Journal of Differential Equations

(The TQCC of Journal of Differential Equations is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Homogenization of Richards' equations in multiscale porous media with soft inclusions101
Modified and subcritical Zakharov-Kuznetsov equations posed on rectangles70
Well-posedness of logarithmic spiral vortex sheets64
Extinction of some strains and asymptotic profiles of coexistence endemic equilibria in a multi-strain epidemic model64
An application of moment method to uniform boundary controllability property of a semidiscrete 1-d wave equation with a lower rate vanishing viscosity59
Non-uniform dependence for Euler equations in Besov spaces52
Existence and multiplicity of sign-changing solutions for quasilinear Schrödinger equations with sub-cubic nonlinearity50
Bifurcations in Holling-Tanner model with generalist predator and prey refuge48
On the Calderón problem for nonlocal Schrödinger equations with homogeneous, directionally antilocal principal symbols45
Determining coefficients for a fractional p-Laplace equation from exterior measurements44
Liouville comparison theory for breakdown of Euler-Arnold equations43
Stability of steady-state for 3-D hydrodynamic model of unipolar semiconductor with Ohmic contact boundary in hollow ball43
Local well-posedness of unsteady potential flows near a space corner of right angle42
Coexistence of heterogeneous predator-prey systems with prey-dependent dispersal42
Global existence and analyticity of L solutions to the compressible fluid model of Korteweg type41
Solitary solutions to the steady Euler equations with piecewise constant vorticity in a channel41
Statistical solution and Liouville type theorem for the Klein-Gordon-Schrödinger equations40
Geometric analysis of nonlinear differential-algebraic equations via nonlinear control theory40
On fractional and nonlocal parabolic mean field games in the whole space39
Editorial Board39
On uniqueness of traveling waves for a reaction diffusion equation with spatio-temporal delay38
Propagation phenomena of a vector-host disease model38
Asymptotic stability of the combination of a viscous contact wave with two rarefaction waves for 1-D Navier-Stokes equations under periodic perturbations38
Editorial Board37
Lyapunov center theorem on rotating periodic orbits for Hamiltonian systems35
Large deviations principle via Malliavin calculus for the Navier–Stokes system driven by a degenerate white-in-time noise35
Unique continuation and inverse problem for an anisotropic beam bending equation35
Dissipative solutions and Markov selection to the complete stochastic Euler system34
Editorial Board32
Semilinear Schrödinger equations with a critical scale of the singular electromagnetic field32
On existence, stability and many-particle approximation of solutions of 1D Hughes' model with linear costs32
Global strong solutions and large time behavior to a micro-macro model for compressible polymeric fluids near equilibrium32
Editorial Board32
Quantitative unique continuation for spectral subspaces of Schrödinger operators with singular potentials30
A generalized index theory for non-Hamiltonian system29
Uniqueness, symmetry and convergence of positive ground state solutions of the Choquard type equation on a ball29
One-sided Hölder regularity of global weak solutions of negative order dispersive equations29
On local well-posedness of nonlinear dispersive equations with partially regular data28
Editorial Board28
On some weighted fourth-order equations28
Solutions of Schrödinger equations with symmetry in orientation preserving tetrahedral group28
Editorial Board26
Partial functional differential equations and Conley index26
Editorial Board26
Large deviations for the two-time-scale stochastic convective Brinkman-Forchheimer equations25
An infinite-dimensional metapopulation SIS model25
Continuous family of equilibria of the 3D axisymmetric relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell system23
Global existence and non-existence analyses for a semilinear edge degenerate parabolic equation with singular potential term23
The α-dependence of the invariant measure of stochastic real Ginzburg-Landau equation driven by α-stable Lévy processes23
Derivation of a fractional cross-diffusion system as the limit of a stochastic many-particle system driven by Lévy noise23
Global mild solutions to three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic equations in Morrey spaces23
Unbounded solutions for asymmetric oscillations in the degenerate resonant case22
A multi-scale Gaussian beam parametrix for the wave equation: The Dirichlet boundary value problem21
Parametrix problem for the Korteweg–de Vries equation with steplike initial data20
Coexistence and competitive exclusion in a time-periodic Lotka-Volterra competition-diffusion system20
Structures and evolution of bifurcation diagrams for a one-dimensional diffusive generalized logistic problem with constant yield harvesting. II. Convex-concave and convex-concave-convex nonlinearitie20
On the asymptotic behavior of solutions to a structural acoustics model20
Global solvability for nonlinear wave equations with singular potential20
Fine asymptotic expansion of the ODE's flow19
Asymptotic behavior of the Kuramoto system with periodic natural frequency19
A local conditional variational principle of pressures and local conditional equilibrium states19
The one-dimensional stochastic Keller–Segel model with time-homogeneous spatial Wiener processes19
Classical flows of vector fields with exponential or sub-exponential summability19
Global bifurcation of solitary waves to the Boussinesq abcd system19
Flow underlying coupled surface and internal waves19
Stochastic nutrient-plankton models18
Editorial Board18
From BGK-alignment model to the pressured Euler-alignment system with singular communication weights18
Gilbarg-Serrin equation and Lipschitz regularity18
The invariance principle for nonlinear Fokker–Planck equations18
Linear stability analysis for a free boundary problem modeling tumor growth in the presence of high-molecular mass drugs18
Homogenization of boundary value problems in perforated Lipschitz domains18
Gevrey estimates of the resolvent and sub-exponential time-decay for the heat and Schrödinger semigroups. II18
On the reducibility of two-dimensional quasi-periodic systems with Liouvillean basic frequencies and without non-degeneracy condition17
Editorial Board17
A coupled Hartree system with Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev critical exponent: Existence and multiplicity of high energy positive solutions17
Editorial Board17
Boundedness of solutions to an attraction-repulsion chemotaxis model in 17
Strong unique continuation property for fourth order Baouendi-Grushin type subelliptic operators with strongly singular potential17
A Gauss curvature flow approach to the torsional Minkowski problem17
Global weak solutions to a 3D/3D fluid-structure interaction problem including possible contacts17
Editorial Board17
Heat kernel estimates for subordinate Markov processes and their applications17
A vector field method for some nonlinear Dirac models in Minkowski spacetime17
On the weighted inertia-energy approach to forced wave equations17
Editorial Board17
Traveling waves for the Keller-Segel-FKPP equation with strong chemotaxis17
Differential Harnack inequalities for semilinear parabolic equations on Riemannian manifolds I: Bakry-Émery curvature bounded below17
Stability of coupled jump diffusions and applications17
Editorial Board16
Determining an anisotropic conductivity by boundary measurements: Stability at the boundary16
Long-time behavior for evolution processes associated with non-autonomous nonlinear Schrödinger equation16
Mass-conserving weak solutions to Oort-Hulst-Safronov coagulation equation with singular rates16
Soliton resolution for the complex short-pulse positive flow with weighted Sobolev initial data in the space-time soliton regions16
Global small finite energy solutions for the incompressible magnetohydrodynamics equations in 16
Concentration phenomenon of single phytoplankton species with changing-sign advection term16
Editorial Board15
Effects of history and heat models on the stability of thermoelastic Timoshenko systems15
Almost Price's law in Schwarzschild and decay estimates in Kerr for Maxwell field15
Normal forms of a class of partial functional differential equations15
Editorial Board15
Hydrodynamic limit of the Maxwell-Schrödinger equations to the compressible Euler-Maxwell equations15
Long time behavior of a parabolic p-Laplacian equation coupled to a compartmental ODE system with an induction threshold phenomenon15
Emergent behaviors of the Justh-Krishnaprasad model with uncertain communications15
Global regularity for the hyperdissipative Navier-Stokes equation below the critical order15
Positivity of temperature for some non-isothermal fluid models15
Calderón-Zygmund estimates for nonlinear equations of differential forms with BMO coefficients15
Editorial Board15
Sobolev space theory and Hölder estimates for the stochastic partial differential equations on conic and polygonal domains15
Remarks on interior regularity criteria without pressure for the Navier-Stokes equations15
On the classes of explicit solutions of Dirac, dynamical Dirac and Dirac–Weyl systems with non-vanishing at infinity potentials, their properties and applications15
Global well-posedness of strong solutions to the 2D nonhomogeneous incompressible primitive equations with vacuum15
A structure theorem for polyharmonic maps between Riemannian manifolds15
Global existence for the p-Sobolev flow15
Existence of steady very weak solutions to Navier-Stokes equations with non-Newtonian stress tensors15
Bulk-surface coupling: Derivation of two models15
Smooth dynamics of semilinear thermoelastic systems with variable thermal coefficients14
Local exact controllability for a viscous compressible two-phase model14
The Rayleigh-Taylor instability of incompressible Euler equations in a horizontal slab domain14
General class of optimal Sobolev inequalities and nonlinear scalar field equations14
A sharp Moser-Trudinger type inequality involving L norm in R14
A class of third order quasilinear partial differential equations describing spherical or pseudospherical surfaces14
Wave breaking phenomena for the generalized hyperelastic rod wave equation14
Global quantitative stability of wave equations with strong and weak dampings14
The uniqueness of the slowly uniformly rotating supermassive star for a given total mass14
Polynomial ergodic averages of measure-preserving systems acted by Z14
Global well-posedness for the Hall-magnetohydrodynamics system in larger critical Besov spaces14
Dynamical properties in the axiomatic theory of ordinary differential equations14
Static and evolution equations with degenerate curls14
Periodic multi-pulses and spectral stability in Hamiltonian PDEs with symmetry14
On enhanced dissipation for the Boussinesq equations13
On the rigidity from infinity for nonlinear Alfvén waves13
A free boundary problem for an elliptic system13
Global solutions and relaxation limit to the Cauchy problem of a hydrodynamic model for semiconductors13
A new result for global solvability in a singular chemotaxis-growth system with indirect signal production13
Smooth dependence of nonautonomous linearization on parameters13
Long-time asymptotics of the Hunter-Saxton equation on the line13
Random Hamiltonians with arbitrary point interactions in one dimension13
Localization for general Helmholtz13
On a class of globally analytic hypoelliptic sums of squares13
Uniqueness of positive radial solutions of superlinear elliptic equations in annuli13
Stochastic equations with time-dependent singular drift13
Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations subject to partial slip on uniform C2,1-domains in L-spaces13
Interior jump and contact singularity for compressible flows with inflow jump datum13
On the unique solvability of radiative transfer equations with polarization13
Existence, uniqueness and exponential ergodicity under Lyapunov conditions for McKean-Vlasov SDEs with Markovian switching13
Invariant manifolds of homoclinic orbits and the dynamical consequences of a super-homoclinic: A case study in 13
Families of periodic orbits: Closed 1-forms and global continuability13
New lower bounds of the number of critical periods in reversible centers12
Nonlinear stability of multi-solitons for the Hirota equation12
Editorial Board12
Stability of the planar rarefaction wave to three-dimensional full compressible Navier-Stokes-Korteweg equations12
Linear parabolic operators of Monge-Ampère type I: Nondivergence-form degenerate/singular PDEs12
Harnack inequality and interior regularity for Markov processes with degenerate jump kernels12
Editorial Board12
The averaging principle for non-autonomous slow-fast stochastic differential equations and an application to a local stochastic volatility model12
Hausdorff and fractal dimensions of attractors for functional differential equations in Banach spaces12
Persistence of periodic traveling waves and Abelian integrals12
Removable time-dependent singularities of solutions to the Stokes equations12
Asymptotic behavior of solutions of initial-boundary value problems for 1D viscous and heat-conducting ionized gas12
Determining functionals and finite-dimensional reduction for dissipative PDEs revisited12
Recursive properties of generalized ordinary differential equations and applications12
First-order reduction and emergent behavior of the one-dimensional kinetic Cucker-Smale equation12
Existence of standing pulse solutions to a skew-gradient system12
A new Chebyshev criterion and its application to planar differential systems12
Interior and boundary regularity criteria for the 6D steady Navier-Stokes equations12
Editorial Board12
Compound operators on vector spaces with applications to linear differential equations12
Diagonalization in a quantum kicked rotor model with non-analytic potential12
Spectral analysis and long-time asymptotics for the Harry Dym-type equation with the Schwartz initial data12
An Alexandrov-Bakelman-Pucci estimate for an anisotropic Laplacian with positive drift in unbounded domains12
Editorial Board12
Existence of a BV solution for a mean curvature equation11
Minimal non uniquely ergodic IETs with flips11
An efficient method for computing Liouvillian first integrals of planar polynomial vector fields11
Generalized singular integral with rough kernel and approximation of surface quasi-geostrophic equation11
Optimal control problem for nonlinear optical communications systems11
Well posedness of general cross-diffusion systems11
On the nonexistence of positive solution to Δu + au+1 = 0 on Riemannian manifolds11
A class of three dimensional Cahn-Hilliard equation with nonlinear diffusion11
On weak solutions to the compressible inviscid two-fluid model11
Editorial Board11
The Trotter product formula for nonlinear Fokker–Planck flows11
Stable solution of the Logarithmic Minkowski problem in the case of hyperplane symmetries11
On the Fredholm Lagrangian Grassmannian, spectral flow and ODEs in Hilbert spaces11
Wave breaking and global solutions of the weakly dissipative periodic Camassa-Holm type equation11
Optimal L2-decay of solutions to the dissipative nonlinear Schrödinger equation in higher space dimensions11
Global existence and stabilization in a two-dimensional chemotaxis-Navier-Stokes system with consumption and production of chemosignals11
Self-similar solutions preventing finite time blow-up for reaction-diffusion equations with singular potential11
Spreading speeds and pulsating fronts for a field-road model in a spatially periodic habitat11
Editorial Board11
On the dynamics of thin layers of viscous flows inside another viscous fluid11
Stability analysis of an overdetermined fourth order boundary value problem via an integral identity11
On the uniqueness and monotonicity of solutions of free boundary problems11
Properties of eigenfunctions of a boundary value problem for ordinary differential equations of fourth-order with boundary conditions depending on the spectral parameter10
Editorial Board10
The small mass limit for long time statistics of a stochastic nonlinear damped wave equation10
Global existence and blow-up phenomenon for a nonlocal semilinear pseudo-parabolic p-Laplacian equation10
Multi-piece of bubble solutions for a nonlinear critical elliptic equation10
Solutions for an Euclidean bosonic equation via variational and bifurcation methods10
Reflected dynamics: Viscosity analysis for L10
Editorial Board10
Systems of parabolic equations with delays: Continuous dependence on parameters10
Fractional eigenvalues in Orlicz spaces with no Δ2 condition10
The approximation of uniform hyperbolicity for C1 diffeomorphisms with hyperbolic measures10
Regularity of weak solutions for mixed local and nonlocal double phase parabolic equations10
Energy conservation of weak solutions for the incompressible Euler equations via vorticity10
Nonlinear diffusion in the Keller-Segel model of parabolic-parabolic type10
Asymptotic behavior and monotonicity of radial eigenvalues for the p-Laplacian10
Convergence rate for degenerate partial and stochastic differential equations via weak Poincaré inequalities10
A weighted Sobolev regularity theory of the parabolic equations with measurable coefficients on conic domains in 10
Hölder continuity of parabolic quasi-minimizers on metric measure spaces10
Higher-order asymptotic expansion for abstract linear second-order differential equations with time-dependent coefficients10
Well-posedness and stability for Kirchhoff equation with non-porous acoustic boundary conditions10
C1,-regularity for functions in solution classes and its application to parabolic normalized p-Laplace equations10
Traveling wave phenomena of inhomogeneous half-wave equation10
Existence of smooth solutions for a class of Euclidean bosonic equations10
Weak Harnack inequality for a mixed local and nonlocal parabolic equation10
Multiple symmetric periodic solutions of differential systems with distributed delay10
Concentration on the Clifford torus for the critical problem in an annulus10
Decay of entropy solutions of a scalar conservation law beyond a stationary ergodic setting10
Local well-posedness for the Hall-MHD system in optimal Sobolev spaces10
Editorial Board10
The principal eigenvalue for partially degenerate and periodic reaction-diffusion systems with time delay10
On principal eigenvalues of measure differential equations and a patchy Neumann eigenvalue problem9
Exact Riemann solutions for the drift-flux equations of two-phase flow under gravity9
Global solution to the cubic Dirac equation in two space dimensions9
Profile decomposition and scattering for general nonlinear Schrödinger equations9
On some regularity properties for the dispersive generalized Benjamin-Ono-Zakharov-Kuznetsov Equation9
The regularity with respect to domains of the additive eigenvalues of superquadratic Hamilton–Jacobi equation9
Recursiveness on impulsive dynamical systems: Minimality, non-wandering points, the center of Birkhoff and attractors9
Ground states and geometrically distinct solutions for periodic Choquard-Pekar equations9
Positive maximal and minimal solutions for non-homogeneous elliptic equations depending on the gradient9
Small energy stabilization for 1D nonlinear Klein Gordon equations9
Sharp decay rates of degenerate hyperbolic-parabolic coupled system: Rectangular domain vs one-dimensional domain9
Small data solutions for the Euler-Poisson-Darboux equation with a power nonlinearity9
One-phase free boundary solutions of finite Morse index9
Solutions of linear systems of moment differential equations via generalized matrix exponentials9
Spectral optimization for weighted anisotropic problems with Robin conditions9
Stability for stationary solutions of a nonlocal Allen-Cahn equation9
Global existence and boundedness of a forager-exploiter system with nonlinear diffusions9
A constrained minimization problem related to two coupled pseudo-relativistic Hartree equations9
Editorial Board9
Monotonicity properties for the variational Dirichlet eigenvalues of the p-Laplace operator9
Stability of smooth periodic traveling waves in the Degasperis–Procesi equation9
A new sufficient condition in order that the real Jacobian conjecture in 9
A necessary and sufficient condition on algebraic limit cycles of a hybrid van der Pol-Rayleigh oscillator9
Classification of blow-up and global existence of solutions to an initial Neumann problem9
Limit cycles bifurcated from piecewise Hamiltonian systems by Melnikov functions of any order9
Nonlinear Schrödinger equations with concave-convex nonlinearities9