Journal of Dairy Science

(The TQCC of Journal of Dairy Science is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Table of contents136
Editorial Board134
Editorial Board113
Table of contents103
Editorial Board93
Editorial Board90
2021 ADSA Undergraduate Scholarship Recognition Awards81
Interpretive Summaries, April 202178
Editorial Board66
2023 Awards Program of the American Dairy Science Association®64
Table of Contents62
Editorial Board61
Editorial Board60
Improving lameness detection in cows: A machine learning algorithm application56
Stage of lactation, parity, breed, milk composition, and minerals affect the nonenzymatic antioxidant activity of sheep milk56
Effects of raw and roasted high oleic soybeans on milk production of high-producing dairy cows56
Effects of postbiotic products from Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation on lactation performance, antioxidant capacity, and blood immunity in transition dairy cows52
Energy utilization in lactating Jersey cows consuming a mixture of dried distillers grains and solubles and straw replacing alfalfa hay50
Selection of antibiotic-resistant bacterial populations in the dairy cow gut following intramuscular ceftiofur treatment for metritis49
Efficacy of l-cysteine in increasing circulatory hydrogen sulfide, nitrite, and 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels in Zucker diabetic fatty rats and in vitro treatment of hydrogen sulfide and nitrite in upreg46
Transferability across countries of equations developed using milk mid-infrared spectroscopy to estimate daily body condition score change in dairy cows44
Low public awareness opens up new opportunities for highlighting milk as an iodine dietary source44
Validation of an in vivo dual permeability marker technique to characterize regional gastrointestinal tract permeability in mid-lactation Holstein cows during short-term feed restriction43
Herd-level risk factors associated with preweaning mortality on Ontario dairy farms43
Responses of dairy cows to weekly individualized feeding strategies regarding their metabolic status42
Insight into protein crosslinking and casein polymerization in pre- and posthydrolyzed lactose-free ultra-high-temperature milk during long-term storage42
Milk spoilage model predicts that share tables would not meaningfully increase spoilage, and improved storage systems can reduce spoilage41
Potential of 2 northern European brown seaweeds (Fucus serratus and Fucus vesiculosus) as enteric methane inhibitors in dairy cows41
Effect of diafiltration media and filtration modes on fouling and performance in skim milk microfiltration: A comparative study41
Milk replacer galacto-oligosaccharide inclusion rates for neonatal calves41
Corrigendum to “Invited review: Bovine colostrum, a promising ingredient for humans and animals—Properties, processing technologies, and uses” (J. Dairy Sci. 106:5197–5217)41
Can milk replacer allowance affect animal performance, body development, metabolism, and skeletal muscle hypertrophy in preweaning dairy kids?41
Graduate Student Literature Review: Potential use of HSP70 as an indicator of heat stress in dairy cows—A review41
Editorial Board41
Impact of milking interval and time on milk spontaneous lipolysis and composition in dairy cows40
Investigating the genomic background of calving-related traits in Canadian Jersey cattle39
Physicochemical properties, antioxidant and antidiabetic activities of different hydrolysates of goat milk protein38
The effect of twice daily 3-nitroxypropanol supplementation on enteric methane emissions in grazing dairy cows38
Awareness and perceived barriers to the adoption of best management practices for the transportation of lactating cull dairy cows of dairy producers in Ontario38
Invited review: Bovine colostrum, a promising ingredient for humans and animals—Properties, processing technologies, and uses38
Effect of monensin and essential oil blend supplementation on lactation performance and feeding behavior by dairy cows38
Application of type I and II error analysis to support economic decision-making of using an immunomodulator feed additive38
Vitamin D3 formation in milk by ultraviolet treatment—Novel insights into a rediscovered process38
Ultrafiltration: Effect of process temperature (7°C and 50°C) on process performance and protein beverage physical, chemical, and sensory properties38
Factors associated with Ontario dairy producers' management and care of down dairy cattle37
A meta-analysis approach to evaluate the effects of early group housing on calf performance, health, and behavior during the preweaning period37
International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology: Paternal Nutrient Supply: Impacts on Physiological and Whole Animal Outcomes in Offspring37
Co-culturing Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis with Lactobacillus helveticus accelerates its growth and fermentation in milk through metabolic interactions36
Aspects of transition cow metabolomics—Part II: Histomorphologic changes in the liver parenchyma throughout the transition period, in cows with different liver metabotypes and effects of a metaphylact36
Beverages containing Lactobacillus paracasei LC-37 improved functional dyspepsia through regulation of the intestinal microbiota and their metabolites36
Dietary macronutrient composition and partial soybean meal replacement with slow-release urea: Effects on performance, digestibility, rumen fermentation, and nitrogen metabolism in dairy cows36
Caveolin 1 in bovine liver is associated with fatty acid–induced lipid accumulation and the endoplasmic reticulum unfolded protein response: Role in fatty liver development36
Enhanced mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress in the mammary gland of cows with clinical ketosis36
Genomic prediction and validation strategies for reproductive traits in Holstein cattle across different Chinese regions and climatic conditions36
Short communication: Comparative estimation of colostrum quality by Brix refractometry in bovine, caprine, and ovine colostrum36
The nutrient requirements of Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 and their application to fermented milk36
Calcium (Ca2+)-regulated exopolysaccharide biosynthesis in probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum K25 as analyzed by an omics approach35
Isolation of extracellular vesicles from byproducts of cheesemaking by tangential flow filtration yields heterogeneous fractions of nanoparticles35
Consumer-perception, nutritional, and functional studies of a yogurt with restructured elderberry juice35
Effects of prepartum diets varying in dietary energy density and monensin on early-lactation performance in dairy cows35
Effects of late-gestation heat stress independent of reduced feed intake on colostrum, metabolism at calving, and milk yield in early lactation of dairy cows35
Interpretive Summaries, January 202534
Effects of high-temperature, short-time pasteurization on milk and whey during commercial whey protein concentrate production34
Impact of high-pressure treatments on physicochemical and structural changes of reconstituted micellar casein concentrates from bovine and caprine milk: A comparative study34
Quantifying the effects of the mitochondrial genome on milk production traits in dairy cows: Empirical results and modeling challenges34
Effects of a blend of live yeast and organic minerals or monensin on performance of dairy cows during the hot season33
Effects of heat stress on the accuracy of an ear-tag accelerometer for monitoring rumination and eating behavior in dairy-beef cross cattle using an automated gold standard33
Stage-Specific Milk Yield Losses and Associated Sweating, Respiration, and Rectal Temperature Responses Under Varying THI Thresholds in Lactating and Dry Cows33
All-breed single-step genomic best linear unbiased predictor evaluations for fertility traits in US dairy cattle33
Feed additives for methane mitigation: Regulatory frameworks and scientific evidence requirements for the authorization of feed additives to mitigate ruminant methane emissions33
From Block to Shred: Understanding the Factors Influencing Shreddability of Mozzarella Cheese33
Feed additives for methane mitigation: Assessment of feed additives as a strategy to mitigate enteric methane from ruminants—Accounting; How to quantify the mitigating potential of using antimethanoge33
Effect of prolactin concentration during the dry period on the subsequent milk production of dairy cows33
The effects of spring feeding strategy on pasture productivity, sward quality, and animal performance within intensive pasture-based dairy systems32
Free fatty acids impair autophagic activity and activate nuclear factor kappa B signaling and NLR family pyrin domain containing 3 inflammasome in calf hepatocytes32
A survey of biosecurity and health management practices on Irish dairy farms engaged in contract-rearing32
Different growth behaviors and metabolomic profiles in yogurts induced by multistrain probiotics of Lactobacillus casei Zhang and Bifidobacterium lactis V9 under different fermentation temperatures32
Quantitative analysis of differentially expressed milk fat globule membrane proteins between donkey and bovine colostrum based on high-performance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry p32
Determination of energy and protein requirements of preweaned dairy calves: A multistudy approach32
Improvement of feed intake, digestibility, plasma metabolites, and lactation performance of dairy cows fed mixed silage of sugar beet pulp and rice straw inoculated with lactic acid bacteria32
Development of postbiotics by whey bioconversion with Enterococcus faecalis M157 KACC81148BP and Lactococcus lactis CAU2013 KACC81152BP for treating periodontal disease and improving gut health32
Genomic prediction in Nordic Red dairy cattle considering breed origin of alleles31
Proper motility enhances rumen fermentation and microbial protein synthesis with decreased saturation of dissolved gases in rumen simulation technique31
Valine and nonessential amino acids affect bidirectional transport rates of leucine and isoleucine in bovine mammary epithelial cells31
Ignoring genotype by environment interaction in the genetic evaluation of dairy cattle reduces accuracy but may increase selection intensity31
Individual differences in responsiveness to diet-induced milk fat depression in dairy sheep and goats31
Characterization of metabolic pathways for biosynthesis of the flavor compound 3-methylbutanal by Lactococcus lactis31
The therapeutic effects of fermented milk with lactic acid bacteria from traditional Daqu on hypertensive mice31
Site-directed mutation of β-galactosidase from Streptococcus thermophilus for galactooligosaccharide-enriched yogurt making30
Performance of dairy cows fed normal- or reduced-starch diets supplemented with an exogenous enzyme preparation30
Signatures of selection reveal candidate genes involved in production traits in Chinese crossbred buffaloes30
Growth, milk production, reproductive performance, and stayability of dairy heifers born from 2-year-old or mixed-age dams30
Early prediction of respiratory disease in preweaning dairy calves using feeding and activity behaviors30
Mechanisms by which feeding synthetic zeolite A and dietary cation-anion difference diets affect feed intake, energy metabolism, and milk performance: Part II29
Separate offering of forages and concentrates to lactating dairy cows: Effects on lactational performance, enteric methane emission, and efficiency of nutrient utilization29
Effects of a dietary supplement enriched in palmitoleic acid on fatty acid composition of follicular fluid, granulosa cell metabolism, and oocyte developmental capacity in early lactation dairy cows29
Altering the ratio of dietary palmitic and oleic acids affects production responses during the immediate postpartum and carryover periods in dairy cows29
The effect of stocking density and a blind on the behavior of Holstein dairy cows in group maternity pens. Part II: Labor length, lying behavior, and social behavior29
Association of low serum calcium concentration after calving with productive and reproductive performance in multiparous Jersey cows28
Administration of internal teat sealant in primigravid dairy heifers at different times of gestation to prevent intramammary infections at calving28
Comparisons of recycled manure solids and wood shavings/sawdust as bedding material—Implications for animal welfare, herd health, milk quality, and bedding costs in Swedish dairy herds28
Associations between days on close-up diets and immune responses prepartum, metabolites peripartum, and risk of postpartum diseases in Jersey cows28
Genetic parameters for stayability of Holsteins in US organic herds28
Exploring the industrial potential of Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus by population genomics and genome-wide association study analysis28
Evaluation of lactose oxidase as enzymatic antifungal control for Penicillium spoilage in yogurt28
The occurrence of methicillin-resistant non-aureus staphylococci in samples from cows, young stock, and the environment on German dairy farms28
Pairwise comparison locomotion scoring for dairy cattle28
Development of ruminating behavior in Holstein calves between birth and 30 days of age28
Effects of energy source in milk replacer on glucose metabolism of neonatal dairy calves28
Effects of prepartum stocking density and a blind on physiological biomarkers, health, and hygiene of transition Holstein dairy cows28
Probiotic potential of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)–producing yeast and its influence on the quality of cheese28
Cyclic pressure applied to cows' teats by teatcup liners can be determined simply and noninvasively27
Lactose: Use, measurement, and expression of results27
Effect of pH on heat-induced interactions in high-protein milk dispersions and application of fluorescence spectroscopy in characterizing these changes27
Vitamin E analogs limit in vitro oxidant damage to bovine mammary endothelial cells27
Invited review: The future of selection decisions and breeding programs: What are we breeding for, and who decides?27
Effects of direct-fed microbial supplementation on performance and immune parameters of lactating dairy cows27
A high-concentrate diet induces colonic inflammation and barrier damage in Hu sheep27
Novel details on the dissociation of casein micelle suspensions as a function of pH and temperature27
Functional foot trimming to balance load distribution between the paired forelimb claws in dairy cows: An experimental study27
Marker selection and genomic prediction of economically important traits using imputed high-density genotypes for 5 breeds of dairy cattle27
Comparison of methods to predict feed intake and residual feed intake using behavioral and metabolite data in addition to classical performance variables27
Coagulation process in Manchega sheep milk from Spain: A path analysis approach27
Genetic parameters for rectal temperature, respiration rate, and drooling score in Holstein cattle and their relationships with various fertility, production, body conformation, and health traits27
Postpartum health is associated with detection of estrus by activity monitors and reproductive performance in dairy cows27
Effects of starter protein content and alkali processing of wheat straw on growth, ruminal fermentation, and behavior in Holstein calves27
Screening of frozen-thawed conditions for keeping nutritive compositions and physicochemical characteristics of goat milk27
Short communication: The effect of pectin and sodium alginate on labans made from camel milk and bovine milk27
When detection of dairy food fraud fails: An alternative approach through proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy27
Effects of targeted clinical examination based on alerts from automated health monitoring systems on herd health and performance of lactating dairy cows27
Effects of mixed tocopherols added to milk replacer and calf starter on intake, growth, and indices of stress26
Microbial contamination of harvested colostrum on Czech dairy farms26
Effect of palmitic acid-enriched supplements containing stearic or oleic acid on nutrient digestibility and milk production of low- and high-producing dairy cows26
Effects of peripartal yeast culture supplementation on lactation performance, blood biomarkers, rumen fermentation, and rumen bacteria species in dairy cows26
Evaluation of indigenous lactic acid bacteria of raw mare milk from pastoral areas in Xinjiang, China, for potential use in probiotic fermented dairy products26
Propionate alleviates palmitic acid–induced endoplasmic reticulum stress by enhancing autophagy in calf hepatic cells26
The effect of neomycin inclusion in milk replacer on the health, growth, and performance of male Holstein calves during preweaning26
Genome-wide association study and functional analyses for clinical and subclinical ketosis in Holstein cattle26
Invited review: A 2020 perspective on pasture-based dairy systems and products26
Targeted reproductive management for lactating Holstein cows: Economic return.25
Effects of offering free-choice hay for the first 5 days postpartum on productivity, serum inflammatory markers, gut permeability, and colon gene expression in fresh dairy cows25
Identification of new reference genes for colony counting by reverse-transcription quantitative PCR in Bifidobacterium animalis25
Lactose oxidase: An enzymatic approach to inhibit Listeria monocytogenes in milk25
Research and application of a new multilevel fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method for cold stress in dairy cows25
Interaction of DGAT1 polymorphism, parity, and acetate supplementation on feeding behavior, milk synthesis, and plasma metabolites25
Outdoor access practices in the Canadian dairy industry25
Management-related factors in dry cows and their associations with colostrum quantity and quality on a large commercial dairy farm25
Milk from cows fed clover-rich silage compared with cows fed grass silage is higher in n-3 fatty acids25
Bioactivity and volatile compound evaluation in sheep milk processed by ohmic heating25
Invited review: Toward a common language in data-driven mastitis detection research25
Effect of alsD deletion and overexpression of nox and alsS on diacetyl and acetoin production by Lacticaseibacillus casei during milk fermentation25
Cow- and herd-level risk factors for lameness in partly housed pasture-based dairy cows25
Analyses of consumers' preferences and of the correspondence between direct and indirect label claims and the fatty acid profile of milk in large retail chains in northern Italy24
Effect of a blend of cinnamaldehyde, eugenol, and Capsicum oleoresin on methane emission and lactation performance of Holstein-Friesian dairy cows24
Performance, structural growth, and digestibility by Holstein calves fed different amounts of milk through step-up/step-down or conventional methods24
The effects of Lactobacillus hilgardii 4785 and Lactobacillus buchneri 40788 on the microbiome, fermentation, and aerobic stability of corn silage ensiled for various times24
Environment, nutrition, and management practices for far-off, close-up, and fresh cows on Canadian dairy farms—A retrospective descriptive study24
Increased adipose tissue lipolysis in dairy cows with fatty liver is associated with enhanced autophagy activity24
Graduate Student Literature Review: Systemic mediators of inflammation during mastitis and the search for mechanisms underlying impaired lactation24
Temporal profiles describing markers of inflammation and metabolism during the transition period of pasture-based, seasonal-calving dairy cows24
Multiple-trait random regression modeling of feed efficiency in US Holsteins24
CRISPR/dCas9-based metabolic pathway engineering for the systematic optimization of exopolysaccharide biosynthesis in Streptococcus thermophilus24
Autochthonous adjunct culture of Limosilactobacillus mucosae CNPC007 improved the techno-functional, physicochemical, and sensory properties of goat milk Greek-style yogurt24
Economic premiums associated with Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis-negative replacement purchases in major dairy-producing regions24
Invited review: Sensor technologies for real-time monitoring of the rumen environment23
Effect of milk replacer feeding rate and frequency of preweaning dairy calves in the southeastern United States: Glucose metabolism23
Distinct behavior of bovine-associated staphylococci species in their ability to resist phagocytosis and trigger respiratory burst activity by blood and milk polymorphonuclear leukocytes in dairy cows23
Effects of grazing platform stocking rate on productivity and profitability of pasture-based dairying in a fragmented farm scenario23
Characterization of Streptococcus lutetiensis isolated from clinical mastitis of dairy cows23
Identification of immunoglobulin E epitopes on major allergens from dairy products after digestion and transportation in vitro23
Non-SELEX method for aptamer selection against β-casomorphin-7 peptide23
First-milking colostrum mineral concentrations and yields: Comparison to second milking and associations with serum mineral concentrations, parity, and yield in multiparous Jersey cows23
Genomic inbreeding coefficients using imputed genotypes: Assessing different estimators in Holstein-Friesian dairy cows23
Milk production and efficiency of utilization of nitrogen, metabolizable protein, and amino acids are affected by protein and energy supplies in dairy cows fed alfalfa-based diets23
Associations between ultrasound hepatic measurements, body measures, and milk production traits in Holstein cows23
Genetic analysis on infrared-predicted milk minerals for Danish dairy cattle23
Graduate Student Literature Review: Understanding the genetic mechanisms underlying mastitis23
Short communication: Effects of different blood buffers administered in electrolyte solution to grain-fed veal calves experiencing diarrhea23
Performance and visceral tissue growth and development of Holstein calves fed differing milk replacer allowances and starch concentrations in pelleted starter23
Engineering of a β-galactosidase from Bacillus coagulans to relieve product inhibition and improve hydrolysis performance23
Abomasal infusion of different exogenous emulsifiers alters fatty acid digestibility and milk fat yield of lactating dairy cows23
The β-casein (CSN2) A2 allelic variant alters milk protein profile and slightly worsens coagulation properties in Holstein cows23
Increased super-conditioning temperature of corn grain affects performance, skeletal growth, and blood metabolites in Holstein dairy calves23
Evaluation of colostrum bioactive protein transfer and blood metabolic traits in neonatal lambs in the first 24 hours of life23
Two-step aggregation of gold nanoparticles based on charge neutralization for detection of melamine by colorimetric and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy platform23
Supplementing branched-chain volatile fatty acids in dual-flow cultures varying in dietary forage and corn oil concentrations. I: Digestibility, microbial protein, and prokaryotic community structure22
Defining a nitrogen efficiency index in Holstein cows and assessing its potential effect on the breeding program of bulls22
Effects of heat stress on markers of skeletal muscle proteolysis in dairy cattle22
Relationships between type of hoof lesion and behavioral signs of lameness in Holstein cows housed in Canadian tiestall facilities22
Comparison of production-related responses to hyperinsulinemia and hypoglycemia induced by clamp procedures or heat stress of lactating dairy cattle22
Exploiting machine learning methods with monthly routine milk recording data and climatic information to predict subclinical mastitis in Italian Mediterranean buffaloes22
Effects of supplementation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae products on dairy calves: A meta-analysis22
Slower proteolysis in Cheddar cheese made from high-protein cheese milk is due to an elevated whey protein content22
An IFNT/FOXO1/PTGS2 axis regulates prostaglandin F2α synthesis in goat uterus during early pregnancy22
Factors associated with intensity of technology adoption and with the adoption of 4 clusters of precision livestock farming technologies in Irish pasture-based dairy systems22
Effect of medium-chain fatty acids on growth, health, and immune response of dairy calves22
AdipoRon alleviates fatty acid–induced lipid accumulation and mitochondrial dysfunction in bovine hepatocytes by promoting autophagy22
Can meteorological data improve the short-term prediction of individual milk yield in dairy cows?22
Positive regulation of the DLT operon by TCSR7 enhances acid tolerance of Lactococcus lactis F4422
Evaluation of 3 northwest European seaweed species on enteric methane production and lactational performance of Holstein-Friesian dairy cows22
β-Casein A1 and A2: Effects of polymorphism on the cheese-making process22
Abomasal infusion of essential fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid during late pregnancy and early lactation affects immunohematological and oxidative stress markers in dairy cows22
Correlation between breeding values for milk fatty acids and Nordic Total Merit index traits for Danish Holstein and Danish Jersey22
Effects on feed intake, milk production, and methane emission in dairy cows fed silage or fresh grass with concentrate or fresh grass harvested at early or late maturity stage without concentrate22
In vitro gastric digestion of an experimental infant formula containing both intact and hydrolyzed milk proteins22
Comparison of environment quality measurements between 3 types of calf housing in the United Kingdom22
Identification and characterization of circular RNAs in mammary gland tissue from sheep at peak lactation and during the nonlactating period22
Depletion of reactive oxygen species induced by beetroot (Beta vulgaris) extract leads to apoptosis-like death in Cronobacter sakazakii22
Lactational performance effects of supplemental histidine in dairy cows: A meta-analysis22
A transgenerational study on the effect of great-granddam birth month on granddaughter EBV for production traits in Italian Simmental cattle22
Free-choice pasture access for dry cows: Effects on health, behavior, and milk production22
Genetic consequences of terminal crossbreeding, genomic test, sexed semen, and beef semen in dairy herds21
The untargeted lipidomic profile of quarter milk from dairy cows with subclinical intramammary infection by non-aureus staphylococci21
The effect of fertilizer nitrogen input to grass-clover swards and calving date on the productivity of pasture-based dairy production21
Effect of ripening time on peptide dynamics and bioactive peptide composition in Tulum cheese21
Ability of three dairy feed evaluation systems to predict postruminal outflows of nitrogenous compounds in dairy cows: A meta-analysis21
The effects of rumen nitrogen balance on intake, nutrient digestibility, chewing activity, and milk yield and composition in dairy cows vary with dietary protein sources21
The effect of whey source on heat-induced aggregation of casein and whey protein mixtures of relevance to infant nutritional product formulation21
Postpartum longissimus dorsi muscle loss, but not back fat, is associated with resumption of postpartum ovarian activity in dairy cattle21
Lactational treatment of bovine mastitis—Development over time and factors influencing cytological cure21
Phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) suppresses triacylglycerol accumulation and monounsaturated fatty acid synthesis in goat mammary epithelial cells21
Implementation of management recommendations in unweaned dairy calves in western Germany and associated challenges21
Novel ways to use sensor data to improve mastitis management21
Cheese quality from cows given a tannin extract in 2 different grazing seasons21
Associations between the postpartum uterine and vaginal microbiota and the subsequent development of purulent vaginal discharge vary with dairy cow breed and parity21
A randomized controlled trial to study the effects of an automated premilking stimulation system on milking performance, teat tissue condition, and udder health in Holstein dairy cows21
Enhancing bovine abortion surveillance: A learning experience21
Retrospective cohort study of management procedures associated with dairy herd-level eradication of Streptococcus agalactiae in the Danish surveillance program21
Factors affecting dairy calf price in auction markets in Québec, Canada: 2008–201921
Comparison of the effects of single probiotic strains Lactobacillus casei Zhang and Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis Probio-M8 and their combination on volatile and nonvolatile metabolomic profile21
Comprehensive analysis of fatty acids in human milk of four Asian countries21
A novel electrochemical assay for chymosin determination using a label-free peptide as a substrate21
Comparison of the effects of short-term feeding of sodium acetate and sodium bicarbonate on milk fat production21
Breed differences in oral behaviors in feed-restricted dairy heifers21
Effect of treatment of pneumonia and otitis media with tildipirosin or florfenicol + flunixin meglumine on health and upper respiratory tract microbiota of preweaned Holstein dairy heifers21
Genetic parameters of sole lesion recovery in Holstein cows20
Effect of reverse osmosis and ultra-high-pressure homogenization on the composition and microstructure of sweet buttermilk20
The development and validation of a milk feeding behavior alert from automated feeder data to classify calves at risk for a diarrhea bout: A diagnostic accuracy study20
Rumen-protected choline reduces hepatic lipidosis by increasing hepatic triacylglycerol-rich lipoprotein secretion in dairy cows20
pH-dependent sedimentation and protein interactions in ultra-high-temperature-treated sheep skim milk20
The impact of beef sire breed on dystocia, stillbirth, gestation length, health, and lactation performance of cows that carry beef × dairy calves20
Flexible feeding: Dairy cow personality affects changes in feeding behavior and milk production under feed competition conditions20
Changes in the rumen microbial community composition of dairy cows subjected to an acidogenic diet20
Evaluation of point-of-care tests for identification of pathogens to inform clinical mastitis treatment decisions in pasture- and confinement-managed dairy cows in Australia20
Individuality of calves: Linking personality traits to feeding and activity daily patterns measured by precision livestock technology20
Oral administration of nucleotides in calves: Effects on oxidative status, immune response, and intestinal mucosa development20