitoring in dynamic contracts2
Bayesian persuasion with costly information acquisition2
Stability of strict equilibria in best experienced payoff dynamics: Simple formulas and applications2
Optimal contest design: Tuning the heat2
Strategic investment and learning with private information2
Corrigendum to Gerasimou (2021) and comment on Banerjee (2022)2
Optimal technology design2
Dynamic banking with non-maturing deposits2
A theory-based decision model2
Motivated naivete2
Intermediation in over-the-counter markets with price transparency2
Bivariate scoring rules: Unifying the characterizations of positional scoring rules and Kemeny's rule2
Irreversible investment under predictable growth: Why land stays vacant when housing demand is booming2
A lot of ambiguity2
A theory of debt maturity and innovation2
Estimating robustness2
Dynamic survival bias in optimal stopping problems2
Editorial Board2
The value of mediated communication2
Comparing information in general monotone decision problems2
Far above others2
Editorial Board2
The equilibrium-value convergence for the multiple-partners game2
A canon of probabilistic rationality2
On the empirical relevance of correlated equilibrium2
Gradual college admission2
Selling two identical objects2
Designing communication hierarchies2
A theory of the saving rate of the rich2