Journal of Ecclesiastical History

(The median citation count of Journal of Ecclesiastical History is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Conflicts and Continuity in the Eleventh-Century Religious Reform: The Traditions of San Miniato al Monte in Florence and the Origins of the Benedictine Vallombrosan Order3
The Simony Crisis of the Eleventh Century and the ‘Letter of Guido’3
Women and the Reformation in Tudor Ireland2
Hobbes's Eschatology and Scriptural Interpretation in Leviathan2
Constructions of Christian Identity in the Northern Periphery: the Sawley World Map in Twelfth-Century England1
Herbert Hensley Henson, J. N. Figgis and the Archbishops’ Committee on Church and State, 1913–1916: Two Competing Visions of the Church of England1
Exploring the Rebirth of a Chronicle: Why Robert the Monk's Historia Iherosolimitana Gained New Life in the Fifteenth Century1
The African Methodist Episcopal Church. A history. By Dennis C. Dickerson. Pp. xii + 602 incl. 22 ills. Cambridge–New York: Cambridge University Press, 2020. £89. 978 0 521 19152 41
Miscellaneous Mastery: Reading Clement of Alexandria1
A companion to twelfth-century schools. Edited by Cédric Giraud. (Companions to the Christian Tradition, 88.) Pp. x + 332 incl. 3 tables. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2020. €199. 978 90 04 32326 1; 1871 63771
The Last Embers of British Fundamentalism1
The theology of Heinrich Bullinger. By William Peter Stephens. Edited by Jim West and Joe Mock. (Reformed Historical Theology, 59.) Pp. 484. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2019. €140. 978 3 521
The Lancashire and Cheshire Presbyterian Campaigns of 1646 and the Politics of Accommodation0
Roger II of Sicily. Family, faith, and empire in the medieval Mediterranean world. By Dawn Marie Hayes. (Medieval Identities: Socio-cultural Spaces, 7.) Pp. 221 incl. 18 figs, 4 tables and 2 maps. Tur0
Simul. Inquiries into Luther's experience of the Christian life. Edited by Robert Kolb, Torbjörn Johansson and Daniel Johansson. (Refo500 Academic Studies, 80.) Pp. 270 incl. 4 ills. Göttingen: Vanden0
The archive of a Ugandan missionary. Writings by and about Revd Apolo Kivebulaya (1890s–1950s). Edited and translated by Emma Wild-Wood and George Mpanga. (Sources of African History, 20.) Pp. xl + 250
Heretical Orthodoxy. Lev Tolstoi and the Russian Orthodox Church. By Pål Kolstø. (Ideas in Context.) Pp. x + 306. Cambridge–New York: Cambridge University Press, 2022. £75. 978 1 009 26040 40
Jerome's commentaries on the Pauline epistles and the architecture of exegetical authority. By Andrew Cain. (Early Christian Studies.) Pp. xii + 290 incl. 2 tables. Oxford–New York: Oxford University 0
The archangel Michael in Africa. History, cult and persona. Edited by Invild Sælid Gilhus, Alexandros Tsakos and Marta Camilla Wright. Pp. xvi + 246 incl. 26 ills and 5 maps. London–New York: Bloomsbu0
Reframing the Lives of Gelasius II, Calixtus II and Honorius II in the Context of the 1130 Schism0
Gregory of Nazianzus’ soteriological pneumatology. By Oliver B. Langworthy. (Studies and Texts in Antiquity and Christianity, 117.) Pp. xiv + 189. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2019. €69 (paper). 978 3 16 10
The wandering holy man. The life of Barsauma, Christian asceticism, and religious conflict in late antique Palestine. Edited by Johannes Hahn and Volker Menze. (Transformation of the Classical Heritag0
The rise of the early Christian intellectual. Edited by Lewis Ayres and H. Clifton Ward. (Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte.) Pp. xiv + 272. Berlin–Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2020. £79. 978 3 11 06T0755 0
The Christian Moses. From Philo to the Qur'an. Edited by Philip Rousseau and Janet A. Timbie. (Studies in Early Christianity.) Pp. xvi + 317 incl. 11 ills and 9 tables. Washington, DC: Catholic Univer0
Messianic high Christology. New Testament variants of Second Temple Judaism. By Ruben A. Bühner, Pp. x + 234 incl. 2 tables. Waco, Tx: Baylor University Press, 2021. $49.99. 978 1 4813 15400
Letters of the Catholic poor. Poverty in independent Ireland, 1920–1940. By Lindsay Earner-Byrne. Pp. xii + 284 incl. 5 ills. Cambridge–New York: Cambridge University Press, 2019 (first publ. 2017.) £0
Books Received0
The streets as a cloister. History of the Daughters of Charity. 17th and 18th centuries. By Matthieu Brejon de Lavergnée. Pp. 665 incl. 13 colour ills, 21 graphs and 14 maps. Hyde Park, NY: New City P0
Play time. Gender, anti-semitism and temporality in medieval biblical drama. By Daisy Black. (Manchester Medieval Literature and Culture.) Pp. xii + 234 incl. 5 figs. Manchester: Manchester University0
The Jews and the Reformation. By Kenneth Austin. Pp. xxvi + 295 incl. 14 black-and-white plates. New Haven–London: Yale University Press, 2020. £30. 978 0 300 18629 10
The reception of Paul and early Christian initiation. History and hermeneutics. By Benjamin A. Edsall. Pp. xii + 331. Cambridge–New York: Cambridge University Press, 2019. £75. 978 1 108 47131 20
The theology and ecclesiology of the Prayer Book crisis, 1906–1928. By Dan D. Cruickshank. (Christianities in the Trans-Atlantic World.) Pp. x + 127. London–New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019. €62.39.0
Illustrierter Atlas zur Geschichte des Christentums. By Tim Dowley. Pp. 176 incl. 18 colour ills and 62 colour maps. Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener, 2019. €20. 978 3 7615 6630 50
Between scholarship and church politics. The lives of John Prideaux, 1578–1650. By John Maddicott. Pp. xxii + 430 incl. frontispiece and 7 ills. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2022. 0
The Oxford handbook of Reformed theology. Edited by Michael Allen and Scott R. Swain. Pp. xii + 663 incl. 1 table. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2020. £110. 978 0 19 872391 20
Mapping medieval identities in Occitanian crusade song. By Rachel May Golden. Pp. xviii + 284 incl. 8 figs, 9 musical examples and 1 table. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2020. £35. 978 0 10
The Oxford handbook of Latin American Christianity. Edited by David Thomas Orique op, Susan Fitzpatrick-Behrens and Virginia Garrard. Pp. xvi + 609 incl. 9 ills and 2 tables. Oxford–New Yor0
The memory of Ignatius of Antioch. By Frazer MacDiarmid. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2. Reihe, 581.) Pp. xii + 271. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2022. €94 (paper). 978 3 16 1614990
The fabric accounts of St Stephen's Chapel, Westminster, 1292–1396. Edited by Tim Ayers (trans. Maureen Jurkowski). 2 vols. Pp. x + 999; ix + 1000–523 incl. 2 frontispieces, 7 figs, 15 tables and 4 pl0
William of Alnwick. Questions on science and theology. Edited by Francesco Fiorentino (trans. John Scott). (Archa Verbi, 18.) Pp. viii + 784. Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2020. €78. 978 3 02 10240 40
The wayfarer's end. Bonaventure and Aquinas on divine rewards in Scripture and sacred doctrine. By Shawn M. Colberg. Pp. xii + 313. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2020. $75. 9780
A history of Christian conversion. By David W. Kling. Pp. xvi + 836 incl. 14 maps. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2020. £97. 978 0 19 532092 30
Herakles inside and outside the Church. From the first apologists to the end of the Quattrocento. Edited by Arlene Allan, Eva Anagnostou-Laoutides and Emma Stafford. (Metaforms, 18.) Pp. xx + 360 incl0
Jersey, Guernsey and English Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction under Henry VII0
Manichaeism and early Christianity. Selected papers from the 2019 Pretoria congress and consultation. Edited by Johannes Van Oort. (Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies, 99.) Pp. xii + 446. Boston–Leide0
Enemies of the cross. Suffering, truth, and mysticism in the early Reformation. By Vincent Evener. Pp. xii + 420. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2021. £64. 978 0 19 007318 30
Pope Paul III and the cultural politics of reform, 1534–1549. By Bryan Cussen. (Renaissance History, Art and Culture.) Pp. 207. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2020. €89. 978 94 6372 252 0 - Be0
Songs of the Lisu hills. Practicing Christianity in southwest China. By Aminta Arrington (foreword Brian Stanley). (World Christianity.) Pp. xx + 232 incl. 11 figs, 4 maps and 2 tables. University Par0
James Moore Hickson's 1923 Western Australian Mission: Media Reception of a Globe-Trotting Anglican Healer0
Les Forces de la modération. Ligne politique ou accommodements raisonnés dans les crises politico-religieuses européennes (XVIe–XIXe siecle). Edited by Olivier Andurand and Albane Pialoux. (Pour une h0
The Evangelical quadrilateral, I: Characterizing the British gospel movement; II: The denominational mosaic of the British gospel movement. By David W. Bebbington. Pp. x + 382; x + 358. 0
America's religious crossroads. Faith and community in the emerging Midwest. By Stephen T. Kissel. Pp. xviii + 243 incl. 12 ills and 2 maps. Chicago–Urbana, Il: University of Illinois Press0
The shape of Christian history. Continuity and diversity in the global Church. By Scott W. Sunquist. Pp. xiv + 178. Downers Grove, Il: InterVarsity Press, 2022. $22 (paper). 978 1 5140 02220
The spiritual jurisdiction in Reformation Scotland. A legal history. By Thomas M. Green. Pp. x + 214. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2021 (first publ. 2019). £19.99 (paper). 978 1 4744 8429 90
A life of Alexander Campbell. By Douglas A. Foster. (Library of Religious Biography.) Pp. xviii + 349 incl. frontispiece, 59 ills and 3 maps. Grand Rapids, Mi: Wm B. Eerdmans, 2020. $29.99 0
The Founder's Book. A medieval history of Tewkesbury Abbey. A facsimile of Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Top. Glouc. d. 2. Edited by Julian Luxford with Adrian Ailes and Susan Powell. Pp. viii + 216 inc0
Constantino de la Fuente (San Clemente, 1502–Seville, 1560). From acclaimed cathedral preacher to condemned ‘Lutheran’ heretic. By Frances Luttikhuizen. (Refo500 Academic Studies, 88.) Pp. 292. Göttin0
Calvin and the early Reformation. Edited by Brian C. Brewer and David M. Whitford. (Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions.) Pp. xiv + 231. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2020. €99. 978 90 04 35994 9; 0
Hensley Henson and the Appointment of Bishops: State, Church and Nation in England, 1917–1920 and Beyond0
Moderate radical. Tobie Matthew and the English Reformation. By Rosamund Oates. Pp. xiv + 259 incl. 6 figs and 2 maps. New York–Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. £60. 978 0 19 880480 20
Obispos (medievales) de Badajoz. By William S. Kurtz. (Colección Estudio, 57.) Pp. 245. Mérida: Editora Regional de Extremadura, 2019. €12 (paper). 978 84 9852 592 20
Lutherische Kirche im gesellschaftlichen Wandel des. 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. Aus der Geschichte selbstständiger evangelisch-lutherischer Kirchen in Deutschland. By Volker Stolle. (Oberurseler Hafte 0
Eastern Christianity and late antique philosophy. Edited by Eva Anagnostou-Laoutides and Ken Parry. (Texts and Studies in Eastern Christianity, 18.) Pp. xvi + 342 incl. 2 figs and 1 table. Leiden–Bost0
How to Finance a Counter-Reformation Saint: the Alms for the Canonisation of Isidore Agricola and Ferdinand III, 1592–16880
The Curious Case of the Misplaced Eulogy: the Printing History of Matthew Parker's Sermon for Martin Bucer's Funeral0
Church in the wild. Evangelicals in Antebellum America. By Brett Malcolm Grainger. Pp. viii + 271 incl. 6 figs. Cambridge, Ma–London: Harvard University Press, 2019. £32.95. 978 0 674 919370
Jerusalem in the Alps. The Sacro Monte of Varallo and the sanctuaries of north-western Italy. By Geoffrey Symcox. (Cursor Mundi.) Pp. xii + 313 incl. 57 colour and black-and-white ills and 2 maps. Tur0
Henry VIII and Martin Luther. The second controversy, 1525–1527. Edited by Richard Rex. Pp. xvi + 306. Woodbridge–Rochester, NY: Boydell Press, 2021. £70. 978 1 78327 581 60
Christianity in the twentieth century. A world history. By Brian Stanley. (History of Christianity.) Pp. xxii + 479 incl. 3 maps. Princeton–Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2018. £27. 978 0 691 1570
Reason, religion and the Australian polity. A secular state? Edited by Stephen Chavura, John Gascoigne and Ian Tregenza. (Studies in Modern History.) Pp. xii + 296. Abingdon–New York: Routledge, 2019.0
Privilege and prophecy. Social activism in the post-war Episcopal Church. By Robert Tobin. Pp. xiv + 372. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2022. £22.99. 978 0 19 090614 60
Unorganized religion. Pentecostalism and secularization in Denmark, 1907–1924. By Nikolaj Christensen. (Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies, 42.) Pp. xiv + 262 incl. 4 figs and 2 tables. Leiden0
Northern European reformations. Transnational perspectives. Edited by James E. Kelly, Henning Laugerud and Salvador Ryan. Pp. xviii + 420 incl. 13 colour and black-and-white figs. Cham: Palgrave Macmi0
A companion to medieval miracle collections. Edited by Sari Katajala-Peltomaa, Jenni Kuuliala and Iona McCleery. (Reading Medieval Sources, 5.) Pp. x + 378. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2021. €228. 978 90 040
ECH volume 71 issue 4 Cover and Back matter0
Ecumenism and independency in World Christianity. Historical studies in honour of Brian Stanley. Edited by Alexander Chow and Emma Wild-Wood. (Theology and Mission in World Christianity, 15.) Pp. xvi 0
One word of truth. The Cold War memoir of Michael Bourdeaux and Keston College. By Michael Bourdeaux. Pp. xvi + 311 incl. 45 colour ills. London: Darton, Longman and Todd Ltd, 2019. £19.99. 978 0 232 0
Mark Twain. Preacher, prophet, and social philosopher. By Gary Scott Smith. (Spiritual Lives.) Pp. xvi + 251. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2021. £30. 978 0 19 289492 20
The restoration of the Church of England. Canterbury diocese and the archbishop's peculiars. Edited by Tom Reid. (Church of England Record Society, 27.) Pp. lxxiv + 186 incl. 4 figs. Woodbridge–Roches0
The Eusebius Essay Prize The World Christianities Essay Prize0
Educating the Catholic people. Religious orders and their schools in early modern Italy (1500–1800). By David Salomoni. (History of Early Modern Educational Thought, 3.) Pp. x + 220 incl. 7 maps. Leid0
Catholic nuns and sisters in a secular age. Britain, 1945–90. By Carmen M. Mangion. (Gender in History.) Pp. xiv + 327 incl. 15 figs and 3 tables. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2020. £80. 90
Lucretia Mott speaks. The essential speeches and sermons. Edited by Christopher Densmore, Carol Faulkner, Nancy Hewitt and Beverly Wilson Palmer. (Women, Gender and Sexuality in American History.) Pp.0
Jacques Fournier and the Poverty Controversy: New Evidence from a Neglected Gospel Commentary0
Travelling Festivals in Late Antiquity: How Christmas Came to the Greek East0
Piety and privilege. Catholic secondary schooling in Ireland and the theocratic state, 1922–1967. Edited by Tom O'Donaghue and Judith Harford. Pp. x + 233. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 200
The emergence of pastoral authority in the French Reformed Church (c.1555–c.1572). By Gianmarco Braghi. (Bologna Studies in Religious History, 1.) Pp. xii + 324. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 200
Facing west. American Evangelicals in an age of world Christianity. By David R. Swartz. Pp. viii + 322 incl. frontispiece and 27 ills. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2020. £22.99. 978 0 19 0
Recovering the Augustinian Convent of San Salvatore in Venetian Candia0
Schriftauslegung und Bildgebrauch bei Isidor von Pelusium. By Stefan Berkmüller. (Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte, 143.) Pp. x + 291. Berlin–Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2020. €99.95. 978 3 11 068593 0; 0
Narratives and representations of suffering, failure, and martyrdom. Early modern Catholicism confronting the adversities of history. Edited by Leonardo Cohen. (Estudos de Historia Religiosa, 28.) Pp.0
History, Scripture and authority in the Carolingian empire. Frechulf of Lisieux. By Graeme Ward. Pp. xvi + 255. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press (for The British Academy), 2022. £70. 978 0 19 0
Love's betrayal. The decline of Catholicism and rise of new religions in Ireland. By Peter Mulholland. Pp. x + 362. Oxford–New York: Peter Lang, 2019. £60. 978 1 78707 127 80
A companion to the patriarchate of Constantinople. Edited by Christian Gastgeber, Ekaterini Mitsiou, Johannes Preiser-Kapeller and Vratislav Zervan. (Companions to the Byzantine World, 9.) Pp. xii + 30
Medieval writings on sex between men. Peter Damian's The book of Gomorrah and Alain de Lille's The plaint of nature. By David Rollo (intro. and trans.). (Explorations in Medieval Culture, 19.) Pp. x +0
Catholic missionaries in early modern Asia. Patterns of localization. Edited by Nadine Amsler, Andreea Badea, Bernard Heyberger and Christina Windler. (Religious Cultures in the Early Modern World.) P0
Faith in black power. Religion, race, and resistance in Cairo, Illinois. By Kerry Pimblott. Pp. x + 323 incl. 12 figs and 1 table. Lexington, Ky: University Press of Kentucky, 2019. $30 (pa0
Refusing to kiss the slipper. Opposition to Calvinism in the Francophone Reformation. By Michael W. Bruening. (Studies in Historical Theology.) Pp. xvi + 361 incl. 2 figs and 2 maps. Oxford–New York: 0
Demons in late antiquity. Their perception and transformation in different literary genres. Edited by Eva Elm and Nicole Hartmann. (Transformationen der Antike, 54.) Pp. vi + 176 incl. 5 colour figs. 0
The shepherd of Hermas. A literary, historical, and theological handbook. By Jonathan Lookadoo. Pp. xii + 295 incl. 1 table. London–New York: T&T Clark, 2021. £85. 978 0 5676 9791 20
The Wisconsin Oneidas and the Episcopal Church. A chain linking two traditions. Edited by L. Gordon McLester iii, Laurence M. Hauptman, Judy Cornelius-Hawk and Kenneth Hoyan House. Pp. xxvi0
Naples, China and the Cosmos: The Theology of an Eighteenth-Century Chinese Priest0
ECH volume 72 issue 3 Cover and Front matter0
The rise of Christian theology and the end of ancient metaphysics. Patristic philosophy from the Cappadocian Fathers to John of Damascus. By Johannes Zachhuber. Pp. xii + 357. Oxford–New York: Oxford 0
Dress in Mediterranean antiquity. Greeks, Romans, Jews, Christians. Edited by Alicia J. Batten and Kelly Olson. Pp. xxii + 401 incl. 83 colour and black-and-white ills. New York–London: T&T Clark,0
Archbishop William Sancroft. A cross-grained life. By John Tiller. Pp. vi + 154 incl. frontispiece and 20 colour plates. Donington: Shaun Tyas, 2019. £19 (paper). 978 1 907730 77 10
God in Gotham. The miracle of religion in modern Manhattan. By Jon Butler. Pp. x + 308 incl. 38 ills. Cambridge, Ma: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2020. £23.95. 978 0 674 04568 20
Revisioning John Chrysostom. New approaches, new perspectives. Edited by Chris L. De Wet and Wendy Mayer. (Critical Approaches to Early Christianity, 1.) Pp. xxviii + 840 incl. 2 figs. Leiden–Boston: 0
Public confessions. The religious conversions that changed American politics. By Rebecca L. Davis. Pp. viii + 248 incl. 11 ills. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 2021. $30. 978 1 40
Heilig-Land-Pilgerinnen des lateinischen Westens im 4. Jahrhundert. Eine prosopographische Studie zu ihren Biographien, Itinerarien und Motiven. By Eva-Maria Gärtner. (Jerusalemer Theologisches Forum,0
I vescovi della Dalmazia al Concilio di Hieria del 754. Appunti sulla geografia storica dell'Adriatico meridionale bizantino nell'VIII secolo. By Ivan Basić. (Consociatio Croatica studiorum Byzantinor0
Le Bienheureux Herluin. Fondateur et premier abbé du Bec. Vita Herluini de Gilbert Crespin. Traduction et études. Edited by Raphaël Flaujac, Jean-Hervé Foulon and Véronique Gazeau. Pp. 177 incl. 14 fi0
ECH volume 72 issue 3 Cover and Back matter0
Between the swastika and the sickle. The life, disappearance, and execution of Ernst Lohmeyer. By James R. Edwards. Pp. xvi + 341 incl. 14 ills and 3 maps. Grand Rapids, Mi: William B. Eerd0
The devotion and promotion of stigmatics in Europe, c. 1800–1950. Between saints and celebrities. By Tine Van Osselaer (in collaboration with Andrea Graus, Leonardo Rossi and Kristof Smeyers). 0
The Mandaean book of John. Critical edition, translation, and commentary. Edited by Charles G. Häberl and James F. McGrath Pp. viii + 467. Berlin–Boston: De Gruyter, 2020. €189.95. 978 3 11 048651 30
Ite missa est. Ritual interactions around mass in Chinese society (1583–1720). By Hongfan Yang. (Studies in the History of Christianity in East Asia, 7.) Pp. xii + 325 incl. 10 colour and black-and-wh0
Baptists and the Holy Spirit. The contested history with holiness-pentecostal-charismatic movements. By C. Douglas Weaver. Pp. xvi + 573. Waco, Tx: Baylor University Press, 2019. £69.95. 970
Reformation, resistance, and reason of state (1517–1625). By Sarah Mortimer. (History of Political Thought.) Pp. x + 301 incl. 4 maps. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2021. £35. 978 0 19 9670
Early Christians adapting to the Roman Empire. Mutual recognition. By Niko Huttunen. (Supplements to Novum Testamentum, 179.) Pp. x + 282. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2020. €104. 978 90 04 42615 3; 00
Magic in Malta. Sellem Din al-Sheikh Mansur and the Roman inquisition, 1605. Edited by Alexander Mallett, Catherine Rider and Dionisius A. Agius. (Islamic History and Civilization, Studies and Texts, 0
Scottish Presbyterian worship. Proposals for organic change, 1843 to the present day. By Bryan D. Spinks. Pp. xx + 299 incl. frontispiece and 21 ills. Edinburgh: Saint Andrew Press, 2020. £25. 978 1 80
Desegregating Dixie. The Catholic Church in the South and desegregation, 1945–1992. By Mark Newman. Pp. xviii + 455. Jackson, Mi: University Press of Mississippi, 2018. $30 (paper). 978 1 40
Into the dark night and back. The mystical writings of Jean-Joseph Surin. Edited by Moshe Sluhovsky (trans. Patricia M. Ranum). (Jesuit Studies, 19.) Pp. viii + 548. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2019. €175. 0
St Theodore the Studite's defence of the icons. Theology and philosophy in ninth-century Byzantium. By Torstein Theodor Tollefsen. (Early Christian Studies.) Pp. xiv + 193 incl. 2 tables. Oxford–New Y0
Italian reformation and religious dissent of the sixteenth century. A bibliography (1998–2020). By Marco Albertoni (intro. Vincenzo Lavenia). (Forme e percorsi della storia, 9.) Pp. 559. Alessandria: 0
Edwin Sandys and the reform of English religion. By Sarah L. Bastow. (Research in Early Modern History.) Pp. x + 214. London–New York: Routledge, 2020. £120. 978 0 367 35315 50
The Eusebius Essay Prize The World Christianities Essay Prize0
A spirit of revitalization. Urban Pentecostalism in Kenya. By Kyama M. Mugambi. (Studies in World Christianity.) Pp. xviii + 330 incl. 2 ills and 2 maps. Waco, Tx: Baylor University Press, 0
A companion to the early modern cardinal. Edited by Mary Hollingsworth, Miles Pattenden and Arnold Witte. (Companions to the Christian Tradition, 91.) Pp. xviii + 705 incl. 43 colour and black-and-whi0
Basileia bei Origenes. Historisch-semantische Analysen im Matthäuskommentar. By Angelica Dinger. (Beiträge zur historischen Theologie, 194.) Pp. x + 339. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2020. €94. 978 3 16 150
The Merits of ‘Moral Ecumenism’: Secularism, Suspicion and Jewish-Christian Relations in Twentieth-Century Britain0
Religion and relationships in Ragged Schools. An intimate history of educating the poor, 1844–1870. By Laura M. Mair. (Studies in Evangelicalism.) Pp. xvi + 240 incl. 5 ills. London–New York: Routledg0
Books, Scribes, and Cultures of Reading in the Shepherd of Hermas0
The National Covenant and the Solemn League and Covenant, 1660–1696. By James Walters. (Studies in Early Modern Cultural, Political and Social History.) Pp. viii + 213 incl. 2 ills. Woodbridge–Rochest0
A New Standard Reference Work on Bibles in China0
Tyconius’ book of rules. An ancient invitation to ecclesial hermeneutics. By Matthew R. Lynskey. (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae, 167.) Pp. xviii + 456. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2021. €138. 90
Origen. On first principles. A reader's edition. Translated by John Behr. (Based on the edition of ‘Origen: on first principles’ in the Oxford Early Christian Texts Series.) Pp. lxxxviii + 357. Oxford0
Global Protestant missions. Politics, reform, and communication, 1730s–1930s. Edited by Jenna M. Gibbs. (Studies in World Christianity and Interreligious Relations.) Pp. xii + 262 incl. 6 figs and 2 t0
Religion Subdued: The Political Figure of Christ in the Work of Giovanni Battista Comazzi (1654–1711)0
Religion, colonization and decolonization in Congo, 1885–1960. Religion, colonisation et décolonisation au Congo, 1885–1960. Edited by Vincent Viaene, Bram Cleys and Jan de Maeyer. Pp. 355 incl. 21 il0
Christlicher Widerstand!? Evangelische Kirche und Nationalsozialismus. Edited by Siegfried Hermle, Claudia Lepp and Harry Oelke. (Christentum und Zeitgeschichte, 4.) Pp. 280 incl. 61 ills. Leipzig: Ev0
The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline legacy. By Jonathan E. Soyars. (Novum Testamentum, Supplements, 176.) Pp. xiv + 286. Leiden: Brill, 2019. €114. 978-90-04-40254-60
Double crossed. The missionaries who spied for the United States during the Second World War. By Matthew Avery Sutton. Pp. x + 402 incl. 20 ills and 3 maps. New York: Basic Books, 2019. $30. 978 0 4650
Christianity in the Propaganda of ZANU and ZAPU, 1965–19800
China and the true Jesus. Charisma and organization in a Chinese Christian Church. By Melisa Wei-Tsing Inouye. Pp. xx + 385 incl. 24 ills and 1 map. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2020. £250
Liberale theologie heute; liberal theology today. Edited by Jörg Lauster, Ulrich Schmiedel and Peter Schüz (Dogmatik in der Moderne, 27.) Pp. viii + 403 incl. 11 ills. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2019. €10
Neville Figgis, CR. His life, thought and significance. Edited by Paul Avis. (Anglican-Episcopal Theology and History, 7.) Pp. xviii + 260. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2022. €55 (paper). 978 90 04 50311 3; 0
A holy baptism of fire and blood. The Bible and the American Civil War. By James P. Byrd. Pp. x + 376. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2021. £26.99. 978 0 19 090279 70
Convent autobiography. Early modern English nuns in exile. By Victoria Van Hyning. (A British Academy Monograph.) Pp. xxviii + 388 incl. 3 figs, 2 tables and 17 colour and black-and-white plates. Oxfo0
They knew they were pilgrims. Plymouth colony and the contest for American liberty. By John G. Turner. Pp. xii + 447 incl. 25 ills and 3 maps. New Haven–London: Yale University Press, 2020. £22.50. 970
Confession and Confessors in the Templars’ Testimonies, 1307–1311: Notes on the Brothers’ Defence Strategy0
Books Received0
Die Leipziger Disputation von 1519. Ein theologisches Streitgespräch und seine Bedeutung für die Frühe Reformation. Edited by Markus Hein and Armin Kohnle. (Herbergen der Christenheit, 25.) Pp. 272 in0
Queen, mother, and stateswoman. Mariana of Austria and the government of Spain. By Silvia Z. Mitchell. Pp. xvi + 293 incl. 10 ills and 1 chart. University Park, Pa: Pennsylvania State Unive0
Heathen, religion and race in American history. By Kathryn Gin Lum. Pp. xii + 349 incl. 27 ills. London–Cambridge, Ma: Harvard University Press, 2022. £28.95. 978 0 674 97677 10
Gathering souls. Jesuit missions and missionaries in Oceania (1668–1945). By Alexandre Coello de la Rosa. (Brill Research Perspectives in Jesuit Studies.) Pp. vi + 115 incl. 15 colour and black-and-wh0
Historians and the Church of England. Religion and historical scholarship, 1870–1920. By James Kirby. (Oxford Historical Monographs.) Pp. xi + 257. New York–Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. £60.0
‘The letter killeth’. Redeeming time in Augustine's understanding of the authority of Scripture. By Lal Dingluaia. (Studia Traditionis Theologiae. Explorations in Early and Medieval Theology.) Pp. 2170
Evesham Abbey and local society in the late Middle Ages. The abbot's household account, 1456–7 and the priors’ registers, 1520–40. Edited by David Cox. (Worcestershire Historical Society New Series, 30
Reformation, revolution, renovation. The roots and reception of the Rosicrucian call for general reform. By Lyke de Vries. (Universal Reform, 3.) Pp. xii + 432 incl. 13 colour and black-and-white figs0
Martin Luther und die Wittenberger Konkordie (1536). By Henning Reinhardt. (Beiträge zur historischen Theologie, 201.) Pp. xiv + 553. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2021. €120. 978 3 16 159226 30
‘A knot worth unloosing’. The interpretation of the new heavens and earth in seventeenth-century England. By John H. Duff. (Reformed Historical Theology, 53.) Pp. 245 incl. 1 table. Göttingen: Vandenh0
Music-making in the Hertfordshire parish, 1760–1870. By Maggie Kilbey. Pp. xii + 292 incl. 37 figs and 9 tables. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 2020. £16.99 (paper). 978 1 912260 26 30
The passion of Anne Hutchinson. An extraordinary woman, the Puritan patriarchs, and the world they made and lost. By Marilyn J. Westerkamp. Pp. x + 312. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2021.0
The rise and fall of Christian Ireland. By Crawford Gribben. Pp. xxiv + 318 incl. 15 ills and 4 maps. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2021. £25. 978 0 19 886818 70
European Approaches of the Bulgarian Church: the Case of the Lambeth Conference in London, 19300
Books Received0
The revival of Evangelicalism. Mission and piety in the Victorian Church of Scotland. By Andrew Michael Jones. (Scottish Religious Cultures Historical Perspectives.) Pp. x + 226. Edinburgh: Edinburgh 0
The Conversos and Moriscos in late medieval Spain and beyond, IV: Resistance and reform. Edited by Kevin Ingram. (Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions, 225; Converso and Morisco Studi0
First Tonsures in England in the First Half of the Fourteenth Century0
Marriage litigation in the Western Church, 1215–1517. By Wolfgang P. Müller. Pp. viii + 270 incl. 3 figs, 3 tables and 1 map. Cambridge–New York: Cambridge University Press, 2021. £75. 978 1 108 845420
The Church of England and her Presbyterian Curates, 1662–16720
Sign Theory: Some Scholastic Encounters with ‘The Fifteen Signs before the Day of Judgement’0
After Arminius. A historical introduction to Arminian theology. By Thomas H. McCall and Keith D. Stanglin. Pp. x + 281. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2021. £22.99 (paper). 978 0 19 087420 0
The visitation of Hereford diocese in 1397. Edited by Ian Forrest and Christopher Whittick. Pp. xliv + 271. Woodbridge–Rochester, NY: Boydell Press/Canterbury and York Society, 2021. £35. 978 0 9072390
The bishop's burden. Reforming the Catholic Church in early modern Italy. By Celeste McNamara. Pp. xviii + 297 incl. 1 map. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2020. £76.95. 978 0 810
Confessionalism and mobility in early modern Ireland. By Tadhg Ó hAnnracháin. Pp. xii + 373. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2021. £90. 978 0 19 887091 30
Reformation reputations. The power of the individual in English Reformation history. Edited by David J. Crankshaw and George W. C. Gross. Pp. xxviii + 474 incl. 18 colour and black-and-white figs. Cha0
Franziskus von Assisi. Geschichte und Erinnerung. By André Vauchez. (First publ. as François d'Assise. Entre histoire et mémoire, Paris: Fayard, 2009.) Pp. 453 incl. 2 maps. Münster: Aschendorf0
Urban developments in late antique and medieval Rome. Revising the narrative of renewal. Edited by Gregor Kalas and Ann van Dijk. (Social Worlds of Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages.) Pp. 341 i0
Books Received0
Shrine and Idol Destruction in Three Carolingian Hagiographic Texts0
Sacred architecture and art of four Byzantine capitals. Constantinople, Thessaloniki, Mystras, Mount Athos. By Nicholas N. Patricios. Pp. xv + 409 incl. 476 colour and black-and-white ills. Columbia, 0
Moral majorities across the Americas. Brazil, the United States, and the creation of the religious right. By Benjamin A. Cowan. Pp. x + 294 incl. 5 ills. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina 0
Narsai. Rethinking his work and his world. Edited by Aaron M. Butts, Kristian S. Heal and Robert A. Kitchen. (Studies and Texts in Antiquity and Christianity, 121.) Pp. xvi + 291. Tübingen: Mohr Siebe0
Women intellectuals and leaders in the Middle Ages. Edited by Kathryn Kerby-Fulton, Katie Ann-Marie Bugyis and John Van Engen. Pp. xvi + 420 incl. 17 ills. Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2020. £60. 978 1 840
A Protestant lord in James VI's Scotland. George Keith, fifth Earl Marischal (1554–1623). By Miles Kerr-Peterson. (St Andrews Studies in Scottish History.) Pp. xvi + 238 incl. 4 figs, 3 maps and 2 tab0
Catholic social activism. Progressive movements in the United States. By Sharon Erickson Nepstad. Pp. xii + 207. New York: New York University Press, 2019. £24.99 (paper). 978 1 4798 7922 90
Calvin's ecclesiology. A study in the history of doctrine. By Tadataka Maruyama (foreword Richard A. Muller). Pp. xx + 473. Grand Rapids, Mi: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2022.0
Mulatto – outlaw – pilgrim – priest. The legal case of José Soller, accused of impersonating a pastor and other crimes in seventeenth-century Spain. By John K. Moore Jr. (The Medieval and Early Modern0
Healing and power in Ghana. Early indigenous expressions of Christianity. By Paul Glen Grant. (Studies in World Christianity.) Pp. xiv + 327 incl. 5 ills, 2 tables and 10 maps. Waco, Tx: Ba0
The German awakening. Protestant renewal after the Enlightenment, 1815–1848. By Andrew Kloes. (Studies in Historical Theology.) Pp. xvi + 328 incl. 8 tables. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 0
Season of conspiracy. Calvin, the French Reformed Churches, and Protestant plotting in the reign of Francis II (1559–60). By Philip Benedict. Pp. xii + 224 incl. 2 ills. Philadelphia: American Philoso0
Christianity and human rights reconsidered. Edited by Sarah Shortall and Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins. (Human Rights in History.) Pp. xiv + 281 incl. 1 fig. Cambridge–New York: Cambridge University Press,0
Hell in the Byzantine world. A history of art and religion in Venetian Crete and the Eastern Mediterranean, I: Essays; II: A catalogue of the Cretan material. By Angeliki Lymberopoulou a0
Die Kirchen der Union. Geschichte – Theologie – Perspektiven. Edited by Johannes Ehmann. Pp. 276 incl. 2 ills and 2 tables. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2019. €35 (paper). 978 3 374 06009 20
Catholic spectacle and Rome's Jews. Early modern conversion and resistance. By Emily Michelson. Pp. xvi + 333 incl. 11 ills. Princeton–Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2022. £30. 978 0 691 21133 60
Music and theology in the European Reformations. Edited by David J. Burn, Grantley McDonald, Joseph Verheyden and Peter De Mey. (Centre d’études supérieures de la Renaissance. Collection Épitome music0
Exploration, religion and empire in the sixteenth-century Ibero-Atlantic World. A new perspective on the history of modern science. By Mauricio Nieto Olarte. Trans. Jimmy Weiskopf. (Maritime Humanitie0
Religious conflict in Brazil. Protestants, Catholics, and the rise of religious pluralism in the early twentieth century. By Erika Helgen. Pp. x + 316. New Haven–London: Yale University Press, 2020. £0
Age of the spirit. Charismatic renewal, the Anglo-world, and global Christianity, 1945–1980. By John Maiden. Pp. xviii + 261 incl. 15 ills. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2023. £83. 978 0 10
Scottish liturgical traditions and religious politics. From reformers to Jacobites, 1540–1764. Edited by Allan I. Macinnes, Patricia Barton and Kieran German. (Scottish Religious Cultures Historical P0
The second-century apologists. By Alvyn Pettersen. (Cascade Companions.) Pp. xx + 177. Eugene, Or: Cascade Books, 2020. $25. 978 1 7252 6535 60
ECH volume 73 issue 1 Cover and Front matter0
ECH volume 73 issue 1 Cover and Back matter0
Father Luis Olivares. A biography. Faith, politics and the origins of the Sanctuary Movement in Los Angeles. By Mario T. García, Pp. xi + 547 incl. frontispiece and 25 ills. Chapel Hill, NC: Universit0
Reformation of the commonwealth. Thomas Becon and the politics of evangelical change in Tudor England. By Brian L. Hanson. (Reformed Historical Theology, 58.) Pp. 250 incl. 15 tables. Göttingen: Vande0
Reformation in the Low Countries, 1500–1620. By Christine Kooi. Pp. xiv + 220 incl. 12 ills and 4 maps. Cambridge–New York: Cambridge University Press, 2022. £29.99 (paper). 978 1 –9 07395 00
Religion and the American Revolution. An imperial history. By Katherine Carté. Pp. xxii + 394 incl. 20 ills. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press/Omohundro Institute of Early American H0
The T&T Clark history of monasticism. The eastern tradition. By John Binns. Pp. xii + 253 incl. 19 figs and 2 maps. London–New York: T&T Clark, 2020. £85. 978 1 7883 1761 00
Children and family in late antique Egyptian monasticism. By Caroline T. Schroeder. Pp. xiv + 255 incl. 10 figs. Cambridge–New York: Cambridge University Press, 2021. £75. 978 1 107 15687 60
Jean Mabillon and the Debate on the Regular Origins of Secular Canonesses in Seventeenth-Century France0
Chicago Católico. Making Catholic parishes Mexican. By Deborah E. Kanter. (Latinos in Chicago and the Midwest.) Pp. xiv + 218 incl. 20 figs and 2 tables. Urbana–Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 0
Nicodemites. Faith and concealment between Italy and Tudor England. By M. Anne Overell. (St Andrews Studies in Reformation History.) Pp. xiv + 280. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2019. €125. 978 90 04 33166 2;0
Documenting – and Rethinking – Liturgy in Early Christianity0
Deification through the cross. An eastern Christian theology of salvation. By Khaled Anatolios. Pp. xxii + 463. Grand Rapids, Mi: William B. Eerdmans, 2020. $50. 978 0 8028 7798 70
Patriot and priest. Jean-Baptiste Volfius and the Constitutional Church in the Côte-d'Or. By Annette Chapman-Adisho. (McGill-Queen's Studies in the History of Religion, Series 2, 86.) Pp. xvi + 246 in0
Turning Judas into a Crusader: Local Reform and Crusade Propaganda in Thirteenth-Century Cambrai0
Beyond a Confessional Paradigm? Richard Simon and the Vernacular Bible0
Catholic Clergy of Italian Nationality in the British Middle East, 1939–19440
Russia's path toward enlightenment. Faith, politics, and reason, 1500–1801. By G. M. Hamburg. Pp. xi + 900. New Haven–London: Yale University Press, 2016. $125. 978 0 300 11313 60
Dionysius Bar Ṣalībī's Treatise against the Jews. Edited and translated with notes and commentary. Edited by Rifaat Y. Ebied, Malatius M. Malki and Lionel R Wickham. (Texts and Studies in Easte0
From Roman to early Christian Cyprus. Edited by Laura Nasrallah, Annemarie Luijendikjk and Charalombos Bakirtzis. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 437.) Pp. xii + 327 incl. 58 co0
Libri e biblioteche. Le letture dei frati mendicanti tra rinascimento ed età moderna. Atti del XLVI Convegno internazionale. Assisi, 18–20 ottobre 2018. (Società Internazionale di Studi Francescanti.)0
English convents in Catholic Europe, c.1600–1800. By James E. Kelly. Pp. viii + 225 incl. 1 map and 3 tables. Cambridge–New York: Cambridge University Press, 2020. £75. 978 1 108 47996 70
Hippolytus of Rome's commentary on Daniel. By T. C. Schmidt. (Studies in Early Christianity and Patristics, 79.) Pp. x + 207. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2022. $37. 978 1 4632 4436 1; 1935 68700
The Christian invention of time. Temporality and the literature of late antiquity. By Simon Goldhill. (Greek Culture in the Roman World.) Pp. xvi + 500. Cambridge–New York: Cambridge University Press,0
Antonio degli Albizzi and Lutheran Propaganda in Early Seventeenth-Century Italy0
Theological Counsel in the Early Quaker Movement0
Compel people to come in. Violence and Catholic conversion in the non-European world. Edited by Vincenzo Lavenia, Stefania Pastore, Sabina Pavone and Chiara Petrolini. Pp. 211 incl. 8 colour figs. Rom0
Die Evangelische Gemeinde Theresienstadt. Zum Umgang der evangelischen Kirche mit ihrer Geschichte. By Johannes Wallmann. Pp. 311. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2019. €35 (paper). 978 3 374 060
Nuns as ‘Sponsae Christi’: The Legal Status of the Medieval Oblates of Tor de’ Specchi0
Why did Henry Dunster Reject Infant Baptism? Circumcision and the Covenant of Grace in the Seventeenth-Century Transatlantic Reformed Community0
The Oxford handbook of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Edited by Michael Mawson and Philip G. Ziegler. Pp. xiv + 499. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2019. £110. 978 0 19 875317 9 - The Oxford handbook0
Women, preachers, Methodists. Papers from two conferences held in 2019, the 350th anniversary of Susanna Wesley's birth. Edited by John Lenton, Clive Murray Norris and Linda A. Ryan. Pp. xviii + 390 i0
Christian, Jewish, and Muslim preaching in the Mediterranean and Europe. Identities and interfaith encounters. Edited by Linda G. Jones and Adrienne Dupont-Harny. (Sermo: Studies on Patristic, Medieva0
The English Church in the thirteenth century. Collected papers of C. H. Lawrence. Edited by Caroline M. Barron and Claire Gobbi Daunton. Pp. viii + 332. Donington: Shaun Tyas, 2020. £24 (paper). 978 10
Deutschland und der Heilige Stuhl. Diplomatische Beziehungen, 1920–1945. By Stefan Samerski. Pp. 270 incl. 31 ills. Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2019. €24.80. 978 3 402 13402 30
Prognostication in the medieval world. A handbook. 2 vols. Edited by Matthias Heiduk, Klaus Herbers and Hans-Christian Lehner. Pp. xiv + 710, xii + 711–1027 incl. 57 colour and black-and-white ills. B0
The Roman mass. From early Christian origins to Tridentine reform. By Uwe Michael Lang. Pp. xii + 445 incl. 12 figs. Cambridge–New York: Cambridge University Press, 2022. £89.99. 978 1 108 83245 80
ECH volume 74 issue 1 Cover and Front matter0
Manchester cathedral. A history of the collegiate church and cathedral, 1421 to the present. Edited by Jeremy Gregory. Pp. xxii + 472 incl. 101 colour and black-and-white ills. Manchester: Manchester 0
Franz Graf von Galen, 1879–1961. Ein »Miles Christianus« im Spannungsfeld zwischen Katholizismus, Adel und Nation. By Josephine Von Weyhe. Pp. x + 429 incl. 7 ills. Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2020. 0
Communicating religion and atheism in central and eastern Europe. Edited by Jenny Vorpahl and Dirk Schuster. (Religion and Its Others, 9.) Pp. vi + 312 incl. 3 colour ills and 3 tables. Berlin–Boston:0
A companion to Isidore of Seville. Edited by Andrew Fear and Jamie Wood. (Companions to the Christian Tradition, 87.) Pp. xii + 675 incl. 1 colour ill. and 6 tables. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2020. €299. 0
Print culture and the crossroads. The book and Central Europe. Edited by Elizabeth Dillenburg, Howard Louthan and Drew B. Thomas. (Library of the Written Word, 94; The Handpress World, 75.) Pp. xiv + 0
W. F. P. Burton (1886–1971). A Pentecostal pioneer's missional vision for Congo. By David Emmett. (Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies, 39.) Pp. xxiv + 330 incl. 28 colour and black-and-white i0
Repräsentation und Reenactment. Spätmittelalterliche Frömmigkeit verstehen. By Volker Leppin. Pp. x + 272 incl. 24 ills. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2021. €24 (paper). 978 3 16 160077 70
Franz Hildebrandt on the BBC: Wartime Broadcasting to Nazi Germany0